29,495 research outputs found

    Synthesising and utilising complex evidence to inform policy in education and health.

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    Oslo, Norway, May 19 to 21, 200

    Development of a noise annoyance sensitivity scale

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    Examining the problem of noise pollution from the psychological rather than the engineering view, a test of human sensitivity to noise was developed against the criterion of noise annoyance. Test development evolved from a previous study in which biographical, attitudinal, and personality data was collected on a sample of 166 subjects drawn from the adult community of Raleigh. Analysis revealed that only a small subset of the data collected was predictive of noise annoyance. Item analysis yielded 74 predictive items that composed the preliminary noise sensitivity test. This was administered to a sample of 80 adults who later rate the annoyance value of six sounds (equated in terms of peak sound pressure level) presented in a simulated home, living-room environment. A predictive model involving 20 test items was developed using multiple regression techniques, and an item weighting scheme was evaluated

    Sedentary behaviors and adiposity in young people: causality and conceptual model

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    Research on sedentary behavior and adiposity in youth dates back to the 1980s. Sedentary behaviors, usually screen time, can be associated with adiposity. Although the association usually is small but significant, the field is complex, and results are dependent on what sedentary behaviors are assessed and may be mediated and moderated by other behaviors

    Phase 0 study for a geothermal superheated water proof of concept facility

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    A Phase 0 study for the selection of a representative liquid-dominated geothermal resource of moderate salinity and temperature is discussed. Selection and conceptual design of a nominal 10-MWe energy conversion system, and implementation planning for Phase 1: subsystem (component, experiments) and Phase 2: final design, construction, and operation of experimental research facilities are reported. The objective of the overall program is to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of utilizing moderate temperature and salinity liquid-dominated resources with acceptable environmental impact, and thus encourage commercial scale development of geothermal electrical power generation

    Flight-measured X-24A lifting body control surface hinge moments and correlation with wind tunnel predictions

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    Control-surface hinge-moment measurements obtained in the X-24A lifting body flight-test program are compared with results from wind-tunnel tests. The effects of variations in angle of attack, angle of sideslip, rudder bias, rudder deflection, upper-flap deflection, lower-flap deflection, Mach number, and rocket-engine operation on the control-surface hinge moments are presented. In-flight motion pictures of tufts attached to the inboard side of the right fin and the rudder and upper-flap surfaces are discussed

    <i>AKARI</i>/IRC source catalogues and source counts for the IRAC Dark Field, ELAIS North and the <i>AKARI</i> Deep Field South

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    We present the first detailed analysis of three extragalactic fields (IRAC Dark Field, ELAIS-N1, ADF-S) observed by the infrared satellite, AKARI, using an optimized data analysis toolkit specifically for the processing of extragalactic point sources. The InfaRed Camera (IRC) on AKARI complements the SpitzerSpace Telescope via its comprehensive coverage between 8–24 μm filling the gap between the Spitzer/IRAC and MIPS instruments. Source counts in the AKARI bands at 3.2, 4.1, 7, 11, 15 and 18 μm are presented. At near-infrared wavelengths, our source counts are consistent with counts made in other AKARI fields and in general with SpitzerIRAC (except at 3.2 μm where our counts lie above). In the mid-infrared (11 – 18 μm), we find our counts are consistent with both previous surveys by AKARI and the Spitzer peak-up imaging survey with the InfraRed Spectrograph (IRS). Using our counts to constrain contemporary evolutionary models, we find that although the models and counts are in agreement at mid-infrared wavelengths there are inconsistencies at wavelengths shortward of 7 μm, suggesting either a problem with stellar subtraction or indicating the need for refinement of the stellar population models. We have also investigated the AKARI/IRC filters, and find an active galactic nucleus selection criteria out to z AKARI 4.1, 11, 15 and 18 μm colours

    Effects of noise upon human information processing

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    Studies of noise effects upon human information processing are described which investigated whether or not effects of noise upon performance are dependent upon specific characteristics of noise stimulation and their interaction with task conditions. The difficulty of predicting noise effects was emphasized. Arousal theory was considered to have explanatory value in interpreting the findings of all the studies. Performance under noise was found to involve a psychophysiological cost, measured by vasoconstriction response, with the degree of response cost being related to scores on a noise annoyance sensitivity scale. Noise sensitive subjects showed a greater autonomic response under noise stimulation