30 research outputs found

    Income inequality in the Czech republic after the year 1989

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    Tématem bakalářské práce je vývoj v oblasti diferenciace mezd po roce 1989 jako důležitého atributu zásadním způsobem ovlivňující kvalitu životní úrovně jednotlivce. Úvodní část bakalářské práce je věnována srovnání základních faktorů působících na změny v diferenciaci příjmů ve společnosti založené na rovnostářství na straně jedné a společnosti zásluhového typu na straně drůhé. Tj. v podstatě přechodu od nivelizace k diferenciaci mezd. Prostřední část rozebírá a popisuje výsledky statistických šetření podle jednotlivých vybraných třídících hledisek. Závěrečná část bakalářské práce se zabývá problematikou rovných příležitostí mužů a žen, vlivu vzdělání na výši příjmů a postojem lidí k ekonomickým nerovnostem.Main subject of the bachelor thesis is description of the salaries development after the year 1989. The first part of thesis deals with comparison of the basic principles influencing the salaries differentiation at the society with egalitarianism and meritoriousness one. Described is also transition from equalization towards meritoriousness. Presented are results of the statistical research of monitored categories. Last part of the theses analyses equality between the men and women opportunities and the influence of the education on the salaries.Katedra sociálních vědDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo

    A theoretical study of the gas-phase chemi-ionization reaction between uranium and oxygen atoms

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    The U+O chemi-ionization reaction has been investigated by quantum chemical methods. Potential-energy curves have been calculated for several electronic states of UO and UO+. Comparison with the available spectroscopic and thermodynamic values for these species is reported and a mechanism for the chemi-ionization reaction U+O -> UO++e(-) is proposed. The U+O and Sm+O chemi-ionization reactions are the first two metal-plus-oxidant chemi-ionization reactions to be studied theoretically in this way


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    V diplomskem delu smo analizirali v tem času najbolj izpostavljene odprtokodne sisteme za upravljanje odnosov s strankami ali krajše sisteme CRM. Preverili smo, kaj je odprtokodna programska oprema, ter primerjali odprtokodni in zaprtokodni sistem CRM. Izpostavili smo ključne točke, po katerih smo sisteme analizirali. Na podlagi dokumentacije odprtokodnih sistemov in splošnih informacij o sistemih CRM smo pripravili seznam ključnih funkcionalnosti. Enostavni odločitveni model za izbiro sistema CRM smo pripravili na podlagi našega referenčnega seznama funkcionalnosti. V zadnjem delu diplomske naloge smo opisali praktične izkušnje z odprtokodnim sistemom CRM. Opisali smo namestitev dveh sistemov CRM in preizkusili možnosti povezovanja z obstoječimi informacijskimi sistemi preko spletnih storitev ter dodatnih podatkov. Preizkusili smo tudi dopolnitev funkcionalnosti s prosto dostopnim dodatkom. Odprtokodni sistemi CRM so se izkazali kot zanimiva alternativa komercialnim produktom, predvsem z možnostmi dopolnjevanja in vključevanja lastnih rešitev.In our thesis we analyzed the most exposed open source customer relationship management systems or short CRM systems at the moment. We examined what open source software is and compared open source systems to commercial CRM systems. We highlighted key points, which we then used to analyze these systems. With the documentation from open source systems and general information of CRM systems we then prepared a reference list of key functionalities. On the basis of our reference list of functionalities we then prepared a simple decision model for selecting a CRM system. In the last part of our thesis we described the practical experiences of using an open source CRM system. We described the installation of two CRM systems and we tested the possibility of using them with existing information systems through web services and added data fields. We also tried to upgrade the functionality with freely available addons. Open source CRM systems proved to be an interesting alternative to commercial solutions, mainly because they offer integration and developing our own solutions that supplement the product

    Web Editor for SPARQL

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    Cieľom tejto práce je vytvoriť webový editor pre dotazovací jazyk SPARQL ako komponentu v javascriptovom frameworku Vue.js a webovú aplikáciu využívajúcu túto komponentu pre dotazovanie sa nad SPARQL endpointami. V riešení editoru bola využitá knižnica CodeMirror a knižnica PrimeVue pre prácu s užívateľským rozhraním. Vytvorené riešenie poskytuje voľne dostupnú komponentu ako npm package. Prínosom tejto práce je ľahko importovateľný editor s množstvom funkcií pre uľahčenie práce s písaním dotazov.Target of this thesis is to create web editor for query language SPARQL as component in javascript framework Vue.js and web application using this component to query over SPARQL endpoints. To implement editor were used CodeMirror library and PrimeVue library for user interface. Final version of component is publicly available as npm package. Benefit of this thesis is easily importable editor with many functions to simplify writing queries.

    Applicaton of Rapid Prototyping technology for foundry patterns manufacture

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    Import 22/07/2015Cílem této bakalářské práce je možnost využití moderní technologie Rapid Prototyping pro výrobu modelů a jejich následného využití ve slévárenství. Teoretická část práce obsahuje obecné seznámení s technologií Rapid Prototyping a přiblížení k různým metodám tisku. V následující části je obsaženo použití této technologie v oboru slévárenství pro výrobu slévárenských modelů. Praktická část práce obsahuje návrh modelu a následné možnosti výroby.The objective of my bachelor thesis is finding possible uses of modern “Rapid Prototyping“ technology for the production of foundry patterns and their use in the foundry industry. The theoretical part contains a general introduction to Rapid Prototyping technology and approaches to variol methods of printing. The following section details the use of this technology in the foundry industry for the production of foundry patterns. Practical Work includes designing of patterns and production possibilities.632 - Katedra materiálů a technologií pro automobilyvelmi dobř

    Web Editor for SPARQL

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    Target of this thesis is to create web editor for query language SPARQL as component in javascript framework Vue.js and web application using this component to query over SPARQL endpoints. To implement editor were used CodeMirror library and PrimeVue library for user interface. Final version of component is publicly available as npm package. Benefit of this thesis is easily importable editor with many functions to simplify writing queries

    Rationalization of Electricity Consumption in Househ Olds

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    With rationalization of electricity consumption, it is possible to obtain savings of electric energy in households, as well as financing and capital input for the electricity production. Rational use of appliances in the best operating modes can reduce the final consumption of electricity, representing a positive impact on improving the environment quality. The main objective of this paper was to measure the electricity consumption of appliances in various operating modes. The measured values from two energy suppliers were recorded and processed in tables and figures, from which we created a table of the financial costs necessary for operation of appliances in different modes. For the calculation of annual electricity consumption and electricity prices, an application allowing selection of individual products from suppliers with current electricity prices was designed. According to the tables of electricity prices, various modes of appliance operation allow the selection of the most preferred mode for appliance operation based on the lowest price, rational consumption and energy costs. The aim of the paper is to demonstrate the consumption and costs of operating appliances in certain operating modes, standby modes and their efficient use or functionally similar appliances for reduction of electricity consumption in households

    Landmark Finding Algorithms for Indoor Autonomous Mobile Robot Localization

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    This contribution is oriented to ways of computer vision algorithms for mobile robot localization in internal and external agricultural environment. The main aim of this work was to design, create, verify and evaluate speed and functionality of computer vision localization algorithm. An input colour camera data and depth data were captured by MS® Kinect sensor that was mounted on 6-wheel-drive mobile robot chassis. The design of the localization algorithm was focused to the most significant blobs and points (landmarks) on the colour picture. Actual coordinates of autonomous mobile robot were calculated out from measured distances (depth sensor) and calculated angles (RGB camera) with respect to landmark points. Time measurement script was used to compare the speed of landmark finding algorithm for localization in case of one and more landmarks on picture. The main source code was written in MS Visual studio C# programming language with Microsoft.Kinect.1.7.dll on Windows based PC. Algorithms described in this article were created for a future development of an autonomous agronomical mobile robot localization and control