15 research outputs found

    Is there a relationship between the prevailing model of agriculture and the structure of the crop and livestock insurance markets?

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    Given the strong dependence of its economic results on natural factors, agriculture is characterised by high exposure to risk. This paper explores the relationship between the prevailing ‘model of agriculture’ in a country and methods of risk management (in particular, insurance schemes). The Czech Republic and Poland are post-socialist countries which are characterised by different models of agricultural development. While agriculture in the Czech Republic is oriented to industrial farming with large farms, Polish agriculture has a bipolar structure that includes both small, family-owned farms and large agricultural holdings. Various approaches to agricultural insurance schemes may arise from the contrasting models of agriculture, and substantial differences in both the demand and supply sides of the crop and livestock insurance markets indicate different policy approaches to the role of agriculture in the economies of the two countries. In both the Czech Republic and Poland, policy options for farm risk management should consider the balance between budget flexibility and the criterion of efficiency (from the perspective of insurers)

    The business insurances in the agriculture of selected EU countries

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    The aim of this paper was to present a general situation of the development of agricultural business insurances in the selected EU countries. The Polish case was particularly included In the analysis both the descriptive statistics and tables methods were used. It was assumed that the development of business insurances in the selected EU countries is diversified and depends on the amount of public assistance of a given country to agricultural sector. A great contribution in the agricultural insurance market development (crops and animal farms) in the EU countries can be attributed to state subsidies thanks to which the state can provide financial assistance to agricultural production insurance. It is an important step towards making such insurance policies more popular, giving tangible benefits to the state, insurance companies and the insured themselves. Subsidising the premium by the state or co-financing the costs of reinsurance is a model example of the public private partnership, aiming to cover all the agricultural producers exposed to specific risks with insurance

    Agricultural Farm Income and competitiveness of the tax and insurance systems

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    The aim of this study was to analyse the conditions and principles of functioning of the insurance system and the taxation on agriculture with regard to their impact on increasing efficiency and improving the competitiveness of the agricultural sector in order to make appropriate changes to these systems

    Wykorzystywanie rachunkowości agresywnej przez menedżerówi jej konsekwencje dla wierzycielina przykładzie spółki handlowej branży rolniczej

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    W artykule zaprezentowano przykład spółki handlowej, w której kreowanie i wykorzystywanie rachunkowości agresywnej doprowadziło do pokrzywdzenia wierzycieli pozabankowych na około 26.000.000 zł, a dostawców surowców na około 20.000.000 zł. Za główne przyczyny powyższego stanu uznano: 1) skupienie funkcji właścicielskich, zarządczych i rodzinnych w rękach osób w pierwszej linii powiązanych rodzinnie; 2) nadmierne rozbudowanie służb pomocniczych nie przyczyniających się do przysparzania przychodów spółki; 3) ułomny system rachunkowości, niezapewniający skutecznej kontroli; 4) „życie kierownictwa na koszt spółki”, ponad stan; 5) nieskuteczne badanie sprawozdania finansowego

    Ubezpieczenia rolne a zrównoważenie ekonomiczne i finansowe gospodarstw rolnych

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    Czynnikiem warunkującym zrównoważony rozwój gospodarstw rolnych jest stabilność finansowa gospodarstw, którą mogą zapewnić m.in. ubezpieczenia gospodarcze. Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja oddziaływania rolniczych ubezpieczeń na zrównoważenie ekonomiczno-finansowe gospodarstw. Źródłem danych była baza danych FADN (za lata 2009-2014). Badaniami objęto gospodarstwa rolne zakupujące i nie zakupujące ubezpieczeń upraw rolnych, sklasyfikowane według wielkości obszarowej. Za główne wyznaczniki zrównoważenia ekonomicznego gospodarstw przyjęto następujące wskaźniki: wartość produkcji ogółem/ha UR, wielkość wartości dodanej brutto/AWU, stopa zwrotu z kapitału, rentowność sprzedaży oraz zadłużenie kapitału własnego. Analiza wykazała, że gospodarstwa efektywnie wykorzystywały swój posiadany kapitał i generowały dobre wyniki ekonomiczne, co może wpływać pozytywnie na zrównoważony rozwój tych gospodarstw. Ubezpieczenia ceteris paribus mogły mieć wpływ na ich stabilny i zrównoważony rozwój

    Assessment of the functioning of crop and livestock insurance in Polish agriculture

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    The study reviews and assesses functioning of subsidized crop and livestock insurance as regards the level of their use and determination of factors motivating and demotivating to conclude insurance contracts by farmers. Chapters: Risk and traditional agricultural insurance – theoretical foundations. Subsidizing agricultural insurance. Evolution of national legal provisions regarding crop and livestock insurance in 1952-2016. Assessment of the functioning of crop and livestock insurance in Poland. Income and financial situation of farms using crop and livestock insurance. Determinants of the demand for crop insurance – model approach. Impact of the purchase of insurance on selected characteristics of family farms. Viability of the purchase of crop insurance by the farm’s operator. Determinants of the demand for crop insurance, factors motivating to purchase such insurance and factors discouraging from this – results of empirical studies

    Environmental protection instruments in Polish agriculture in the context of its sustainable development

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    The study reviews and assesses functioning of subsidized crop and livestock insurance as regards the level of their use and determination of factors motivating and demotivating to conclude insurance contracts by farmers. Chapters: Key concepts related to sustainable development. Instruments of environmental protection in agriculture. Assessment of selected instruments for environmental protection in the context of its sustainable development

    Are Farms Located in Less-Favoured Areas Financially Sustainable? Empirical Evidence from Polish Farm Households

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    The topic of farms that deal with environmental constraints is an ongoing agricultural policy issue, including within the Common Agricultural Policy. We propose empirical evidence based on a sample of Farm Accountancy Data Network (FADN) farm households, evaluate the influence of chosen factors on financially sustainable farm development and verify less-favoured area (LFA) farms’ growth compared with non-LFA households. To specify farm households, we use the Sustainable Growth Challenge (SGC) model and DuPont decomposition based on financial measures and indicators that were adopted from corporate finance. It is concluded that the differences in SGC and revenue growth values between LFA and non-LFA farms mainly results from the system of subsidising LFA farms that receive compensation for farming in areas with adverse environmental conditions. Generally, the impact of agricultural policies on LFA and non-LFA farms is significant and may weaken the effect on LFA. With the exception of education, other sociodemographic factors do not highly influence farm efficiency. Along with improvements in the quality of human capital (e.g., higher education level), awareness of subsidies, and debt and innovative solutions increases. The interest in precision agriculture and agriculture 4.0 is also growing, which directly translates into better technological and financial efficiency of farms