46 research outputs found

    Differences in the composition of the bacterial element of the urinary tract microbiome in patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation

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    IntroductionThe development of molecular biology methods and their application in microbial research allowed the detection of many new pathogens that cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). Despite the advances of using new research techniques, the etiopathogenesis of UTIs, especially in patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation, is still not fully understood.MethodsThis study aimed to characterize and compare the composition of the bacterial element of the urinary tract microbiome between the groups of patients undergoing dialysis (n = 50) and patients after kidney transplantation (n = 50), with positive or negative urine culture, compared to healthy individuals (n = 50).ResultsAsymptomatic bacteriuria was observed in 30% of the urine cultures of patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation, with Escherichia coli as the most dominant microorganism (73%) detected with the use of classical microbiology techniques. However, differences in the bacterial composition of the urine samples between the evaluated patient groups were demonstrated using the amplicon sequencing. Finegoldia, Leptotrichia, and Corynebacterium were found to be discriminative bacteria genera in patients after dialysis and kidney transplantation compared to the control group. In addition, in all of urine samples, including those without bacteriuria in classical urine culture, many types of bacteria have been identified using 16S rRNA sequencing.DiscussionThe revealed microbial characteristics may form the basis in searching for new diagnostic markers in treatment of patients undergoing dialysis and patients after kidney transplantation

    Fungi Unearthed: Transcripts Encoding Lignocellulolytic and Chitinolytic Enzymes in Forest Soil

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    BACKGROUND: Fungi are the main organisms responsible for the degradation of biopolymers such as lignin, cellulose, hemicellulose, and chitin in forest ecosystems. Soil surveys largely target fungal diversity, paying less attention to fungal activity. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Here we have focused on the organic horizon of a hardwood forest dominated by sugar maple that spreads widely across Eastern North America. The sampling site included three plots receiving normal atmospheric nitrogen deposition and three that received an extra 3 g nitrogen m(2) y(1) in form of sodium nitrate pellets since 1994, which led to increased accumulation of organic matter in the soil. Our aim was to assess, in samples taken from all six plots, transcript-level expression of fungal genes encoding lignocellulolytic and chitinolytic enzymes. For this we collected RNA from the forest soil, reverse-transcribed it, and amplified cDNAs of interest, using both published primer pairs as well as 23 newly developed ones. We thus detected transcript-level expression of 234 genes putatively encoding 26 different groups of fungal enzymes, notably major ligninolytic and diverse aromatic-oxidizing enzymes, various cellulose- and hemicellulose-degrading glycoside hydrolases and carbohydrate esterases, enzymes involved in chitin breakdown, N-acetylglucosamine metabolism, and cell wall degradation. Among the genes identified, 125 are homologous to known ascomycete genes and 105 to basidiomycete genes. Transcripts corresponding to all 26 enzyme groups were detected in both control and nitrogen-supplemented plots. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Many of these enzyme groups are known to be important in soil turnover processes, but the contribution of some is probably underestimated. Our data highlight the importance of ascomycetes, as well as basidiomycetes, in important biogeochemical cycles. In the nitrogen-supplemented plots, we have detected no transcript-level gap likely to explain the observed increased carbon storage, which is more likely due to community changes and perhaps transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional down-regulation of relevant genes

    Risks in road transport

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    W artykule przedstawiono zagrożenia występujące w transporcie drogowym i ich oddziaływanie na kierowcę. Szybki rozwój transportu wiąże się z rozwojem świata gospodarczego lecz jest również źródłem uciążliwości i problemów, zwłaszcza w dużych aglomeracjach miejskich. Transport niesie za sobą wiele możliwości np. przewóz towarów między miastami, ale powoduje także wiele niebezpieczeństw.This paper presents hazards that may exist in road transport and their impact on the driver. The rapid development of transport associated with the development of the economic world, but is also a source of nuisance and problems, especially in large urban areas. Transport brings many opportunities such as the transport of goods between cities, but also causes many dangers

    Ergonomic evaluation of working conditions of milk packing positions

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    Produkcja mleka jest ważną gałęzią gospodarki w Polsce. Rynek ten nieustannie się rozwija, dlatego też istotne jest powiększanie i rozbudowa linii technologicznych w zakładach mleczarskich. Szybki rozwój wiąże się również ze zmianami na stanowiskach pracy w mleczarniach. W artykule przedstawiono wyniki oceny warunków pracy na stanowiskach pakowania mleka w woreczki foliowe oraz w kartony. Analizy ergonomicznej dokonano na podstawie oceny obciążenia fizycznego pracowników, obciążenia psychicznego ora pomiarów wybranych fizycznych czynników materialnego środowiska pracy. Praca w mleczarni w sektorze pakowania mleka odbywa się w systemie dwuzmianowym.Milk production is an important branch of industry in Poland. This market continues to develop it is important to enlarge and expand production lines in dairy plants. Rapid development is also associated with changes at work in dairies. The article presents the results of the assessment of working conditions in positions of milk packaging in plastic bags and cardboard boxes. Ergonomic analysis was based on the assessment of physical load of workers, the mental and physical measurements of selected physicalfactors of environment. Careers in the dairy sector, milk packaging takes place in two shifts

    Rebus Symbol Communication Training with a Severely Handicapped Preschool Child

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    Testing the Receptive Language Skills of Severely Handicapped Preschool Children

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    The Effect of 45S5 Bioglass and Ag, Cu, or Zn Addition on the Crystal Structure, Properties, and Antibacterial Effect of Bulk Ti23Zr25Nb Biocomposites

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    In the present study, the crystal structure, microstructure, mechanical, corrosion properties, and wettability of bulk Ti23Zr25Nb-x45S5 Bioglass (x = 0, 3, 6, 9 wt.%) and Ti23Zr25Nb—9 wt.% 45S5 Bioglass composites with the addition of 1 wt.% Ag, Cu, or Zn were synthesized and their properties studied. The hardness of these biomaterials is at least two times higher and the elastic modulus lower in comparison to commercial purity (CP) microcrystalline α-Ti. The mechanically alloyed Ti23Zr25Nb—9 wt.% 45S5 Bioglass composite was more corrosion resistant in Ringer’s solution than the bulk Ti23Zr25Nb alloy. Surface wettability measurements revealed the higher surface hydrophilicity of the bulk synthesized composites. The antibacterial activity of Ti23Zr25Nb-based composites containing silver, copper, or zinc against reference strain Streptococcus mutans ATCC 25175 was studied. In vitro bacterial adhesion indicated a significantly reduced number of S. mutans on the bulk Ti23Zr25Nb-BG-Ag (or Cu, Zn) plate surfaces in comparison to the microcrystalline Ti plate surface. Ultrafine-grained Ti23Zr25Nb-BG-Ag (or Cu, Zn) biomaterials can be considered to be the next generation of dental implants