16 research outputs found

    Development of professional communication skills of the public health inspector in the training process In higher education institutions

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    Комуникативните умения и способността за правилното им използване са част от основните качества на бъдещите специалисти в областта на здравеопазването. Инспекторите по обществено здраве (ИОЗ) са членове на здравната система. Те са държавни служители и осъществяват контрол в обекти с обществено предназначение.Целта на разработката е да се направи анализ на възможностите за формиране на професионални комуникативни умения на ИОЗ в процеса на обучение във висшето училище.Основните комуникативни умения започват да се овладяват още в процеса на обучение и се доразвиват в трудовата дейност на работещите. Ефективното общуване изисква система от добре оформени информационни, възприемащи, интерактивни и специфични комуникативни способности. В дейността си здравните инспектори образоват и създават среди, които се поддържат от регулаторни стандарти и най-добри практики. Развиването на комуникативната компетентност на бъдещите инспектори се дължи на факта, че прилагането на държавен контрол, в основата на който е наблюдение, анализиране, организиране и провеждането на превантивни и противоепидемични мерки, включва интензивна комуникация с голям брой хора с етнически, полови, възрастови, социокултурни, професионални и индивидуални различия с различни нива на образование и информираност. Съгласно Наредбата за единните държавни изисквания за изучаваната специалност „Инспектор по обществено здраве” няма заложени задължителни учебни дисциплини, свързани с изграждане на комуникативни способности и умения на бъдещите специалисти. Комуникативните умения са ключов момент, на който понастоящем не се отделя достатъчно внимание. Необходимо е специализирано обучение, което да бъде заложено още в процеса на обучение във висшите училища.Communication skills and the ability to use them correctly are part of the core qualities of future healthcare professionals. Public health inspectors are members of the healthcare system. They are civil servants and exercise control in sites of public importance.The purpose of the article is to analyze the opportunities for the development of professional communication skills of the public health inspector in the training process in higher education institutions.The basic communication skills begin to be mastered during the education process and further developed in the practice of the professionals. Effective communication requires a system of well-formed information, perception, interactive and specific communication skills. In their activities, health inspectors educate and create environments that are supported by regulatory standards and best practices. The development of the communicative competence of future inspectors is due to the fact that the implementation of state control, the foundation of which is monitoring, analyzing, organizing and conducting preventive and anti-epidemic measures, involves intensive communication with a large number of people of ethnic, gender, age, socio-cultural, professional and individual differences with different levels of education and awareness. According to the Regulation on Uniform State Requirements for the major studied Public Health Inspector, there are no compulsory course units set up related to the development of communication skills and skills of the future specialists. Communication skills are a key point that is not given enough attention at the moment. There is a need for specialized training to be incorporated into the education process of higher education institution

    Official position of business owners regarding the behaviour of public health inspectors during performance of official control in public purpose venues

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    Public health inspectors are members of the health system of the community, who concentrate on prevention and prophylaxis of public health. They are government officials and as such it is not only necessary that they perform their duties conscientiously but also that they establish a socio-cultural model of behavior during the performance of official control.The aim of the study is to research attitudes of persons working in public purpose venues towards the behavior of PHIs (Public Health Inspectors) while performing official control.125 representatives of public purpose venues participated in the survey, of whom 45,6% were business operators and 54,4% – employees, divided into three groups according to the type of controlling agency. Half of the public officials “explain the rights and obligations“, while 48,8% do that „thoroughy and in detail“. Causes of conflict on behalf of PHIs according to 24,8% of respondents are the differences in interpretation of legislation by different inspectors, which leads to different requirements for the same thing. Over 1/3 assert that during control PHIs behave in a professional and responsible manner and are knowledgeable of the relevant legal provisions. The respondents (62,4%) view the conduct of PHIs as „lawful and impartial“. Nevertheless, the participants in the survey share recommendations for improvement of the efficacy of health control: additional professional education of civil servants, polite attitude, respect and provision of more information on PHIs’s behalf during control

    Specificity of communication skills Of the public health inspector in a professional environment

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    Introduction: Daily activities and roles require Public Health Inspector (PHI) to possess excellent communication skills and competencies. The requirement is also imperative because of the special status he or she receives as a civil servant, namely the sanctionability of his or her conduct. Acquisition of specific communication skills would contribute to the effective exercise of PHI profession.Purpose: To identify PHI specific communication skills in the course of the work processMaterials and Methods: A qualitative method (in-depth interview) was used among 16 experts working in the system of a Regional Health Inspectorate (RHI)/ District Food Safety Directorate (DFSD) or other institution relevant to public health (PH). A quantitative method (a survey) was applied among 116 inspectors working in RHI in seven district cities, using a self- administered questionnaire consisting of 22 questions.Results: Variety of activities and situations in the daily life of PHIs was confirmed. About one third (32.6%) of inspectors are involved in conflict resolution situations, which also determines the position of PHI experts to "act as mediators". Over half of the respondents (56.9%) noted that communication skills with different social groups are needed.Conclusion: The results confirm the need for specific communication skills in the work of PHIs. Training planning is important to help them acquire these skills

    Tabu nas culturas linguísticas tradicionais (com base na língua yakut e os dialetos da antiguidade russa de yakutia)

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    This paper is devoted to the study and analysis of the phenomenon of taboo in the traditional cultures of peoples living in the Arctic zone of Russia. The unique lexical material of the language of the Russian old-timers of the Arctic, reflecting the peculiarities of their worldview, is introduced into the scholarly discourse. The forbidden vocabulary and taboos on actions presented in the material under consideration cover, first of all, such language systems as the semantic fields "Hunting and fishing", "Disease", "Death" in a regular way. Due to the continuity of generations, in traditional cultures, many ancient prohibitions (maybe some in a distorted form) and ideas about them have survived to this day. The area of taboo reflects the features of the traditional life and management of peoples living in the Far North, serving as material for reconstructing fragments of the linguistic worldview.Este artículo está dedicado al estudio y análisis del fenómeno del tabú en las culturas tradicionales de los pueblos que viven en la zona ártica de Rusia. El material léxico único del idioma de los antiguos rusos del Ártico, que refleja las peculiaridades de su cosmovisión, se introduce en el discurso académico. El vocabulario prohibido y los tabúes sobre las acciones presentados en el material en cuestión cubren, en primer lugar, sistemas lingüísticos como los campos semánticos "Caza y pesca", "Enfermedad", "Muerte" de manera regular. Debido a la continuidad de generaciones, en las culturas tradicionales, muchas prohibiciones antiguas (tal vez algunas en forma distorsionada) e ideas sobre ellas han sobrevivido hasta nuestros días. El área de tabú refleja las características de la vida tradicional y la gestión de los pueblos que viven en el Extremo Norte, sirviendo como material para reconstruir fragmentos de la cosmovisión lingüística.Este artigo se dedica ao estudo e análise do fenômeno do tabu nas culturas tradicionais dos povos que vivem na zona ártica da Rússia. O material léxico único da língua dos russos veteranos do Ártico, refletindo as peculiaridades de sua visão de mundo, é introduzido no discurso acadêmico. O vocabulário proibido e os tabus sobre as ações apresentados no material em análise abrangem, em primeiro lugar, sistemas de linguagem como os campos semânticos "Caça e pesca", "Doença", "Morte" de forma regular. Devido à continuidade de gerações, nas culturas tradicionais, muitas proibições antigas (talvez algumas de forma distorcida) e ideias sobre elas sobreviveram até hoje. A área do tabu reflete as características da vida tradicional e da gestão dos povos que vivem no Extremo Norte, servindo como material para reconstruir fragmentos da visão de mundo linguística

    Linguistic and Cultural Features of the Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia (on material of dictionaries of M.F. Druzhinina)

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    The scientific article studies and analyzes words of the Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia, whose lexical meaning is associated with their culture and traditional way of life. The above-mentioned words express culture-bound items that help survive in the harsh conditions of northeast Russia. It is relevant to consider word meanings since modern linguistics has got a second wind and currently examines language processes with due regard to the culture and history of native speakers and dialect users. Such scientific studies show a certain culture from a new perspective and fully reveal the connection between language and culture. The Russian old-timers’ dialects of Yakutia contain unique words evaluating a person (hardworking/lazy; good-natured/evil; smart/stupid) and denoting hunting methods and means (active/passive; means/tools, components/materials for producing hunting tools). The authors of the article have grouped the obtained data according to the frequency of use. This classification reflects the diversity and richness of the words used by Russian old-timers. The vocabulary related to person nominations and nominations of hunting methods and means represents a significant layer in the linguistic world image of Yakutian old-timers

    Application of whey protein hydrolysate as a technological additive in the sour cream production

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    In the context of economic sanctions, the problem of supplying food additives, including stabilizers and thickeners, which are important in the production of fermented milk products, remains relevant for many enterprises; the development of a fermented milk product – sour cream, using whey protein hydrolysate as a technological additive is relevant. The purpose of the research was to study the effect of whey protein hydrolysate on the technological process of manufacturing a fermented milk product, sour cream, and the quality indicators of the final product. The results of the acidity study showed that in the experimental samples, the ripening process occurred faster than in the control sample. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that whey protein hydrolysate can be used as a technological additive in the production of fermented milk products to improve quality indicators

    Defining the probability of bank debtors’ default using financial solvency assessment models

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    Due implementation of debtors’ financial solvency assessment models by Ukrainian banks with the aim of calculating the probability of their default (PD) is the next step towards the integration of Ukrainian banking system into global banking community, convergence of methodical approaches to assessing the credit risk with standards of international practice, possibility of using IRB-approach (an approach based on internal ratings) for calculating the regulatory requirements to capital adequacy.The analysis of approaches to bank credit portfolio segmentation according to types of debtors and debtors’ financial solvency assessment models, depending on the performed segmentation and accumulated bank statistical data, from the point of view of its suitability for Ukrainian banks, will enable the banks to choose the most suitable ones for implementation taking into account nature and complexity of operations performed.Such approaches will be more adapted to minimum capital requirements, simultaneously agreeing with national supervisory priorities

    Preparation of dietary fiber from oats

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    Today, there is a trend of increasing demand for products made from plant materials, especially the demand for plant-based drinks. Many enterprises adhere to the technology of producing these drinks from whole grain raw materials. In this regard, at the enterprises, producing these products, the volumes of secondary plant raw materials, meal, have increased, the issue of processing of which has not yet been fully resolved. Sensory and physicochemical characteristics of whole grain oats were determined, and the results showed that this raw material is suitable for subsequent processing. Based on the results of the research, it was established that the prepared dietary fiber preparation from oats has high functional and technological indicators and a degree of hydration, as well as low moisture content, which increase the yield and improve the quality of the finished product. These results allow us to conclude that the obtained dietary fiber preparation can be used in the future for food production

    Теорія та практика менеджменту безпеки

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    У збірнику подано тези доповідей та виступів учасників Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції, присвяченої питанням теорії менеджменту безпеки, безпеки особистості, прикладним аспектам забезпечення соціальної, екологічної, економічної безпеки підприємств, питанням механізму забезпечення соціоекологоекономічної безпеки регіону, проблемам забезпечення національної безпеки

    Sustainable independent tourism: the role of the information and communication technologies

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    This paper focuses on the role of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the sustainable independent tourism and hospitality. Moreover, it attempts to identify emerging trends in tourism of the 21st century. Nowadays, tourism has become more independent on large travel agencies and package tours and this transition has been caused by the development of Internet and information technologies. Most recently, the rise of the sharing economy had an array of important implications for the tourism sector with such digital platforms as Uber, Airbnb, Gett, Lyft, TripAdvisor, Expedia or Booking.com replacing the traditional ways to travel. Surely, independent tourism is not for everyone and might be restricted to small groups of people. However, it is crucial for sustainable development in tourism and hospitality sector due to the fact that it can replace massive tourism and limit the extent of overtourism in many popular destinations