54 research outputs found

    Plumbing Systems for Manufacturing Building

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    Tato práce se zabývá zdravotně technickými instalacemi výrobních hal. Teoretická část zkoumá způsoby odvádění srážkových vod. Součástí experimentální části je měření spotřeby vody. Projektová část řeší návrh zdravotně technických instalací v zadané výrobní budově.This thesis addresses plumbing systems for manufacturing building. The theoretical part explores ways of draining stormwater. Experimental part is measuring consumption of water. Project part solves plumbing systems in specified manufacturing building.

    The finite element method for problems of heat transfer

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    Práce je zaměřena na popis problematiky vedení tepla a jejího praktického využití při posuzování stavebních konstrukcí. Je zde shrnuta teorie vedení tepla, základní principy metody konečných prvků a přehled současných volně dostupných MKP programů na bázi otevřeného kódu. Práce se zabývá posouzením zadané stavební konstrukce z hlediska vedení tepla. Zadaná úloha je řešena analyticky a numericky programem Ansys. Na závěr je provedeno srovnání získaných výsledků a posouzení stavební konstrukce z hlediska přijatelnosti rozložení teplot.The study is focused on the research of heat transfer problems when assessing building constructions. It contains an overview of heat transfer theory, basic principles of method of advanced composites (MAC) and an outline of currently available MAC programmes based on open code. It researches the building constructions in terms of the heat transfer. The assignment uses analytical and numerical modelling of Ansys programme. Finally, acquired results have been compared and building constructions have been studied with regard to acceptability of different sets of temperatures.

    Crank press 250 with direct drive

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    Tato diplomová práce se zabývá návrhem jednobodového klikového lisu s přímým pohonem. Klikový lis má stojan tvaru O s přístupem do pracovního prostoru ze dvou stran. Úvodní část této práce popisuje principy pohonů mechanických lisů, uspořádání pohonů lisů s přímým pohonem a některá koncepční řešení stojanů. V hlavní části této práce je proveden výpočet základních parametrů pohonu lisu. Jsou zde navrženy tři konstrukční varianty. Byla vybrána varianta s nejmenšími zástavbovými rozměry a dobrou přístupností k pracovnímu prostoru lisu. U této varianty byl proveden výpočet hlavního hřídele a vstupního hřídele do planetového převodu, výpočet velikosti brzdy a pevnostní výpočet planetového převodu na ohyb a dotyk. Součástí této práce jsou i výkresy sestavení lisu, sestavní výkres pohonu lisu, výkres stojanu a výkres satelitu navrženého planetového převodu.This thesis deals with the design of the single point crank press with direct drive. This crank press has an O-shaped stand and an access to the workspace from two sides. The introductory part of this paper describes the principles of mechanical presses drives, drives arrangement presses with direct drive and some conceptual solution stands. The main part of this work is a calculation of basic drive parameters of the press. There are suggested three design variants. The design with the smallest space requirements and good accessibility to the press working space was chosen. The calculation of the main shaft, the input shaft to the planetary gearing and calculation of brake sizes and the planetary gear to the bend and tough was done. Part of this thesis also includes technical drawing of the assembly press, technical drawing of the drive press, technical drawing of the stand a technical drawing of the satelitte gearwheel.

    Analysis of the effect of insulation on the housing unit price in a model house in Vyškov

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    Tato práce se zabývá vlivem zateplení obvodových konstrukcí na cenu bytových jednotek v typovém domě. Jako modelový příklad slouží panelový dům v obci Vyškov. Cílem je zjistit, zda je investice pro majitele jednotlivých bytů výhodná a pokud ano, jaká je její návratnost. Dva pohledy na tuto otázku jsou úspora energií na vytápění a zhodnocení cen bytů. Vedlejším cílem je zvážení dalších možností úspory energie.This thesis examines the influence of insulation of perimeter structures on the price of residential units in model house. Model example is prefabricated house in the town of Vyškov. The aim is to determine whether is the investment for owners of individual apartments beneficial and, if so, what is its return time. Two views on this issue are saving energy for heating and appreciation of prices of apartments. The secondary objective is considering other options to save energy.

    Hydraulically driven screens

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    Tato bakalářská práce navrhuje hydraulicky poháněné česle jako čistící zařízení před vstupem do malé vodní elektrárny. Práce se skládá z několika částí, v první je přehled a funkce některých druhů česlí od předních výrobců česlí. Pak následuje konkrétní konstrukční návrh shrabovače česlí s pevnostními výpočty. V závěru je návrh hydraulického obvodu pohonu česlí.This bachelor’s thesis deals with the design of hydraulically driven screen as an entrance clean mechanism in front of the small hydro-electric power plant. This bachelor’s thesis consists of several sections, the first shows overview and function of several kinds of screens of significant producers. Second shows the design of hydraulically driven screens with strength analysis. In the end the design of the hydraulic circuit of the screen drive is done.

    Apartment House – Plumbing Water System Reconstruction

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    Tato bakalářská práce se zabývá rekonstrukcí vnitřního vodovodu v bytovém domě v Brně. Jedná se o panelový dům s devíti nadzemními a jedním podzemním podlažím. Byty se nachází na třetím až devátém patře. Teoretická část se zabývá upevněním potrubí, materiály potrubí, výpočtem délkové tepelné roztažnost potrubí a metodami její kompenzace. Projektová část řeší rekonstrukci instalací vnitřního vodovodu daného domu.This Bachelor’s thesis deals with the reconstruction of water supply system in an apartment building in Brno. It is a tower block with nine floors and a basement. The apartments are located on the third to the ninth floor. The theoretical part deals with pipe support, pipe materials, calculation of linear thermal expansion of pipes and its compensation methods. The project solves reconstruction of water supply installations in this house.

    Atmospheric deposition of chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in central Europe analyzed by GC-MS/MS

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    Chlorinated and brominated polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (ClPAHs and BrPAHs) are persistent organic pollutants that are ubiquitous in the atmospheric environment. The sources, fate, and sinks in the atmosphere of these substances are largely unknown. One of the reasons is the lack of widely accessible analytical instrumentation. In this study, a new analytical method for ClPAHs and BrPAHs using gas-chromatography coupled with triple quadrupole mass spectrometry is presented. The method was applied to determine ClPAHs and BrPAHs in total deposition samples collected at two sites in central Europe. Deposition fluxes of ClPAHs and BrPAHs ranged 580 (272-962) and 494 (161-936) pg m(-2) day(-1), respectively, at a regional background site, Kosetice, and 547 (351-724) and 449 (202-758) pg m(-2) day(-1), respectively, at a semi-urban site, Praha-Libus. These fluxes are similar to those of PCBs and more than 2 orders of magnitude lower than those of the parent PAHs in the region. Seasonal variations of the deposition fluxes of these halogenated PAHs were found with maxima in summer and autumn, and minima in winter at Kosetice, but vice versa at Praha-Libus. The distribution of ClPAHs and BrPAHs between the particulate and dissolved phases in deposition samples suggests higher degradability of particulate BrFlt/Pyr and BrBaA than of the corresponding ClPAHs. A number of congeners were detected for the first time in the atmospheric environment

    Pesticide exposure among Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort: Urinary biomarker levels and associated health risks

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    Current-use pesticides (CUP) are extensively applied in both agricultural and urban settings. Exposure occurs mainly via the dietary pathway; however, other pathways such as inhalation or skin contact are also important. In this study, urinary levels of 12 CUP metabolites were investigated among 110 parent-child pairs during two seasons of 2020. Metabolites of pyrethroids (3-PBA, t/c-DCCA), chlorpyrifos (TCPY), and tebuconazole (TEB-OH) were detected in more than 60% of the samples. Chlorpyrifos metabolite was found at the highest concentration and tebuconazole was detected in almost all samples. CUP urinary metabolite levels were significantly higher in children in comparison to adults, except for tebuconazole, which was similar in both groups. In children, winter samples had significantly higher concentrations of pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolites in comparison to the summer samples, but in adults, only chlorpyrifos metabolite concentrations were higher in the winter. No association between CUP urinary metabolite levels and proximity/surface of agricultural areas around residences was observed. Based on our findings, we suspect that CUP exposure is mainly driven by diet and that the effect of environmental exposure is less significant. Daily Intakes were estimated with three possible scenarios considering the amount of the metabolite excreted in urine and were compared to Acceptable Daily Intake values. Using a realistic scenario, exposure to chlorpyrifos exhibited the highest health risk, but still within a safe level. The Acceptable Daily Intake was exceeded only in one child in the case of cypermethrin. The cumulative risk assessment of pesticide mixtures having an effect on the nervous system, based on the total margin of exposure calculations, did not indicate any risk. The overall risk associated with pesticide exposure in the observed population was low. However, the risk observed using the worst-case scenario suggests the need for continuous evaluation of human exposure to such compounds, especially in children

    Pesticide exposure among Czech adults and children from the CELSPAC-SPECIMEn cohort: Urinary biomarker levels and associated health risks

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    Current-use pesticides (CUP) are extensively applied in both agricultural and urban settings. Exposure occurs mainly via the dietary pathway; however, other pathways such as inhalation or skin contact are also important. In this study, urinary levels of 12 CUP metabolites were investigated among 110 parent-child pairs during two seasons of 2020. Metabolites of pyrethroids (3-PBA, t/c-DCCA), chlorpyrifos (TCPY), and tebuconazole (TEB-OH) were detected in more than 60% of the samples. Chlorpyrifos metabolite was found at the highest concentration and tebuconazole was detected in almost all samples. CUP urinary metabolite levels were significantly higher in children in comparison to adults, except for tebuconazole, which was similar in both groups. In children, winter samples had significantly higher concentrations of pyrethroid and chlorpyrifos metabolites in comparison to the summer samples, but in adults, only chlorpyrifos metabolite concentrations were higher in the winter. No association between CUP urinary metabolite levels and proximity/surface of agricultural areas around residences was observed. Based on our findings, we suspect that CUP exposure is mainly driven by diet and that the effect of environmental exposure is less significant. Daily Intakes were estimated with three possible scenarios considering the amount of the metabolite excreted in urine and were compared to Acceptable Daily Intake values. Using a realistic scenario, exposure to chlorpyrifos exhibited the highest health risk, but still within a safe level. The Acceptable Daily Intake was exceeded only in one child in the case of cypermethrin. The cumulative risk assessment of pesticide mixtures having an effect on the nervous system, based on the total margin of exposure calculations, did not indicate any risk. The overall risk associated with pesticide exposure in the observed population was low. However, the risk observed using the worst-case scenario suggests the need for continuous evaluation of human exposure to such compounds, especially in children