82 research outputs found

    Ivan Slamnig as a comparativist

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    Prikazuju se dva vida Slamnigova komparatističkog rada: njegovi načelni stavovi o poredbenoj književnosti i njegov rad s konkretnim materijalom. Prvo od toga dvoga ilustrira se njegovim studijama kontinuitet evropske metaforike u hrvatskoj književnosti i mediteranski položaj i sjevernjačke vizije Hrvata, a drugo raspravama "Neke specifične crte hrvatske barokne poezije" i "Pristup Marinu Držiću s ove obale". Nakon prikaza Slamnigova specifičnog položaja u struci (jer bio je i znanstvenik i književnik), zaključuje se kako njegovi radovi anticipiraju dobar dio onoga Å”to se danas u proučavanju književnosti smatra aktualnim.In this essay two aspects of Slamnigā€™s comparativist research are examined ā€“ his generalised reflections on comparative literature and his case studies. Two examples of the former are the following studies: The Continuity of the European Metaphorics in the Croatian Literature and The Mediterranean Position and the Nordic Visions of Croats. Examples of the latter are Some Peculiarities of Croatian Baroque Poetry and Marin Drā€˜i} From This Side of the Adriatic. The essay discusses the specific nature of Slamnigā€™s dual position (since he was both a critic and a writer) and ends with the conclusion that many aspects of his work anticipate contemporary literary criticism

    Chilhood in Lyric

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    Through the examples of texts of modern Croatian poets (from Å imić and Tadijanović, Vesna Parun and KaÅ”telan, to Å oljan and Ivančan) the author shows how childhood is portrayed in lyrical poetry asking why this topic is sometimes emphasised and at other times marginalized by different poetics. He concludes that the predisposition for the appearance of this motif lies in the understanding that the human existence is inconsistent; therefore, person changes in different periods of his/her life. Those poetics that insist on the intuitive recognition focus readily on childhood, unlike those that stress childhoodā€™s rational dimension. This paper shows various stages of the topic of childhood as appropriated by different generations of the 20th century Croatian poets

    What is Nazorā€™s Živana?

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    Nazorova Živana napisana je u Zadru 1902. i prije ponovljenog izdanja 1946. prerađivana je nekoliko puta. Navodeći razloge zbog kojih je u dosadaÅ”njim istraživanjima - za razliku od ostalih autorovih djela - ostala zanemarena, u radu se nakon provedene analize određuje genoloÅ”ka pripadnost Živane epu te upućuje na nove njezine aspekte i na razloge viÅ”ekratnih autorovih dorada. Na kraju se zaključuje kako Živana pruža podlogu za jednu alternativnu Nazorovu pjesničƋku biografiju kojom se otvaraju nova tumačenja ne samo ovoga epa, već i sveukupnoga autorovog književnog opusa.Nazorā€™s Živana was written in Zadar in 1902 and before a second edition in 1946, it was rewritten several times. Listing reasons why in the so far research it has - as opposed to the other works by the same author - received little attention, after a conducted analysis, the paper determines Živanaā€™s genealogical affiliation to the epic, indicating its new aspects as well as reasons of the authorā€™s recurring modifications. In the end it is concluded that Živana provides basis for Nazorā€™s alternative poetic biography, introducing new interpretations not only of this epic, but of Nazorā€™s whole literary opus

    Struktura i funkcija hrvatskih crkvenih prikazanja

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