21 research outputs found

    The effect of macro- and microfertilizers on agrochemical soil characteristics and spring wheat yield under conditions of the Right bank of the Volga-River in Saratov region

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    The paper specifies how the application of micro- and macrofertilizes changes typical black soil nutrient regime and physicochemical properties in spring wheat plantings. It was determined that the most acceptable nutrient regime was formed with combined usage of ammophos and such chemicals as Micromac and Microel. During these experiments nitrogen concentration amounted to 8.50 and 8.25 mg kg -1of the soil, and available phosphorus was 60.0 and 57 mg kg-1, respectively. The control gave the maximum amount of exchangeable potassium (242.5 mg kg-1), whereas the lowest rate was registered with combined usage of Micromac and Microel against the background of ammophos (231.6 mg kg-1). At the end of growth the nutrient regime significantly degraded due to the increasing plant nutrition of spring wheat. The influence of fertilizers on soil cation content was analyzed. Total absorbed bases insignificantly increased in applying fertilizers compared to the control, particularly with combined usage of micro and macrofertilizers, when this amount reached 44.45 mg-equiv per 100 g of soil. The highest yield has been observed with combined application of micro- and macrofertilizers, reaching 1.86 t ha-1, while the lowest yield has been shown in the control (1.22 t ha-1). The amount of calcium and magnesium cautions increased within SAC

    A modeling framework for assessing adaptive management options of Finnish agrifood systems to climate change

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    Improved assessment methods for agriculture production systems are needed to identify the risks and opportunities related to global changes in climate, markets and policies, and the consequences of alternative options of coping with and mitigating the changes. This paper presents the AGRISIMU modelling framework developed for ex-ante assessment of alternative policy and management options meant to support farms and agrifood sector adapt to climate change, maintain biodiversity and reduce nutrient emissions under Finnish conditions. The modelling framework represents a novel approach to the integration of data and output from several existing models like a dynamic regional sector model of Finnish agriculture, a farm-level optimisation model, a dynamic crop growth simulation model and models describing the nutrient dynamics in agricultural systems and a hydrological rainfall-runoff model. The framework is particularly aimed for Nordic conditions and to serve as an assessment tool that considers multiple factor and scale interactions

    Evaluation results of stud bulls by offspring quality

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    Purebred stud bulls of a related Holstein breed are widely used when breeding domestic black-and-white cattle breeds. Results’ evaluation of using these stud bulls by offspring quality is relevant and has practical significance. Stud bulls of the Vis Back Ideal 1013415 line were evaluated in one of the breeding farms of the Moscow region. As a result, it was found that all the evaluated stud bulls had a high breeding value. Bulls Trubach 174 - A1; Nog Odin-M 490626 - A1; Lowlands-M 427373367 – A2 were assigned categories by milk yield, bulls Memory-M 54215651 – B2; Fern-M 107901925 - B1; Lowlands-M 427373367 – B1. The evaluation of nutrients’ yield with milk showed that when using the offspring of Memory-M 54215651 bull, negative results were obtained despite that it has a category B2. According to the nutrients’ yield with milk. Thus, stud bulls of the Vis Back Ideal 1013415 line: Trubach 174; Nog Odin-M 490626; Memory-M 54215651; Fern-M 107901925; Lowlands-M 427373367 can be used on the farm considering their breeding value. Lowlands-M 427373367 bull with category A2 B1 requires wider use


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    Purpose. Development of a special technique for processing data from multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) in patients with orbital injury in order to obtain additional diagnostic information about posttraumatic defects of the inferior orbital wall, as well as the development of defect's classification. Materials and methods. From 2014 to 2018 in Sechenov University 107 patients (100%) with traumatic midface injuries were examined. During hospitalization all patients (n=107; 100%) underwent diagnostic examination within 24-48 hours from admission. Multislice computed tomography was performed using Aquilion One 640 (Canon, Japan) scanner, in a volume mode, with a slice thickness of 0.5 mm, with bone and soft tissue reconstructions. The study was complemented by multiplanar and three-dimensional reconstructions. For the subsequent processing of CT data, the “Vitrea” workstation was used. As part of preoperative planning, in order to optimize treatment tactics and select methods for reconstructing the walls of the orbit, criteria were developed for evaluating and classifying defects of the inferior orbital wall. Results. MSCT revealed damage to the bony structures of the midface in all 107 patients (100%). Fractures of the inferior orbital wall were diagnosed in the majority of patients (n=88; 82%). The type of defect was determined on the basis of the developed classification, taking into account the values of the volumes and areas of inferior orbital wall defects. Small defect of the lower wall of the orbit was determined in 18 patients (17%), medium - in 31 patients (29%), large - in 38 patients (35%), total - in 20 patients (19%). Conclusion. MSCT is the method of choice for examining patients with midface injuries. The developed methodology for assessing defects of inferior orbital wall allows obtaining additional diagnostic information about the state of the inferior orbital wall, classifying defects of the orbital wall and allows personalizing the approach as part of the preoperative planning for each patient with an orbit injury. © 2019 Russian Electronic Journal of Radiology. All rights reserved


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    P urpose. Development of a special technique for processing data from multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) in patients with orbital injury in order to obtain additional diagnostic information about posttraumatic defects of the inferior orbital wall, as well as the development of defect’s classification. Materials and methods. From 2014 to 2018 in Sechenov University 107 patients (100%) with traumatic midface injuries were examined. During hospitalization all patients (n=107; 100%) underwent diagnostic examination within 24-48 hours from admission. Multislice computed tomography was performed using Aquilion One 640 (Canon, Japan) scanner, in a volume mode, with a slice thickness of 0.5 mm, with bone and soft tissue reconstructions. The study was complemented by multiplanar and three-dimensional reconstructions. For the subsequent processing of CT data, the “Vitrea” workstation was used. As part of preoperative planning, in order to optimize treatment tactics and select methods for reconstructing the walls of the orbit, criteria were developed for evaluating and classifying defects of the inferior orbital wall. Results. MSCT revealed damage to the bony structures of the midface in all 107 patients (100%). Fractures of the inferior orbital wall were diagnosed in the majority of patients (n=88; 82%). The type of defect was determined on the basis of the developed classification, taking into account the values of the volumes and areas of inferior orbital wall defects. Small defect of the lower wall of the orbit was determined in 18 patients (17%), medium - in 31 patients (29%), large - in 38 patients (35%), total - in 20 patients (19%). Conclusion. MSCT is the method of choice for examining patients with midface injuries. The developed methodology for assessing defects of inferior orbital wall allows obtaining additional diagnostic information about the state of the inferior orbital wall, classifying defects of the orbital wall and allows personalizing the approach as part of the preoperative planning for each patient with an orbit injury.Ц ель. Разработка специальной методики для обработки данных мультиспиральной компьютерной томографии (МСКТ) у пациента с травмой орбиты с целью получения дополнительной диагностической информации о посттравматических дефектах нижней стенки орбиты, а также разработка классификации дефектов. Материалы и методы. С 2014 по 2018 годы в клинике ФГАОУ ВО Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова Минздрава России (Сеченовский Университет) было обследовано 107 пациентов (100%) с травматическими повреждениями средней зоны лица. При госпитализации всем пациентам (n=107; 100%) диагностическое обследование проводили в течение 24-48 часов от поступления. Мультиспиральная компьютерная томография (МСКТ) проводилась пациенту на аппарате Aquilion One 640 (Canon, Japan) в объёмном режиме, с толщиной среза 0,5 мм, в режиме костной и мягкотканной реконструкции. Исследование дополнялось мультипланарными и трехмерными реконструкциями. Для последующей обработки КТ данных использовалась рабочая станция «Vitrea». В рамках предоперационного планирования с целью оптимизации тактики лечения и выбора способов реконструкции стенок орбиты были разработаны критерии оценки и классификация дефектов нижней стенки орбиты. Результаты. МСКТ позволила выявить повреждение костных структур средней зоны лица у всех 107 пациентов (100%). Переломы нижней стенки орбиты встретили у большинства пациентов (n=88; 82%). Тип дефекта был определен на основании разработанной классификации, учитывающей значения объёмов и площадей дефектов нижней стенки орбиты. Малый дефект нижней стенки орбиты определялся у 18 пациентов (17%), средний - у 31 пациента (29%), большой - у 38 пациентов (35%), тотальный - у 20 пациентов (19%). Вывод. МСКТ является методом выбора обследования пациентов с травмами средней зоны лица. Разработанная методика оценки дефектов нижней стенки орбиты позволяет получить дополнительную диагностическую информацию о состоянии нижней стенки орбиты, классифицировать дефекты орбитальной стенки и провести персонализированный подход к предоперационному планированию у каждого пациента с травмой орбиты

    Influence of Copper on А1 to L1₀ Phase Transformation in Nanoscale Fe₅₀Pt₅₀ Films

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    By the methods of materials science, the effect of intermediate Cu layer with low surface energy (≅1.83 J/m²) (top, intermediate, and underlayer) in [Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 nm)/intermediate Cu(7.5 nm) layer/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀ (15 nm)]n (where n=1,2), top Cu(7.5 nm) layer/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 nm) and Fe₅₀Pt₅₀ (15 nm)/underlayer Cu(7.5 nm) film compositions on SiO₂(100 nm)/Si(001) substrates on diffusion phase-formation processes and L1₀ phase formation, its structure, and magnetic properties at annealing in vacuum is studied. The film compositions are prepared by magnetron sputtering on thermally oxidized SiO₂ layer by thickness of 100 nm on monocrystalline Si(001) substrate. Subsequent heat treatment is carried out at high vacuum of 1.3∙10⁻³ Pa in the 300—900°C temperature range during 30 s at each temperature. As determined, the chemically disordered A1(FePt) phase is formed in all as-deposited films. The formation of chemically ordered L1₀(FePt) phase in [Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 nm)/Сu(7.5 nm) intermediate layer/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 nm)]n films (where n=1,2) with intermediate layers takes place during annealing at 700°C and is accompanied by sharp coercivity increase, which also rises after subsequent high-temperature annealing. In the films with top copper layer, the temperature of L1₀(FePt) phase formation rises up to 900°C. In the films with copper underlayer, the formation of L1₀(FePt) phase is not detected by X-ray analysis, but small coercivity increasing after annealing within the temperature range of 800—900°C can testify that ordering processes proceed.Методами фізичного матеріялознавства вивчено вплив додаткового шару Cu з низькою поверхневою енергією (≅1.83 Дж/м²) (верхнього, проміжного і підшару) в плівкових композиціях [Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)/проміжний шар Сu(7,5 нм)/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)]n (де n=1,2), верхній шар Сu(7,5 нм)/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм) і Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)/підшар Сu(7,5 нм) на підложжях SiO₂(100 нм)/Si(001) на процеси дифузійного фазоутворення, формування фази L1₀ та її структурні й магнетні властивості при відпалах у вакуумі. Плівкові композиції одержано методом магнетронного осадження на термічно окиснене (шар SiO₂товщиною 100 нм) підложжя монокристалічного Si(001). Наступне термічне оброблення тривалістю у 30 секунд виконувалося у високому вакуумі 1,3∙10⁻³ Па в температурному інтервалі 300—900°C. Встановлено, що в усіх плівках після осадження формується хемічно невпорядкована фаза A1(FePt). Формування хемічно впорядкованої фази L1₀(FePt) у плівках з проміжними шарами міді [Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)/проміжний шар Сu(7,5 нм)/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)]n (де n=1,2) відбувається в ході відпалу при температурі 700°C і супроводжується різким збільшенням коерцитивної сили, яка зростає також і після наступних високотемпературних відпалів. У плівках з верхнім шаром міді температура формування фази L1₀(FePt) підвищується до 900°C. У плівці з підшаром міді утворення фази L1₀(FePt) рентґенографічно не встановлено, але невелике збільшення коерцитивної сили після відпалів в інтервалі температур 800—900°C може свідчити про перебіг процесів упорядкування.Методами физического материаловедения изучено влияние дополнительного слоя Cu с низкой поверхностной энергией (≅1.83 Дж/м²) (верхнего, промежуточного и подслоя) в плёночных композициях [Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)/ промежуточный слой Cu(7,5 нм)/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)]n (где n=1,2), верхний слой Cu(7,5 нм)/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм) и Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)/подслой Cu(7,5 нм) на подложках SiO₂(100 нм)/Si(001) на процессы диффузионного фазообразования, формирование фазы L1₀ и её структурные и магнитные свойства при отжигах в вакууме. Плёночные композиции получены методом магнетронного осаждения на термически окислённую (слой SiO₂ толщиной 100 нм) подложку монокристаллического Si(001). Последующая термическая обработка длительностью 30 секунд выполнялась в высоком вакууме 1,3∙10⁻³ Па в температурном интервале 300—900°C. Установлено, что во всех плёнках после осаждения формируется химически неупорядоченная фаза A1(FePt). Формирование химически упорядоченной фазы L1₀(FePt) в плёнках с промежуточными слоями меди [Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)/промежуточный слой Cu(7,5 нм)/Fe₅₀Pt₅₀(15 нм)]n (где n=1,2) происходит в процессе отжига при температуре 700°C и сопровождается резким увеличением коэрцитивной силы, которая возрастает также и после последующих высокотемпературных отжигов. В плёнках с верхним слоем меди температура формирования фазы L1₀(FePt) повышается до 900°C. В плёнке с подслоем меди образование фазы L1₀(FePt) рентгенографически не установлено, но небольшое увеличение коэрцитивной силы после отжигов в интервале температур 800—900°C может свидетельствовать о прохождении процессов упорядочения

    Specificity of Phonemic Perception of Bilingual Learners

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    According to various sources, from 277 to 295 different languages are used in the Russian Federation, which makes it very important to assess the impact of bilingualism on speech perception, for example, in the context of school education. There is conflicting evidence about how bilingual children recognize individual phonemes. We compared the perception of phonemes of the Russian language by ear in children of early school age from a monolingual (Russian-speaking) and bilingual (Russian-speaking and Ossetian-speaking) environment using the speech test "Clinical assessment of the development of basic linguistic competencies" and psychophysical tasks for distinguishing words in noise. Bilingual children were found to be worse at repeating pseudowords and recognizing phonemes in stationary noise. The reasons for the difficulties may be related to the fact that children growing up in a bilingual environment have a much wider list of phonemes that need to be recognized than children growing up in a monolingual environment. This can lead to reduced speech recognition in the language of instruction and, consequently, a possible decrease in the quality of education.</p

    Formation and thermal stability of NiSi phase in Ni (30 nm)/Pt (2 nm; 6 nm)/Siep. (50 nm)/Si (001) thin film systems

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    The influence of Pt on solid state reactions in Ni (30 nm)/Pt(x) /Siep.(50 nm)/ Si (001) (x=2 nm, 6 nm) nanodimensional films has been investigated. The layers of Pt and Ni were produced by magnetron sputtering technique on the epitaxially grown 50 nm Si layer on the top of the monocrystalline Si (001) substrate at the room temperature. Isochronal rapid thermal annealing of the samples was carried out in nitrogen atmosphere for 30 s in (450—900)° C temperature range. In the as-deposited films no phase formations were observed. During heat treatments thermally activated solid state reactions began by formation of intermediate silicide phase of Ni₂Si for x=2 nm, but the formation of this Ni reach phase was hindered for x=6 nm. Increasing the annealing temperature up to 600° C, independently from the thickness of the intermediate Pt layer, NiSi , PtSi compounds as well as Ni₁₋xPtxSi solid solution have been formed. Two-layered heterostructure has been observed for x=6 nm: complex polycrystalline Ni₁₋xPtxSi phase formed close to the surface, below which the NiSi phase was situated. Decomposition of Ni₁₋xPtxSi silicide to the NiSi (and PtSi ) phases was observed after annealing above 650° C and 850° C. Si enrichment at the surface of the Ni₁₋xPtxSi , NiSi and NiSi₂ phases is clearly observed on secondary neutral mass spectrometry depth profiles, which is interpreted as a consequence of the fast diffusion of Si along the grain boundaries