528 research outputs found

    fMRI Evidence for Modality-Specific Processing of Conceptual Knowledge on Six Modalities

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    Traditional theories assume that amodal representations, such as feature lists and semantic networks, represent conceptual knowledge about the world. According to this view, the sensory, motor, and introspective states that arise during perception and action are irrelevant to representing knowledge. Instead the conceptual system lies outside modality-specific systems and operates according to different principles. Increasingly, however, researchers report that modality-specific systems become active during purely conceptual tasks, suggesting that these systems play central roles in representing knowledge (for a review, see Martin, 2001, Handbook of Functional Neuroimaging of Cognition). In particular, researchers report that the visual system becomes active while processing visual properties, and that the motor system becomes active while processing action properties. The present study corroborates and extends these findings. During fMRI, subjects verified whether or not properties could potentially be true of concepts (e.g., BLENDER-loud). Subjects received only linguistic stimuli, and nothing was said about using imagery. Highly related false properties were used on false trials to block word association strategies (e.g., BUFFALOwinged). To assess the full extent of the modality-specific hypothesis, properties were verified on each of six modalities. Examples include GEMSTONE-glittering (vision), BLENDER-loud (audition), FAUCET-turned (motor), MARBLE-cool (touch), CUCUMBER-bland (taste), and SOAP-perfumed (smell). Neural activity during property verification was compared to a lexical decision baseline. For all six sets of the modalityspecific properties, significant activation was observed in the respective neural system. Finding modality-specific processing across six modalities contributes to the growing conclusion that knowledge is grounded in modality-specific systems of the brain

    Automatic Priming Effects for New Associations in Lexical Decision and Perceptual Identification

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    Information storage in semantic memory was investigated by looking at automatic priming effects for new associations in two experiments. In the study phase word pairs were presented in a paired-associate learning task. Lexical decision and perceptual identification were used t

    False memories and lexical decision: even twelve primes do not cause long-term semantic priming

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    Semantic priming effects are usually obtained only if the prime is presented shortly before the target stimulus. Recent evidence obtained with the so-called false memory paradigm suggests, however, that in both explicit and implicit memory tasks semantic relations between words can result in long-lasting effects when multiple 'primes' are presented. The aim of the present study was to investigate whether these effects would generalize to lexical decision. In four experiments we showed that even as many as twelve primes do not cause long-term semantic priming. In all experiments, however, a repetition priming effect was obtained. The present results are consistent with a number of other results showing that semantic information plays a minimal role in long-term priming in visual word recognition

    Number-induced shifts in spatial attention: A replication study

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    In a spatial attention paradigm, Fischer, Castel, Dodd, & Pratt (2003) showed that merely perceiving a number shifted attention according to the magnitude of the number. Low numbers shifted attention to the left and high numbers shifted attention to the right. This suggests that numbers are represented by the mental number line - a spatial image schema that is ordered from left to right with increasing magnitude. In six experiments, we used the spatial attention paradigm of Fischer et al. to investigate if and when such mental representations are activated. Participants detected visual targets that were preceded by low and high numbers. Between experiments we manipulated how participants processed the number. Participants either merely perceived the number, as in the experiments by Fisher et al., processed the number's parity, or processed the number's magnitude. Our results provide little support for the idea that numbers shift spatial attention. Only in one of the two experiments in which participants processed number magnitude did participants respond faster to targets in congruent locations (left for low magnitudes and right for high magnitudes) than in incongruent locations. In the other five experiments number magnitude did not affect spatial attention. This shows, in contrast to Fischer et al.'s results, that the mental number line is not activated automatically but at best only when it is contextually relevant. Furthermore, these results suggest that image schemas in general may be context dependent rather than fundamental to mental concepts

    Evidence for long-term cross-language repetition priming in conceptual implicit memory tasks

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    Previous studies have failed to find evidence for long-term cross-language repetition priming (e.g., presentation of the English word frog does not facilitate responding to its Dutch translation equivalent kikker on a later presentation). The present study tested the hypothesis that failure to find cross-language repetition priming in previous studies was due to the use of tasks that rely primarily on lexical or orthographic processing of the stimuli instead of conceptual processing. Consistent with this hypothesis we obtained reliable cross-language repetition priming when conceptual implicit memory tasks were used. The present results support theories of bilingual memory that assume shared conceptual representations for translation equivalents

    Does pizza prime coin? Perceptual priming in lexical decision and pronunciation.

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    In 6 experiments the authors investigated priming for perceptually related word pairs (i.e., words that refer to objects with the same shape such as pizza-coin), trying to replicate earlier findings by R. Schreuder et al (see record 1985-06198-001) while avoiding some of the methodological problems that were present in that study. University students participated in the experiments. Under standard conditions no perceptual priming was obtained. However, in all experiments priming for associated pairs was found. Only after activation tasks that focused on perceptual features was priming for perceptually related word pairs found in pronunciation. Perceptual priming was also obtained in lexical decision after activation tasks, but only when strong associates were not presented in the experiment. The results show that priming for perceptually related word pairs is not a general finding

    Introduction to special issue on gas hydrate in porous media: linking laboratory and field-scale phenomena

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2019. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research-Solid Earth 124(8), (2019): 7525-7537, doi: 10.1029/2019JB018186.The proliferation of drilling expeditions focused on characterizing natural gas hydrate as a potential energy resource has spawned widespread interest in gas hydrate reservoir properties and associated porous media phenomena. Between 2017 and 2019, a Special Section of this journal compiled contributed papers elucidating interactions between gas hydrate and sediment based on laboratory, numerical modeling, and field studies. Motivated mostly by field observations in the northern Gulf of Mexico and offshore Japan, several papers focus on the mechanisms for gas hydrate formation and accumulation, particularly with vapor phase gas, not dissolved gas, as the precursor to hydrate. These studies rely on numerical modeling or laboratory experiments using sediment packs or benchtop micromodels. A second focus of the Special Section is the role of fines in inhibiting production of gas from methane hydrate, controlling the distribution of hydrate at a pore scale, and influencing the bulk behavior of seafloor sediments. Other papers fill knowledge gaps related to the physical properties of hydrate‐bearing sediments and advance new approaches in coupled thermal‐mechanical modeling of these sediments during hydrate dissociation. Finally, one study addresses the long‐standing question about the fate of methane hydrate at the molecular level when CO2 is injected into natural reservoirs under hydrate‐forming conditions.C. R. was supported by the U.S. Geological Survey's Energy Resources Program and the Coastal/Marine Hazards and Resources Program, as well as by DOE Interagency Agreement DE‐FE0023495. C. R. thanks W. Waite and J. Jang for discussions and suggestions that improved this paper and L. Stern for a helpful review. J. Y. Lee was supported by the Ministry of Trade, Industry, and Energy (MOTIE) through the Project “Gas Hydrate Exploration and Production Study (19‐1143)” under the management of the Gas Hydrate Research and Development Organization (GHDO) of Korea and the Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources (KIGAM). Any use of trade, firm, or product name is for descriptive purposes only and does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Government

    A sharp image or a sharp knife: norms for the modality-exclusivity of 774 concept-property items

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    According to recent embodied cognition theories, mental concepts are represented by modality-specific sensory-motor systems. Much of the evidence for modality-specificity in conceptual processing comes from the property-verification task. When applying this and other tasks, it is important to select items based on their modality-exclusivity. We collected modality ratings for a set of 387 properties, each of which was paired with two different concepts, yielding a total of 774 concept-property items. For each item, participants rated the degree to which the property could be experienced through five perceptual modalities (vision, audition, touch, smell, and taste). Based on these ratings, we computed a measure of modality exclusivity, the degree to which a property is perceived exclusively through one sensory modality. In this paper, we briefly sketch the theoretical background of conceptual knowledge, discuss the use of the property-verification task in cognitive research, provide our norms and statistics, and validate the norms in a memory experiment. We conclude that our norms are important for researchers studying modality-specific effects in conceptual processing
