11 research outputs found

    Percepción de los residentes sobre el desarrollo de lamicro región Tierra de Palmares desde la perspectiva del turismo rural integrado

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar las percepciones de los residentes sobre las variables implicadas en el desarrollo del Turismo Rural Integrado (TRI) así como sus efectos sobre dicho desarrollo. Para ello, se analiza el caso concreto de los residentes de Tierra de Palmares, micro región implicada en un proyecto de desarrollo turístico. Los residentes constituyen uno de los principales actores para que este tipo de turismo pueda desarrollarse de manera exitosa. El análisis descriptivo realizado así como el análisis de Componentes Principales, muestra que los residentes perciben la existencia de las variables clave para alcanzar el tipo de turismo deseado. Así, se comprueba que se percibe la existencia de colaboración entre los agentes implicados y el carácter arraigado, endógeno y complementario de las actividades turísticas desarrolladas, las cuales permiten el empoderamiento de los residentes. Además, los efectos positivos del turismo también se están alcanzando, ya que se percibe la existencia de sostenibilidad económica, sociocultural y medioambiental. Los resultados de las regresiones realizadas muestran que los efectos de todas estas variables sobre el desarrollo del TRI son positivos aunque deben ser analizados con mayor profundidad. Así, se detecta el efecto positivo sobre el TRI de la existencia de redes informativas, del empoderamiento de los residentes, del desarrollo del turismo como complementario a las actividades tradicionales y del uso compartido de recursos con los turistas. Sin embargo, la inclusión de las sostenibilidades en la regresión diluye el efecto ejercido por la complementariedad y el uso compartido. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de plantear relaciones indirectas entre todas las variables potencialmente determinantes del TRI, las cuales mejorarían la comprensión de su desarrollo. The objective of this work is to analyze the perceptions of residents regarding the variables involved in developing Integrated Rural Tourism (IRT), as well as analyze how those variables affect said development. Therefore, we have analyzed the specific case of the residents of Tierra de Palmares, which is an area involved in a tourism development project. The residents constitute one of the main actors involved in the successful development of this type of tourism. The descriptive analysis performed as well as the Principal Components analysis shows the residents perceive the existence of key variables for reaching the desired type of tourism. Thus, it is verified that there is cooperation between the agents involved and the embedded, endogenous and complementary nature of the tourism activities that are developed, which activities allow empowering the residents. Moreover, it seems that positive effects are being generated by tourism, given that the existence of economic, sociocultural and environmental sustainability is perceived. The results of the regressions performed show that the effects of all these variables on the development of IRT are positive, although they should be analysed more in depth. Thus, the positive effect on IRT of the existence of information networks, the empowerment of residents, the development of tourism as complementary to traditional activities and the sharing of resources with tourists is detected. However, the inclusion of sustainability in the regression dilutes the effect exerted by complementarity and sharing. These results demonstrate the need to establish indirect relationships between all potentially determinant variables of TRI, which would improve the understanding of their development

    Análisis de los determinantes del rendimiento académico. El caso de Contador Auditor de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso

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    Este artículo plantea un modelo econométrico que permite determinar el número de semestres que invierte un estudiante de la carrera Contador Auditor de la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso (Chile) en finalizar su titulación universitaria. Además, se trata de identificar los factores, relacionados con el rendimiento académico o no, que determinan dicha duración. Los resultados obtenidos muestran como variables de ambos tipos inciden en la duración de los estudios universitarios. En relación con las variables asociadas al rendimiento académico, las notas promedio en las asignaturas del área disciplinar finanzas y matemáticas, son las más influyentes en la duración de la carrera de Contador Auditor. Además, la edad, el tipo de establecimiento donde cursaron los estudios previos y el sexo de los estudiantes se han identificados como predictores válidos del rendimiento académico de los egresados

    Use of a winery’s website for wine tourism development: Rioja region

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to define and analyse not only the main categories of online marketing strategies used by Rioja wine producers but also how wineries use their websites to provide information about wine tourism. Design/methodology/approach: The content of websites corresponding to the Rioja designation of origin (Spain) is analysed, and the types of websites are determined according to significant differences in their content. Findings: The websites used by Rioja wineries can be improved. The elements developed the best are those related to contact information and interactive communication, although interactive communication can also be enhanced through properly managed social networks. The study concludes that the websites can be further improved by including more information about the wines of the wineries, by improving their e-commerce platforms and interactivity and by including more information about other companies at the wine tourism destination. Two distinct types of websites were observed, differentiated by greater or lesser orientation towards the development of the region as a wine tourism destination. Research limitations/implications: This study should be conducted for other designations of origin, both national and international, thereby allowing a comparison of not only the elements that are present on websites but also their orientation. Practical implications: An outline is provided regarding the information that a winery''s website must have to generate interest in a region as a wine tourism destination. The indicators that must be developed for a region to be tourism oriented are shown. Social implications: The study highlights the importance of including wine tourism information on websites to improve social cohesion among wine tourism players and to contribute to both a stronger wine tourism identity and improved economic outcomes. Originality/value: The proposed scheme is a diagnostic tool that allows determining the areas of improvement of one of the main sources of information used by tourists when selecting a destination. This tool can be applied by any winery regardless of its location. © 2021, Emerald Publishing Limited