663 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kekerasan Verbal Orang Tua dalam Keluarga terhadap Kepercayaan Diri Anak Usia 6-12 Tahun di GKII Rhema Makassar

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    Kekerasan verbal merupakan salah satu kekerasan dalam rumah tangga yang selama ini tidak terlalu populer di ruang publik, namun memiliki dampak yang luar biasa bila dibandingkan dengan dampak dari kekerasan-kekerasan lain yang sering dipaparkan di ruang publik. Kekerasan verbal telah menjadikan keluarga sebagai sasaran yang paling tepat. Keluarga yang seharusnya menjadi tempat untuk meningkatkan rasa percaya diri setiap anak, sekarang telah menjadi tempat untuk menekan, bahkan mematikan rasa percaya diri anak itu sendiri. Orang tua yang seharusnya menjadi tameng yang kuat untuk melindungi anak-anak dari kekerasan verbal, sekarang sedang dipakai Iblis untuk menjadi senjata yang mematikan bagi anak-anak. Adanya anak yang kurang percaya diri akibat dari  kekerasan verbal orang tua di dalam keluarga sehingga perlu dilakukan penelitian dengan tujuan mengetahui sejauh mana pengaruh kekerasan verbal orang tua dalam keluarga terhadap kepercayaan diri anak usia 6-12 tahun. Penulis mengambil tempat penelitian di Gereja Kemah Injil Indonesia jemaat Rhema Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan. Menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan sampel penelitian 13 orang anak, 17 orang tua, 3 guru sekolah minggu setempat. Dengan menggunakan angket yang bersifat rahasia. Hasil penelitian bahwa orang tua di GKII Rhema Makassar secara tidak sadar sering memperlihatkan contoh komunikasi verbal yang kurang baik, tetapi dalam melakukan kekerasan verbal, sebagian besar orang tua tidak pernah melakukan kekerasan verbal kepada anak secara langsung, sebagian besar anak usia 6-12 tahun di GKII Rhema Makassar memiliki tingkat kepercayaan diri yang baik/tinggi, ada pengaruh kekerasan verbal orang tua kepada anak, yakni semakin tinggi tingkat kekerasan verbal yang dilakukan orang tua, maka tingkat kepercayaan diri anak akan semakin rendah, sedangkan semakin rendah tingkat kekerasan verbal yang dilakukan orang tua, maka tingkat kepercayaan diri anak akan semakin tinggi

    Xenon lighting adjusted to plant requirements

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    Xenon lamps are available as low and high power lamps with relatively high efficiency and a relatively long lifetime up to several thousand hours. Different construction types of short-arc and long-arc lamps permit a good adaptation to various applications in projection and illumination techniques without substantial changes of the spectral quality. Hence, the xenon lamp was the best choice for professional technical purposes where high power at simultaneously good spectral quality of the light was required. However, technical development does not stand still. Between the luminous efficacy of xenon lamps of 25-50 lm/W and the theoretical limit for 'white light' of 250 lm/W is still much room for improvement. The present development mainly favors other lamp types, like metal halide lamps and fluorescent lamps for commercial lighting purposes. The enclosed sections deal with some of the properties of xenon lamps relevant to plant illumination; particularly the spectral aspects, the temporal characteristics of the emission, and finally the economy of xenon lamps will be addressed. Due to radiation exceeding the natural global radiation in both the ultraviolet (UV) and the infrared (IR) regions, filter techniques have to be included into the discussion referring to the requirements of plant illumination. Most of the presented results were obtained by investigations in the GSF phytotron or in the closed Phytocell chambers of the University of Erlangen. As our experiences are restricted to area plant illumination rather than spot lights our discussion will concentrate on low pressure long-arc xenon lamps which are commonly used for such plant illuminations. As the spectral properties of short-arc lamps do not differ much from those of long-arc lamps most of our conclusions will be valid for high pressure xenon lamps too. These lamps often serve as light sources for small sun simulators and for monochromators which are used for action spectroscopy of plant responses

    Recovering the Imperfect: Cell Segmentation in the Presence of Dynamically Localized Proteins

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    Deploying off-the-shelf segmentation networks on biomedical data has become common practice, yet if structures of interest in an image sequence are visible only temporarily, existing frame-by-frame methods fail. In this paper, we provide a solution to segmentation of imperfect data through time based on temporal propagation and uncertainty estimation. We integrate uncertainty estimation into Mask R-CNN network and propagate motion-corrected segmentation masks from frames with low uncertainty to those frames with high uncertainty to handle temporary loss of signal for segmentation. We demonstrate the value of this approach over frame-by-frame segmentation and regular temporal propagation on data from human embryonic kidney (HEK293T) cells transiently transfected with a fluorescent protein that moves in and out of the nucleus over time. The method presented here will empower microscopic experiments aimed at understanding molecular and cellular function.Comment: Accepted at MICCAI Workshop on Medical Image Learning with Less Labels and Imperfect Data, 202

    UV filters for lighting of plants

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    The wavelength dependent interaction of biological systems with radiation is commonly described by appropriate action spectra. Particularly effective plant responses are obtained for ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Excess shortwave UV-B radiation will induce genetic defects and plant damage. Besides the ecological discussion of the deleterious effects of the excess UV radiation there is increasing interest in horticultural applications of this spectral region. Several metabolic pathways leading to valuable secondary plant products like colors, odors, taste, or resulting in mechanical strength and vitality are triggered by UV radiation. Thus, in ecologically as well as in economically oriented experiments the exact generation and knowledge of the spectral irradiance, particularly near the UV absorption edge, is essential. The ideal filter 'material' to control the UV absorption edge would be ozone itself. However, due to problems in controlling the toxic and chemically aggressive, instable gas, only rather 'small ozone filters' have been realized so far. In artificial plant lighting conventional solid filter materials such as glass sheets and plastic foils (celluloseacetate or cellulosetriacetate) which can be easily handled have been used to absorb the UV-C and the excess shortwave UV-B radiation of the lamp emissions. Different filter glasses are available which provide absorption properties suitable for gradual changes of the spectral UV-B illumination of artificial lighting. Using a distinct set of lamps and filter glasses an acceptable simulation of the UV-B part of natural global radiation can be achieved. The aging of these and other filter materials under the extreme UV radiation in the lamphouse of a solar simulator is presently unavoidable. This instability can be dealt with only by a precise spectral monitoring and by replacing the filters accordingly. For this reason attempts would be useful to develop real ozone filters which can replace glass filters. In any case chamber experiments require a careful selection of the filter material used and must be accompanied by a continuous UV-B monitoring

    Carboxylation of phenols and asymmetric nucleophile addition across C=C bond

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    The regioselective carboxylation of electron-rich (hetero)aromatics employing decarboxylases in the redox-neutral (reverse) carboxylation reaction using bicarbonate or CO2(g) is currently exploited for the biocatalytic synthesis of carboxylic acids.1 Three enzyme classes exert complementary regioselectivities through diverse mechanisms: (i) Whereas the o-carboxylation of phenols (an equivalent to the Kolbe-Schmitt reaction) is mediated by Zn2+-dependent o-benzoic acid (de)carboxylases,2 (ii) the -carboxylation of hydroxystyrenes is catalysed by phenolic/ferulic acid (de)carboxylases acting via a pair of Tyr-Arg residues.3 (iii) Surpringly, these enzymes also exhibit a catalytic promiscuity for the nucleophile addition of H2O,4 NH2-OMe, cyanide and n-Pr-SH across the vinyl C=C bond via a quinone-methide intermediate, which yields the corresponding (S)-configurated adducts in up to 91% e.e.5 (iv) In search of ATP-independent regio-complementary p-benzoic acid (de)carboxylases, we discovered that 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid decarboxylase from Enterobacter cloacae6 (DHBDC_Ec) surprisingly depends on prenylated FMN7 as cofactor. In an attempt to propose a mechanism for the carboxylation of catechol by DHBDC_Ec, QM calculations revealed that the transient formation of a 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition product (as suggested for the decarboxylation of cinnamic acid with ferulic acid decarboxylase from S. cerevisiae8) was highly disfavored (\u3e30 kcal/M). As an alternative, we propose a mono-covalent nucleophile adduct involving a prFMN iminium electrophile (~14 kcal/M). Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    The osteoporosis treatment gap in patients at risk of fracture in European primary care : a multi-country cross-sectional observational study

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    Summary This study in 8 countries across Europe found that about 75% of elderly women seen in primary care who were at high risk of osteoporosis-related fractures were not receiving appropriate medication. Lack of osteoporosis diagnosis appeared to be an important contributing factor. Introduction Treatment rates in osteoporosis are documented to be low. We wished to assess the osteoporosis treatment gap in women ≥ 70 years in routine primary care across Europe. Methods This cross-sectional observational study in 8 European countries collected data from women 70 years or older visiting their general practitioner. The primary outcome was treatment gap: the proportion who were not receiving any osteoporosis medication among those at increased risk of fragility fracture (using history of fracture, 10-year probability of fracture above country-specific Fracture Risk Assessment Tool [FRAX] thresholds, T-score ≤ − 2.5). Results Median 10-year probability of fracture (without bone mineral density [BMD]) for the 3798 enrolled patients was 7.2% (hip) and 16.6% (major osteoporotic). Overall, 2077 women (55%) met one or more definitions for increased risk of fragility fracture: 1200 had a prior fracture, 1814 exceeded the FRAX threshold, and 318 had a T-score ≤ − 2.5 (only 944 received a dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry [DXA] scan). In those at increased fracture risk, the median 10-year probability of hip and major osteoporotic fracture was 11.2% and 22.8%, vs 4.1% and 11.5% in those deemed not at risk. An osteoporosis diagnosis was recorded in 804 patients (21.2%); most (79.7%) of these were at increased fracture risk. The treatment gap was 74.6%, varying from 53% in Ireland to 91% in Germany. Patients with an osteoporosis diagnosis were found to have a lower treatment gap than those without a diagnosis, with an absolute reduction of 63%. Conclusions There is a large treatment gap in women aged ≥ 70 years at increased risk of fragility fracture in routine primary care across Europe. The gap appears to be related to a low rate of osteoporosis diagnosis

    Probing the phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2 by thermopower at high pressure

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    The temperature dependence of the thermoelectric power, S(T), and the electrical resistivity of the magnetically ordered CeRu_2Ge_2 (T_N=8.55 K and T_C=7.40 K) were measured for pressures p < 16 GPa in the temperature range 1.2 K < T < 300 K. Long-range magnetic order is suppressed at a p_c of approximately 6.4 GPa. Pressure drives S(T) through a sequence of temperature dependences, ranging from a behaviour characteristic for magnetically ordered heavy fermion compounds to a typical behaviour of intermediate-valent systems. At intermediate pressures a large positive maximum develops above 10 K in S(T). Its origin is attributed to the Kondo effect and its position is assumed to reflect the Kondo temperature T_K. The pressure dependence of T_K is discussed in a revised and extended (T,p) phase diagram of CeRu_2Ge_2.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    High-pressure transport properties of CeRu_2Ge_2

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    The pressure-induced changes in the temperature-dependent thermopower S(T) and electrical resistivity \rho(T) of CeRu_2Ge_2 are described within the single-site Anderson model. The Ce-ions are treated as impurities and the coherent scattering on different Ce-sites is neglected. Changing the hybridisation \Gamma between the 4f-states and the conduction band accounts for the pressure effect. The transport coefficients are calculated in the non-crossing approximation above the phase boundary line. The theoretical S(T) and \rho(T) curves show many features of the experimental data. The seemingly complicated temperature dependence of S(T) and \rho(T), and their evolution as a function of pressure, is related to the crossovers between various fixed points of the model.Comment: 9 pages, 10 figure