14 research outputs found

    Hemijsko proređivanje cvetova i plodova breskve

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    The paper presents an overview of the most important aspects of the chemical crop load regulation in the peach. Importance of crop load optimizing, strategies for flowers and fruits thinning (inhibition of flower induction, killing of flower buds, prevention of fruit set and stimulation of fruitlet abscission), the time of applications, concentration, efficiency and adverse effects of the most often used chemicals are discussed.Rad prikazuje pregled najvažnijih aspekata hemijskog regulisanja prinosa kod breskve. Obrađeni su: značaj dovođenja prinosa na optimalan nivo, strategije koje se koriste za proređivanje cvetova i plodova (kočenje indukcije cvetova, ubijanje cvetnih pupoljaka, sprečavanje zametanja plodova i podsticanje otpadanja mladih plodova), vreme aplikacije, koncentracija, efikasnost i štetni efekti najčešće korišćenih hemijskih materija

    Biologija cvetanja i oprašivanja oraha

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    Common walnut (Juglans regia L.) is a monoecious, herkogamous, anemophilous, heterodichogamous and autofertile plant. Study of the sexual cycle of the walnut is hindered by the presence of a relatively long juvenile period and high genetic diversity, so that many questions in the field of reproductive biology of the walnut still remained unresolved. This paper gives an overview of current knowledge regarding the sexual process of walnut, with the focus on the morphology of staminate and pistillate flowers, the dynamics of their opening, as well as ecological and physiological aspects of dichogamy, pollen transfer, stigmas receptivity, pollen germination, pollen tube growth in the pistil, singamia, apomixis and pistillate flower abortion.Obični orah (Juglans regia L.) je monoecijska, herkogama, anemofilna, heterodihogama i autofertilna biljka. Proučavanje polnog ciklusa oraha otežano je usled prisustva relativno dugog juvenilnog perioda i velike genetske raznolikosti, pa su mnoga pitanja iz oblasti reproduktivne biologije oraha ostala i dalje nerazjašnjena. U radu je dat prikaz dosadašnjih saznanja u vezi sa polnim procesom oraha, pri čemu je težište stavljeno na građu muških i ženskih cvetova, dinamiku njihovog otvaranja, kao i ekološke i fiziološke aspekte dihogamije, transfera polena, receptivnosti žigova, klijanja polena, rasta polenove cevi u tučku, singamije, apomiksisa i abortiranja ženskih cvetova


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    In intensive raspberry growing, in order to achieve high, stable and regular yields, it is necessary to properly balance the mineral nutrition. For this purpose, an experiment with three variants of fertilization was set up (control, NPK 15:15:15 (800 kg ha-1), NPK 15:15:15 (800 kg ha-1) + KAN (400 kg ha-1)), on two plots Donja and Konopljak. The obtained results show that the lowest yield of raspberries was achieved in the control, while the application of NPK fertilizers and KAN determined an increase in the yield of raspberries, on both examined plots. The supplementary nutrition of KAN has shown positive effects on increasing the yield of raspberries. A higher average yield of raspberries was achieved on the plot Konopljak (17,380 kg ha-1) compared to the plot Donja (14,673 kg ha-1).Publishe

    Uticaj uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka na vegetativni rast, prinos i kvalitet ploda kupine (Rubus fruticosus L.)

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    Paper presents results of the effect of removing the first flush primocanes on vegetative growth, yield and fruit quality of blackberry cultivar ‘Čačanska Bestrna’. Primocanes were removed on a single (10 of May) or double (10 of May and 1 of June) occasions. Removing the first flush primocanes had impact on number of fruiting branches developed in current year on floricanes, but no on their length. It was observed that treatments with removing primocanes had significantly higher yield per bush and per unit area. Increasing of yields was ranged from 11.4% (removal of primocanes twice) to 15.1% (removal of primocanes once). Fruit weight and soluble solids content in the blackberry fruits were not significantly different under the influence of various term of the removal of the first flush of primocanes. The aforementioned pomotechnical measure has significantly influenced the properties of newly developed blackberry primocanes.U radu su prikazani rezultati uticaja uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka na vegetativni rast, prinos i kvalitet ploda kupine sorte ‘Čačanska bestrna’. Izdanci su uklanjani u jedan (10. maja) ili dva navrata (10. maja i 1. juna). Uklanjanje je uticalo na broj rodnih grančica razvijenih u tekućoj godini na dvogodišnjem izdanku kupine, ali ne i na njihovu dužinu. Prinos po žbunu i jedinici površine je bio značajno veći u varijantama uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka nego kada oni nisu uklanjani. Povećanje prinosa se kretalo od 11,4% (uklanjanje izdanaka dva puta) pa do 15,1% (uklanjanje izdanaka jednom). Masa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljive suve materije u plodovima se nisu značajno razlikovali pod uticajem različitih varijanti uklanjanja prvih serija izdanaka kod kupine. Uklanjanje prvih serija izdanaka u toku vegetacije je značajno uticalo na osobine novorazvijenih izdanaka kupine

    Uticaj sorte i načina proređivanja plodova na prinos i krupnoću jabuke (Malus domestica Borkh.)

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    The aim of the research was to use in the conditions of Cacak, using a preparation for fruiting: naphthyl acetic acid amide (NAD), naphthyl ̶ 1 ac acetic acid (NAA), benzyladenine (BA) and manual thinning, on three varieties of apples: Red Chief , Golden Reinders and Gloster examine their method of yield per tree (kg), yield per unit area (t ha1) and fruit mass (g). The results showed that the differences in terms of all three parameters among the tested varieties were significant and the differences between the applied treatments were also significant. The best results are achieved in variants with manual fruiting, but also with the highest labor costs, and after manual treatment with BA.Cilj istraživanja je bio da se u uslovima Čačka, primenom preparata za proređivanje plodova: amid naftil – sirćetne kiseline (NAD), naftil–1–sirćetna kiselina (NAA), benziladenin (BA) i ručnog proređivanja, na tri sorte jabuke: Red Chief, Golden Reinders i Gloster ispita njihov način delovanja na prinos po stablu (kg), prinos po jedinici površine (t ha­1) i na masu ploda (g). Rezultati su pokazali da su razlike u pogledu sva tri parametra između ispitivanih sorti bile značajne a značajne su bile i razlike između primenjenih tretmana. Najbolji rezultati su postignuti u varijanti sa ručnim proređivanjem plodova ali i sa najvećim utroškom radne snage, a nakon ručnogproređivanja najbolji rezultat je postignut tretmanom sa BA

    Fizičko–hemijska svojstva ploda nekih sorti kruške (Pyrus communis L.) na području Sarajevske regije

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    The paper presents the results of two-year study of the important physical-chemical properties some cultivars of pear (Pyrus communis L.) in the region of Sarajevo. During the research on a sample of 30 fruits of each cultivar of pears physical characteristics were analyzed: weight of fruit, length and width of fruit, length of stem, number and weight of normally developed seeds. From the chemical properties of the fruit is determined by the content of soluble solids, total acid content, the content of total, invert sugar, sucrose content and pH value.U radu su prikazani rezulati dvogodišnjih proučavanja važnijih fizičko–hemijskih svojstva ploda nekih sorti kruške (Pyrus communis L.) na području sarajevske regije. Tokom sprovedenih istraživanja na uzorku od 30 plodova od svake sorte kruške od fizičkih osobina analizirane su: masa ploda, dužina i širina ploda, dužina peteljke, broj normalno razvijenih sjemenki i masa normalno razvijenih sjemenki. Od hemijskih osobina ploda određen je sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija, sadržaj ukupnih kiselina, sadržaj ukupnih, invertnih šećera, sadržaj saharoze i pH vrijednost

    Vegetativni rast, rodnost i kvalitet ploda šljive u zavisnosti od podloge

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    The paper examines the vegetative growth of the tree, the weight of the fruit and the content of total soluble solids (RSM) in the fruit in three cultivars of plums grafted on four rootstocks: one generative (Myrobalan seedling) and three vegetative (Pixy, St. Julien A and Ferley). The results showed that the greatest vigour of cultivars was caused by the Myrobalan seedling, and the smallest by Pixy. The weight of the fruit and the content of RSM varied depending on the cultivar and rootstock. The highest weight of the fruit at Čačanska lepotica and Čačanska najbolja was conducted on St. Julien А rootstock, while in the case of Čačanska rana, it was on Myrobalan seedling. All of three cultivars had the highest content of RSM in the fruit on Pyxi rootstock.U radu su ispititivani vegetativni rast stabla, masa ploda i sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (RSM) u plodu kod tri sorte šljive kalemljene na četiri podloge: jednoj generativnoj (Džanarika) i tri vegetativne (Pixu, St. Julien A i Ferley). Rezultati su pokazali da je najveću bujnost kod sorti izazvala Džanarika, a najmanju Pihu. Masa ploda i sadržaj RSM je varirao u zavisnosti od sorte i podloge. Najveću masu ploda Čačanska lepotica i Čačanska najbolja imale su na podlozi St. Julien A, dok je kod Čačanske rane to bilo na podlozi Džanarika. Sve tri sorte su najveći sadržaj rastvorljivih suvih materija (RSM) u plodu imale na podlozi Pixy

    Uticaj oprašivača na zametanje plodova sorte šljive Čačanska rana

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    In this paper, during a 2013 year, effects of eight pollenizers (Čačanska Rana, Boranka, Čačanska lepotica, Timočanka, Čačanska najbolja, Čačanska rodna, Mildora i Stanley) on the degree of initial and final fruit set in the plum cultivar Čačanska Rana were examined. Besides the controlled pollination of this cultivar, open pollination was investigated. The results indicated that the best final fruit set was obtained when cultivars Čačanska Rodna and Čačanska Najbolja were used as pollenizers.U radu su prikazani rezultati vezani za inicijalno i finalno zametanja plodova sorte šljive Čačanska rana u zavisnosti od primenjenog oprašivača. Ispitivanjima je obuhvaćeno sedam različitih oprašivača, varijanta samooprašivanja i varijanta slobodnog oprašivanja, kao kontrola. Cilj rada se ogleda u iznalaženju najpodesnijih oprašivača za ovu samobesplodnu sortu. Prema dobijenim rezultatima, kao najbolji oprašivači su se pokazale sorte Čačanska najbolja i Čačanska rodna

    Bujnost, prinos i masa ploda šljive (P. Domestica l.) u zavisnosti od razmaka sadnje

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    The paper presents the results of a five year (from 2 to 6 vegetation) which compared two growth forms of plum: high density planting and classic growth forms with larger spacing. The research included three plum cultivars: Čačanska lepotica, Čačanska rodna and Stenley. All of them have been grafted on Myrobalan seedlings (P. cerasifera Ehrh.). It has been researched the effect of three variants of the growing system: high density planting, with growing form of spindle bush and forms with bigger spacing such as pyramid and a vase as a growing forms. In the plantation were applied all measures of care except of irrigation. In terms of vigor observed through the trunck cross-sectional area, during all the years of research a bigger vigour was found in trees in traditional growing systems. Generaly, the most vigorous cultivar was Stenley. The yield in the early years after planting (2-5th vegetation) was significantly higher in the cultivars grown in a dense planting. Yield efficiency was also significantly higher in high density planted cultivars. Biennial bearing index was highest at Čačanska rodna. The fruit mass of tested cultivars did not differ depending on spacing.U radu su prikazani petogodišnji rezultati (od 2. do 6. vegetacije) kojima se porede gusta sadnja šljive i klasični sistemi gajenja sa većim razmacima sadnje. Sorte na kojima su vršena istraživanja su Čačanska lepotica, Čačanska rodna i Stanley, kalemljene na sejancu džanarike (P. cerasifera Ehrh.). Ispitivan je uticaj tri varijante sistema gajenja: gusta sadnja sa uzgojnim oblikom vretenasti žbun i retka sadnja sa piramidom i vazom kao uzgojnim oblicima. U zasadu su primenjivane sve mere nege osim navodnjavanja. U pogledu bujnosti posmatrane kroz površinu poprečnog preseka debla, tokom svih godina istraživanja veća bujnost je bila kod klasičnih sistema gajenja, a od sorti najveća kod sorte Stanley. Prinos u početnim godinama po sadnji (2-5. vegetacija) je bio značajno veći kod sorti gajenih u gustoj sadnji. Koeficijent rodnosti je takođe bio značajno veći u varijanti guste sadnje. Indeks alternativne rodnosti je bio najveći kod Čačanske rodne. Masa ploda ispitivanjih sorti se nije razlikovala u zavisnosti od razmaka sadnje


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    The paper presents the results of the influence of terms of planting and fertilizers on the production characteristics of strawberries. Planting dates are the beginning of July and the beginning of October. The feeding programs included the use of Rosasol fertilizers (Orange Rosasol formulation 15-30-20, Blue Rosasol formulation 20-20-20 and Yellow Rosasol formulation 17-09-29) and the use of Soluveg fertilizers (Green 10-40-10 + 4MgO and Parma 16-6-27 + 3MgO + ME). The results showed that the earlier planting date influenced earlier fruiting, but also better production results (higher yield, larger fruits). In terms of fertilizers, better results have been achieved with Rosasol.Publishe