135 research outputs found

    Effects of Wood Distillate (Pyroligneous Acid) on the Yield Parameters and Mineral Composition of Three Leguminous Crops

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    The excessive use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture is increasing the demand for novel products to improve the quality of crops in a more sustainable way. Wood distillate (WD, pyroligneous acid) is a by-product obtained during the pyrolysis of plant biomass that can be successfully applied in agriculture due to its ability to enhance the growth, size, and weight of edible plant parts. However, there is little information concerning its plant yield-promoting effects on leguminous crops. The present work investigated the effects of WD on the yield, protein content and mineral composition of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.), lentil (Lens culinaris L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants grown in field conditions. The application of WD showed remarkable yield-promoting effects mostly in lentil plants, which significantly increased plant and shoot biomass, the number and weight of both pods and seeds, as well as the total seed protein content. Furthermore, seeds from WD-treated plants differentially increased the concentration of elements with high nutritional value for human health, including Fe, Ca, Mg and K. These results suggest that the effects of WD among the legumes tested are species-specific and that WD could be an optimal candidate to grow high-yielding legumes with improved seed nutritional quality

    The Predicted Secretome of the Plant Pathogenic Fungus Fusarium graminearum: A Refined Comparative Analysis

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    The fungus Fusarium graminearum forms an intimate association with the host species wheat whilst infecting the floral tissues at anthesis. During the prolonged latent period of infection, extracellular communication between live pathogen and host cells must occur, implying a role for secreted fungal proteins. The wheat cells in contact with fungal hyphae subsequently die and intracellular hyphal colonisation results in the development of visible disease symptoms. Since the original genome annotation analysis was done in 2007, which predicted the secretome using TargetP, the F. graminearum gene call has changed considerably through the combined efforts of the BROAD and MIPS institutes. As a result of the modifications to the genome and the recent findings that suggested a role for secreted proteins in virulence, the F. graminearum secretome was revisited. In the current study, a refined F. graminearum secretome was predicted by combining several bioinformatic approaches. This strategy increased the probability of identifying truly secreted proteins. A secretome of 574 proteins was predicted of which 99% was supported by transcriptional evidence. The function of the annotated and unannotated secreted proteins was explored. The potential role(s) of the annotated proteins including, putative enzymes, phytotoxins and antifungals are discussed. Characterisation of the unannotated proteins included the analysis of Pfam domains and features associated with known fungal effectors, for example, small size, cysteine-rich and containing internal amino acid repeats. A comprehensive comparative genomic analysis involving 57 fungal and oomycete genomes revealed that only a small number of the predicted F. graminearum secreted proteins can be considered to be either species or sequenced strain specific


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    La monografia presenta i risultati emersi da una ricerca etnografica condotta nell\u2019ambito di un pi\uf9 ampio progetto e che si proponeva di analizzare le reti sociali che coinvolgono gli adolescenti di origine straniera nel rapporto con il territorio in cui vivono

    Guaraldi Unversitaria - Antropologia culturale

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    La collana \ue8 specificamente orientata alla pubblicazione di monografie e raccolte di saggi frutto di specifiche ricerche a carattere etnografico inerenti le tematiche proprie dell'antropologia della contemporaneit\ue0 e dell'antropologia applicata quali: Migrazioni, conflitti, cooperazione internazionale. La collana \ue8 attiva dal 2003 e conta 12 volumi. Per una analisi pi\uf9 particolareggiata dei testi pubblicati vedi allegato "Documento allegato

    Guaraldi Universitataria - Antropologia culturale

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    La collana \ue8 specificamente orientata alla pubblicazione di monografie e raccolte di saggi frutto di specifiche ricerche a carattere etnografico inerenti le tematiche proprie dell'antropologia della contemporaneit\ue0 e dell'antropologia applicata quali: Migrazioni, conflitti, cooperazione internazionale. La collana \ue8 attiva dal 2003 e conta 9 volumi. Per una analisi pi\uf9 particolareggiata dei testi pubblicati vedi allegato "Documento 1