307 research outputs found
Growth and Decay of Activation Overpotential for Systems which Proceed by Two Different Successive Transfer Electrode Reactions
Analysis of growth and decay of activation overpotential for
systems involving two different successive hindered transfer r eac tions,
for large values of \u27I\u27], has shown th at there i·s a considerable
difference between cathodic and anodic galvanostatic transients
(for the same transfer coefficient) for such systems.
The ratio of rates of growth and decay of ov erpotentia ls for
the cathodic and the anodic region, for the same transfer coefficients
and the same overpotential as well as rise time and d ecay
time is given by the ratio of exchange current densities, ir0 : io 0 •
Occu rrence of difference in galvanostatic transients for cathodic
and anodic regions is suggested to be a new diagnostic criteria in
studies of kinetics of electrode processes for occurrence of multielectron
transfer reactions
ICTY established the standard of “joint criminal enterprise” as a part of the justice implementation process in the conflict region of former Yugoslavia. The legal standard of the “joint criminal enterprise” consists of mandatory actus rea and mens rea elements and come up in three different forms. ICTY stated this principle was based on the rules of the international customary law, as well as the articles of the Rome and ICTY Statutes. From the criminal law science view, the most relevant of three JCE forms was the third one that was based on “prediction” criteria as a consisting main element of the perpetrator actus rea. Very soon, a great number of legal scholars and scientists object this ICTY approach as the one not actually based on the legal principles and to the international criminal law principles and the basic national criminal law systems legal institutes, as well.
Regarding the fact that ICTY was the one introduced the “joint criminal enterprise” principle, it is extremely important for the ICTY itself to come back to the law implementation instead the law interpretation.Међународни Тирбунал за бившу Југославију је испуњавајући своју мисију успостављања правде на конфликтном подручју установио правни стандард ‹›удруженог злочиначког подухвата›› у три појавна облика и на бази прописаних обавезних објективних и субјективних елемената, при том се позивајући на међународно обичајно право и Статут Међународног кривичног суда и Статут Трибунала. Са аспекта правне науке, посебно интересантним се испоставио трећи облик овог стандарда, који се у суштини заснивао на критеријуму ‘’предвидивости’’ као основу потврђивања одговарајућег субјективног односа окривљеног лица према почињеном кривичном делу који га чини одговорним. Овакав став је убрзо наишао на оправдане примедбе великог броја истакнутих правних стручњака због своје правне неутемељености и противности суштинским кривично-правним институтима у националним правосудним системима и базним начелима међународног кривичног права. Обзиром да је инсистирање Трибунала на овом институту довело до одређених последица, веома је нужно да се сам Трибунал врати суштинској примени, а не интерпретацији права, као прихватљивом начину поновног успостављања система поштовања норми међународног кривичног права
Osteometry, Variability, Biomechanics and Locomotion Pattern of the Cave Bear Limb Bones from Croatian Localities
The estimated stylo- and zeugopodial bone index is lower for the cave bears from the mountainous region (Cerovacke pecine caves) than the bone index from the hilly-lowlands caves (Vindija, Velika pecina, Veternica) and indicates that limb loading depends on the body mass and palaeoenvironment. The type of movement was similar to the locomotion of the recent brown bear but with somewhat more expressed plantigrady on the hind limbs. At the same time, the sex ratio of the studied material depends firstly on the site morphology (endogene or exogene cave), i.e. its function (dense or periodically visited shelter), and also on geological processes and human activity
Expression of cyp1a protein in the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea (Müller)
We investigated the expression of CYP1A in the foot, gill and visceral mass of the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea in relation to polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) exposure. Different PCBs congeners were found in the foot and visceral mass, while the expression of CYP1A was observed only in the visceral mass. However the level of CYP1A expression in the visceral mass was not related to the level of PCBs present in the tissue. Our results indicate a higher rate of biotransformation and lower threshold of CYP1A induction in the visceral mass compared with other tissues
Microstructure characterization of porous microalloyed aluminium-silicate ceramics
Kaolinite and bentonite clay powders mixed with active additives, based on Mg(NO3)2 and Al(NO3)2, sintered at high temperatures produce very porous ceramics with microcrystalline and amorphous regions and highly developed metalized surfaces (mainly with magnesium surplus). Microstructure investigations have revealed non-uniform and highly porous structure with broad distribution of grain size, specifically shaped grains and high degree of agglomeration. The ceramics samples were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS), X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) and IR spectroscopy analysis, prior and after treatment in “synthetic water”, i.e. in aqueous solution of arsenic-salt. Grain size distribution for untreated and treated samples was done with software SemAfore 4. It has shown great variety in size distribution of grains from clay powders to sintered samples
The Electrode Kinetics of the Deposition and Dissoltition of MefMe2+ Electrodes
It is shown that. Vetter\u27s equation for two successive transfer
reactions applied to the elucidation of the electrode kinetics of
the deposition and dissolution of Me / Me 2+ electrodes yields a new
interpretation of the intersections of Tafel lines for large anodic
and large cathodic overvoltages with log i coordinates (i 0 °, i,°).
Vetter\u27s equation, when applied to the kinetics of Me/ Me"•
electrodes gives an explanation for the occurence of two slopes in
the anodic region, 2RT/3 F and 2RTIF , and of the same slope for
large anodic and large cathodic overvoltages, 2 RT/ F, for Fe/ Fe\u27•
elec trode in Ac- and No3- solution, and for the Cu/ Cu2+ electrode
in sol- solution, as well as for changes of i0 with acu2+ for the
Cu/ Cu2+ electrode.
Further application of this approach to electrochemical kinetics
of Me/ Me 2+ electrodes is suggested
Application of 1-methylcyclopropene in fruit of five apple cultivars grown in Serbia
Fruits of five apple cultivars were treated using 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP or SmartFresh (TM)) after cropping and were stored at normal atmosphere 2 +/- 0.5 degrees C, 90 +/- 5% relative humidity (RH) and 20.9 kPa O-2 + lt 0.5 kPa CO2. Fruit firmness was assessed at three periods: 7 d after storing, 120 d after storing and 30 d after the second assessment and storing at room temperature. Contents of K in all of the cultivars and in all years of study varied within the average values between 1390.5 and 2028.0 mg kg(-1), while the Ca content varied between 21.7 and 59.5 mg kg(-1). The K:Ca ratio was the lowest in cultivar 'Granny Smith' (24.0) and the highest in 'Redchief ' (99.1). Application of 1-MCP made the strongest impact on fruit firmness of the cultivars 'Granny Smith' and 'Idared' in all measuring periods. Cultivars 'Redchier', 'Cadel' and 'Morrens Ionagored' responded well to the application of 1-MCP in the storage conditions, whereas the effect of its application influenced conservability of the fruits stored at room temperature except in fruits of the cultivar 'Morens Jonagored'. Application of 1-MCP made an important effect on the preservation of fruit firmness, all in accordance with the degree of ripeness of the fruits subjected to the treatment and the contents of K, Ca and K:Ca ratio. This study indicates that the use of 1-MCP treatment in post harvest handling of apples is promising for maintaining the freshness and quality of fruits
Optimization of technological process of mustard production from the aspect of the aromatic complex formation
je nutritivno vredna i koja svojim funkcionalnim svojstvima obezbeđuje pozitivan
uticaj na zdravlje ljudi. Senf nije samo začin kojim se obogaćuju ukus i miris mnogim
jelima, već je namirnica koja umnogome poboljšava metabolički sistem organizma i koja
svojim komponentama doprinosi prevenciji nekih bolesti.
U okviru ove doktorske disertacije optimizovan je tehnološki postupak proizvodnje
četiri vrste senfa sa aspekta stvaranja aromatskog kompleksa. Proizvedeni su blagi senf,
senf sa začinskim biljem, senf za roštilj i senf sa čilijem. Pre početka proizvodnje urađena
su mikrobiološka ispitivanja sirovina koje ulaze u sastav receptura i kontrola kvaliteta
suncokretovog ulja koje je komponenta u proizvodnji senfa. Svaki od ova četiri uzorka je
dobijen nakon ispitivanja niza probnih receptura, korigovanjem ukusa, mirisa, boje i
konzistencije uz senzorno ocenjivanje stručnog tima degustatora. Najbolji uzorci su
senzorno ocenjivani i u odnosu na iste vrste senfa koji se mogu naći na domaćem tržištu.
Senzorno ocenjivanje je obavljeno na osnovu deskriptivnog analitičkog bod sistema.
Rezultati su statistički obrađeni.
Na svim uzorcima su urađena fizičko-hemijska, mikrobiološka ispitivanja, kao i fizičkohemijska
ispitivanja kontaminanata (sadržaj ostataka pesticida, teških metala i mikotoksina)
i određena je energetska vrednost uzorka.
Svi rezultati su pokazali da su uzorci četiri vrste senfa u skladu sa Pravilnikom o
kvalitetu i drugim zahtevima za senf, Pravilnikom o kvalitetu i uslovima upotrebe aditiva u
namirnicama i o drugim zahtevima za aditive i njihove mešavine, Pravilnikom o
mikrobiološkoj ispravnosti namirnica u prometu i Pravilnikom o količinama pesticida,
metala i metaloida i drugih otrovnih supstancija, hemioterapeutika, anabolika i drugih
supstancija koje se mogu nalaziti u namirnicama.
Eksperiment je imao za cilj da se izvrši analiza degradacionih produkata sinalbina u
proizvedenom blagom senfu. Uzorci su ekstrahovani u Soxhlet-ovom sistemu, a potom
analizirani metodama gasne hromatografije-masene spektrometrije. Rezultati su poređeni sa
rezultatima mlevenog semena bele slačice koje je korišćeno u procesu proizvodnje senfa.
Ovi rezultati ukazuju na to da su dominantne masne kiseline, prvobitno prisutne u semenu
bele slačice takođe prisutne i u gotovom proizvodu, blagom senfu. Najobilniji degradacioni
proizvod sinalbina u senfu bio je 4-(hidroksimetil)fenol. Druga identifikovana jedinjenja u senfu bila su: 4-metil fenol, 4-etil fenol, 4-(2-hidroksietil)fenol i 2-(4-hidroksifenil) etanska
kiseline...nutritionally valuable and that their functional properties provide a positive effects on
human health. Mustard is not just a spice that enriches the taste and smell to many foods,
but it is also the foodstuff that greatly improves the metabolic system of a human body and
its components contribute to the prevention of some diseases.
Within this Ph.D. Dissertation a technological process of production of four kinds of
mustard is optimized from the aspect of the aromatic complex formation. Mild mustard
paste, mustard paste with herbs, barbecue mustard paste and chili mustard paste were
produced. Before the start of production microbiological analyses were done on the raw
materials. Quality control of the sunflower oil, which is a component in mustard paste, was
analyzed as well. Each of the four samples was obtained after a detailed examination of
series of test recipes, adjustment of the taste, aroma, color and consistency with the sensory
evaluation team of professional tasters. The best samples were sensory evaluated and
compared to the same type of mustard that can be found in the domestic market. Sensory
evaluation was conducted with the descriptive analytical method, system of scoring. The
results were statistically analyzed.
All samples were analyzed by physico-chemical analyses, microbiological analyses,
physical-chemical analyses of contaminants (the contents of pesticide residues, heavy
metals and mycotoxins) and energy value of the sample.
All results showed that the samples of four kinds of mustard were in accordance with
the Regulation on quality and other requirements for mustard, Regulation on the quality
and conditions of usage of additives in food and the other requirements for additives and
their mixtures, Regulation on microbiological food safety in the market and Regulation on
the amount of pesticides, metals and metalloids and other toxic substances,
chemotherapeutics, anabolics and other substances which can be found in food.
The purpose of the experiment was investigation of sinalbin degradation products in
produced mild yellow mustard paste. The samples were extracted in a Soxhlet extraction
system and analyzed by gas chromatography - mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques.
The results were compared with the analysis of the ground white mustard seeds which were dominant fatty acids, originally present in the white mustard seeds, are also present in the
mustard paste condiment made from this plant. The most abundant sinalbin degradation
product in yellow mustard paste was 4-(hydroxymethyl)phenol. Other compounds identified in this sample were: 4-methyl phenol, 4-ethyl phenol, 4-(2-hydroxyethyl)phenol
and 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl) ethanoic acid..
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