2,361 research outputs found

    Sensitivity Analysis for Convex Multiobjective Programming in Abstract Spaces.

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    The main object of this paper is to prove that for a linear or convex multiobjective program, a dual program can be obtained which gives the primal sensitivity without any special hypothesis about the way of choosing the optimal solution in the efficient set.


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    The paper introduces a new notion of vector-valued risk function. Both deviations and expectation bounded coherent risk measures are defined and analyzed. The relationships with both scalar and vector risk functions of previous literature are discussed, and it is pointed out that this new approach seems to appropriately integrate several preceding point of view. The framework of the study is the general setting of Banach lattices and Bochner integrable vector-valued random variables. Sub-gradient linked representation theorems, as well as portfolio choice problems, are also addressed, and general optimization methods are presented. Finally, practical examples are provided.

    Ideal points in multiobjective programming

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    The main object of this paper is to give conditions under which a minimal solution to a problem of mathematical programming can be transformed into a minimum solution in the usual sense of the order relations, or in every case, conditions under which that solution is adherent to the set of the points wich verify this last property. The interest of this problem is clear, since many of the usual properties in optimization (like, for instance, the analysis of the sensitivity of the solutions) are studied more easily for minimum solutions than for minimal solutions

    Sensitivity of Pareto Solutions in Multiobjective Optimization.

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    The paper presents a sensitivity analysis of Pareto solutions on the basis of the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT) necessary conditions applied to nonlinear multiobjective programs (MOP) continuously depending on a parameter. Since the KKT conditions are of the first order, the sensitivity properties are considered in the first approximation. An analogue of the shadow prices, well known for scalar linear programs, is obtained for nonlinear MOPs. Two types of sensitivity are investigated: sensitivity in the state space (on the Pareto set) and sensitivity in the cost function space (on the balance set) for a vector cost function. The results obtained can be used in applications for sensitivity computation under small variations of parameters. Illustrative examples are presented.Sensitivity analysis; Nonscalarized multiobjective programming; Pareto set; Balance set;

    Estimación de Parámetros Para Cargas Contaminantes Conectadas a las Redes de Distribucción

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    In this paper we propose a new algorithm for the estimation of the parameters of the harmonic loads connected to the electric distribution system. The new parameter estimation algorithm is based on the weighted least-squares technique. The estimation algorithm solves an optimization problem and minimizes a set of variables which must comply with a series of specifications or characteristics of the harmonic loads. The estimation algorithm is able to obtain a load model with good accuracy comparatively to current -model of the system, due to a good engineering estimation of the initial conditions. Finally the new estimation algorithm could be used for power quality studies and to measure the contribution of the harmonic contamination of the clients connected to the electrical distribution system.Keywords: Harmonics, parameter estimation, weighted least squares, models

    The impact of the Data Protection Officer (DPO) in the firm’s strategic decisions

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    This dissertation adopts an exploratory empirical research method in order to address a subject that has recently gained considerable media and corporate attention. The urgent focus on the issue in relation to the principles of data protection in corporate governance and the business world results from the fact that although the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) affects virtually all companies and requires them to employ a data protection officer (DPO), in fact, the reality does not reflect this. Of the almost 27 million companies in the European Union required by law to enforce GDPR regulation, most have never heard of their requirement to employ a DPO in full compliance with the legislation, even though full observance of GDPR became mandatory as of 25 May 2018. The current research analyses the role of the DPO and explores its potential to impact on the business world. The research assesses the transformational effect the GDPR paradigm has had on the system of corporate responsibility of the businesses that must observe it. In particular the competencies and responsibility bestowed on the DPO when effectively it gave the role the power to take responsibility for and actively influence the direction of a company’s strategic decision-making. In order to identify the gaps, the research commences with an examination of the nature of this transformational paradigm, focusing on its origin, development and finally its execution. The analysis then focuses on the selection, appointment and profile of the DPO and additionally gains insight into the role, actions taken, and structural implementation of the DPO role within organizations. Examination of the relationship of the DPO with other stakeholders and its relationship with the board produced pertinent data, allowing the researcher to come to a number of conclusions as to the impact of GDPR, the DPO’s role, and the role’s relevance to corporate governance. This qualitative research, using semi-structured interviews, selected interviewees according to the criteria adopted, with focus on organizational reputation and the importance of personal data-handling. The DPOs were selected from multinational listed companies operating in data-driven sectors (e.g. banking, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals and retail) because, as these organizations deal with massively sensitive data as an indispensable part of their core business, the DPOs within them play a pivotal role in terms of influence. What emerged from the research is that the involvement of the DPO differs: sometimes the DPO is central to the development of GDPR compliance and sometimes the role is there just to ensure compliance and provide training. The research suggests that the DPO does has real influence at board level; however, the hypothesis is also that the DPO can directly intervene in the decision-making processes of organizations, either in the development or in the execution of GDPR, as a direct result of their involvement in the implementation of the strategy. Finally, even though GDPR is a very recent paradigm, which means there are no guidelines or case laws to refer to, this does not diminish corporate responsibility to comply. However, as businesses often rely upon instinct and community, and base practice on trial and error, the consequences – both positive and negative – are yet to manifest

    Culturas de resistência e média alternativos: os fanzines punk portugueses

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    Embora a produção de fanzines anteceda o surgimento do punk, a verdade é que foi com ele que os fanzines se tornaram relevantes enquanto espaços de liberdade de pensamento e criação, bem como enquanto alternativa aos meios de comunicação convencionais. Desde a década de 1970 o universo dos fanzines expandiu-se, não só temática e estilisticamente, como também se alargou a sua cobertura territorial e se ampliaram os suportes comunicacionais utilizados na sua produção e difusão. Neste artigo, propõe-se uma abordagem que vai para além da realidade anglo-saxónica e pretende olhar para fanzines como comunidades fundadas em torno de um objeto cultural, na produção de textos, fotos e outros materiais a respeito da cena punk em Portugal, desde 1978 até à atualidade. A partir de um grande conjunto de fanzines punk portugueses analisam-se as formas de produção, o design e tipografia, os principais temas focados, os canais de distribuição, as bandas, cenas e estilos de vida abrangidos. Os fanzines são aqui entendidos como média alternativos da modernidade tardia, capazes de revelar o movimento punk e o ethos DIY associado a ele. Procura-se entender qual foi e é ainda a sua relevância no contexto da cena punk portuguesa. Finalmente, procura-se identificar alguns padrões de evolução e mudança.Although fanzines existed before punk appeared, the truth is that they only became important alternative spaces to conventional media when they devoted themselves to the punk genre, in a kind of materialisation of the DIY ethos. Since the 1970s this universe has expanded, not only thematically and stylistically, but also in terms of both geographic coverage and the types of communicational support used to produce and disseminate fanzines. This article takes an approach that goes beyond the Anglo-Saxonreality and seeks to look at fanzines as communities founded around a cultural object, and at the production of texts, photos and other materials about the punk scene in Portugal from 1978 to the present day

    UsaGame – A new methodology to support user- centered design of touchscreen game applications

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    Dissertação para Obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia e Gestão IndustrialTouchscreen mobile devices growth resulted in an explosion of the mobile applications. Focusing on touch mobile game applications this study aims to fulfill a research gap, creating appropriate usability guidelines for these applications. Concerns about usability, touch technologies, mobile devices and game testing, provided the background needs for this study. Initial game application tests allowed for the creation and implementation of such proposed usability guidelines into a support checklist (UsaGame), designed to help applications developers. An evaluation test was performed with 20 users in order to assess the validity of the proposed guidelines. Results from the test of the two builds from the same game application allowed comparisons that led to the assessment of the importance of some of the guidelines implemented into the application. Results suggested a usability improvement on the game application implemented with the guidelines. Furthermore results allowed commenting on all proposed usability guidelines

    Sensitive analysis for optimizing the implementation of a quantitative method for dimensioning the preliminary support of tunnels

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    Tese de mestrado integrado. Engenharia Civil. Faculdade de Engenharia. Universidade do Porto. 201