928 research outputs found

    Vocalização e comentários sobre as relacões de parentesco de Hypsiboas ericae (Amphibia; Hylidae)

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    The vocalizations of Hypsiboas ericae (Caramaschi & Cruz, 2000) are described and new information on the external morphology and osteology of the species are presented. H. ericae presents a bony spine in the prepolex and the individuals can present green or brown dorsal color, as other species of the Hypsiboas pulchellus (Duméril & Bibron, 1841) species group. The vocalizations of H. ericae are similar to the vocalizations of Hypsiboas bischoffi (Boulenger, 1887), Hypsiboas guentheri (Boulenger, 1886), and other species in the H. polytaenius (Cope, 1870 "1869") clade of the H. pulchellus species group, but some osteological aspects are different to those found in the majority of the species of this group.As vocalizações de Hypsiboas ericae (Caramaschi & Cruz, 2000) são descritas e novas informações sobre a morfologia externa e a osteologia da espécie são apresentadas. H. ericae apresenta prepólex terminando em um espinho ósseo e os indivíduos podem ter o colorido dorsal marrom ou verde, como outras espécies do grupo de Hypsiboas pulchellus (Duméril & Bibron, 1841). As vocalizações de H. ericae são similares às de Hypsiboas bischoffi (Boulenger, 1887), Hypsiboas guentheri (Boulenger, 1886) e às de outras espécies do clado de H. polytaenius (Cope, 1870 "1869") do grupo de H. pulchellus, mas alguns aspectos de sua osteologia são muito diferentes dos encontrados na maioria das espécies do grupo de H. pulchellus.FAPES

    Chromosomal characterization of Hyla bischoffi and Hyla guentheri (Anura, Hylidae)

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    Hyla bischoffi and H. guentheri share some morphological and call characters with the H. pulchella and H. polytaenia groups. The inclusion of these two species in one of these two groups is still controversial. This study showed that both species have 2n = 24 chromosomes, consisting of five metacentric, five submetacentric, and two subtelocentric chromosome pairs. The nucleolus organizer region (NOR) was located on the long arm of chromosome 10, which also presented a block of heterochromatin in both species. The pericentromeric region of all the chromosomes was positively C-banded. There were no conspicuous differences in the karyotypes of these two species, except for an additional heterochromatic C-band on the short arms of chromosome 6 in H. bischoffi. The karyotypes of these two species were very similar to those of the H. pulchella group and indicate that neither species can be excluded from that group

    Larval anatomy of monotypic painted ant nest frogs Lithodytes lineatus reveals putative homoplasies with the Leptodactylus pentadactylus group (Anura: Leptodactylidae)

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    The morphological diversity of anuran larvae made them an important source of information for evolutionary and systematic studies. For the monotypic frog genus Lithodytes, which has an interesting taxonomic history, including its past synonymizing with Adenomera and its placement as a subgenus of Leptodactylus, the information provided from its larvae can help to understand its systematics interrelationships and also provide insights about its evolutionary trajectories. Herein, we provide a detailed description of the larval morphology of Lithodytes lineatus, including novel data of internal morphology (buccopharyngeal cavity and skeleton), and discuss some morphological and evolutionary aspects in relation to other members of the subfamily Leptodactylinae. Despite the overall similar larval morphology with others members of the subfamily, we identified four autapomorphic traits for Lithodytes and seven purported homoplastic traits with a subclade of the Leptodactylus pentadactylus species group that likely evolved convergently. Some of these traits have been previously associated with a carnivorous diet. Putative homoplastic and autapomorphic characters served as additional diagnostic traits for Lithodytes, supporting its recognition as a distinct genus within Leptodactylidae

    Tadpole of the Amazonia frog Edalorhina perezi (Anura: Leptodactylidae) with description of oral internal and chondrocranial morphology

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    The genus Edalorhina consists of two species of small forest-floor frogs inhabiting the Amazon basin. The tadpole of Edalorhina perezi, the most widely distributed species, was previously described based on a single and early stage (Gosner 25) individual. Herein, we provide a description of the tadpole in Gosner stages 35–36 including internal morphology data (i.e., buccopharyngeal cavity and larval skeleton) based on samples from two populations from Ecuador. Edalorhina shares a generalized morphology with most members of its closely related taxa; however, it is distinguished from the other species by having an almost terminal oral disc. The presence of a dextral vent tube is considered a synapomorphy for the clade consisting of Edalorhina, Engystomops, and Physalaemus. Within this clade, the combination of two lingual papillae, a filiform median ridge, and the lack of buccal roof papillae are diagnostic of E. perezi and putative autapomorphies of Edalorhina. Chondrocranial anatomy provides characteristics, that is, presence of and uniquely shaped processus pseudopterygoideus and cartilago suprarostralis with corpora and alae joined by dorsal and ventral connections that readily differentiates the genus from other Leiuperinae

    Evaluation of structural intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal)

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    The Quartel das Esquadras is an 18th century infantry barrack located within the limits of the bulwarked fortress of Almeida, in Portugal. An ongoing adaptive reuse project of the building aims to recover its full capacity and also its importance to the fortified village of Almeida, by implementing a variety of new uses. While adaptive reuse projects of historical buildings are a very recommendable solution for maintaining those constructions whose use has become obsolete, these projects demand careful study because they may introduce changes in the structural behaviour of the buildings to preserve. The architectural intervention results in the need of the structure to withstand new and diverse imposed loads, as well as inserting passages and communication systems to enable a proper contemporary use of the building, fulfilling architectural requirements and current building codes. As the current configuration of the structure will be altered, the main objective of this paper is to evaluate the suitability of some of the proposed structural interventions. Such evaluation requires a good understanding of the current state of the structure and the alterations proposed by the project. The current condition has been characterized following a multidisciplinary approach comprising historical research, visual inspection, non-destructive testing and structural analysis. The alterations proposed by the project have been described, identifying possible sources of major structural problems. A portion of the building particularly affected by the alterations has been selected to carry out structural analysis. A comparative safety assessment of the selected area in both current and altered condition has been done through finite element modelling and nonlinear static analysis, resulting in an identification of the weaker points against the new implemented loads and alterations. Finally, proposals for the implementation of the studied intervention, as well as recommendations for future research and analyses, have been given.This work was financed by FEDER funds through the Competitiveness Factors Operational Programme - COMPETE and by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology within the scope of the project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007633

    Evaluation of structural intervention in the Quartel das Esquadras, Almeida (Portugal)

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    The Quartel das Esquadras is an 18th century infantry barrack located within the limits of the bulwarked fortress of Almeida, in Portugal. An ongoing adaptive reuse project of the building aims to recover its full capacity and also its importance to the fortified village of Almeida, by implementing a variety of new uses. While adaptive reuse projects of historical buildings are a very recommendable solution for maintaining those constructions whose use has become obsolete, these projects demand careful study because they may introduce changes in the structural behaviour of the buildings to preserve.The architectural intervention results in the need of the structure to withstand new and diverse imposed loads, as well as inserting passages and communication systems to enable a proper contemporary use of the building, fulfilling architectural requirements and current building codes. As the current configuration of the structure will be altered, the main objective of this paper is to evaluate the suitability of some of the proposed structural interventions. Such evaluation requires a good understanding of the current state of the structure and the alterations proposed by the project. The current condition has been characterized following a multidisciplinary approach comprising historical research, visual inspection, non-destructive testing and structural analysis. The alterations proposed by the project have been described, identifying possible sources of major structural problems. A portion of the building particularly affected by the alterations has been selected to carry out structural analysis. A comparative safety assessment of the selected area in both current and altered condition has been done through finite element modelling and nonlinear static analysis, resulting in an identification of the weaker points against the new implemented loads and alterations. Finally, proposals for the implementation of the studied intervention, as well as recommendations for future research and analyses, have been given.- (undefined

    Redescrição de Hylodes Perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) (Amphibia, Anura, Leptodactylidae)

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    Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) is redescribed on basis of specimens obtained near the type- locality. The species is a member of the H. lateristrigatus species group and very similar to H. heyeri, being distinguished mainly by advertisement call and details of morphology. Descriptions of the tadpole, vocalization, and information on natural history are provided.Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926) é redescrita com base em espécimes provenientes das imediações da localidade-tipo. Esta espécie pertence ao grupo de H. lateristrigatus e é morfologicamente muito similar a H. heyeri, sendo distingüida principalmente pela vocalização de anúncio, além de detalhes da morfologia. Descrição do girino, da vocalização de anúncio e informações sobre história natural são fornecidas

    Evaluation of the effect of hypothermia by cold water immersion on blood neutrophils and lymphocytes of rats submitted to acute exercise

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    O estresse sistêmico induzido pelo exercício libera substâncias bioativas determinantes da mobilização neutrofílica. A crioterapia diminui a reação inflamatória e atenua a elevação da perfusão sanguínea induzida pelo exercício. O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar a influência da hipotermia decorrente da crioimersão corporal (CIC) imediata ao esforço físico agudo nas concentrações neutrofílicas e linfocíticas no sangue. Os ratos do grupo controle (AI) foram mantidos em repouso enquanto os do grupo AII foram submetidos ao protocolo de CIC a 10ºC por 10 minutos. Enquanto os animais dos grupos BI, BII, BIII e BIV realizaram o esforço físico agudo (EFA) em água a 31ºC durante 100 minutos com sobrecarga corpórea de 5% do peso corporal, os dos grupos CI, CII, CIII e CIV foram submetidos ao EFA seguido imediatamente de CIC. Nos grupos B e C, os animais foram sacrificados nos períodos de 06 (I), 12 (II), 24 (III) e 48 (IV) horas posteriores ao EFA. Através da microscopia óptica realizou-se a contagem dos neutrófilos e linfócitos. Utilizou-se do Teste T Student para análise estatística considerando-se nível de significância p < 0,05. Observou-se uma significativa neutrofilia nos grupos AII, BI, BII, BIII, BIV, CI, CII e CIII em relação a AI, diferentemente do grupo CIV, que apresentou quantidade de neutrófilos igual ao grupo controle. Os valores de linfócitos nos grupos BII, BIII, BIV, CI e CII foram significativamente menores do que AI, e nos grupos AII, BI, CIII e CIV foram iguais a AI. A neutrofilia e a linfopenia posteriores ao intenso exercício agudo são mantidas por 48 horas ou mais, porém, mediante a aplicação da crioimersão corporal imediata ao exercício, são normalizadas em 24 horas.Systemic stress induced by exercise increases bioactive substances in plasma which leads to neutrophilic mobilization. Cryotherapy causes a decrease in the inflammatory reaction and attenuates high blood perfusion after exercise. The objective of this work was to analyze the influence of cold water immersion (CWI) after acute exercise on neutrophil and lymphocyte mobilization. A control group of rats (AI) was kept at rest and a second group (AII) was submitted to CWI at 10º C for 10 minutes. The animals of Groups BI, BII, BIII and BIV were submitted to acute exercise which consisted in swimming in water at 31º C for 100 minutes with a load equivalent to 5% of the body weight. Groups CI, CII, CIII and CIV were submitted to CWI immediately after acute exercise. The animals were sacrificed at 6 (I), 12 (II), 24 (III) and 48 (IV) hours after the exercise and neutrophil and lymphocyte cells were counted for all groups by optic microscopy. The Student t-test was used for statistical analysis with a significance level of p< 0.05. A significant increase in the number of neutrophils was observed in Groups AII, BI, BII, BIII, BIV, CI, CII and CIII compared to AI. The neutrophil count of the CIV Group was similar to the Control Group. There was a significant drop in the number of lymphocytes in Groups BII, BIII, BIV, CI and CII when compared to Group AI. The lymphocyte count of Groups AII, BI, CIII and CIV were similar to the Control Group. The changes in neutrophil and lymphocyte counts caused by acute exercise were reverted to normal at 24 hours by cold water immersion