2 research outputs found

    Aporte e decomposiĆ§Ć£o de serapilheira em um fragmento de cerrado sensu stricto

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    Considering the importance of nutrient cycling as an indicator in the maintenance of the productivity of the ecosystem, the present study aimed to assess the seasonal dynamics of production and decomposition rate of litter in a fragment of Cerrado sensu stricto. For evaluation of supply of burlap were used 50 circular collectors with 112.8 cm diameter, distributed systematically. Litter collections were performed monthly June 2016-may 2017 and the collected material was packed in plastic bags, then taken to the laboratory where the separation was carried out in fractions leaves, twigs and reproductive material. After that, the material was packed in paper bags and washed the greenhouse at the 70 C, for the determination of the dry weight. The decomposition of leaf litter was evaluated using the method of litter bags, with random distribution of 288 litter bags containing 20 grams of leaves and 24 litter bags containing 20 grams of branches. The annual production of litterfall was quantified in 6.042,50 kg. ha-1. yr- 1, in which the leaf was prevalent fraction presented a production of 4.644,40 kg. ha-1. yr-1, then the fractions branches (1.084,10 kg. ha-1. yr-1) and reproductive material (329,90 kg. ha-1. yr-1). The litterfall obtained higher production in July with 1.464,00 kg. ha-1 and lower production in the month of December (138,70 kg. ha-1). A significant negative correlation was observed between litterfall and its fractions with the precipitation and relative humidity. The decomposition of foliar mass reached 49% and 50% of twigs during the nine-month period, in which the decomposition constant (k) for leaf mass and for branches was 0.0030 g g-1-1day.For this constant, the estimate for the disappearance of total mass has been estimated to be 1.000 days (29 months). It can be concluded that the litterfall presented seasonality well marked, with higher output during the dry season and lower in the rainy season with strong influence of precipitation and relative humidity in the deposition of the leaves. The breakdown proved slow for both leaves as for branches to get the value of the constant of decomposition 0.0030 g g-1-1 day for both.Considerando a importĆ¢ncia da ciclagem de nutrientes como indicador na manutenĆ§Ć£o da produtividade do ecossistema, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a dinĆ¢mica sazonal de produĆ§Ć£o e taxa de decomposiĆ§Ć£o de serapilheira em um fragmento de Cerrado sensu stricto. Para avaliaĆ§Ć£o de aporte de serapilheira foram utilizados 50 coletores circulares com 112,8 cm de diĆ¢metro, distribuĆ­dos sistematicamente. As coletas de serapilheira foram realizadas mensalmente de junho de 2016 a maio 2017 e o material coletado foi acondicionado em sacos plĆ”sticos, posteriormente levados para o laboratĆ³rio onde foi realizada a separaĆ§Ć£o nas fraƧƵes folhas, galhos e material reprodutivo. Posteriormente, o material foi embalado em sacos de papel e levado Ć  estufa Ć  temperatura de 70 oC, para a determinaĆ§Ć£o do peso seco. A decomposiĆ§Ć£o da serapilheira foi avaliada utilizando-se o mĆ©todo de litter bags, com distribuiĆ§Ć£o aleatĆ³ria de 288 litter bags que continham 20 gramas de folhas e 24 litter bags que continham 20 gramas de galhos. A produĆ§Ć£o anual de serapilheira foi quantificada em 6.042,50 kg.ha-1.a-1, em que a fraĆ§Ć£o foliar foi predominante apresentando uma produĆ§Ć£o de 4.644,40 kg.ha-1.a-1, seguida da fraĆ§Ć£o galhos (1.084,10 kg.ha-1.a-1) e material reprodutivo (329,90 kg.ha-1.a-1). A produĆ§Ć£o de serapilheira obteve maior produĆ§Ć£o no mĆŖs de julho com 1.464,00 kg.ha-1 e menor produĆ§Ć£o no mĆŖs de dezembro (138,70 kg.ha-1). Foi observada correlaĆ§Ć£o negativa significativa entre a produĆ§Ć£o de serapilheira e suas fraƧƵes com a precipitaĆ§Ć£o pluviomĆ©trica e umidade relativa do ar. A decomposiĆ§Ć£o da massa foliar atingiu 49% e a de galhos 50%, durante o perĆ­odo de nove meses, em que a constante de decomposiĆ§Ć£o (k) para massa foliar e para galhos foi de 0,0030 g g-1dia-1. Por esta constante, a estimativa para o desaparecimento de massa total foi estimada em 1.000 dias (29 meses). Ɖ possĆ­vel concluir que a produĆ§Ć£o de serapilheira apresentou sazonalidade bem marcada, com maior produĆ§Ć£o durante a Ć©poca seca e menor na Ć©poca chuvosa, com forte influĆŖncia de precipitaĆ§Ć£o e umidade relativa do ar na deposiĆ§Ć£o das folhas. A decomposiĆ§Ć£o se mostrou lenta tanto para folhas como para galhos obtendo assim o valor da constante de decomposiĆ§Ć£o 0,0030 g g-1dia-1 para ambos


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    Considering the importance of nutrient cycling as an indicator in the maintenance of the ecosystem productivity, the present study aimed to assess the seasonal dynamics of production and decomposition rate of litter in a fragment of Cerrado sensu stricto. The litter collections were carried out monthly from june 2016 to may 2017, after which the leaves, branches and reproductive material were separated. The litter decomposition was evaluated using the litter bags method, with a random distribution of 288 litter bags. The annual production of litterfall was quantified in 6.042,50 kg.ha-1.yr-1, in which the leaf prevalent fraction presented a production of 4.644,40 kg.ha-1.yr-1, then, the fractions branches (1.084,10 kg.ha-1.yr-1) and reproductive material (329,90 kg.ha-1.yr-1). The litterfall obtained higher production in july with 1.464,00 kg.ha-1 and lower production in the month of December (138,70 kg.ha-1). A significant negative correlation was observed between litterfall and its fractions with the precipitation and relative humidity. The decomposition of foliar mass reached 49% and 50% of twigs during the nine-month period, in which the decomposition constant (k) for leaf mass and for branches was 0.0030g g-1day-1. For this constant, the estimate for the disappearance of total mass has been estimated to be 1.000 days (29 months). The breakdown proved to be slow for both leaves and branches thus obtaining the value of the constant of decomposition 0.0030g g-1 day-1for both