164 research outputs found

    Thermal characterisation of compact heat exchangers for air heating and cooling in electric vehicles

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    [EN] The use of air conditioning in all-electric cars reduces their driving range by 33% in average. With the purpose of reducing the energy consumption of the vehicle and optimising the performance of the batteries, the mobile air-conditioning can be integrated with the temperature control system of the powertrain by means of a coolant loop. In such layouts, the air-to-coolant heat exchangers must operate efficiently in both air heating and cooling modes. Dynamic simulation tools comprising the entire thermal system are essential to assess its performance. In this context, fast but accurate models of the system components are required. This paper presents the thermal characterisation of a commercial compact louvered-fin flat-tube heat exchanger (heater core) for this novel application, based on an experimental campaign comprising 279 working points that reflect real air-conditioning (heating and cooling) working conditions. A general methodology to fit a single correlation of the global heat transfer coefficient for both dry and wet working conditions is explained. The semiempirical correlation developed is employed in a single-node model of the heat exchanger that requires minimal computation time. The present model predicts the heat transfer rate with an average deviation of 3.5% in the cases with dehumidification and 1.9% in the cases when the heat exchanger remains dry.This work has been supported by the European Commission under the 7th European Community framework program as part of the ICE project ‘‘MagnetoCaloric Refrigeration for Efficient Electric Air-Conditioning”, Grant Agreement no. 265434. B. Torregrosa-Jaime acknowledges the Spanish Education, Culture and Sport Ministry (Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte) for receiving the Research Fellowship FPU ref. AP2010-2160.Torregrosa-Jaime, B.; Corberán, JM.; Payá-Herrero, J.; Delamarche, JL. (2017). Thermal characterisation of compact heat exchangers for air heating and cooling in electric vehicles. Applied Thermal Engineering. 115:774-781. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2017.01.017S77478111

    Thermal performance of fly ash geopolymeric mortars containing phase change materials

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    This paper reports experimental results on the thermal performance of fly ash-based  geopolymeric mortars containing different percentages of phase change materials  (PCMs). These materials have a twofold eco-efficient positive impact. On one hand,  the geopolymeric mortar is based on industrial waste material. And on the other  hand, the mortars with PCM have the capacity to enhance the thermal performance  of the buildings. Several geopolymeric mortars with different PCM percentages  (10%, 20%, 30%) were studied for thermal conductivity and thermal energy storageinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Effects in service of the staggered construction of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports

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    Cable-stayed bridges can be rarely built on a single construction stage and staggered construction is commonly used. The effects of this staggered construction are not only economical as they might also play an important role in the structural behaviour in service. Despite of this importance, these effects are rarely included into the definition of the structural response in service. In order to fill this gap, this paper deals with the effects in service of the staggered erection of steel cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports. To do so, a criterion based on the minimization of the bending energy in terms of stay forces is applied to several cable-stayed bridges. This study shows the importance of the existence of the pylon-deck connection as well as the number and location of both construction joints and temporary supports during staggered erectionThe authors thank the Spanish Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad and the FEDER funds for the funding provided through the research grant BIA2013-47290-R directed by Jose Turmo.Lozano Galant, JA.; Paya-Zaforteza, I.; Turmo Coderque, J. (2015). Effects in service of the staggered construction of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports. Baltic Journal of Road and Bridge Engineering. 10(3):247-254. https://doi.org/10.3846/bjrbe.2015.31S247254103Cluley, N. C., & Shepherd, R. (1996). Analysis of concrete cable-stayed bridges for creep, shrinkage and relaxation effects. Computers & Structures, 58(2), 337-350. doi:10.1016/0045-7949(95)00131-yJanjic, D., Pircher, M., & Pircher, H. (2003). Optimization of Cable Tensioning in Cable-Stayed Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 8(3), 131-137. doi:10.1061/(asce)1084-0702(2003)8:3(131)Li, L., Ma, Z. J., & Oesterle, R. G. (2010). Improved Longitudinal Joint Details in Decked Bulb Tees for Accelerated Bridge Construction: Fatigue Evaluation. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 15(5), 511-522. doi:10.1061/(asce)be.1943-5592.0000097Lozano-Galant, J. A., Ruiz-Ripoll, L., Payá-Zaforteza, I., & Turmo, J. (2014). Modifications of the stress-state of cable-stayed bridges due to staggered construction of their superstructure. THE BALTIC JOURNAL OF ROAD AND BRIDGE ENGINEERING, 9(4), 241-250. doi:10.3846/bjrbe.2014.30Lozano-Galant, J. A., & Turmo, J. (2014). An algorithm for simulation of concrete cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports and considering time dependent effects. Engineering Structures, 79, 341-353. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2014.08.018Lozano-Galant, J. A., & Turmo, J. (2014). Creep and shrinkage effects in service stresses of concrete cable-stayed bridges. Computers and Concrete, 13(4), 483-499. doi:10.12989/cac.2014.13.4.483Lozano-Galant, J. A., Dong, X., Payá-Zaforteza, I., & Turmo, J. (2013). Direct simulation of the tensioning process of cable-stayed bridges. Computers & Structures, 121, 64-75. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2013.03.010Lozano-Galant, J. A., Payá-Zaforteza, I., Xu, D., & Turmo, J. (2012). Analysis of the construction process of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports. Engineering Structures, 40, 95-106. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2012.02.005Lozano-Galant, J. A., Payá-Zaforteza, I., Xu, D., & Turmo, J. (2012). Forward Algorithm for the construction control of cable-stayed bridges built on temporary supports. Engineering Structures, 40, 119-130. doi:10.1016/j.engstruct.2012.02.022Veletzos, M. J., & Restrepo, J. I. (2011). Modeling of Jointed Connections in Segmental Bridges. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 16(1), 139-147. doi:10.1061/(asce)be.1943-5592.0000112Wang, P.-H., Tang, T.-Y., & Zheng, H.-N. (2004). Analysis of cable-stayed bridges during construction by cantilever methods. Computers & Structures, 82(4-5), 329-346. doi:10.1016/j.compstruc.2003.11.003Zhu, P., Ma, Z. J., Cao, Q., & French, C. E. (2012). Fatigue Evaluation of Transverse U-Bar Joint Details for Accelerated Bridge Construction. Journal of Bridge Engineering, 17(2), 191-200. doi:10.1061/(asce)be.1943-5592.000025

    Causes of non-genetic variation and interaction station x region on weight of cattle animals of Nelore Polled in areas within milk cattle raising region

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    A study has been carried abouteffects of non-genetic factors on 10289, 7981 and5792 observations of weight at weaning (settled for205 days – W205), a year (365 - W365) and yearlingcalf (550 – W550) to cattle raised on two sub-areas(Campinas and Ribeirão Preto) within milk cattleregion. The statistic model include the steady effectson the year and season of birth, animal’s sex, subarea’sbreeding, interaction station x area, and thecovariant cow’s age at labor (linear and quadratic),with random effect, bull’s effect. The males werehigher than females in 7% at weaning, 12% at 12months and 14% at 18 months, with average weightsettled of 187.34Kg (W205), 269.23Kg (W365), and366.54Kg (W550) to the sub-area of Campinas;165.01Kg (W205), 231.48Kg (W365) and 305.33Kg(W550) to the sub-area of Ribeirão Preto. Thecoeficients, liners and quadratic obtained to thecow’s age were: 0.2155822Kg and –0.0010670Kg,0.1600645 and –0.0008712 and 0. 1919895 and–0.0011805, with maximum points occuring in 8.4years (W205), 7.7 years (W365) and 6.8 years(W550) of cow’s age.UFMS-DCN/UFMS, - [email protected] DZO/UFPR. – [email protected] os efeitos de fatores nãogenéticos sobre 10289, 7981 e 5792 observaçõesde pesos a desmama (ajustado para 205 dias –P205), ao ano (365 dias – P365) e sobreano (550dias – P550), para rebanhos criados em duas subáreas, Campinas e Ribeirão Preto, inclusas na regiãopecuária Leiteiras. O modelo estatístico incluios efeitos fixos de ano e estação de nascimento,sexo do animal, sub região de criação, interaçãoestação x região, e a covariável idade da vaca aoparto (linear e quadrático); como efeito aleatório,efeito de touro. Os machos foram superiores as fêmeasem 7% à desmama, 12% aos 12 meses e14% aos 18 meses, com média de peso ajustado de187,34Kg (P205), 269,23Kg(P365) e 366,54(P550)para sub região de Campinas; e de 165,01Kg(P205), 231,48Kg (P365) e 305,33Kg (P550)parasub região de Ribeirão Preto. A interação estaçãox região revelou maior diferença entre os animaisnascidos na estação da seca, em ambas regiões,e em todos os pesos analisados. Os coeficientes,lineares e quadráticos obtidos para a idade da vacaforam: 0,2155822Kg e –0,0010670Kg, 0,1600645 e–0,0008712 e, 0,1919895 e –0,0011805 respectivamente,com pontos de máxima ocorrendo aos 8,4anos (P205), 7,7 anos (P365) e 6,8 anos (P550) deidade da mãe

    Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of blended cement concrete including carbonation and durability

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11367-013-0614-0Purpose Blended cements use waste products to replace Portland cement, the main contributor to CO2 emissions in concrete manufacture. Using blended cements reduces the embodied greenhouse gas emissions; however, little attention has been paid to the reduction in CO2 capture (carbonation) and durability. The aim of this study is to determine if the reduction in production emissions of blended cements compensates for the reduced durability and CO2 capture. Methods This study evaluates CO2 emissions and CO2 capture for a reinforced concrete column during its service life and after demolition and reuse as gravel filling material. Concrete depletion, due to carbonation and the unavoidable steel embedded corrosion, is studied, as this process consequently ends the concrete service life. Carbonation deepens progressively during service life and captures CO2 even after demolition due to the greater exposed surface area. In this study, results are presented as a function of cement replaced by fly ash (FA) and blast furnace slag (BFS). Results and discussion Concrete made with Portland cement, FA (35%FA), and BFS blended cements (80%BFS) captures 47, 41, and 20 % of CO2 emissions, respectively. The service life of blended cements with high amounts of cement replacement, like CEM III/A (50 % BFS), CEM III/B (80 % BFS), and CEMII/B-V (35%FA), was about 10%shorter, given the higher carbonation rate coefficient. Compared to Portland cement and despite the reduced CO2 capture and service life, CEM III/B emitted 20 % less CO2 per year. Conclusions To obtain reliable results in a life cycle assessment, it is crucial to consider carbonation during use and after demolition. Replacing Portland cement with FA, instead of BFS, leads to a lower material emission factor, since FA needs less processing after being collected, and transport distances are usually shorter. However, greater reductions were achieved using BFS, since a larger amount of cement can be replaced. Blended cements emit less CO2 per year during the life cycle of a structure, although a high cement replacement reduces the service life notably. If the demolished concrete is crushed and recycled as gravel filling material, carbonation can cut CO2 emissions by half. A case study is presented in this paper demonstrating how the results may be utilized.This research was financially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (research project BIA2011-23602). The authors thank the anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments and useful suggestions. The authors are also grateful for the thorough revision of the manuscript by Dr. Debra Westall.García Segura, T.; Yepes Piqueras, V.; Alcalá González, J. (2014). Life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of blended cement concrete including carbonation and durability. International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment. 19(1):3-12. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11367-013-0614-0S312191Aïtcin PC (2000) Cements of yesterday and today: concrete of tomorrow. Cem Concr Res 30(9):1349–1359Angst U, Elsener B, Larsen C (2009) Critical chloride content in reinforced concrete—a review. Cement Concr Res 39(12):1122–1138Berge B (2000) The ecology of building materials. Architectural Press, OxfordBertolini L, Elsener B, Pedeferri P, Polder R (2004) Corrosion of Steel in Concrete—Prevention Diagnosis. Repair, Wiley-VCH, WeinheimBörjesson P, Gustavsson L (2000) Greenhouse gas balances in building construction: wood versus concrete from life cycle and forest land-use perspectives. Energy Policy 28(9):575–588Camp CV, Huq F (2013) CO2 and cost optimization of reinforced concrete frames using a big bang-crunch algorithm. Eng Struct 48:363–372CEN (2011) EN 197–1: Cement. Part 1: Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements. European Committee for Standardization, BrusselsCIWMB (2000) Designing with vision: a technical manual for materials choices in sustainable construction. California Integrated Waste Management Board, SacramentoCollins F (2010) Inclusion of carbonation during the life cycle of built and recycled concrete: influence on their carbon footprint. Int J Life Cycle Assess 15(6):549–556Database BEDEC (2012) Institute of Construction Technology of Catalonia. Barcelona, SpainDodoo A, Gustavsson L, Sathre R (2009) Carbon implications of end-of-life management of building materials. Resour Conserv Recy 53(5):276–286ECO-SERVE Network Cluster 3 (2004) Baseline Report for the Aggregate and Concrete Industries in Europe. European Commission, Hellerup: http://www.eco-serve.net/uploads/479998_baseline_report_final.pdf , accessed 10 September 2012European Federation of Concrete Admixtures Associations (2006) Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) for Normal Plasticizing admixtures. Environmental Consultant, Sittard: http://www.efca.info/downloads/324%20ETG%20Plasticiser%20EPD.pdf , accessed 13 October 2012Galán I (2011) Carbonatación del hormigón: combinación de CO2. Dissertation, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, SpainGalán I, Andrade C, Mora P, Sanjuan MA (2010) Sequestration of CO2 by concrete carbonation. Environ Sci Technol 44(8):3181–3186Flower DJM, Sanjayan JG (2007) Greenhouse gas emissions due to concrete manufacture. Int J Life Cycle Assess 12(5):282–288Guzmán S, Gálvez JC, Sancho JM (2011) Cover cracking of reinforced concrete due to rebar corrosion induced by chloride penetration. Cement Concr Res 41(8):893–902Houst YF, Wittmann FH (2002) Depth profiles of carbonates formed during natural carbonation. C Cement Concr Res 32(12):1923–1930Institute for Diversification and Energy Saving (2010) Conversion factors of primary energy and CO2 emissions of 2010. M. Industria, Energía y Turismo, Madrid, Spain: http://www.idae.es/index.php/mod.documentos/mem.descarga?file=/documentos_Factores_Conversion_Energia_y_CO2_2010_0a9cb734.pdf , accessed 10 September 2012ISO (2005) ISO/TC 71—Business plan. Concrete, reinforced concrete and prestressed concrete. International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Geneva, SwitzerlandISO (2006) ISO 14040: Environmental management—life-cycle assessment—principles and framework. International Organization for Standardization, Geneva, SwitzerlandJiang L, Lin B, Cai Y (2000) A model for predicting carbonation of high-volume fly ash concrete. 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    Inmobilization of Zn(II) in Portland cement pastes. Determination of microstructure and leaching performance

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    The aim of this paper is to study the solidification/ stabilization potential of cementitious matrices on the immobilization of Zn(II) before its disposal into the environment by determining the mechanisms of interaction between the Zn(II) ions and the binder. The results of structural and mineralogical characterization of cement pastes formed with different amounts of immobilized Zn(II) ions are presented and the study includes results from thermogravimetric analysis (TG), scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, and leaching performance. Zn(II) ions delay the hydration reaction of Portland cement due to the formation of mainly CaZn2(OH)6 2H2O , as well as Zn5(CO3)2(OH)6, Zn(OH)2, and ZnCO3 in minor proportion. Correlations between total mass loss in TG analysis and leached Zn(II) ions in long-term curing pastes have been obtained. This result is important because in a preliminary approach from a TG on an early-aged cement paste containing Zn(II), it could be possible to perform an estimation of the amount of Zn(II) ions that could be leached, thus avoiding costly and time-consuming tests.Mellado Romero, AM.; Borrachero Rosado, MV.; Soriano Martinez, L.; Paya Bernabeu, JJ.; Monzó Balbuena, JM. (2013). Inmobilization of Zn(II) in Portland cement pastes. Determination of microstructure and leaching performance. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry. 112(3):1377-1389. doi:10.1007/s10973-012-2705-8S137713891123Mojumdar SC, Sain M, Prasad RC, Sun L, Venart JES. Selected thermoanalytical methods and their applications from medicine to construction, Part I. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2007;90:653–62.Perraki M, Perraki T, Kolovos K, Tsivilis S, Kakali G. Secondary raw materials in cement industry. Evaluation of their effect on the sintering and hydration processes by thermal analysis. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2002;70:143–50.Neves A, Dias Toledo R, de Moraes Rego E, Dweck J. Early stages hydration of high initial strength Portland cement. Part I. Thermogravimetric analysis on calcined mass basis. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012;108:725–31. doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2256-z .Balek V, Bydžovský J, Dufka A, Drochytka R, Beckman IN. Use of emanation thermal analysis to characterize microstructure development during Portland cement hydration. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2314-6 .Zhang Q, Ye G. Dehydration kinetics of Portland cement paste at high temperature. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2303-9 .Menéndez E, Vega L, Andrade C. Use of decomposition of portlandite in concrete fire as indicator of temperature progression into the material. Application to fire-affected builds. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10973-011-2159-4 .Galan I, Andrade C, Castellote M. Thermogravimetrical analysis for monitoring carbonation of cementitious materials. Uptake of CO2 and deepening in C–S–H knowledge. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2012. doi: 10.1007/s10973-012-2466-4 .Batchelor B. Overview of waste stabilization with cement. Waste Manag (Oxford). 2006;26:689–98.Gineys N, Aouad G, Damidot D. Managing trace elements in Portland cement-Part I: interactions between cement paste and heavy metals added during mixing as soluble salts. Cem Concr Compos. 2010;32:563–70.Erdem M, Özverdi A. Environmental risk assessment and stabilization/solidification of zinc extraction residue: II. Stabilization/solidification. Hydrometallurgy. 2011;105:270–6.Nocuń-Wczelik W, Małolepszy J. Application of calorimetry in studies of the immobilization of heavy metals in cementitious materials. Thermochim Acta. 1995;269(270):613–9.Dweck J, Buchler PM, Cartledge FK. The effect of different bentonites on cement hydration during solidification/stabilization of tannery wastes. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2001;64:1011–6.Melchert MBM, Viana MM, Lemos MS, Dweck J, Buchler PM. Simultaneous solidification of two catalyst wastes and their effect on the early stages of cement hydration. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2011;105:625–33.Vessalas K, Thomas PS, Ray AS, Guerbois JP, Joyce P, Haggman J. Pozzolanic reactivity of the supplementary cementitious material pitchstone fines by thermogravimetric analysis. J Therm Anal Calorim. 2009;97:71–6.Tommaseo CE, Kersten M. Aqueous solubility diagrams for cementitious waste stabilization systems. 3. Mechanism of zinc immobilization by calcium silicate hydrate. Environ Sci Technol. 2002;36:2919–25.Peyronnard O, et al. Study of mineralogy and leaching behavior of stabilized/solidified sludge using differential acid neutralization analysis. Cem Conc Res. 2009. doi: 10.1016/j.cemconres.2009.03.016 .Moulin I, et al. Lead, zinc and chromium (III) and (VI) speciation in hydrated cement phases. International conference on the science and engineering of recycling for environmental protection, waste materials in construction (WASCON 2000), Harrogate, England, 2000, pp. 269–280.Ziegler F, Gieré R, Johnson CA. Sorption mechanisms of zinc to calcium silicate hydrate: sorption and microscopic investigations. Environ Sci Technol. 2001;35:4556–61.Qiao XC, Poon CS, Cheeseman CR. Investigation into the stabilization/solidification performance of Portland cement through cement clinker phases. J Hazard Mater. 2007;B139:238–43.Chen QY, et al. Immobilisation of heavy metal in cement-based solidification/stabilisation: a review. Waste Manag (Oxford). 2009;29:390–403.Chen QY, et al. Characterisation of products of tricalcium silicate hydration in the presence of heavy metals. J Hazard Mater. 2007;147:817–25.Fernandez-Olmo I, Chacon E, Irabien A. Influence of lead, zinc, iron (III) and chromium (III) oxides on the setting time and strength development of Portland cement. 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High intakes of Cr, Ni, and Zn in clinker, Part II. Influence on the hydration properties. Cem Concr Res. 1999;29:1959–67.Liu Y, et al. Thermal decomposition of basic zinc carbonate in nitrogen atmosphere. Thermochim Acta. 2004;414:121–3.Wahab R, et al. Synthesis and characterization of hydrozincite and its conversion into zinc oxide nanoparticles. J Alloy Compd. 2008;461:66–71.Hatakeyama T, Liu Z. Handbook of thermal analysis. New Yok: Wiley; 2000

    Experimental analysis of a paraffin-based cold storage tank

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    [EN] The aim of this study is to characterize a paraffin-based cold storage tank. Novel experimental results are presented for this system which combines a significant amount of paraffin (1450 kg) immersed around 18 spiral-shaped coils disposed in counter-current flow. The paraffin has a phase-change temperature in the range 4 8 °C as measured by a 3-layer calorimeter. Different tests have been carried out with a constant mass flow rate and supply temperature. Around 31% of the paraffin has hardly any contact with the coils and hereby acts as a dead mass. The results show the importance of natural convection within the phase-change-material, particularly during the melting process. The highest efficiency has been achieved for the lowest supply temperatures and mass flow rates of the heat transfer fluid.The authors gratefully acknowledge the fundings from ACCIONA Infraestructuras.Torregrosa-Jaime, B.; López-Navarro, A.; Corberán, JM.; Esteban-Matías, JC.; Klinkner, L.; Payá-Herrero, J. (2013). Experimental analysis of a paraffin-based cold storage tank. International Journal of Refrigeration. 36(6):1632-1640. doi:10.1016/j.ijrefrig.2013.05.001S1632164036