15 research outputs found

    Critical Casimir effects in 2D Ising model with curved defect lines

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    This work is aimed at studying the influence of critical Casimir effects on energetic properties of curved defect lines in the frame of 2D Ising model. Two types of defect curves were investigated. We start with a simple task of globule formation from four-defect line. It was proved that an exothermic reaction of collapse occurs and the dependence of energy release on temperature was observed. Critical Casimir energy of extensive line of constant curvature was also examined. It was shown that its critical Casimir energy is proportional to curvature that leads to the tendency to radius decreasing under Casimir forces. The results obtained can be applied to proteins folding problem in polarized liquid.Comment: 9 pages, 15 figure

    Specific features of designing a database for neuro-oncological 3D MRI images to be used in training artificial intelligence

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    The research was aimed at analyzing current approaches to the organization and design methodology of visualization database built on the basis of computer vision. Such approaches are necessary for effective development of diagnostic systems using artificial intelligence (AI). A training data set of high quality is a mandatory prerequisite for that. Material and methods. The paper presents the technology for designing an annotated database (SBT Dataset) that contains about 1000 clinical cases based on the archived data acquired by the Federal Neurosurgical Center, Novosibirsk, Russia including data on patients with astrocytoma, glioblastoma, meningioma, neurinoma, and patients with metastases of somatic tumors. Each case is represented by a preoperative MRI. The Results and Discussion. The dataset was built (SBT Dataset) containing segmented 3D MRI images of 5 types of brain tumors with 991 verified observations. Each case is represented by four MRI sequences T1-WI, T1C (with Gd-contrast), T2-WI and T2-FLAIR with histological and histochemical postoperative confirmation. Tumors segmentation with verification of the tumor core elements boundaries and perifocal edema was approved by two certified experienced neuroradiologists. Conclusion. The database built during the research is comparable in its volume and quality (verification level) with the state-of-the-art databases. The methodological approaches proposed in this paper were focused on designing the high-quality medical computer vision systems. The database was used to create artificial intelligence systems with the “physician assistant” functions for preoperative MRI diagnostics in neurosurgery

    The Science Performance of JWST as Characterized in Commissioning

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    This paper characterizes the actual science performance of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), as determined from the six month commissioning period. We summarize the performance of the spacecraft, telescope, science instruments, and ground system, with an emphasis on differences from pre-launch expectations. Commissioning has made clear that JWST is fully capable of achieving the discoveries for which it was built. Moreover, almost across the board, the science performance of JWST is better than expected; in most cases, JWST will go deeper faster than expected. The telescope and instrument suite have demonstrated the sensitivity, stability, image quality, and spectral range that are necessary to transform our understanding of the cosmos through observations spanning from near-earth asteroids to the most distant galaxies.Comment: 5th version as accepted to PASP; 31 pages, 18 figures; https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/1538-3873/acb29

    The James Webb Space Telescope Mission

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    Twenty-six years ago a small committee report, building on earlier studies, expounded a compelling and poetic vision for the future of astronomy, calling for an infrared-optimized space telescope with an aperture of at least 4m4m. With the support of their governments in the US, Europe, and Canada, 20,000 people realized that vision as the 6.5m6.5m James Webb Space Telescope. A generation of astronomers will celebrate their accomplishments for the life of the mission, potentially as long as 20 years, and beyond. This report and the scientific discoveries that follow are extended thank-you notes to the 20,000 team members. The telescope is working perfectly, with much better image quality than expected. In this and accompanying papers, we give a brief history, describe the observatory, outline its objectives and current observing program, and discuss the inventions and people who made it possible. We cite detailed reports on the design and the measured performance on orbit.Comment: Accepted by PASP for the special issue on The James Webb Space Telescope Overview, 29 pages, 4 figure

    Simulation of lattice statistical models with defects: Critical Casimir Effect

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    The influence of lattice structure defects on phase transition phenomena was studied in framework of 2D spin model. Effective mass of defect was proposed for investigation of conformal properties of the model at critical point. The volume dependence of defect’s mass at critical point and the Critical Casimir interaction of two defects were studied. It was shown that this Casimir interaction is attraction for any value of hopping parameter. The confinement of the defect on the defects line and the process of defects line collapse were studied. Applications in nanophysics and biophysics were discussed

    Simulation of lattice statistical models with defects: Critical Casimir Effect

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    The influence of lattice structure defects on phase transition phenomena was studied in framework of 2D spin model. Effective mass of defect was proposed for investigation of conformal properties of the model at critical point. The volume dependence of defect’s mass at critical point and the Critical Casimir interaction of two defects were studied. It was shown that this Casimir interaction is attraction for any value of hopping parameter. The confinement of the defect on the defects line and the process of defects line collapse were studied. Applications in nanophysics and biophysics were discussed

    Розробка інноваційної технології соусу з лецитином

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    Consumers of catering establishments especially value their health and therefore give preference to dishes that correspond to modern concepts of healthy eating. In this regard, the development of such dishes is an important task. Thus, the object of the study was an emulsion sauce made using the spherification technique. Agar-agar was used as a material for encapsulating the sauce. The recipe composition of the sauce contains irreplaceable nutritional components: plant phospholipids (soy lecithin), monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of olive oil and camelina oil, natural food fibers of agar-agar. Each recipe component of the developed emulsion sauce contains physiologically active substances with a high efficiency of health-improving effect. Synergy The combination of the positive effects of these prescription components makes it possible to create a therapeutic and prophylactic product. One of the most problematic areas is the formation of a lecithin-oil-water composition with a lamellar structure. Such a structure as a multilayer «container» helps to preserve the biologically active substances that make up the sauce from destruction and to better assimilate them by the human body. Due to the choice of a certain number of recipe components and their sequential combination under certain conditions (temperature 45 °C, mixing), it is possible to obtain a lamellar structure. In the course of the study, recipe components were selected that correspond to healthy food products, recipes and technologies for the preparation of an emulsion sauce with a lamellar structure were developed. And also provided with the help of spherification an attractive appearance and determined the organoleptic, microbiological indicators and shelf life of the product. To confirm the presence of the lamellar structure of the sauce, carry out optical studies and presented a micrograph in polarizing light. The research carried out makes it possible to expand the range of sauces with an extended shelf life (three days) for the restaurant industry.Посетители заведений ресторанного хозяйства особенно ценят свое здоровье и поэтому отдают предпочтение блюдам, соответствующим современным представлениям о здоровом питании. В связи с этим, разработка таких блюд является важной задачей. Таким образом, объектом исследования выбран эмульсионный соус, изготовленный с применением техники сферификации. В качестве вещества для капсулирования соуса был применен агар-агар. Рецептурный состав соуса содержит незаменимые компоненты питания: растительные фосфолипиды (лецитин сои), мононенасыщенные и полиненасыщенные жирные кислоты масла оливкового и масла рыжика посевного, натуральные пищевые волокна агар-агара. Каждая рецептурная составляющая разработанного эмульсионного соуса содержит физиологически активные вещества с высокой эффективностью оздоровительного воздействия. Синергизм сочетания положительных воздействий этих рецептурных компонентов позволяет создать продукт лечебно-профилактической направленности. Одним из самых проблемных мест является образование композиции лецитин-масло-вода с ламелярной структурой. Такая структура, как многослойный «контейнер», способствует сохранению биологически активных веществ, входящих в состав соуса, от разрушения и их лучшему усвоению организмом человека. Благодаря выбору определенного количества рецептурных компонентов и их последовательному сочетанию при определенных условиях (температура 45 °С, перемешивание) – обеспечивается возможность получения ламелярной структуры. В ходе исследования выбраны рецептурные компоненты, которые отвечают продуктам здорового питания, разработаны рецептуры и технологии приготовления эмульсионного соуса с ламелярной структурой. А также предоставлено с помощью сферификации привлекательный внешний вид и определены органолептические, микробиологические показатели и срок хранения изделия. Для подтверждения наличия ламелярной структуры соуса проведены оптические исследования и представлена микрофотография в поляризационном свете. Разработка позволяет расширить ассортимент соусов с длительным сроком хранения (трое суток) для предприятий ресторанного питанияСпоживачі закладів ресторанного господарства особливо цінують своє здоров’я і тому дають перевагу стравам, що відповідають сучасним уявленням здорового харчування. У зв’язку з цим, розробка таких страв є важливим завданням. Таким чином, об’єктом дослідження обрано емульсійний соус, виготовлений з застосуванням техніки сферифікації. В якості речовини для капсулювання соусу був застосований агар-агар. Рецептурний склад соусу містить незамінні компоненти харчування, а саме: рослинні фосфоліпіди (лецитин сої), мононенасичені та поліненасичені жирні кислоти олії оливкової та олії рижію посівного, натуральні харчові волокна агар-агару. Кожна рецептурна складова розробленого емульсійного соусу містить фізіологічно активні речовини з високою ефективністю оздоровчого впливу. Синергізм поєднання позитивних впливів цих рецептурних компонентів дозволяє створити продукт лікувально-профілактичної направленості. Одним з найбільш проблемних місць є утворення композиції лецитин-олія-вода з ламелярною структурою. Така структура, як багатошаровий «контейнер», сприяє збереженню біологічно активних речовин, що входять до складу соусу, від руйнування та їх кращому засвоєнню організмом людини. Завдяки вибору певної кількості рецептурних компонентів та їх послідовному поєднанню при визначених умовах (температура 45 ºС, перемішування) – забезпечується можливість отримання ламелярної структури. У ході дослідження обрано рецептурні компоненти, які відповідають продуктам здорового харчування, розроблено рецептуру та технологію приготування емульсійного соусу з ламелярною структурою. А також надано за допомогою сферифікації привабливий зовнішній вигляд та визначено органолептичні, мікробіологічні показники та термін зберігання виробу. Для підтвердження наявності ламелярної структури соусу проведено оптичні дослідження та представлено мікрофотографію у поляризаційному світлі. Проведені дослідження дозволяють розширити асортимент соусів з подовженим терміном зберігання (три доби) для ресторанного господарств

    Development of Innovative TECHNOLOGY for Sauce with Lecithin

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    Consumers of catering establishments especially value their health and therefore give preference to dishes that correspond to modern concepts of healthy eating. In this regard, the development of such dishes is an important task. Thus, the object of the study was an emulsion sauce made using the spherification technique. Agar-agar was used as a material for encapsulating the sauce. The recipe composition of the sauce contains irreplaceable nutritional components: plant phospholipids (soy lecithin), monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids of olive oil and camelina oil, natural food fibers of agar-agar. Each recipe component of the developed emulsion sauce contains physiologically active substances with a high efficiency of health-improving effect. Synergy The combination of the positive effects of these prescription components makes it possible to create a therapeutic and prophylactic product. One of the most problematic areas is the formation of a lecithin-oil-water composition with a lamellar structure. Such a structure as a multilayer «container» helps to preserve the biologically active substances that make up the sauce from destruction and to better assimilate them by the human body. Due to the choice of a certain number of recipe components and their sequential combination under certain conditions (temperature 45 °C, mixing), it is possible to obtain a lamellar structure. In the course of the study, recipe components were selected that correspond to healthy food products, recipes and technologies for the preparation of an emulsion sauce with a lamellar structure were developed. And also provided with the help of spherification an attractive appearance and determined the organoleptic, microbiological indicators and shelf life of the product. To confirm the presence of the lamellar structure of the sauce, carry out optical studies and presented a micrograph in polarizing light. The research carried out makes it possible to expand the range of sauces with an extended shelf life (three days) for the restaurant industry