60 research outputs found

    Pancreas Transplantation

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    Pancreas transplantation is a treatment alternative to patients with type 1 diabetes, particularly to those with associated end-stage renal disease (ESRD). Recently, pancreas transplant centers have widened their criteria for pancreas transplantation to selected type 2 diabetic patients. This chapter reviews the most important topics on pancreas transplantation, including epidemiology and natural history of type I and type II diabetes, indications for pancreas transplantation, different alternatives for pancreas transplant recipients (simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation, pancreas after kidney, or pancreas transplant alone—PTA), and their outcomes. This chapter gives a detailed description of the surgical procedure for pancreas procurement and engraftment, as well as the most frequent surgical complications. An approach to the management of the recipient following pancreas transplantation (immunosuppression and infection prophylaxis) is also discussed. Finally, outcomes and complications following the pancreas transplantation are reviewed

    Tacrolimus’s Time Below Therapeutic Range Is Associated With Acute Pancreatic Graft Rejection and the Development of De Novo Donor-specific Antibodies

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    Tacrolimus is pivotal in pancreas transplants but poses challenges in maintaining optimal levels due to recipient differences. This study aimed to explore the utility of time spent below the therapeutic range and intrapatient variability in predicting rejection and de novo donor-specific antibody (dnDSA) development in pancreas graft recipients. This retrospective unicentric study included adult pancreas transplant recipients between January 2006 and July 2020. Recorded variables included demographics, immunosuppression details, HLA matching, biopsy results, dnDSA development, and clinical parameters. Statistical analysis included ROC curves, sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values. A total of 131 patients were included. Those with biopsy-proven acute rejection (BPAR, 12.2%) had more time (39.9% ± 24% vs. 25.72% ± 21.57%, p = 0.016) and tests (41.95% ± 13.57% vs. 29.96% ± 17.33%, p = 0.009) below therapeutic range. Specific cutoffs of 31.5% for time and 34% for tests below the therapeutic range showed a high negative predictive value for BPAR (93.98% and 93.1%, respectively). Similarly, patients with more than 34% of tests below the therapeutic range were associated with dnDSA appearance (38.9% vs. 9.4%, p = 0.012; OR 6.135, 1.346–27.78). In pancreas transplantation, maintaining optimal tacrolimus levels is crucial. Suboptimal test percentages below the therapeutic range prove valuable in identifying acute graft rejection risk

    Extracellular electrophysiological measurements of cooperative signals in astrocytes populations

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    Astrocytes are neuroglial cells that exhibit functional electrical properties sensitive to neuronal activity and capable of modulating neurotransmission. Thus, electrophysiological recordings of astroglial activity are very attractive to study the dynamics of glial signaling. This contribution reports on the use of ultra-sensitive planar electrodes combined with low noise and low frequency amplifiers that enable the detection of extracellular signals produced by primary cultures of astrocytes isolated from mouse cerebral cortex. Recorded activity is characterized by spontaneous bursts comprised of discrete signals with pronounced changes on the signal rate and amplitude. Weak and sporadic signals become synchronized and evolve with time to higher amplitude signals with a quasi-periodic behavior, revealing a cooperative signaling process. The methodology presented herewith enables the study of ionic fluctuations of population of cells, complementing the single cells observation by calcium imaging as well as by patch-clamp techniques.Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) [PTDC/EEI-AUT/5442/2014]; Instituto de Telecomunicacoes [UID/Multi/04326/2013]; Associated Laboratory - Institute of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016623]; [PTDC/CTM-NAN/3146/2014]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Rituximab, plasma exchange and immunoglobulins: an ineffective treatment for chronic active antibody-mediated rejection

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    BACKGROUND: Chronic active antibody-mediated rejection (c-aABMR) is an important cause of allograft failure and graft loss in long-term kidney transplants. METHODS: To determine the efficacy and safety of combined therapy with rituximab, plasma exchange (PE) and intravenous immunoglobulins (IVIG), a cohort of patients with transplant glomerulopathy (TG) that met criteria of active cABMR, according to BANFF'17 classification, was identified. RESULTS: We identified 62 patients with active c-aABMR and TG (cg ≥ 1). Twenty-three patients were treated with the combination therapy and, 39 patients did not receive treatment and were considered the control group. There were no significant differences in the graft survival between the two groups. The number of graft losses at 12 and 24 months and the decline of eGFR were not different and independent of the treatment. A decrease of eGFR≥13 ml/min between 6 months before and c-aABMR diagnosis, was an independent risk factor for graft loss at 24 months (OR = 5; P = 0.01). Infections that required hospitalization during the first year after c-aABMR diagnosis were significantly more frequent in treated patients (OR = 4.22; P = 0.013), with a ratio infection/patient-year of 0.65 and 0.20 respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Treatment with rituximab, PE, and IVIG in kidney transplants with c-aABMR did not improve graft survival and was associated with a significant increase in severe infectious complications

    Patient Experience in Pancreas-Kidney Transplantation-A Methodological Approach Towards Innovation in an Established Program

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    Simultaneous pancreas-kidney transplantation (SPKT) leads to increased survival and quality of life, and is an alternative treatment for insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and end-stage kidney disease. Due to the particularities of this population (often with multiple comorbidities) and of the surgery (only performed in a few centers), a comprehensive analysis of patients' experience along the SPKT process is crucial to improve patient care and add value to this procedure. Therefore, we applied a systematic and iterative methodology with the participation of both patients and professional teams working together to explore and identify unmet needs and value-adding steps along the transplant patient journey at an established pancreas transplant program. Four main steps (to comprehend, to explore, to experiment and to assess) led to several interventions around three major areas: Administration and logistics, information and communication, and perceived quality of assistance. As a result, both displacements to the hospital for diagnostic purposes and the time delay involved in joining the patient waiting list for transplantation were reduced in parallel to the administrative procedures. In conclusion, the methodological implementation of key organizational changes has great impact on overall patient experience. Further quantitative analysis from the patient's perspective will consolidate our program and may add new prototype service design components

    Taking care of kidney transplant recipients during the COVID-19 pandemic: experience from a medicalized hotel.

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    The global overload that health systems are undergoing since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic has forced hospitals to explore sustainable alternatives to treat vulnerable patients that require closer monitoring and higher use of resources, such as Kidney Transplant Recipients (KTRs)1,2 .The use of telemedicine and hospital-like infrastructures represent a valid option for most patients with mild-moderate COVID-19, as well as for patients in the recovery phase who cannot be discharged from hospital

    Sífilis gástrica: desafios do diagnóstico e relato de caso: Gastric syphilis: diagnostic challenges and case report

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    A sífilis é uma doença de caráter infeccioso, sexualmente transmissível e de manifestações diversas. Dentre elas, a variante gástrica é extremamente rara e de difícil diagnóstico, o que confere elevada morbidade a seus portadores. Nesse sentido, a avaliação criteriosa do histórico médico e dos exames físico, endoscópico e patológico são essenciais para a exclusão de diagnósticos diferenciais, em particular, do Linfoma tipo MALT. Quando diagnosticada corretamente, a sífilis gástrica apresenta bom prognóstico e pode ser tratada de maneira conservadora por meio da antibioticoterapia. Dessa forma, é possível que procedimentos agressivos para a retirada da lesão sejam evitados, o que resulta em uma melhor qualidade de vida para os pacientes e menor lotação dos sistemas de saúde

    Preemptive simultaneous pancreas kidney transplantation has survival benefit to patients

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    Several organ allocation protocols give priority to wait-listed simultaneous kidney-pancreas (SPK) transplant recipients to mitigate the higher cardiovascular risk of patients with diabetes mellitus on dialysis. The available information regarding the impact of preemptive simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation on recipient and graft outcomes is nonetheless controversial. To help resolve this, we explored the influence of preemptive simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplants on patient and graft survival through a retrospective analysis of the OPTN/UNOS database, encompassing 9690 simultaneous transplant recipients between 2000 and 2017. Statistical analysis was performed applying a propensity score analysis to minimize bias. Of these patients, 1796 (19%) were transplanted preemptively. At ten years, recipient survival was significantly superior in the preemptive group when compared to the non-preemptive group (78.9% vs 71.8%). Dialysis at simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation was an independent significant risk for patient survival (hazard ratio 1.66 [95% confidence interval 1.32-2.09]), especially if the dialysis duration was 12 months or longer. Preemptive transplantation was also associated with significant superior kidney graft survival compared to those on dialysis (death-censored: 84.3% vs 75.4%, respectively; estimated half-life of 38.57 [38.33 -38.81] vs 22.35 [22.17 - 22.53] years, respectively). No differences were observed between both groups neither for pancreas graft survival nor for post-transplant surgical complications. Thus, our results sustain the relevance of early referral for pancreas transplantation and the importance of pancreas allocation priority in reducing patient mortality after simultaneous kidney-pancreas transplantation

    A diabetic milieu increases ACE2 expression and cellular susceptibility to SARS-CoV-2 infections in human kidney organoids and patient cells

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    Altres ajuts: European Research Council (ERC); EIT Health under grant ID 20366 (R2U-Tox-Assay); IBEC Faster Future program (A por la COVID-19); European Regional Development Fund (FEDER); Gobierno de Navarra, Departamento de Desarrollo Económico y Empresarial (AGATA 0011-1411-2020-000011, DIANA 0011-1411-2017-000029); Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO); IBEC International PhD Programme "La Caixa" Severo Ochoa fellowships (LCF/BQ/SO16/52270019); start-up funds from the College of Medicine at the University of Florida, Gainesville; T. von Zastrow Foundation; the FWF Wittgenstein award (Z 271-B19); the Austrian Academy of Sciences and the Canada 150 Research Chairs Program (F18-01336); the Canadian Institutes of Health Research COVID-19 (F20-02343, F20-02015); Swiss National Science Foundation fellowship (P400PM_194473/1); Swedish Research Council (2018-05766); the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU 101005026); Ayudas Fundación BBVA a Equipos de Investigación Científica SARS-CoV-2 y COVID-19 through the project "Identifying SARS-CoV-2-host cell interactions exploiting CRISPR-Cas9-engineered human organoids: through the development of specific therapies against COVID19"; Fundació la Marató de TV3 (201910-31 and 202125-3).It is not well understood why diabetic individuals are more prone to develop severe COVID-19. To this, we here established a human kidney organoid model promoting early hallmarks of diabetic kidney disease development. Upon SARS-CoV-2 infection, diabetic-like kidney organoids exhibited higher viral loads compared with their control counterparts. Genetic deletion of the angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in kidney organoids under control or diabetic-like conditions prevented viral detection. Moreover, cells isolated from kidney biopsies from diabetic patients exhibited altered mitochondrial respiration and enhanced glycolysis, resulting in higher SARS-CoV-2 infections compared with non-diabetic cells. Conversely, the exposure of patient cells to dichloroacetate (DCA), an inhibitor of aerobic glycolysis, resulted in reduced SARS-CoV-2 infections. Our results provide insights into the identification of diabetic-induced metabolic programming in the kidney as a critical event increasing SARS-CoV-2 infection susceptibility, opening the door to the identification of new interventions in COVID-19 pathogenesis targeting energy metabolism

    Incidence of severe breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 infections in vaccinated kidney transplant and haemodialysis patients

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    Introduction: Given the increased COVID-19 observed in kidney transplant recipients (KTRs) and haemodialysis patients, several studies have tried to establish the efficacy of mRNA vaccines in these populations by evaluating their humoral and cellular responses. However, there is currently no information on clinical protection (deaths and hospitalizations), a gap that this study aims to fill. Methods: Observational prospective study involving 1,336 KTRs and haemodialysis patients from three dialysis units affiliated to Hospital Clínic of Barcelona, Spain, vaccinated with two doses of mRNA-1273 (Moderna) or BNT162b2 (Pfizer-BioNTech) SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccines. The outcomes measured were SARS-CoV-2 infection diagnosed by a positive RT-PCR fourteen days after the second vaccine dose, hospital admissions derived from infection, and a severe COVID-19 composite outcome, defined as either ICU admission, invasive and non-invasive mechanical ventilation, or death. Results: Six per cent (18/302) of patients on haemodialysis were infected, of whom four required hospital admission (1.3%), only one (0.3%) had severe COVID-19, and none of them died. In contrast, 4.3% (44/1034) of KTRs were infected, and presented more hospital admissions (26 patients, 2.5%), severe COVID-19 (11 patients, 1.1%) or death (4 patients, 0.4%). KTRs had a significantly higher risk of hospital admission than HD patients, and this risk increased with age and male sex (HR 3.37 and 4.74, respectively). Conclusions: The study highlights the need for booster doses in KTRs. In contrast, the haemodialysis population appears to have an adequate clinical response to vaccination, at least up to four months from its administration