441 research outputs found

    Optomechanical position detection enhanced by de-amplification using intracavity squeezing

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    It has been predicted and experimentally demonstrated that by injecting squeezed light into an optomechanical device it is possible to enhance the precision of a position measurement. Here, we present a fundamentally different approach where the squeezing is created directly inside the cavity by a nonlinear medium. Counterintuitively, the enhancement of the signal to noise ratio works by de-amplifying precisely the quadrature that is sensitive to the mechanical motion without losing quantum information. This enhancement works for systems with a weak optomechanical coupling and/or strong mechanical damping. This could allow for larger mechanical bandwidth of quantum limited detectors based on optomechanical devices. Our approach can be straightforwardly extended to Quantum Non Demolition (QND) qubit detection.Comment: references added, slight change

    All-optical trapping and acceleration of heavy particles

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    A scheme for fast, compact, and controllable acceleration of heavy particles in vacuum is proposed, in which two counterpropagating lasers with variable frequencies drive a beat-wave structure with variable phase velocity, thus allowing for trapping and acceleration of heavy particles, such as ions or muons. Fine control over the energy distribution and the total charge of the beam is obtained via tuning of the frequency variation. The acceleration scheme is described with a one-dimensional theory, providing the general conditions for trapping and scaling laws for the relevant features of the particle beam. Two-dimensional, electromagnetic particle-in-cell simulations confirm the validity and the robustness of the physical mechanism.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figures, to appear in New Journal of Physic

    Confinement-induced resonances for a two-component ultracold atom gas in arbitrary quasi-one-dimensional traps

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    We solve the two-particle s-wave scattering problem for ultracold atom gases confined in arbitrary quasi-one-dimensional trapping potentials, allowing for two different atom species. As a consequence, the center-of-mass and relative degrees of freedom do not factorize. We derive bound-state solutions and obtain the general scattering solution, which exhibits several resonances in the 1D scattering length induced by the confinement. We apply our formalism to two experimentally relevant cases: (i) interspecies scattering in a two-species mixture, and (ii) the two-body problem for a single species in a non-parabolic trap.Comment: 22 pages, 3 figure

    The efficacy of different postharvest treatments on physico-chemical characteristics, bioactive components and microbiological quality of fresh blueberries during storage period

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    In recent years, there is increasing consumption and interest in berry fruits in general and blueberries in particular due to their nutritional and health characteristics. However, blueberries are highly susceptible to microbial contamination and loss of product quality. In this study, the effects of postharvest washing treatment and cold storage (15 days) on the quality of blueberries were examined. The blueberries were treated with mineral water, aqueous chlorine dioxide, electrolyzed water and Berry Very®, a new commercial product. During the storage, physicochemical and microbiological analysis were carried out in order to compare the efficacy of treatments. The results indicated that chlorine dioxide treatment and electrolyzed water had a positive effect on the reduction of yeast and mold proliferation, postharvest decay and weight loss

    Prospects for all-optical ultrafast muon acceleration

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    A scheme for fast, compact, and controllable acceleration of heavy particles in vacuum has been recently proposed [F. Peano et al., New J. Phys. 10 033028 (2008)], wherein two counterpropagating laser beams with variable frequencies drive a beat-wave structure with variable phase velocity, leading to particle trapping and acceleration. The technique allows for fine control over the energy distribution and the total charge of the accelerated beam, to be obtained via tuning of the frequency variation. Here, the theoretical bases of the acceleration scheme are described, and the possibility of applications to ultrafast muon acceleration and to the prompt extraction of cold-muon beams is discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusio

    Nodal variables for complete conforming finite elements of arbitrary polynomial order

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    AbstractNodal variables are given for a new family of complete conforming triangular finite elements of arbitrary polynomial order p for use in linear stress analysis. This family has two important properties: (1) hierarchic property, i.e. the elemental stiffness matrix corresponding to an approximation of order p is a submatrix of the elemental stiffness matrix corresponding to an approximation of order p + 1; (2) the family enforces exactly the degree of smoothness across interelement boundaries which is required by the problem (C0 continuity for plane elasticity, C1 continuity for plate bending) even at vertices. It is shown how to use precomputed arrays in an efficient manner in calculating elemental stiffness matrices. Results from a numerical example in plane stress analysis are presented. These results demonstrate the efficiency of a p-convergence procedure which uses the new family of finite elements

    Realms: A Structure for Consolidating Knowledge about Mathematical Theories

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    Since there are different ways of axiomatizing and developing a mathematical theory, knowledge about a such a theory may reside in many places and in many forms within a library of formalized mathematics. We introduce the notion of a realm as a structure for consolidating knowledge about a mathematical theory. A realm contains several axiomatizations of a theory that are separately developed. Views interconnect these developments and establish that the axiomatizations are equivalent in the sense of being mutually interpretable. A realm also contains an external interface that is convenient for users of the library who want to apply the concepts and facts of the theory without delving into the details of how the concepts and facts were developed. We illustrate the utility of realms through a series of examples. We also give an outline of the mechanisms that are needed to create and maintain realms.Comment: As accepted for CICM 201

    Quasienergy description of the driven Jaynes-Cummings model

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    We analyze the driven resonantly coupled Jaynes-Cummings model in terms of a quasienergy approach by switching to a frame rotating with the external modulation frequency and by using the dressed atom picture. A quasienergy surface in phase space emerges whose level spacing is governed by a rescaled effective Planck constant. Moreover, the well-known multiphoton transitions can be reinterpreted as resonant tunneling transitions from the local maximum of the quasienergy surface. Most importantly, the driving defines a quasienergy well which is nonperturbative in nature. The quantum mechanical quasienergy state localized at its bottom is squeezed. In the Purcell limited regime, the potential well is metastable and the effective local temperature close to its minimum is uniquely determined by the squeezing factor. The activation occurs in this case via dressed spin flip transitions rather than via quantum activation as in other driven nonlinear quantum systems such as the quantum Duffing oscillator. The local maximum is in general stable. However, in presence of resonant coherent or dissipative tunneling transitions the system can escape from it and a stationary state arises as a statistical mixture of quasienergy states being localized in the two basins of attraction. This gives rise to a resonant or an antiresonant nonlinear response of the cavity at multiphoton transitions. The model finds direct application in recent experiments with a driven superconducting circuit QED setup.Comment: 13 pages, 8 fi
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