5 research outputs found

    Appendix A. A description of the site, a summary of the functional group model (FGM), a statistical summary table, a figure with percent cover of each species, and a figure of fish abundances.

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    A description of the site, a summary of the functional group model (FGM), a statistical summary table, a figure with percent cover of each species, and a figure of fish abundances

    JoE Data for Dryad

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    Turf and Sediment average heights over tim

    Turbinaria ornata all field and mesocosm experiments

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    This data sheet is split into 6 different spread sheets. 1) "NvsP Gump" is for the nutrient enrichment mesocosm conducted in flow through tanks at the Gump Station. Ambient water was taken from Gump and treatment were fully crossed with +/- Nitrogen (Ntrt) and +/- Phosphorous (Ptrt) addition. The data includes intital and final heights (ht) and weights (wt), but the metric of interest in the paper was % Change in wt. Means and standard errors are calculated on the right for each treatment in this sheet. 2) "NvsP Sailing School" is set up the same as "NvsP Gump" except this experiment was conducted starting with ambient water from our second site, Sailing School. 3 and 4) "In situ Gump" and "In situ Sailing School" are data from field experiments at the two respective sites manipulating nutrient enrichments (+/- Nutrients or Ntrt) and access to herbivores (+/- Cage or Ctrt). Again %Change in Wt was the measure of interest and thalli that were completely lost (% Change Wt = 100%) were dropped from analysis because it cannot be distinguished whether these were lost by herbivory or implementation failure. 5) "Agar Test" contains initial and final areas for images of the three treatments--Ambient, Control, and +N (Osmocote/fertilizer enriched). "% Change in area" was calculated and used for analysis. Image areas were calculated in ImageJ software. 6) "Toughness Test"--Initial and final heights (ht) and weights (wt) were measured but "Toughness" was the metric of interested which was the weight required to penetrate the algal thallus by adding incremental amounts of sand to a field penetrometer

    Compressed data archive for empirical data, model code and simulation outputs

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    This compressed archive includes multiple other files with several data sets from empirical studies (in .csv format for tabular data), the R code for a cellular automaton model of coral reef benthic community dynamics (a .R script), and a set of data files that are the model outputs used to produce figures in the manuscript (as .rdata files which can be read using R). Specific descriptions of each file are supplied in the ReadMe.txt file