10 research outputs found

    Firefighters’ knowledge of the knowledge of procedures for clearing the respiratory tract in an injured person with suspected infection with biological material (SARS-CoV-2) — a nationwide cross- -sectional study

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    Introduction: The aim of the study was to assess the knowledge of the procedure for clearing the respiratory tract and updated qualified first aid (QFA) 1a and 2a procedures by firefighters serving in State Fire Service (SFS) rescue and firefighting units, and their knowledge of the transmission of the SARS-CoV-2 virus. Material and methods: The cross-sectional study covered 19 408 firefighters (officers serving in SFS rescue and firefighting units from all over Poland). The study was conducted using the diagnostic survey method, the Computer Assisted Web Interview (CAWI) technique consisting of a set of particulars regarding a specific officer and the appropriate medical part of the survey. Results: In the group of 19,408 respondents, 99.31% were men (n = 19,275), while women accounted for 0.69% (n = 133; p < 0.001). The age of the respondents was in the range of 18–66 years, and the average age was 35.88 ± 7.14 years. The length of service was 11.95 ± 6.44 years. The knowledge of procedures 1a and 2a declared by the respondents [OR = 1.51 (95% CI: 1.22–1.86), x2 = 14.76], the ability to operate a suction unit [OR = 1.73 (95% CI: 1.44–2.08, x2 = 34.58)], the frequency of airway clearance training (p < < 0.001, x2 = 61.74). Only 15% of respondents used a suction unit on an injured person during operations. Conclusions: The knowledge of firefighters in the subject matter covered by the analysis is diverse, some firefighters have additional experience and practice from working in health care units. Professional development in the field of QFA supplemented with procedures 1a and 2a may translate into a lower risk of infection associated with airway clearing in the era of the pandemic. There is a visible need for constant training of SFS officers in terms of medical activities to maintain the knowledge of firefighters at a high initial level

    Polish State Fire Service (SFS) response to out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA): a retrospective study

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    INTRODUCTION: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest (OHCA) is one of the leading causes of death in developed countries, which is a leading public health problem. Saving endangered human life is a priority task for emergency services around the world. The aim of study was to analysis of OHCA cases for which the Fire Rescue Units (FRU) teams were ordered in situations that meet the criteria of the isolated emergency medical incidents (IEMI). MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included a retrospective analysis of calls by Polish FRU to local medical threats over a period of 5 years. The data come from the Decision Support System for Fire Service. Quantitative data were described using classical measures: arithmetic means (M), standard deviations (SD), median (Me) and interquartile ranges (IQR). RESULTS: The total number of OHCA cases included was 94. The mean time between receipt of the IEMI call and arrival on scene was 6 minutes and 22 seconds (IQR = 4). ROSC occurred in 21 patients, which is 22.34% of all cases. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) was used in 64 cases (68.09%). The analyzed victims were mostly men (76.59%). The mean age of the victims was 63.06 years (Me = 62 years). CONCLUSIONS:The results of the research are in line with global trends and show the role of early cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Sending FRU to OHCA in the case of non-availability of the EMT in the initial phase of the intervention is justified

    Suffering as a potentially transformative factor in Psychology and Buddhism

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    Praca dotyczy zagadnienia cierpienia oraz tego, w jaki sposób podejście względem niego przekłada się na funkcjonowanie ludzi w świecie. Zostanie podjęta tym samym ocena przewartościowująca negatywne stany mentalne poprzez skupienie się na ich potencjale transformacyjnym na przykładzie kluczowych nauk buddyjskich o cierpieniu oraz badań nad posttraumatycznymi transformacjami.This paper presents issues of suffering and how the approach to it affects the functioning of people in the world. It will thus undertake a re-evaluation of negative mental states by focusing on their transformational potential on the example of the key Buddhist teachings on suffering and research on post-traumatic transformation

    Moral Problematics in Bioethics in Reference to Euthanasia from a Theistic, Pantheistic and Non-theistic Perspective

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    Praca dotyczy problematyki związanej z tematem eutanazji. Zestawione zostają ze sobą trzy perspektywy: teistyczna, panteistyczna oraz nonteistyczna na przykładzie religii chrześcijańskiej, buddyzmu oraz filmu „W stronę morza”, wyreżyserowanego przez Amenbara.This paper presents issues related to the topic of euthanasia. Three perspectives are put together: theistic, pantheistic and nontheistic in reference to the Christian religion, Buddhism and the film "The Sea Inside" directed by Amenbar

    Medical interventions of the Fire Service during the COVID-19 pandemic in Poland

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    INTRODUCTION: The rescue services which take interventions in the scene of accidents include the Fire Service officers. The tasks of the Fire Service carried out to serve the society include the cooperation with units of the Emergency Medical Services and performance of medical operations. The spreading of the COVID-19 pandemic led to many changes in daily public and private life, in the functioning of institutions, public offices, the healthcare system and the uniformed services. MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included a retrospective analysis of departures of Polish fire-fighting units (FFU) for isolated events of medical emergency (IEMEs) in a two-year period: from March 2019 to the end of February 2021 (one year before the pandemic and one year during the pandemic in Poland). The data come from the EWID event recording programme and the Decision-Making Support System of the State Fire Service. The quantitative data were prepared depending on the distribution of the variable: the mean and the standard deviation (if the distribution was normal) and the median and the interquartile range (if the distribution was not normal). RESULTS: The studied period included 5272 events meeting the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. An increase by over 56% was seen in IEMEs in the pandemic year compared to the previous year. The dynamics of the IEME increase are identical to the waves of the pandemic occurring in Poland. A statistically significant correlation (p<0.001, R=0.93) was demonstrated between the number of coronavirus infections and the number of IEMEs in the pandemic period. CONCLUSIONS:The studied period included 5272 events meeting the criteria for inclusion in the analysis. An increase by over 56% was seen in IEMEs in the pandemic year compared to the previous year. The dynamics of the IEME increase are identical to the waves of the pandemic occurring in Poland. A statistically significant correlation (p<0.001, R=0.93) was demonstrated between the number of coronavirus infections and the number of IEMEs in the pandemic period

    Methodology for Skull Tap Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (Tap-cVEMP)

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to present a methodology of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials registered from sternocleidomastoid muscle (SCM) using skull tap stimulation (Tap-cVEMP) in a patient with cerebellopontine angle tumor (CPAT). Material and methods: A 23-year-old female with CPAT. The methodology of Tap-cVEMP is introduced. The results of VEMP is confronted with surgical information about the tumor. Results: The results of AC-cVEMP and Tap-cVEMP revealed the inferior vestibular nerve bundle to be affected by the tumor with intact superior bundle. Information obtained from VEMP was confirmed during surgery. Conclusion: Skull Tap Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (Tap-cVEMP) may be the useful method in the diagnostics of CPAT. AC-cVEMP and Tap-cVEMP may be helpful to evaluate the functional integrity of both vestibular nerve bundles providing the information about their involvement in the pathological process

    Miogenne przedsionkowe potencjały wywołane bodźcem typu „skull tap” (Tap-cVEMP) – metodologia badania

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    Cel pracy: Celem pracy jest przedstawienie metodologii badania miogennych przedsionkowych potencjałów wywołanych, rejestrowanych z mięśnia mostkowo-obojczykowo-sutkowego przy zastosowaniu stymulacji bodźcem typu „skull tap” (Tap-cVEMP) na przykładzie pacjentki z guzem kąta mostowo-móżdżkowego. Materiał i metody: Dwudziestotrzyletnia kobieta była hospitalizowana w klinice z powodu guza kąta mostowo-móżdżkowego. W pracy przedstawiono metodologię badania Tap-cVEMP oraz wyniki badań AC-cVEMP i Tap-cVEMP, a także ich korelację z danymi z operacji usunięcia guza. Wyniki: Uzyskane wyniki badania AC- i Tap-cVEMP wskazywały na uszkodzenie dolnej gałązki nerwu przedsionkowego i prawidłową funkcję górnej. Operacja potwierdziła informacje uzyskane z badań VEMP. Wnioski: Badanie miogennych przedsionkowych potencjałów wywołanych z zastosowaniem bodźca typu „skull tap” (Tap-cVEMP) może być jedną z metod przydatnych w diagnostyce guzów nerwu VIII. Poszerzenie diagnostyki guzów kąta mostowo-móżdżkowego o badania AC- i Tap-cVEMP może dostarczyć istotnych informacji dla oceny zachowania funkcji nerwu przedsionkowego z uwzględnieniem obu jego gałązek

    Evaluation of the abilities of the staff to perform medical rescue procedures at the advanced level in the State Fire Service in Poland in connection with an update of the Principles of Medical Rescue Organisation in the National Emergency and Fire System

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    Introduction: Analysis of the medical education of State Fire Service (SFS) officers in terms of the possibility to perform medical emergency procedures at the advanced level in connection with an update of the Rules of Medical Rescue Organisation in National Emergency and Fire System (NEFS). Material and methods: An analysis was conducted of the nationwide staff-related data on the medical education of SFS officers, both in the day-based and shift-based system. The analysis also covered additional qualifications for the pursuit of the profession of a physician, nurse and medical emergency worker among the firefighters/medical emergency workers in Poland, satisfaction of the obligation of professional training and additional employment in healthcare facilities. Results: 2220 officers with medical education work in the organisational units of SFS. Nearly 40% of the officers with medical education in SFS additionally work in healthcare units and more than a half pursues the statutory professional training. To ensure one medical emergency worker per professional shift on the ready, every SFS EFU should have ca. 5.6 full-time positions for medical emergency workers — this is a coefficient including absences of leave, sickness absences and other variables. Therefore, the above calculations indicate that to ensure one medical emergency worker per professional shift in one SFS EFU (E ≈ 5.6), ca. 2817 officers with medical education should be employed. With the current staff level (SRM = 2220), ca. 597 officers should be employed to fill the demand (Mrt) if the advanced level is to be achieved Conclusions: The medical rescue in SFS as one of the disciplines of medicine requires continual development in terms of solutions for the system, equipment and first of all the staff. A higher number of medical emergency workers in SFS may have a positive effect on the quality of the medical procedures carried out during isolated emergency medical incidents. The organisational units of SFS in most voivodeships in Poland face a shortage of medical emergency workers on duty, which has a negative effect on the possibility to perform Medical Rescue Procedures at the advanced level