5,345 research outputs found

    Mucosal Immunity, Stress, Cognition and Functional Fitness in Sedentary and Active Elderly Men

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    Physical activity in the elderly has been shown to have positive effects on several chronic diseases and to improve immunity, mental health and cognition. Chronic stress as also been shown to have immuno-suppressive effects and to accelerate immunosenescence. Recently it as also been found that different types of exercise may affect cognition and dementia risk to different extents. This cross-sectional study compared a group of 16 sedentary men with a mean age of 74,5+10,17 years old and a group of 17 men engaged in moderate regular exercise, mean age 69,99+6,36 years old, and aimed to identifying markers involved in maintaining immune and mental health in the elderly. Immune and physiological markers of stress (salivary IgA, CRP, cortisol, alpha-amylase, testosterone and DHEA), psychological variables (perceived stress, self-esteem, physical self, satisfaction with life) and functional fitness (using the Rikli and Jones test battery) were evaluated. A smaller sample of subjects (8 sedentary and 10 active) was also evaluated for cognitive function using the Vienna Test System Software (Schuhfried, Austria). Four different tests were used: evaluation of reaction time to a visual stimulus, evaluation of reaction time to sound, evaluation of different components of cognitive speed and evaluation of complex and multiple reactions to different stimuli. Statistical analysis was performed using the independent samples T-test and the bivariate Pearson’s correlation for the association between variables. For the cognition tests variables the Mann-Whitney and Spearman tests were used. Results showed that the active group had significantly better results in all components of functional fitness, including upper and lower strength and flexibility, agility and balance as well as aerobic resistance. Saliva levels of CRP and IgA concentration, but not IgA secretion rates, were lower in the active group. In the psychological variables, differences between groups were only found for Physical Self in the Physical Function domain. The active group performed better for cognitive speed and for complex and multiple reactions test. Correlations were found for the navel perimeter and salivary flow rate (r=-0.32, p=0.02) and CRP (r=0.34, p=0.012) and mean reaction time to sound (r=-0.47, p=0.049); for salivary cortisol and total perceived stress (r=0.29, p=0.034). Two components of the cognitive speed test (reaction time to choose and reaction time to visual search) negatively correlated with saliva flow rate (r=-0.64, p=0.003; r=-0.52, p=0.02). Several correlations were also found for aerobic resistance and the complex and multiple reactions test. Inflammation and cognition were improved in active groups

    Stress, cognitive appraisal, and psychological health: testing instruments for health professionals

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    The job of health professionals, including nurses, is considered inherently stressful (Lee & Wang, 2002; Rutledge et al., 2009), and thus it is important to improve and develop specific measures that are sensitive to the demands that health professionals face. This study analysed the psychometric properties of three instruments that focus on the professional experiences of nurses in aspects related to occupational stress, cognitive appraisal, and mental health issues. The evaluation protocol included the Stress Questionnaire for Health Professionals (SQHP; Gomes, 2014), the Cognitive Appraisal Scale (CAS; Gomes, Faria, & Gonçalves, 2013), and the General Health Questionnaire-12 (GHQ-12; Goldberg, 1972). Validity and reliability issues were considered with statistical analysis (i.e. confirmatory factor analysis, convergent validity, and composite reliability) that revealed adequate values for all of the instruments, namely, a six-factor structure for the SQHP, a five-factor structure for the CAS, and a two-factor structure for the GHQ-12. In conclusion, this study proposes three consistent instruments that may be useful for analysing nurses’ adaptation to work contexts

    A meta-synthesis about the study of men's sexual behavior through the lens of hegemonic masculinity

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    The aim of this study is to understand how men experience sexual behavior in relation to dominant masculine norms in heteronormative social organizations. After a systematic search and a careful study selection process, we analyzed 15 scientific qualitative studies on men's sexual practices that draw on hegemonic masculinity. We then carried out a thematic synthesis of the results that collectively covered 438 male narratives ranging in age from 11 to 71. The results include (hetero)sex as a signifier of manhood, male sexual collectivity; sexual hierarchies; sexual risk; and the invisibility of sexual diversity. This meta- synthesis emphasizes the complex relationship between male sexuality and the influence of hegemonic masculinity, revealing important health and well-being effects on men. Also, this highlights a dynamic relationship that affects not only men but also their partners in sexual relationships.O objetivo deste estudo é compreender o modo como os homens experienciam o comportamento sexual em relação com as normas da masculinidade e de uma organização social heteronormativa. Após uma pesquisa sistemática e um detalhado processo de seleção, analisámos 15 estudos qualitativos sobre práticas sexuais masculinas e que se baseiam na teoria da masculinidade hegemónica. Depois, realizámos uma síntese temática dos resultados que coletivamente contemplam 438 narrativas de homens com idades entre os 11 e os 71 anos. Os resultados incluem sexo(hetero) como significante da masculinidade; coletividade sexual masculina; hierarquias sexuais; risco sexual; e invisibilidade da diversidade sexual. Esta meta-síntese enfatiza a complexa relação entre a sexualidade masculina e a influência da masculinidade hegemónica, revelando importantes efeitos ao nível da saúde e do bem-estar nos homens. Além disso, destaca uma relação dinâmica que afeta não apenas os homens, mas também as/os seus/suas parceiras/os nas relações sexuais.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Método das curvas de equilíbrio no planeamento da construção repetitiva em altura

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    A abordagem do planeamento da construção repetitiva iniciou-se com os métodos tradicionais de programação. Porém, dadas as suas limitações no tratamento do problema desenvolveram-se métodos específicos para este tipo de construção, e mais recentemente introduziu-se o conceito de aprendizagem. Neste trabalho apresenta-se um novo método de programação dos trabalhos repetitivos, dotado dos atributos das metodologias tradicionais e das vantagens que resultam da utilização de métodos específicos na programação daquele tipo de trabalhos e que inclui a consideração do efeito da aprendizagem

    Reasons for the lack of competitiveness of the portuguese construction industry

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    The last few years have confirmed what was mostly feared: Portuguese construction industry suffers from a chronic disease - the lack of competitiveness. Symptoms have long been recognised in several construction projects: frequent delays, cost overruns, deficient safety, absent quality. The authors have been carrying out several studies whose aiming at are clarify reasons for the lack of competitiveness of national construction industry on the four items mentioned above. This paper occurs mainly about the aims of PhD` survey about construction delays. It has the following mains components: (1) to research and analysis bibliography and establish a common set of causes and background reasons for the problem; (2) to inquire to Portuguese construction stakeholders on the causes and background reasons for project delays following from their experience in recent projects; (3) to establish possible paths to solve the problem. The survey results appear to confirm the original list of causes for delays of the study. The mains reasons are related with designer problems, poor productivity, procurement system, overly optimistic planning, and frequent change orders during construction and so on. Thereafter, the paper will seek what could possibly be done and from which parties, in order to correct the above problems and improve construction competitiveness. The most highly ranked on a scale of relevance by stakeholders were implementation a national database with the quantity works list for different construction projects, a more appropriate and efficient organizational systems within design teams and a need for greater care on the part of the owners when they prepare their schedules and preliminary programmes.Science and Technology Foundation, in Portuguese - Project SAPIENS Nº 4762 "Reasons for the lack of accomplishment of schedule, costs and safety objectives in construction".LEONARDO DA VINCI - Community Vocational Training Action Programme Second, Phase 2000-2006 - Project PL/04/B/P/PP/-174 417 "Recognition of needs and creation of professional training in the area of preparation and management of infrastructure construction projects financed by the European Union"

    As consequências do incumprimento dos prazos para a competitividade da indústria de construção : razões para os atrasos

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    Este artigo pretende divulgar o estudo que tem decorrido na Universidade do Minho sobre a problemática dos incumprimentos dos prazos de construção. Numa primeira fase centrou-se na identificação das causas dos atrasos dos projectos de construção, nos métodos da sua resolução e aspectos afins, numa segunda fase procedeu-se à elaboração e implementação de um inquérito às partes envolvidas nas actividades de construção

    Using linear model for learning curve effect on highrise floor construction

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    The evolution of repetitive scheduling methods led to the introduction of the learning concept in construction planning. It is common knowledge that performing the same activity repeatedly, and in the same conditions, takes less and less time as the activity is repeated (Gates and Scarpa, 1972). This phenomenon is clear in many construction activities and is known as learning experience or learning effect. The increase in productivity is mainly due to the increasing knowledge acquired by work repetition. Graphic representation is through a learning curve that admits duration decreases as the activity is repeated, according to a predictable and constant learning rate. The Linear Model of logarithmic coordinates (log10Y 5 log10A – nlog10X) was applied to two repetitive construction processes, frequently used in Portuguese construction. The intent was to examine its applicability and efficiency in predicting future performances, and the interest in incorporating the model in new planning methodologies for repetitive construction. In both cases, learning processes were created

    Mover – Activity Monitor and Fall Detector for Android

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    Mover is an exciting application that allows you to track your activity level and helps you become more active. Mover includes also an experimental fall detection system