56 research outputs found

    Tradução e escrita testemunhal em Mémoires de prison

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    Propomos refletir sobre o processo tradutório do testemunho de Graciliano Ramos, Memórias do Cárcere (1954), ressaltando as marcas do contato com essa escrita “penosa” que a tradução de Antoine Seel e Jorge Coli, Mémoires de Prison (1988), põe em relevo O testemunho original relata a prisão arbitrária sofrida pelo autor durante a ditadura Vargas e a experiência traumática do cárcere. A narração dessas memórias sinaliza para o seu conturbado processo de escrita de situações limites, encenando a aporia que, segundo Jacques Derrida (2000b), comanda o processo tradutório: a necessidade dominante de traduzir e, ao mesmo tempo, as limitações da tarefa. Essa aporia atravessa as leituras do filósofo acerca do gesto testemunhal. Como afirma, ao apresentar-se como único sujeito a presenciar uma verdade, a testemunha recusa a traduzibilidade e a possibilidade de ser substituída (DERRIDA, 2000a), numa performance do que lemos nos últimos versos de Ashenglorie, por Paul Celan: ninguém testemunha pela testemunha. Contudo, Derrida (2000a) argumenta que o testemunho só tem valor quando é traduzível e, assim, comunicável. Considerando que a necessidade tradutória coexiste com a impossibilidade de sofrer e sobreviver no lugar da testemunha, enxergamos o primeiro obstáculo para os tradutores. Como repetir o testemunho de Graciliano, traduzindo suas feridas, diante da impossibilidade de testemunhar em seu lugar? Numa reflexão sobre tradução e testemunho, Marc Crépon (2006) sugere que, diante do desafio tradutório impossível, deve-se testemunhar o encontro com a escrita original e fazer da tradução o documento desse encontro. Ou seja, em vez de testemunhar pela testemunha, deve-se testemunhar, na tradução, as impressões do contato com o corpo textual ferido do original. Argumentamos que a escrita tradutória das Memórias se revela um processo de recriação em que seus tradutores foram tocados pelo peso da escrita do cárcere, forjando na tradução o testemunho das impressões diante do original

    Cross Subsidies in Public Services: Some Issues

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    Pricing policy recommendations infrastructure services are based on two principles. One is that prices should cover the total cost of the service. The other is that cross subsidy schemes should be avoided. This technical paper explores the economic literature for rules on applying these principles to real world infrastructure services. The discussion is based on a partial equilibrium approach that uses market surplus as a proxy for social welfare and efficiency. Three main conclusions are reached in this paper. First, if a uniform price schedule is established and prices diverge from marginal cost, then social welfare can be increased by establishing appropriate price discrimination schemes that have cross subsidies. Second, from a voluntary sustainability standpoint, some cross subsidy schemes are not suitable, whereas others are appropriate. Third, sometimes, optimal and voluntary sustainable price schedules are not compatible. In these cases, a trade-off between optimality and sustainability is often necessary

    Participación del sector privado en los sistemas de agua potable y saneamiento: Ventajas, riesgos y obstáculos

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar la incorporación del sector privado a los servicios de agua y saneamiento desde una doble perspectiva. De un lado, se discute en qué medida la incorporación del sector privado permite romper el círculo de ineficiencia en la que están atrapados la mayoría de los servicios de agua y alcantarillado en la región y promover la eficiencia en la provisión de estos servicios. De otro, se analizan los riesgos y los obstáculos para dicha participación. Aunque los obstáculos son reales, los mismos se agrandan por la presión de algunos grupos sociales interesados en provocar alarma social durante los procesos de incorporación privada. El rechazo social es, en muchas ocasiones, el obstáculo mayor para la implementación de los procesos

    Road Concessions: Lessons Learned from the Experience of Four Countries

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze some issues and challenges related to private toll road developments in Latin American countries and explore new schemes to mitigate some problems that often appear in road concessions. The paper is illustrated with the regulations of four contries and four concession contracts. The concessions are Acceso Norte to Buenos Aires in Argentina, El Cortijo-el Vino in Colombia, Talca-Chillán in Chile, and Ruta Interbalnearia between Montevideo y Punta del Este in Uruguay. Included is a discussion of the legal framework for private sector involvement in road services, the features of concessionaires, the criteria for selecting proposals, main risks of toll roads, public guarantees and contributions in concession contracts, and financial issues of concessionaire companies

    Private Infrastructure Investment at the Subnational Level: Challenges in Emerging Economies

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    This working paper discusses infrastructure investment in Latin America at the subnational, private level and challenges incurred in emerging economics. As decentralization and devolution of responsibilities to subnational governments is increasing, the volume of private infrastructure under the jurisdiction of subnational governments is increasing in tandem with increases in decentralization and devolution of responsibilities to those governments

    Identifying and promoting missing EU power interconnectors

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    The level of interconnector investment undertaken by countries individually are less than optimal, because of the interaction of three key elements, namely a) larger risks than other infrastructure projects, b) little information across countries about a project’s costs and benefits, and c) asymmetric distribution of costs and benefits within a country. Therefore, EU mechanisms for pushing the level of interconnector investment toward optimal ones are advisable. Robust, sound and transparent EU electricity interconnection targets are needed, in order to identify the gap between the optimal and actual interconnection portfolio, and, at the same time, gather the necessary political and social support. These interconnection targets should be based on five methodological pillars, that can be summarised as follows: i) interconnection targets should have a triple dimension, measuring the degree of market integration, the capacity of interconnectors for importing electricity, and the capacity of interconnectors for exporting renewable electricity, ii) in order to avoid and reduce the incentive to propose inefficient interconnector projects, the detailed, all encompassing, cost-benefit analysis should be a necessary (“sine qua non”) condition for implementing new interconnectors, iii) attention to the efficiency of the functioning of the European electricity market should be a priority, in particular by recognising and rectifying the situation that “energy only” markets are not coherent with the EU’s prime goal of drastically reducing carbon emissions, iv) the EU network should be planned and operated in an integrated way, by harmonising the relevant rules, codes and regulations, but also through a different vision of responsibilities on the security of supply, v) to facilitate interconnector development, citizens and relevant stakeholders should be involved in the identification and balancing of costs and benefits at an early stage

    Retail Competition in Electricity

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the issues involved when introducing consumer choice into the power sector. Section 1 describes the approaches used by several countries to introduce tetail competition. Section 2 describes the forces that are pushing consumer choice and retail competition. Section 3 discusses the features of a general model for retail competition. Section 4 discusses different proposals for introducing consumer choice. Section 5 evaluates the retail competition model. Section 6 discusses the challenges of retail companies

    La participación del sector privado en los servicios de agua y saneamiento en Cartagena de Indias

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    El Banco está preparando unas guías para la aplicación de las Política de Servicios Públicos Domiciliarios (OP-708) al sector de agua y saneamiento. Esta política establece un marco para compatibilizar los objetivos de aumento de cobertura y calidad con el resto de los objetivos de desarrollo y eficiencia de cada país. Para facilitar el diseño de las operaciones, el Banco está preparando estudios de experiencias de colaboración entre los sectores público y privado para aumentar la cobertura de la población más desatendida. Desde la segunda mitad de la década de los años ochenta los esquemas de prestación de los servicios de agua y saneamiento en Colombia se han modificado a medida que el marco legal e institucional del sector del agua y el saneamiento fue experimentado transformaciones importantes