19 research outputs found

    Capilla Museo Buffo: cartografía compositiva del espacio

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    Guido Buffo, quien ha investigado e incursionado en astronomía, música, pintura, zoología, entre otras ramas a lo largo de su vida, dedicó sus últimos años a la construcción de una cripta (hoy llamada “Capilla Museo Buffo”), en el Valle Los Quebrachitos (provincia de Córdoba. Argentina). El lugar fue realizado, a principios de la década del 50, en homenaje a su difunta esposa e hija, rindiendo honor al conocimiento y la investigación. Entre frescos, péndulos e incrustaciones, se destaca también una respuesta acústica que posee resonancias y focalizaciones que generan un espacio sonoro de características muy singulares. Este trabajo presenta un estudio acústico y un análisis de la Capilla Museo Buffo desde la perspectiva de la arquitectura aural y sus posibilidades para la performance musical, incorporando el espacio sonoro que le es propio. Se realizó un relevant iento acústico incluyendo el análisis de una serie de parámetros monoaurales (T30. C80) y binaurales (IACCe) en ocho posiciones del receptor y tres de la fuente. Por otra parte, a partir de un análisis numérico se determinaron los modos principales del recinto. Finalmente, a partir de las respuestas impulso binaurales obtenidas se estudió la respuesta de diferentes instrumentos musicales de la familia de los metales y maderas. Se analizaron los cambios en las características dinámicas, espaciales y tímbricas a lo largo de lodo el registro en los diferentes puntos de medición. De este modo, se caracterizó el espacio de la Capilla para su posible utilización como herramienta compositiva.Facultad de Arte

    Active vs. Inactive Elderly. Depression, Quality of Life, Functional Capacity and Visits to Primary Care

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    Introducción: El envejecimiento de la población es un tema de relevancia mundial. Si además lo asociamos a las enfermedades comórbidas, se convierte en un grave problema de salud pública. Entre estas, se sitúa la depresión. Esta enfermedad conlleva unas consecuencias catastróficas tanto a nivel psicológico, físico, social como económico. Se acepta que la falta de actividad física podría ser un factor de riesgo para los síndromes depresivos, disminuyendo la calidad de vida y capacidad funcional del adulto mayor, provocando un mayor gasto sanitario y una peor salud global. Objetivo: Conocer si existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la depresión, calidad de vida relacionada con la salud (CVRS), capacidad funcional y visitas de atención primaria en el adulto mayor físicamente activo frente al inactivo. Diseño: Estudio transversal donde se analizaron los datos del año 2019 con una muestra total de 2451 usuarios, 2238 eran físicamente activos y 213 inactivos. Resultados: Hay diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre las personas mayores físicamente activas y las inactivas en la CVRS, evaluada con EQ-5D-3L: p=<0,001; en la depresión que se evaluó con GDS-VE: p=0,003; la capacidad funcional, medida a través del Back-Reach: p=<0,001; Functional-Reach: p=0,001; TUG: p=0,002; 6-min-walk: p=<0,001 y las visitas de atención primaria y enfermería: p=<0,001. Conclusiones: Existen diferencias estadísticamente significativas en los síntomas depresivos, la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud, la capacidad funcional y las visitas de atención primaria entre usuarios del programa de salud “El ejercicio te cuida” que eran físicamente activos y los que no lo eran.Introduction: Population aging is an issue of worldwide relevance. If we also associate it with comorbid diseases, it becomes a serious public health problem. Among these is depression. This disease has catastrophic psychological, physical, social and economic consequences. It is accepted that the lack of physical activity could be a risk factor for depressive syndromes, decreasing the quality of life and functional capacity of the elderly, leading to higher health care costs and poorer overall health. Objective: To determine the significant differences in depression, health-related quality of life, functional capacity and primary care visits in physically active versus inactive older adults. Design: Cross-sectional study where data from 2019 were analyzed with a total sample of 2451 users, 2238 were physically active and 213 inactive. Results: EQ-5D-3L: p=<0.001; GDS-VE: p=0.003; Back-Reach: p=<0.001; Functional-Reach: p=0.001; TUG: p=0.002; 6-min-walk: p=<0.001. Conclusions: There are statistically significant differences between physical activity level with depression, health-related quality of life, functional capacity and primary care visits

    Agility and lower body strength and their relationship to Health-Related Quality of Life in physically active depressed older men

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    Introducción: La depresión en el adulto mayor es una enfermedad silenciosa que está preocupando a nivel mundial y compromete seriamente la calidad de vida de esta población hasta llegar a incapacitarla. Presenta difícil solución debido a diagnósticos tardíos, a sus características intrínsecas, comorbilidades e ineficacia de los tratamientos a estas edades. Centrar la atención en la mejora de la calidad de vida podría dar esperanza a los mayores con depresión para un envejecimiento saludable. Una óptima condición física podría mejorar la calidad de vida del mayor con depresión. Objetivo: Conocer la relación entre agilidad y fuerza de tren inferior con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en hombres mayores con depresión. Diseño: Estudio transversal con 39 participantes, hombres mayores físicamente activos con depresión. Resultado: Se muestra una correlación inversa moderada (r=-0,37) entre la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y agilidad. Con respecto a la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud y fuerza de tren inferior, existe una correlación directa moderada (r=0,33). Conclusiones: El hombre mayor con depresión físicamente activo con mayores niveles de fuerza de tren inferior y una mejor agilidad, podría tener mejor calidad de vida. Por lo tanto, la agilidad y la fuerza podrían correlacionar con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud en hombres mayores con depresión.Introduction: Depression in the elderly is a silent disease that is causing worldwide concern and seriously compromises the quality of life of this population to the point of incapacitation. It presents a diffi cult solution due to late diagnosis, its intrinsic characteristics, comorbidities and ineffectiveness of treatments at this age. Focusing attention on improving the quality of life could give hope to the elderly with depression for a healthy aging. It is recognized that an optimal physical condition improves the quality of life of the elderly with depression. Objective: To determine the relationship between agility and lower body strength with health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in older men with depression. Design: Cross-sectional study with 39 physically active older men with depression. Results: A moderate inverse correlation (r=-0.37) between HRQoL and agility. Regarding HRQoL and lower body strength, there is a moderate direct correlation (r=0.33). Conclusions: The older man with depression who has a high level of lower-body strength and better agility may have better HRQoL. Therefore, agility and strength could be established as predictors of quality of life in older men with depression

    Percepción Sonora : Avances investigativos en ciencias y artes

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    Se exponen trabajos realizados desde el año 2021 a esta parte desde distintos...Fil: Payo, Damián. Universidad Católica de Salta. Facultad de Artes y Ciencias; Argentina

    Seis semanas de ejercicio físico mejoran la capacidad funcional y la composición corporal en pacientes con Alzheimer

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    Objective. The purpose of this study was to know if six weeks of physical exercise allowed to improve physical condition and body composition in people diagnosed with Alzheimer's. Method. A training program was carried out where 13 individuals (78.5 ± 6.4 years) diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, performed two weekly training sessions, in one of them aerobic exercise was performed in a cycle ergometer and in the other, they performed balance, strength and coordination exercises. Results. We found significant changes in body composition (decrease in fat mass, and increase in muscle mass), and in functional capacity, reflected by the improvement in the "sitting and getting up from a  chair" test, the "getting up," walk and sit down again ", on the Berg scale and on gait speed  measurements. The manual dynamometry measurements remained constant or improved slightly without sufficient significance. Conclusion. The combination of aerobic training with strength, balance and coordination exercises, twice a week, for six weeks in people with Alzheimer's, could improve functional capacity and body composition. However, it is not clear that this training protocol allows to improve manual grip strength.  Objetivo. El propósito de este estudio fue conocer si seis semanas de ejercicio físico podrían mejorar la condición física y la composición corporal en personas diagnosticadas de Alzheimer. Método. Se llevó a cabo un programa de entrenamiento donde 13 individuos (78,5±6,4 años) diagnosticados  de Alzheimer, realizaron dos sesiones semanales de entrenamiento, en una de ellas se hizo ejercicio aeróbico en cicloergómetro y en la otra, trabajo de equilibrio, fuerza y coordinación. Resultados. Encontramos cambios significativos en la composición corporal (disminución de masa grasa, y  aumento de masa muscular), y en la capacidad funcional, reflejados por la mejora en el test de “sentarse y  levantarse de una silla”, el test de “levantarse, caminar y volverse a sentar”, en la escala de Berg y en las  mediciones de la velocidad de la marcha. Las mediciones de dinamometría manual se mantuvieron  constantes o mejoraron levemente sin significación suficiente. Conclusión. La combinación de entrenamiento aeróbico con ejercicios de fuerza, equilibrio y coordinación,  dos veces por semana, durante seis semanas en personas con Alzheimer, podría mejorar la capacidad  funcional y la composición corporal. Sin embargo, no parece claro que este protocolo de entrenamiento  permita mejorar la fuerza de prensión manual.

    Global trends in dementia care research in the context of COVID-19: bibliometric analysis

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    Alzheimer’s disease is the most common type of dementia, producing a deterioration in the activities of daily living which can lead to the need for care provision. COVID-19 impacted their quality of life and in this care delivery. This study aimed to analyse most productive and prominent authors, the journals and countries with the highest number of publications, the most cited documents and the most used keywords. Publications were retrieved from journals indexed in the Main Collection of the Web of Science (WoS) and analysed using the traditional laws of bibliometrics. A total of 376 documents were found. The WoS categories with the highest number of publications accumulated were “Geriatric Gerontology” and “Gerontology.” Clarissa Giebel was the most productive (23 papers) and most cited (with 569 citations) co-author. The Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease (21 papers) published the most number of documents. The manuscript “2021 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures” was the most cited. Four thematic clusters related to mental health, telemedicine, care and well-being were found among the authors’ keywords. Research networks exist worldwide, with the United States of America and England leading the scientific output. These results may be of interest to researchers, publishers and professionals interested in this subject, as they provide current information on publications related to this topic

    Physical Activity Is Associated with the Incidence of Depression in United States Adults from the NHANES 2013–18: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    The number of depression sufferers is rising globally. In the United States, 8% of adults over 20 years of age suffer from it, making it the most prevalent mental disorder in the country. Some lifestyle habits have been shown to favor or prevent the onset of depression; for instance, physical inactivity is associated with an increased likelihood of suffering depression, whilst multiple benefits have been attributed to performing physical activity (PA). This study aims to test whether there is a dependence between the prevalence of depression and PA, age, gender and educational level. The secondary objective was to identify the differentiating variables for depression and non-depression. This cross-sectional study is based on data from the NHANES 2013–2014, 2015–2016 and 2017–2018 editions. Some of the items in this survey were taken from preexisting questionnaires: the Patient Health Questionnaire-9 for depression screening and the Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) for the PA groups. The final sample was formed of 15,574 United States residents over 18 years old. After testing the data normality (p p < 0.001) in the general population and for both genders. Inactive participants had the highest prevalence of major depression and other depressive disorders. The discriminant analysis identified PA group (0.527), education level (0.761) and gender (−0.505) as significant variables that differentiate between participants with and without depression. The results of this research confirmed that a dependency relationship between PA group according to the GPAQ and depression prevalence according to the PHQ-9 existed in the United States adult population, and that PA group is a relevant variable to differentiate between depression sufferers and non-sufferers

    Depression and Exercise in Older Adults: Exercise Looks after You Program, User Profile

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    Introduction: Depression is a challenge for public health policies, as it is the number one leading cause of disability in the world. In order to combat and prevent it, different social and health interventions are being developed to promote health through physical activity. Objective: Analyze and describe the user profile of the patients with depression from the Exercise Looks After You program, which is a physical activity program that works on improving public health and has an essential role preventing chronic diseases and improving the quality of life of the elderly in Extremadura. Design: Cross-sectional study. Participants: total sample of 1972 users (96.4% women, 3.6% men), of whom 724 (94.6% women, 5.4% men) suffer from depression. Results: It was observed that the dominant user profile of the patients with depression within the program is female, 71 years old, physically active, overweight, married, with low educational level, non-smoker, no alcohol consumption and below average physical fitness and health-related quality of life, which translates into a high incidence of primary care, nursing and prescription visits. Conclusions: This study presents the user profile of depressive versus non-depressive participants of the Exercise Looks After You physical activity program. This data could be meaningful in order to improve and optimize public health programs and resources

    Association between Agility, Health-Related Quality of Life, Depression, and Anthropometric Variables in Physically Active Older Adult Women with Depression

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    Introduction. Depressive disorders are mental disorders that last over time, and seriously affect the lives of the people who suffer from them, diminishing their quality of life, reducing their motor capacity, and incapacitating them in their daily lives. It is a major problem worldwide. Objective. To study the association between agility, health-related quality of life (hrqol), anthropometric status, and depression status in older adult women with depression. Design. Data collected from 685 physically active older women with depression were analyzed. Result. A moderate inverse correlation (r = &minus;0.34) is shown between Time Up &amp; Go (TUG) and EuroQol Five-Dimensional Three-Level Version (EQ-5D-3L). Between TUG and Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), there is a small direct correlation (r = 0.14) between them. Between TUG and anthropometric data, all observed correlations are significant. Conclusions. There is a significant association between agility, health-related quality of life, depression, and anthropometric data in physically active older women with depression

    Mapping the Scientific Research on Suicide and Physical Activity: A Bibliometric Analysis

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    This research provides an overview of the current state of scientific literature related to suicide and physical activity (PA). A bibliometric analysis of studies published between 1996 and 2022 in The Web of Science (WoS) was carried out, applying the traditional bibliometric laws, using Microsoft Excel and the VOSviewer software for data and metadata processing. A total of 368 documents (349 primary research and 19 reviews) were extracted from 70 WoS categories. The results revealed an exponential increase in scientific production from 2017 to 2022 (R2 = 88%), revealing the United States hegemony being the most productive country, with 156 of the publications (42.4%), the most cited (4181 citations) being the centre of a collaborative network with links to 35 countries and having April Smith, from the Miami University, as the most prolific author (eight publications) and Thomas Joiner, from the Florida State University, as the most cited author (513 citations). The Psychiatry WoS category, with 155 papers, had the highest number of publications, and The Journal of Affective Disorders, from Elsevier, had the highest number of published papers within this category