1,825 research outputs found

    Elaboración y valoración de materiales para educación física en primaria

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    En este artículo partimos de la importancia que la variedad de materiales tienen en Educación Física por lo que justificamos la idea de elaborarlo a través de una actividad interdisciplinar. Describimos la experiencia de la creación de materiales de desecho por parte de alumnos de quinto de primaria durante el desarrollo de una unidad didáctica. Exponemos los materiales creados, su proceso de elaboración y su posterior uso en las clases de educación física, analizando su fiabilidad, funcionalidad y motivación para el alumnadoIn this article, we start from the importance that the variety of materials have in Physical Education, therefore we justify the idea of developing it through an interdisciplinary activity. We describe the experience of the creation of waste materials by students of 5th year of primary school during the development of a teaching unit. We present the materials elaborated, its development process and its subsequent use in physical education classes, analysing its reliability, functionality and motivation for students

    Magneto-caloric effect in the pseudo-binary intermetallic YPrFe17 compound

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    We have synthesized the intermetallic YPrFe17 compound by arc-melting. X-ray and neutron powder diffraction show that the crystal structure is rhombohedral with View the MathML source space group (Th2Zn17-type). The investigated compound exhibits a broad isothermal magnetic entropy change {\Delta}SM(T) associated with the ferro-to-paramagnetic phase transition (TC \approx 290 K). The |{\Delta}SM| (\approx 2.3 J kg-1 K-1) and the relative cooling power (\approx 100 J kg-1) have been calculated for applied magnetic field changes up to 1.5 T. A single master curve for {\Delta}SM under different values of the magnetic field change can be obtained by a rescaling of the temperature axis. The results are compared and discussed in terms of the magneto-caloric effect in the isostructural R2Fe17 (R = Y, Pr and Nd) binary intermetallic alloys.Comment: Preprint, 5 pages (postprint), 4 figures, regular pape

    Mitochondrial bioenergetic is impaired in Monocarboxylate transporter 1 deficiency: a new clinical case and review of the literature

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    Background: Monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) deficiency has recently been described as a rare cause of recurrent ketosis, the result of impaired ketone utilization in extrahepatic tissues. To date, only six patients with this condition have been identified, and clinical and biochemical details remain incomplete. Results: The present work reports a patient suffering from severe, recurrent episodes of metabolic acidosis and psychomotor delay, showing a pathogenic loss-of-function variation c.747_750del in homozygosity in SLC16A1 (which codes for MCT1). Persistent ketotic and lactic acidosis was accompanied by an abnormal excretion of organic acids related to redox balance disturbances. Together with an altered bioenergetic profile detected in patient-derived fibroblasts, this suggests possible mitochondrial dysfunction. Brain MRI revealed extensive, diffuse bilateral, symmetric signal alterations for the subcortical white matter and basal ganglia, together with corpus callosum agenesia. Conclusions: These findings suggest that the clinical spectrum of MCT1 deficiency not only involves recurrent atacks of ketoacidosis, but may also cause lactic acidosis and neuromotor delay with a distinctive neuroimaging pattern including agenesis of corpus callosum and other brain signal alterationsThis work was funded by grant PI19/01155, B2017/BMD-3721 and the European Regional Development Fund. Open Acces is supported by Fundación Ramón Areces (Grant No. CIVP17A2827

    ¿La plena exposición solar podría representar ventajas fisiológicas para el cultivo de cacao criollo?

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    In Venezuela, the physiological performance of adult cocoa trees under full sun exposure is unknown. The long-term effect of high photon flux density (PFD) on leaf water potential (Y), leaf area index (LAI), gas exchange, photochemical activity of PSII, and photosynthetic pigment content in adult cocoa trees of Ocumare 61 (OC-61) was evaluated, in order to know if OC-61 could have a good photosynthetic performance in plants grown in full sun (E) or if on the contrary there is a physiological disadvantage compared to those grown in shade (S), self-shaded leaves were also evaluated in each condition (E+A and S+A). The OC-61 clone grown in E showed significant changes in some physiological traits: lower Y, lower IAF, higher rates of photosynthesis (A) and water use efficiency (WUE), lower intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci) and lower total chlorophyll, and carotenoid content. An increase in electron transport rate, PSII quantum efficiency, photochemical and non-photochemical extinction coefficient was found that would partially explain the higher A's in E; there was no decrease in maximum quantum efficiency indicating the absence of photoinhibition. Clone OC-61 is a shade tolerant crop; however, the results indicate that it can be acclimatized to high sun exposure without damage to PSII functioning, which could represent a physiological advantage for clone OC-61 grown in the study area.En Venezuela se desconoce el desempeño fisiológico de los árboles adultos de cacao a plena exposición solar. Se evaluó el efecto a largo plazo de una alta densidad de flujo fotónico (DFF) sobre el potencial hídrico foliar (Y), índice de área foliar (IAF), intercambio gaseoso, actividad fotoquímica del fotosistema II (PSII)  y, contenido de pigmentos fotosintéticos en árboles adultos de cacao Ocumare 61 (OC-61), con el objetivo  de conocer si el clon OC-61 tiene  un buen desempeño fotosintético en plantas cultivadas a plena exposición solar (E) o si por el contario existe una desventaja fisiológica en comparación con las cultivadas en sombra (S); también se evaluaron hojas autosombreadas en cada condición (E+A y S+A). El clon OC-61 cultivado en E, mostró cambios significativos en algunos rasgos fisiológicos: menor Y, menor IAF, mayores tasas de fotosíntesis (A) y eficiencia de uso de agua (EUA), menor concentración intercelular de CO2 (Ci) y un menor contenido de clorofilas totales y de carotenoides. Se encontró una mayor tasa de transporte de electrones, eficiencia cuántica del PSII, coeficiente de extinción fotoquímica y no fotoquímica que explicarían parcialmente las mayores A en E; no hubo una disminución en la eficiencia cuántica máxima indicando la ausencia de fotoinhibición. El clon OC-61 es un cultivo tolerante a la sombra; sin embargo, los resultados indican que puede aclimatarse a una alta exposición solar, sin que ocurran daños al funcionamiento del PSII, lo que podría representar una ventaja fisiológica para el clon OC-61 cultivado en el área de estudio

    Spanish cardiac catheterization in congenital heart diseases registry. First official report from the ACI-SEC and the GTH-SECPCC (2020)

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    Introduction and objectives: The Interventional Cardiology Association of the Spanish Society of Cardiology (ACI-SEC) and the Spanish Society of Pediatric Cardiology Working Group on Interventional Cardiology (GTH-SECPCC) introduce their annual activity report for 2020, the starting year of the pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19). Methods: All Spanish centers with cath labs and interventional activity in congenital heart diseases were invited to participate. Data were collected online, and analyzed by an external company together with members from the ACI-SEC and the GTH-SECPCC. Results: A total of 16 centers participated (all of them public) including 30 cath labs experienced in the management of congenital heart diseases, 7 of them (23.3%) dedicated exclusively to pediatric patients. A total of 1046 diagnostic studies, and 1468 interventional cardiac catheterizations were registered. The interventional procedures were considered successful in 93.4% of the cases with rates of major procedural complications and mortality of 2%, and 0.1%, respectively. The most frequent procedures were atrial septal defect closure (377 cases), pulmonary angioplasty (244 cases), and the percutaneous closure of the patent ductus arteriosus (199 cases). Conclusions: This report is the first publication from the Spanish Cardiac Catheterization in Congenital Heart Diseases Registry. The data recorded are conditioned by the COVID-19 pandemic. Diagnostic cardiac catheterization still plays a key role in this field. Most interventional techniques have reported excellent security and efficacy rates

    The involvement of thaumatin-like proteins in plant food cross-reactivity: a multicenter study using a specific protein microarray.

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    Cross-reactivity of plant foods is an important phenomenon in allergy, with geographical variations with respect to the number and prevalence of the allergens involved in this process, whose complexity requires detailed studies. We have addressed the role of thaumatin-like proteins (TLPs) in cross-reactivity between fruit and pollen allergies. A representative panel of 16 purified TLPs was printed onto an allergen microarray. The proteins selected belonged to the sources most frequently associated with peach allergy in representative regions of Spain. Sera from two groups of well characterized patients, one with allergy to Rosaceae fruit (FAG) and another against pollens but tolerant to food-plant allergens (PAG), were obtained from seven geographical areas with different environmental pollen profiles. Cross-reactivity between members of this family was demonstrated by inhibition assays. Only 6 out of 16 purified TLPs showed noticeable allergenic activity in the studied populations. Pru p 2.0201, the peach TLP (41%), chestnut TLP (24%) and plane pollen TLP (22%) proved to be allergens of probable relevance to fruit allergy, being mainly associated with pollen sensitization, and strongly linked to specific geographical areas such as Barcelona, Bilbao, the Canary Islands and Madrid. The patients exhibited mayor que50% positive response to Pru p 2.0201 and to chestnut TLP in these specific areas. Therefore, their recognition patterns were associated with the geographical area, suggesting a role for pollen in the sensitization of these allergens. Finally, the co-sensitizations of patients considering pairs of TLP allergens were analyzed by using the co-sensitization graph associated with an allergen microarray immunoassay. Our data indicate that TLPs are significant allergens in plant food allergy and should be considered when diagnosing and treating pollen-food allergy

    Multi-performance experimental assessment of autogenous and crystalline admixture-stimulated self-healing in UHPFRCCs : validation and reliability analysis through an inter-laboratory study

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    The huge benefits brought by the use of Ultra High-Performance Fibre-Reinforced Cementitious Composites (UHPFRCCs) include their high “intrinsic” durability, which is guaranteed by (1) the compact microstructure and (2) the positive interaction between stable multiple-cracking response and autogenous self-healing capability. Hence, self-healing capability must be properly characterized addressing different performances, thus providing all the tools for completely exploiting such large potential. Within this context, the need is clear for a well-established protocol for self-healing characterization. To this end, in the framework of the Cost Action CA15202 SARCOS, six Round Robin Tests involving 30 partners all around Europe were launched addressing different materials, spanning from ordinary concrete to UHPFRCC, and employing different self-healing technologies. In this paper, the tailored experimental methodology is presented and discussed for the specific case of autogenous and crystalline-admixture stimulated healing of UHPFRCC, starting from the comparison of the results from seven different laboratories. The methodology is based on chloride penetration and water permeability tests in cracked disks together with flexural tests on small beams. The latter ones are specifically aimed at assessing the flexural performance recovery of UHPFRCCs, which stands as their signature design “parameter” according to the most recent internationally recognized design approaches. This multi-fold test approach allows to address both inherent durability properties, such as through-crack chloride penetration and apparent water permeability, and more structural/mechanical aspects, such as flexural strength and stiffness.peer-reviewe