60 research outputs found

    Two New Copepods of the Genus Acartia (Copepoda, Calanoida, Acartiidae) from the Coastal Sea of the South-Western Crimea (Black Sea)

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    Acartia mollicula Pavlova et Shmeleva, sp. n. and A. eremeevi Pavlova et Shmeleva, sp. n. are described and figured. The copepods were found in zooplankton samples collected by the Juday net from 0–10 m depth in the coastal sea water of Martyn Bay, Sevastopol. Though the new species, A. mollicula and A. eremeevi, are similar to A. clausi (“small” form), A. margalefi Alcaraz and another Acartia from Black Sea they have smaller body size, different structure and armature of the fifth legs, and correlation between length/width of prosome and urosome, besides, A. mollicula have the rostrum.Приведено иллюстрированное описание двух новых видов рода Acartia: Acartia mollicula Pavlova et Shmeleva, sp. n. и Acartia eremeevi Pavlova et Shmeleva, sp. n., обнаруженных в зоопланктонных пробах, собранных сетью Джеди из слоя 0–10 м в прибрежных водах около г. Севастополя (Мартынова бухта). Оба новых вида, A. mollicula и A. eremeevi, близки к A. clausi («малая» форма), A. margalefi Alcaraz и другим черноморским Acartia, но отличаются от них меньшими размерами, различным соотношением длины просомы и уросомы к их ширине, структурой и вооружением пятых ног; у A. mollicula имеется рострум

    Management of strategic organisational changes in Russian companies under modern economic conditions

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    The sustainable development of any enterprise in today's geo-economic environment provides it with a competitive advantage in the market segments it occupies. But only those enterprises whose managers are able to adapt their business processes to the changing economic environment and promote their business with new technologies and products to the global market segments achieve competitive advantage. Adaptation to uncertainty is achieved largely through relevant and timely organisational change. In this article the authors consider two aspects of adaptation of Russian enterprises to modern economic conditions on the basis of change management. The first relates to the choice of an organizational change management model. The second to the development of a flowchart of intraorganisational staff interaction to address tactical and strategic changes in the organisation. When selecting a model of strategic change management, two options for their implementation are considered: during the implementation of a new business strategy and as a counteraction to the crisis while maintaining the existing business model. To implement the second direction of change management, a complex interfunctional interaction of enterprise personnel is considered in the decision of tactical and strategic production tasks. It is concluded that the achievement of sustainable development of Russian enterprises is ensured by applying the proposed change management algorithms, taking into account the analysis of the existing tactical and strategic objectives facing them


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    Background: The influence of bupivacaine (0,5% — 1 ml) epidural anesthesia (EA) on 15 pregnant rabbit females induced in labor by oxytocin on the 30th day of pregnancy in chronic experiment was conducted. Materials and methods: 26 pregnant rabbit females took part in the investigation. 11 females were included in the control group and 15 — to the main group. Both groups retrospectively were divided in two on the fact of the delivery during the experiment. For each 5-minute interval the contractile activity of the myometrium (number of uterine contractions, duration and amplitude of the one uterine contraction), functional state of fetuses and female (ECG) were evaluated Registration of the parameters was carried out simultaneously with the help of electrodes which were administrated in the myometrium, to the fetuses and females on the 28th day of pregnancy. Results: It was shown that EA influence on the myometrium contractile activity and functional state of fetuses and female depends on the female delivery readiness. Conclusion: In the case of the optimal one short-term increase of the contractile activity (on the 15th minute after EA) with no significant fetal heart rate changes were observed. In the case of its absence no significant influence was revealed. Moderate female tachycardia in both groups under EA was registered more pronounced in delivery one group.Цель исследования: в хронических опытах сопоставить параметры сократительной активности матки у самок, ЭКГ у плодов и самоккролика, получавших и не получавших эпидуральную анестезию (ЭА), в индуцированных окситоцином родах при различной степени их биологической готовности к процессу. Материалы и методы: исследование проведено в хроническом опыте на 30-й день беременности на 15 беременных самках кролика контрольной и 11 самках подопытной группы. По результатам индукции родов все самки ретроспективно были разделены на группы вступивших и не вступивших в роды. Изучали влияние ЭА бупивакаином (0,5% – 1 мл) на сократительную активность матки самок, функциональное состояние самок и их плодов в индуцированных окситоцином родах при различной степени биологической готовности животных к родам. Сократительную активность миометрия оценивали по числу маточных сокращений, продолжительности и амплитуде одного маточного сокращения за каждый пятиминутный интервал. Функциональное состояние плодов и самки оценивали по изменению частоты их сердечных сокращений. Регистрацию исследуемых параметров осуществляли с помощью электродов, которые вводили в миометрий матки, в мышцы межлопаточной области плодов на 28-й день беременности. Результаты: показано, что при оптимальной готовности самок к родам после проведения ЭА отмечалось кратковременное (на 15-й мин) увеличение маточной активности, значимо не влияющее на сердечный ритм плодов. Выводы: у самок, не имевших биологической готовности к родам, проведение ЭА значимого влияния на сократительную активность матки и функциональное состояние плодов не оказывало. У вступивших в роды самок зарегистрировано более продолжительное учащение сердцебиения, чем у не вступивших в роды животных

    The effectiveness of growing repair heifers-daughters of different servicing bulls

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    Since 2021, the Sverdlovsk region has switched to the cultivation and use of dairy cattle of the Holstein breed, obtained as a result of long-term use of the global gene pool of Holstein bulls. Evaluation of the effectiveness of rearing repair heifers from different servicing bulls is relevant and has practical significance. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that repair heifers increased their live weight with age, which by the age of 18 months reached from 508.0 kg (daughter of Thunderlight bull) to 529.3 kg (daughter of Seiner bull). The daughters of the Seiner bull have a higher growth rate. The daughters of the Thunderlight bull had lower live weight indicators for growth periods. The patterns of change in the average daily body weight gains in heifers-daughters of the evaluated servicing bulls were the same and corresponded to the general patterns of animal growth and development. The cultivation of repair young animals on the farm is profitable at a profitability level of 16.5-21.6%. Thus, the servicing bull has an impact on the growth and development of repair heifers, daughters, who are used to renew the herd. They differ in their features, despite the general patterns of growth and have different growth rates

    Evaluation of the productive qualities of Holstein dairy cattle

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    Sverdlovsk region is one of the leading regions in milk production. The main livestock of dairy cattle is represented by the Holstein breed, obtained as a result of long-term use of the global gene pool of Holstein servicing bulls. The assessment of the productive qualities of dairy cattle of the Holstein breed, including consideration of linear origin, is relevant and has practical significance. As a result of the conducted research, it was found that the farm is dominated by the number of cows of the Vis Back Ideal line, which account for more than 65.8% of the total number of cows. There is an unreliable insignificant difference in favor of cows of the Reflection Sovering line between groups of animals of different genealogical lines for the first and third lactation. With age, there is a decrease in milk quality indicators, such as FMF and PMF in milk from cows of all genealogical lines, which confirms the natural negative relationship between milk yield and milk quality indicators. The absorption of dairy black-and–white cattle of the domestic breed by the gene pool of the world’s most abundantly dairy breed, the Holstein, led to an increase in milk yields and the milk yield coefficient of these cows is much higher than 1000 kg. Despite the fact that the difference in milk yield is unreliable and the variation of the trait within each group along the line is quite significant, this is indicated by indirect traits such as the coefficient of milk production, milk yield for full-age lactation, etc., origin affects the productive qualities of cows

    Hydrological (in)stability in Southern Siberia during the Younger Dryas and early Holocene

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    Southern Siberia is currently undergoing rapid warming, inducing changes in vegetation, loss of permafrost, and impacts on the hydrodynamics of lakes and rivers. Lake sediments are key archives of environmental change and contain a record of ecosystem variability, as well as providing proxy indicators of wider environmental and climatic change. Investigating how hydrological systems have responded to past shifts in climate can provide essential context for better understanding future ecosystem changes in Siberia. Oxygen isotope ratios within lacustrine records provide fundamental information on past variability in hydrological systems. Here we present a new oxygen isotope record from diatom silica (ẟ18Odiatom) at Lake Baunt (55°11′15″N, 113°01,45″E), in the southern part of eastern Siberia, and consider how the site has responded to climate changes between the Younger Dryas and Early to Mid Holocene (ca. 12.4 to 6.2 ka cal BP). Excursions in ẟ18Odiatom are influenced by air temperature and the seasonality, quantity, and source of atmospheric precipitation. These variables are a function of the strength of the Siberian High, which controls temperature, the proportion and quantity of winter versus summer precipitation, and the relative dominance of Atlantic versus Pacific air masses. A regional comparison with other Siberian ẟ18Odiatom records, from lakes Baikal and Kotokel, suggests that ẟ18Odiatom variations in southern Siberia reflect increased continentality during the Younger Dryas, delayed Early Holocene warming in the region, and substantial climate instability between ~10.5 to ~8.2 ka cal BP. Unstable conditions during the Early Holocene thermal optimum most likely reflect localised changes from glacial melting. Taking the profiles from three very different lakes together, highlight the influence of site specific factors on the individual records, and how one site is not indicative of the region as a whole. Overall, the study documents how sensitive this important region is to both internal and external forcing

    Oxygen isotope composition of diatoms from sediments of Lake Kotokel (Buryatia).

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    This is a summary of new oxygen isotope data for diatoms from Lake Kotokel sediments, with implications for responses of the lake system and its environment to global change over the past 46 kyr. Fossil diatoms in all samples are free from visible contamination signatures and contain no more than 2.5% Al2O3, which ensures reliable reconstructions. The δ18O values in diatoms vary between +23.7 and +31.2‰ over the record. The results mainly represent diatom assemblages of summer blooming periods, except for the time span between 36 and 32 kyr, when the isotopic signal rather records a shift from summer to spring blooming conditions. Possible water temperature changes only partly explain the changes in the isotopic record. The observed isotopic patterns are produced mainly by isotope changes in lake water in response to variations in air temperature, hydrology, and atmospheric circulation in the region. During Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 2 (Last Glacial maximum), high δ18Odiatom resulted from rapid evaporation and low fluvial inputs. The high δ18O values of about +29 to +30‰ during the first half of MIS 1 (Holocene interglacial) suggest an increased share of summer rainfalls associated with southern/southeastern air transport. The δ18O decrease to +24‰ during the second half of MIS 1 is due to the overall hemispheric cooling and increased moisture supply to the area by the Atlantic transport. The record of Lake Kotokel sediments provides an example of complex interplay among several climatic controls of δ18Odiatom in the Late Pleistocene and the Holocene

    Glucosylated cholesterol in mammalian cells and tissues: formation and degradation by multiple cellular β-glucosidases

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    The membrane lipid glucosylceramide (GlcCer) is continuously formed and degraded. Cells express two GlcCer-degrading β-glucosidases, GBA and GBA2, located in and outside the lysosome, respectively. Here we demonstrate that through transglucosylation both GBA and GBA2 are able to catalyze in vitro the transfer of glucosyl-moieties from GlcCer to cholesterol, and vice versa. Furthermore, the natural occurrence of 1-O-cholesteryl-β-D-glucopyranoside (GlcChol) in mouse tissues and human plasma is demonstrated using LC-MS/MS and 13C6-labelled GlcChol as internal standard. In cells the inhibition of GBA increases GlcChol, whereas inhibition of GBA2 decreases glucosylated sterol. Similarly, in GBA2-deficient mice GlcChol is reduced. Depletion of GlcCer by inhibition of GlcCer synthase decreases GlcChol in cells and likewise in plasma of inhibitor-treated Gaucher disease patients. In tissues of mice with Niemann-Pick type C, a condition characterized by intralysosomal accumulation of cholesterol, marked elevations in GlcChol occur as well. When lysosomal accumulation of cholesterol is induced in cultured cells, GlcChol is formed via lysosomal GBA. This illustrates that reversible transglucosylation reactions are highly dependent on local availability of suitable acceptors. In conclusion, mammalian tissues contain GlcChol formed by transglucosylation through β-glucosidases using GlcCer as donor. Our findings reveal a novel metabolic function for GlcCer.Bio-organic SynthesisMedical Biochemistr