33 research outputs found

    Carbon sequestration potential by different eucalyptus genotypes.

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    Carbon sequestration can be defined as the carbon dioxide (CO2) removal process from the atmosphere and subsequent release ofoxygen (O2) for several terrestrial or aquatic organisms, avoiding the permanence of this gas in the atmosphere. Carbon sequestration by trees is a kind of Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), in which trees remove CO2 from the atmosphere and stock it in different plant compartments (leaves, branches, stems and roots). With a large territory, favorable climate for plant growth throughout the year and advanced silvicultural technology, Brazil has strong vocation for forestry, fully complying with the provisions of the CDM. Eucalyptus plantations are highly efficient in atmospheric CO2 removal, because they can store large amounts of carbon in all plant parts. Due to Brazilian favorable climatic conditions (rainfall and photoperiod), it is possible to obtain high conversion rates of CO2 into biomass by eucalyptus trees, due to rapid growth and consequently high productivity

    Comparison between carbon stock measurements methdos in eucalyptus stems.

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    The levels of greenhouse gases (GHG) have been significantly increased since the Industrial Revolution. However, only after 1980 was that the changes in the levels of GHG were scientifically evident. This finding led to the establishment in 1988, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In 1997, during the Conference of the Parties (COP) held in Japan, the Kyoto Protocol was established in order to reduce the emission of GHGs mainly by industrialized countries. Among the mechanisms cited for compensation of GHG emissions there is the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Developing countries, e.g. Brazil, started the implementation of the CDM to generate carbon credits to be traded with developed countries, since they have committed to reduce GHG emissions. Through calculating the GHG that had their volumes avoided and/or removed from the atmosphere emissions, carbon credits are generated. Each carbon credit is equal to a stored GHG ton and/or that have not been released into the atmosphere and they may be negotiated between developed and developing countries

    Productive sustainability in a silvopastoral system.

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    The objective was to analyze the productive and economic sustainability of the silvopastoral system, in the state of Mato Grosso do Sul. The system had been implanted five years earlier, using Eucalyptus sp. (GG100), arranged in stands with three rows in an East/West direction, 20 meters apart, with 1.2 meters between plants and 1.5 meters between rows. The eucalyptus trees were planted in consortium with Brachiaria brizantha cv. Marandu and Nelore heifers, in the rearing (post-weaning) phase, weighing 186.2 Kg (± 21.18) and aged approximately 12 months

    Biometria de genótipos de eucalipto cultivados em solo arenoso na Região Central de Mato Grosso do Sul.

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    As espécies de eucalipto, bem como os híbridos interespecíficos obtidos pelos programas de melhoramento genético apresentam elevada capacidade de adaptação às mais diversas condições de clima e solos brasileiros. Entretanto, estes programas tendem a priorizar determinadas regiões, geralmente aquelas em que a atividade em questão já está instalada. O objetivo na realização deste trabalho foi avaliar a adaptabilidade de sete híbridos interespecíficos de eucalipto e da espécie Corymbia citriodora na região central do Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram avaliadas a matéria seca e carbono acumulado nos ramos e folhas provenientes da primeira desrama, quantificação da biomassa de serapilheira, diâmetro de copa e cobertura de copa, altura total de planta, diâmetro à altura do peito, volume de madeira por hectare, retidão, bifurcação e cilindricidade. Os híbridos apresentaram superioridade à espécie C. citriodora quanto às características morfológicas para a produção de madeira. O híbrido Toreliodora apresentou o maior potencial de acúmulo de carbono nos ramos e folhas por ocasião da primeira desrama. Os híbridos apresentaram o mesmo desempenho silvicultural quando consideradas as características diâmetro de copa e percentagem de cobertura da copa, evidenciando sua potencialidade para uso em sistemas silvipastoris.bitstream/item/204713/1/Biometria-de-genotipos-de-eucalipto.pd

    Soybean extracts can improve plant development.

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    Abstract: Microbial biodiversity of an environment can contribute to plant growth and increase crop yield. Plant extracts from soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) were investigated on soybean plants grown after inoculation with these extracts. Soil samples were collected from two important Brazilian soybean-growing regions to produce the extracts used in the experiments. The extracts were produced with material collected from aboveground biomass and rhizosphere of soybean plants cultivated in a controlled greenhouse (phase 1). The extracts produced in phase 1 were applied in a sequential experiment (phase 2). Phase 2 was conducted to examine the plant microbiome after the microbial alteration process in the greenhouse through seed inoculation with the extracts produced previously. Samples of aboveground biomass were collected to determine root dry matter and crop yield. Bacterial 16S rRNA sequences were processed to determine the final microbial content of soybean. The inoculated treatments had lower species diversity; however, the phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes were more abundant in the treatments than in the non-inoculated treatment. The soybean plant stem in the inoculated treatment also had a positive response to enrichment of the bacterial classes Betaproteobacteria, Bacilli and Flavobacteria. Inoculation affected the microbial composition of soybean plants. The alteration of microbiome changes revealed differences for crop yield between the inoculated and non-inoculated treatments, with up to 93.5 % higher crop yields per plant according to the extract applied