334 research outputs found

    The establishment of Aceratoneuromyia indica (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) in three biogeographical regions of Argentina

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    Specimens of the eulophid Aceratoneuromyia indica (Silvestri) were recovered from fruit fly pupae collected in three Argentinian biogeographical regions. A total of 11 A. indica specimens was obtained from pupae of the tephritid Anastrepha fraterculus (Wiedemann) in Las Yungas and Paranaense subtropical rain forest regions, and 10 A. indica specimens were recovered from pupae of the tephritid Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) in Chacoan subtropical dry forest region.Thus, A. indica was recovered approximately 38 years after its first release in Argentina.Fil: Ovruski Alderete, Sergio Marcelo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Schliserman, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: De Coll, Olga R.. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Peñaloza, Claudia. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria; ArgentinaFil: Oroño, Luis Eduardo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; ArgentinaFil: Colina, Carolina del Valle. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Tucumán. Planta Piloto de Procesos Industriales Microbiológicos; Argentin

    Using an ensemble of features for personalized recommendations of scientific publications

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    Maintaining reviews of scientific publications as soon as new relevant publications are available is a typical challenge to many research communities. We address this challenge as a content-based recommendation problem, where the publications already selected for a review drive the recommendation of the new publications. In addition, resources such as domain databases, ontologies and academic graphs provide structured information about publications (e.g., authors, journals, conferences). Our experiments show that a simple model based on that structured information to represent publications achieve high precision and recall, and outperform models that use more sophisticated representations based on embeddings

    Pérdida Auditiva Oculta, Sinaptopatía Coclear y Ruido Ocupacional

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    [ES] Introducción: La sinaptopatía coclear por exposición a ruido (SCER) es definida como una alteración funcional transitoria o permanente de las sinapsis en cinta de las células pilosas internas de la cóclea. Este artículo tiene el objetivo de comentar la utilidad de la identificación temprana de la pérdida auditiva oculta por SCER basado en marcadores audiológicos y en la metodología usada en grupos clínicos para su búsqueda. Método: Revisión de la literatura relacionada en bases científicas y la narración descriptiva de los resultados. Resultados: La SCER produce una pérdida auditiva oculta en pacientes con audiograma normal, principalmente obreros o individuos expuestos a niveles de ruido intenso. Los principales estudios de identificación de la SCER han sido realizados principalmente en estudiantes universitarios o en músicos. Conclusiones: Son necesarios ajustes en la política de salud auditiva para una amplia identificación temprana de la SCER en las poblaciones en riesgo para la pérdida auditiva oculta y luchar por una regulación del daño. [EN] Introduction: Cochlear synaptopathy after noise exposure (CSNE) is defined as the transient or permanent func-tional damage to the ribbon synapsis of the inner hair cells of the cochlea. This article has the objective of comment the usefulness of early identification of the hidden hearing loss after CSNE based on audiological markers and in changes in the clinical methodology in clinical groups for its searching. Method: Review of related literature in scientific databases and narrative description of results. Results: CSNE results in a hidden hearing loss in patients with normal pitch audiogram, mainly workers or indi-viduals exposed to high noise levels. The main studies of identification have been performed mainly in groups of students from college or musicians. Conclusions: Is necessary adjustments in hearing health policy for an wide early identification of CSNE in at risk populations for the identification of the hidden hearing loss and fight for its damage regulation[ES] Introducción: La sinaptopatía coclear por exposición a ruido (SCER) es definida como una alteración funcional transitoria o permanente de las sinapsis en cinta de las células pilosas internas de la cóclea. Este artículo tiene el objetivo de comentar la utilidad de la identificación temprana de la pérdida auditiva oculta por SCER basado en marcadores audiológicos y en la metodología usada en grupos clínicos para su búsqueda. Método: Revisión de la literatura relacionada en bases científicas y la narración descriptiva de los resultados. Resultados: La SCER produce una pérdida auditiva oculta en pacientes con audiograma normal, principalmente obreros o individuos expuestos a niveles de ruido intenso. Los principales estudios de identificación de la SCER han sido realizados principalmente en estudiantes universitarios o en músicos. Conclusiones: Son necesarios ajustes en la política de salud auditiva para una amplia identificación temprana de la SCER en las poblaciones en riesgo para la pérdida auditiva oculta y luchar por una regulación del daño. [EN] Introduction: Cochlear synaptopathy after noise exposure (CSNE) is defined as the transient or permanent func-tional damage to the ribbon synapsis of the inner hair cells of the cochlea. This article has the objective of comment the usefulness of early identification of the hidden hearing loss after CSNE based on audiological markers and in changes in the clinical methodology in clinical groups for its searching. Method: Review of related literature in scientific databases and narrative description of results. Results: CSNE results in a hidden hearing loss in patients with normal pitch audiogram, mainly workers or indi-viduals exposed to high noise levels. The main studies of identification have been performed mainly in groups of students from college or musicians. Conclusions: Is necessary adjustments in hearing health policy for an wide early identification of CSNE in at risk populations for the identification of the hidden hearing loss and fight for its damage regulationN

    Estudio De La Porcicultura En El Municipio De Pivijay

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    En Colombia la actividad porcicola es una labor que se ha venido realizando en forma extensiva sobre todo a nivel de economía campesina. Sin embargo, últimamente se ha venido desarrollando a nivel de economía capitalista, y el reflejo de esto son las grandes empresas porcícolas que se observan en algunos departamentos como Antioquia, Valle del Cauca, Cundinamarca entre otros. No obstante, se puede observar que a este sector no se le está prestando la debida atención, puesto que no existen ni siquiera datos estadísticos nacionales ni departamentales que revelen su real estado de desarrollo. El departamento del Magdalena posee algunos municipios que por tradición se han dedicado a la explotación porcina a pesar de tener una cantidad de problemas que está afectando al sector en estudio actualmente y que le impide ocupar un lugar importante para el desarrollo de la economía regional. Por observación directa se sabe que uno de 3. os municipios líderes en estas actividades es Pivijay, pero se vienen realizando estas labores en una forma que rebasa los límites de lo tradicional, matizado de problemas de salubridad pública y en estado de abandono; sin ninguna clase de apoyo por parte de las entidades gubernamentales y mucho menos de gremios, es decir, que existe una total desprotección hacia el sector, por lo que se hace. necesario realizar una investigación acerca de las variables de desarrollo de la porcicultura en el municipio de Pivijay, el cual contribuya con el aporte de elementos para elaborar programas y acciones a nivel de gremios y políticas estatales que logren incorporar la economía de estos pequeños productores a un mercado organizado, con lo cual se garantice el incremento productivo y consecuencialmente sus ingresos económicos, y a dinamizar la actividad porcicola, fomentando el desarrollo regional

    Query Answering in Ontologies under Preference Rankings

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    We present an ontological framework, based on preference rankings, that allows users to express their preferences between the knowledge explicitly available in the ontology. Using this formalism, the answers for a given query to an ontology can be ranked by preference, allowing users to retrieve the most preferred answers only. We provide a host of complexity results for the main computational tasks in this framework, for the general case, and for EL and DL-Litecore as underlying ontology languages

    A SNP in the 5' flanking region of the myostatin-1b gene is associated with harvest traits in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar)

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    BACKGROUND: Myostatin (MSTN) belongs to the transforming growth factor-β superfamily and is a potent negative regulator of skeletal muscle development and growth in mammals. Most teleost fish possess two MSTN paralogues. However, as a consequence of a recent whole genome-duplication event, salmonids have four: MSTN-1 (−1a and -1b) and MSTN-2 (−2a and -2b). Evidence suggests that teleost MSTN plays a role in the regulation of muscle growth. In the current study, the MSTN-1b gene was re-sequenced and screened for SNP markers in a commercial population of Atlantic salmon. After genotyping 4,800 progeny for the discovered SNPs, we investigated their association with eight harvest traits - four body-weight traits, two ratios of weight traits, flesh colour and fat percentage - using a mixed model association analysis. RESULTS: Three novel SNPs were discovered in the MSTN-1b gene of Atlantic salmon. One of the SNPs, located within the 5′ flanking region (g.1086C > T), had a significant association with harvest traits (p < 0.05), specifically for: Harvest Weight (kg), Gutted Weight (kg), Deheaded Weight (kg) and Fillet Weight (kg). The haplotype-based association analysis was consistent with this result because the two haplotypes that showed a significant association with body-weight traits, hap4 and hap5 (p < 0.05 and p < 0.01, respectively), differ by a single substitution at the g.1086C > T locus. The alleles at g.1086C > T act in an additive manner and explain a small percentage of the genetic variation of these phenotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The association analysis revealed that g.1086C > T had a significant association with all body-weight traits under study. Although the SNP explains a small percentage of the variance, our results indicate that a variation in the 5′ flanking region of the myostatin gene is associated with the genetic regulation of growth in Atlantic salmon

    Harvest of Endangered Sideneck River Turtles (Podocnemis spp.) in the Middle Orinoco, Venezuela

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    We quantified illegal and unmonitored harvest of three endangered sideneck turtles (Podocnemis spp.) by examining discarded turtle shells in 29 riverine communities both up-and down-river from the Arrau Turtle Wildlife Refuge in the Middle Orinoco, Venezuela. We compared harvested turtle sizes to those captured during in-water research surveys to determine harvest selectivity. We found fresh sideneck turtle shells in most communities visited; carapaces and plastrons from P. expansa were the most abundant despite their protected status. Turtle harvest was skewed toward females in all species, and toward juvenile P. expansa and adult P. unifilis and P. vogli. Considering historical accounts of widespread turtle husbandry in the area, Podocnemis spp. life history, and population recovery for these species in community-based conservation programs elsewhere in South America, we recommend community-managed captive breeding of faster-maturing P. unifilis and P. vogli to satisfy turtle consumption needs. These measures, along with improved nesting-beach protection, may allow recovery of populations of P. expansa and make possible their legal subsistence harvest in the future. P ROPER management of exploited wildlife for sustained harvest, maintenance, or recovery requires not only knowledge of the demography and life history of a species but also a detailed understanding of the type of harvest they are experiencing Turtles have long been an important food resource for humans, but human population growth, enhanced harvest methods, and cultural merging have led to overexploitation of many turtle specie