1,898 research outputs found

    Black Lives Matter or, How to Think Like an Anarchist

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    Since February of 2012 a social movement clamoring for racial justice took the country by storm. Black Lives Matter (BLM) evolved into a movement and a diffuse network of social justice activists who have worked tirelessly to both reform the inherently discriminatory and abusive police practices endemic to the American justice system and sought to build alternative forms of community that would immediately improve the lives of black people in America. Members of the conservative establishment have called out Black Lives matter as being anarchist in nature. Indeed, these conservative critics are right in more ways than one. BLM approaches social justice from the parallel concerns of building community and influencing policy. This twin approach seeks to capture, at least parts of, the state in order to combat corporate power and abuses of the state security apparatus all the while building parallel and alternative forms of community independent from these same structures. In doing so, BLM endeavors to both maintain intellectual and political independence and transcend the state centric horizon of legibility and legitimacy inherent in our politics as well as echoes the rich tradition of anarchism

    Anarchy and Anti-Intellectualism: Reason, Foundationalism, and the Anarchist Tradition

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    Some contemporary anarchist scholarship has rejected the Enlightenment-inspired reliance on reason that was supposedly central to classical anarchist thought and expanded the anarchist critique to address issues ignored by their classical predecessors. In making reason the object of critique, some contemporary anarchists expanded the anarchist framework to include critiques of domination residing outside the traditional power centers of the state, the capitalist firm, and the church thereby shedding light on the authoritarian tendencies inherent in the intellect itself. Though contemporary anarchist scholarship has sought to apply this anti-authoritarian ethos to the realms of epistemology and ontology (by employing Michel Foucaultā€™s analysis of power and other postfoundational thinkers), their own framework of analysis is glaringly susceptible to what Habermas called a ā€œperformative contradiction.ā€ In questioning the authority of aspects of even our own intellect (and the epistemological and ontological presuppositions that accompany it) we call into question even the authority of our own argumentation. I answer this ā€œcontradictionā€ by interrogating two intellectual traditions. Firstly, I question a key postfoundational anarchist premise. Namely, I assess whether an understanding of classical anarchist thinkers as quintessential children of the Enlightenment is justified. Secondly, I offer an alternative path to reconciliation between the anti-authoritarian values of the anarchists and the anti-metaphysical values of the postfoundationalists (that I think mirrors anarchist anti-authoritarian concerns) by suggesting we are better served to think of an anti-authoritarianism of the intellect by employing three key twentieth century thinkers: Richard Rorty, Paul Feyerabend, and Ludwig Wittgenstein. I do so while anchoring Rortyā€™s, Feyerabendā€™s, and Wittgensteinā€™s philosophies in the 19th century anti-metaphysical thought of Friedrich Nietzsche and the philosophical anarchism of Max Stirner

    Silagem - princĆ­pios bĆ”sicos - produĆ§Ć£o - manejo.

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    Principios basicos da ensilagem; Aspectos quimicos; Carboidratos; Proteinas; Poder tampao; Atividade enzimatica apos o corte; Microbiologia; Fase aerobica ou de respiracao; Fase anaerobica ou de fermentacao; Fase estavel; Efluentes e contaminacao ambiental; Producao e manejo da silagem; Producao de forragens para ensilagem; Milho; Determinacao da epoca de colheita do milho; Sorgo; Determinacao da epoca de colheita do sorgo; Valor nutritivo; Colheita de forrageiras para ensilagem; Estagio de maturacao; Altura de corte; Pre secagem; Picagem; Transporte e enchimento do silo; Compactacao; Vedacao; Descarregamento; Perdas durante a ensilagem; Aditivos para silagem; Amonia e ureia; Fontes de substrato; Inoculantes para silagem; Controle da qualidade (amostragem de silagens); Amostragem de silagens

    Aditivos na ensilagem de cana-de-aƧĆŗcar.

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    Silagem de Cana-de-aƧĆŗcar tratada com cal hidratada - Ca(OH)2 - na terminaĆ§Ć£o de bovinos da raƧa Canchim, em confinamento.

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    O presente trabalho foi conduzido no confinamento experimental da Embrapa PecuĆ”ria Sudeste, em SĆ£o Carlos, SP, de maio a julho de 2011, a fim de avaliar o potencial da silagem de cana-de-aƧĆŗcar tratada com 1% de cal hidratada (base matĆ©ria verde) como fonte de volumoso para terminaĆ§Ć£o de bovinos em confinamento. Quarenta e cinco bovinos machos castrados da raƧa Canchim , com idade mĆ©dia de 22 meses e peso vivo mĆ©dio de 345 kg, ao inĆ­cio do trabalho, foram alojados em baias individuais de 30 m2 e distribuĆ­dos em delineamento inteiramente casualizado entre 3 tratamentos (raƧƵes completas com diferentes volumosos): T1- raĆ§Ć£o com cana in natura; T2 - raĆ§Ć£o com silagem de cana e T3 - raĆ§Ć£o com silagem de milho. As raƧƵes experimentais foram formuladas segundo o modelo do NRC (1996) para que os tratamentos fossem isoenergĆ©ticos, proporcionando o mesmo ganho de peso, e contivessem teores semelhantes de fibra em detergente neutro. Os animais que receberam a raĆ§Ć£o contendo cana fresca apresentaram menor consumo de matĆ©ria seca e menor rendimento de carcaƧa que os demais (P0,05). Os dados obtidos no presente ensaio permitem concluir que a silagem de cana tratada com cal hidratada equivale a volumosos tradicionais como a cana-de-aƧĆŗcar in natura ou a silagem de milho para terminaĆ§Ć£o de bovinos em confinamento

    Acute Sheehan's Syndrome Presenting as Central Diabetes Insipidus

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    Sheehan's syndrome occurs as a result of ischaemic pituitary necrosis due to severe postpartum haemorrhage. Improvements in obstetrical care have significantly reduced its incidence in developed countries, but postpartum pituitary infarction remains a common cause of hypopituitarism in developing countries. We report a case of severe postpartum haemorrhage followed by headache, central diabetes insipidus and failure to lactate, which prompted us to investigate and identify both anterior and posterior pituitary deficiency compatible with Sheehan's syndrome. A timely diagnosis allowed us to implement an adequate treatment and follow-up plan, which are known to improve clinical status and patient outcome
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