39 research outputs found

    Beer Tourism

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    Import 29/09/2010Bakalářská práce s názvem Pivní turistika je rozdělena do dvou částí. V první, teoretické části, jsem charakterizovala základní pojmy, které se týkají pivní turistiky. Patří sem pojmy jako je pivo, pivo a společnost a cestovní ruch. Dále jsem se zabývala popisem pivních slavností a pivních muzeí ve světě. V druhé, praktické části, jsem se zabývala zejména Českou republikou, na české pivní slavnosti, pivní muzea, ale také na pivní turistické stezky nebo cyklostezky, které jsou v současné době velmi populární. Metodami práce byl sběr informací, dotazování a srovnávání. Cílem bakalářské práce byla analýza a srovnání oblíbenosti piva českého, ale také zahraničního. Výsledky zjištěných informací, které se týkaly roční návštěvnosti v letech 2005 – 2009, českých pivovarů, jsem shrnula v tabulce a v grafickém vyhotovení pro lepší představu situace. V závěru jsem navrhla doporučení pro vylepšení a zkvalitnění pivního cestovního ruchu. Tato doporučení se týkaly především lepší marketingové strategie pro pivovary a investicí do dopravní a informační infrastruktury, která je pro cestovní ruch velice důležitá, protože cestovní ruch je perspektivní oblast, ve které spousta lidí vidí budoucnost.This bachelor´s work called The Beer Tourism is divided into two parts. First theoretical part is characterised by basic terms about beer tourism. Between these terms belongs subjects such as beer, beer and society and beer tourism. Next I was interested in describing of beer festivals and beer museums in the world. In the second practical part, I wrote especially about Czech Republic, Czech beer festivals and museums and also about beerpaths and cyklopaths, which are very popular these days. Between methods of the work belong collecting of informations, asking and comparing. In the end of my work, I was analyzing and matching popularity of Czech and outlandish beers. The results were about of how many people have visited breweries in Czech Republic in 2005-2009 and the results are summarized in a table and a graph, just for imagination. In the end, I advised some improvements to make beer tourism more prosperous. These recommendations were especially about better marketing strategy for breweries and about investments in a traffic and informative infrastructure, which is very important for tourism, because the tourism is very perspective area, in which many people see they´re future.115 - Katedra managementuvýborn

    A novel resource for genomics of Triticeae: BAC library specific for the short arm of rye (Secale cereale L.) chromosome 1R (1RS)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Genomics of rye (<it>Secale cereale </it>L.) is impeded by its large nuclear genome (1C~7,900 Mbp) with prevalence of DNA repeats (> 90%). An attractive possibility is to dissect the genome to small parts after flow sorting particular chromosomes and chromosome arms. To test this approach, we have chosen 1RS chromosome arm, which represents only 5.6% of the total rye genome. The 1RS arm is an attractive target as it carries many important genes and because it became part of the wheat gene pool as the 1BL.1RS translocation.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We demonstrate that it is possible to sort 1RS arm from wheat-rye ditelosomic addition line. Using this approach, we isolated over 10 million of 1RS arms using flow sorting and used their DNA to construct a 1RS-specific BAC library, which comprises 103,680 clones with average insert size of 73 kb. The library comprises two sublibraries constructed using <it>Hin</it>dIII and <it>Eco</it>RI and provides a deep coverage of about 14-fold of the 1RS arm (442 Mbp). We present preliminary results obtained during positional cloning of the stem rust resistance gene <it>SrR</it>, which confirm a potential of the library to speed up isolation of agronomically important genes by map-based cloning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We present a strategy that enables sorting short arms of several chromosomes of rye. Using flow-sorted chromosomes, we have constructed a deep coverage BAC library specific for the short arm of chromosome 1R (1RS). This is the first subgenomic BAC library available for rye and we demonstrate its potential for positional gene cloning. We expect that the library will facilitate development of a physical contig map of 1RS and comparative genomics of the homoeologous chromosome group 1 of wheat, barley and rye.</p

    A first survey of the rye (Secale cereale) genome composition through BAC end sequencing of the short arm of chromosome 1R

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Rye (<it>Secale cereale </it>L.) belongs to tribe Triticeae and is an important temperate cereal. It is one of the parents of man-made species Triticale and has been used as a source of agronomically important genes for wheat improvement. The short arm of rye chromosome 1 (1RS), in particular is rich in useful genes, and as it may increase yield, protein content and resistance to biotic and abiotic stress, it has been introgressed into wheat as the 1BL.1RS translocation. A better knowledge of the rye genome could facilitate rye improvement and increase the efficiency of utilizing rye genes in wheat breeding.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here, we report on BAC end sequencing of 1,536 clones from two 1RS-specific BAC libraries. We obtained 2,778 (90.4%) useful sequences with a cumulative length of 2,032,538 bp and an average read length of 732 bp. These sequences represent 0.5% of 1RS arm. The GC content of the sequenced fraction of 1RS is 45.9%, and at least 84% of the 1RS arm consists of repetitive DNA. We identified transposable element junctions in BESs and developed insertion site based polymorphism markers (ISBP). Out of the 64 primer pairs tested, 17 (26.6%) were specific for 1RS. We also identified BESs carrying microsatellites suitable for development of 1RS-specific SSR markers.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>This work demonstrates the utility of chromosome arm-specific BAC libraries for targeted analysis of large Triticeae genomes and provides new sequence data from the rye genome and molecular markers for the short arm of rye chromosome 1.</p

    The Integration of Immigrant Women in the Retirement Age in the Czech Republic

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    The Diploma thesis deals with the issue of the integration of immigrants in the pre-retirement and retirement age in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the work is to describe and analyze a group of immigrant women in pre-retirement and retirement age in the Czech Republic, provide an overview of the situation of the women with focus on their special position in the social system and evaluate their process of integration into Czech society. The theoretical part provides the characteristics of immigrants in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the basic definitions, concepts and theories directly related to the process of immigrant integration in the pre-retirement and retirement age, thus the areas of the migration and integration, social and pension system, old age and the aging process with regard to the specific situation in the Czech Republic, including examples from abroad. The research part contains the results of research conducted mainly through the semi- structured interviews with immigrants and focuses on the methods of immigration, the process of integration, economic and social situation of immigrant women. The obtained data are confronted with information provided through interviews with experts in the field and with the findings from professional literature

    The Integration of Immigrant Women in the Retirement Age in the Czech Republic

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    The Diploma thesis deals with the issue of the integration of immigrants in the pre-retirement and retirement age in the Czech Republic. The main aim of the work is to describe and analyze a group of immigrant women in pre-retirement and retirement age in the Czech Republic, provide an overview of the situation of the women with focus on their special position in the social system and evaluate their process of integration into Czech society. The theoretical part provides the characteristics of immigrants in the Czech Republic. It is focused on the basic definitions, concepts and theories directly related to the process of immigrant integration in the pre-retirement and retirement age, thus the areas of the migration and integration, social and pension system, old age and the aging process with regard to the specific situation in the Czech Republic, including examples from abroad. The research part contains the results of research conducted mainly through the semi- structured interviews with immigrants and focuses on the methods of immigration, the process of integration, economic and social situation of immigrant women. The obtained data are confronted with information provided through interviews with experts in the field and with the findings from professional literature

    Analýza nabízených produktů pojišťoven s ohledem na ekonomické výhody pojištění

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    Prezenční výpůjčkaVŠB - Technická univerzita Ostrava. Ekonomická fakulta. Katedra (119) práv

    Czech Museum and International Audience

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    Tato bakalářské práce se zabývá problematikou mezinárodních návštěvníků muzejních institucí. Hlavním cílem práce je charakterizovat segment zahraničních návštěvníků za účelem navržení vhodných marketingových strategií vedoucích k efektivnější práci s touto skupinou, tak aby byly aplikovatelné i v rámci českých muzeí. Teoretická část práce je zaměřena na základní definice a teorie marketingu, zejména v oblasti muzeí a muzejních návštěvníků s důrazem na skupinu zahraničních návštěvníků. Praktická část obsahuje výsledky výzkumu motivace zahraničních návštěvníků k návštěvě Nové budovy Národního muzea a analýzu vybraných propagačních a informačních kanálů určeným zahraničním návštěvníků. Tyto poznatky jsou doplněny o přístupy zahraničních muzeí k mezinárodním návštěvníkům.The Bachelor thesis deals with the issue of international visitors of the museum institutions. The main aim of this work is to characterize the segment of foreign/international visitors in order to design appropriate marketing strategies leading to more effective work with this group and being applicable even in the context of Czech museums. The theoretical part is focused on the basic definitions and theories of marketing, especially in the field of museums and museum visitors with an emphasis on a group of foreign/international visitors. The practical part contains the results of the research on motivation of foreign/international visitors to visit the New building of the National Museum and the analysis of selected promotional and information channels intended for foreign/international visitors. These findings are complemented by foreign museums approaches to international visitors

    The integration of immigrants in the Czech Republic: with and without the help of the non-governmental organizations - the comparative study

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    This bachelor thesis concentrates on problematics of immigrants integration in the Czech Republic. The main aim of this work is, to find out what the kind of influence non- profit organisations, in this case the Counselling Centre for Integration, has for the process of integration of immigrants itself. The set target is being verified on the basis of comparison of integration level of clients of Counselling Centre for Integration and Globus ČR, k. s. employees. This work is divided into five basic chapters. The introductory chapter presents the topic, aims and the structure of the work itself. Second chapter is devoted to an evaluation of sources and literature used in this work. The theoretical part defines notions which are directly related with the problematics given, describes the process of integration of immigrants in the Czech Republic, deals with the integration politics and non-profit organisations in the Czech Republic. Empirical investigation contains some important data about Counselling Centre for Integration and an evaluation of information gained due to questionnaires, participant observations and non-structured informal discussions. Last chapter summarizes information gained and evalues target reachments

    Pokroky v průtokové cytogenetice ječmene

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    Flow cytogenetics is an attractive tool that facilitates genome mapping. Flow cytometric analysis permits classification of isolated chromosomes according to their DNA content As thousands of chromosomes are analysed in each sample, quantitative detection of structural and numerical chromosome changes is possible. Any chromosome that can be discriminated can also be sorted in large quantities and high purities for subsequent molecular analysis. Unfortunately, only the smallest chromosome 5(1H) can be discriminated and sorted in barley. This is due to similarity in relative DNA content among the chromosomes 1 - 4,6 and 7 (2H - 7H). Cytogenetic stocks facilitate sorting of those translocation chromosomes that differ in DNA content Even if the sorted translocation chromosomes were found useful for mapping DNA sequences to subchromosomal regions, their use remained limited. Here we describe a novel approach that facilitates sorting of any of the 14 barley chromosome arms. The strategy is based on using wheat-barley addition lines carrying barley chromosome arms (telocentric chromosomes). Furthermore, we will be able to sort subarm chromosomal segments that are generated in the wheat-barley chromosome addition lines by the gametocidal system. These advances make flow cytogenetics an attractive tool that can simplify barley genome mapping. A possibility to purify large quantities of individual chromosome arms and their segments opens avenues for targeted isolation of low-copy "genie" sequences, preparation of specific probes for screening EST arrays, HAPPY mapping, and construction of chromosome arm-specific BAG libraries