24,963 research outputs found

    A large scale cascade model in the context of mathematics curriculum reform: Interactive factor of influence of multipliers’ work.

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    This study aims to know the influences identified by the multipliers on their work with schools, in order to understand the development of the cascade model implemented in the context of a Portuguese national large-scale programme for support mathematics teachers in mathematics curriculum change. 80 multipliers were surveyed with an open-ended questionnaire and the data were analysed with an inductive approach. Multipliers revealed they were affected by interrelated factors from different contexts: their colleagues, the scientific commission, the mathematics teachers and their schools and the Minister of Education. This suggests that the cascade model do not develop in a top down way, neither it is bottom up defined. Instead, it accommodates contrasting influences and its dynamics evolves as conditions change

    The Effects of Maize Trade with Malawi on Price Levels in Mozambique: Implications for Trade and Development Policy

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    Resultados das investigações do Departamento de Análise de Políticas MAP-Direcção de Economíafood security, food policy, Mozambique, maize trade, International Relations/Trade, Q18,

    Prevenção do alcoolismo: a instrumentalidade do AUDIT em psicologia do aconselhamento

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    Dissertação de mestrado em Psicologia da Educação, Desenvolvimento e Aconselhamento, apresentada à Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação da Universidade de CoimbraO consumo excessivo de substâncias tóxicas, onde se inclui o álcool, é uma realidade e uma preocupação. Sendo o alcoolismo uma patologia estudada e tratada em contextos clínicos, entendemos abordá-la sob um ponto de vista pedagógico e de aconselhamento, perspetivando a prevenção e possibilidades de promoção da saúde, pela ação educativa e de orientação versus pelo tratamento e medicação. Para tal, consideramos como instrumento de diagnóstico o AUDIT - Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (2001), que na sua estrutura e conteúdo fornece, não só indicadores da gravidade de consumo de álcool, mas também pistas para a intervenção. Participaram no nosso estudo pacientes em regime de internamento (n = 43), que no AUDIT se situaram essencialmente na zona de risco IV, como era esperado em função das características da amostra. Do estudo inferimos que seria desejável adotar medidas de prevenção universal e indicada, designadamente em contexto escolar, familiar e no ambiente social comunitário próximo. Concluímos da adequação do instrumento AUDIT na triagem de casos de alcoolismo, em etapas precoces do desenvolvimento, designadamente nas infraestruturas locais.The excessive consumption of toxic substances in which the alcohol can be included is a reality and a concern. As alcoholism is a pathology that is studied and treated in clinical contexts, we believe that it must be approached under a pedagogical point of view as well as a way of advice, taking into account the perspective of prevention and the possibilities of health promotion through an educative action and orientation versus through the treatment and medication. In order to do that, we must consider the diagnosis instrument, whose name is Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT - 1992/2000). Its structure and content supply not only indexes about the gravity of alcohol consumption, but also tracks for intervening. There were patients who participated in our study in a regimen of internment (n = 43) and they were situated in the zone of risk IV in AUDIT, as it was expected according to the characteristics of the sample. Taking into account the study, we may infer that it would be desirable to adopt measures of universal prevention, namely in the context of school and family and in the closest communitarian social environment. We can conclude that there is an adequacy of the instrument AUDIT in the selection of alcoholism cases as well as in the precocious stages of the development, namely in the local infrastructures

    Injustice Ignored: The Internment of Italian - Americans during World War II

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    PNAEQ - 13 years of post-analytical EQAS in Portugal

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    In the last 13 years, PNAEQ provided a specific program on post-analytical phase. In order to raise the offer of schemes in areas like Thrombosis/ Haemostasis, PNAEQ has established a consortium with ECAT Foundation distributing two more schemes: Post- Analytical Platelet Function and Pre- and Post-Analytical in Haemostasis. Furthermore, five of the analytical schemes organized by PNAEQ include a post-analytical interpretation, such as Blood Morphology, Hemoglobinopathies, Hydatidose, Rubella and Toxoplasmosis. The main objective of implementing specific and integrated programs on post-analytical phase is to evaluate the performance of laboratories on these matters in order to improve their quality service. The specific program on post-analytical phase provided by PNAEQ comprises 6 types of surveys: audits (vertical and presential), case simulation, case-study, document evaluation, quality indicators and questionnaires. Each survey represents a different tool to evaluate several items of the post-analytical process (Table 1), as well as the laboratory collaborators involved in each task (Figure 1). The items in evaluation are annually selected in the PNAEQ Working Group on Pre- and Post-Analytical Phase (created in 2015) and in compliance with the Portuguese Legislation and the ISO 15189:2012(E). Since 2007 PNAEQ has distributed 6 types of tools in the Post-Analytical Phase EQA, stabilizing in 3 of them in the last five years: Audits, Case Simulation and Quality Indicators. The participation rate has been increasing since 2015, which can be due to the multiple actions performed by PNAEQ Working Group on Pre- and Post-Analytical Phase. In addition, the Case Simulation surveys are the most participated (74% average) since the participation depends on PNAEQ. For the future, PNAEQ and the Working Group will work on the continuous update of the tools content distributed in each survey according to international references and the experience of other EQA organizers.N/

    rebuilding the separation between the State and the Church

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    UID/HIS/04209/2019What were the means of religious regulation, and more specifically, what were the terms for the institutionalisation of the Catholic Church that the Portuguese authoritarian state adopted? This article adopts a new historiographic interpretation on these questions in order to emphasise both the experience of restructuring the separation and defending the persistence of secularism in the political and cultural debate over the course of the 20th century in Portugal. This argument moves away from the until recently dominant perspective that there was prevailing in Portugal that phenomenon termed “clerical fascism” that some of the literature deems to have been generalised across the dictatorial regimes of Europe between the World Wars.publishersversionpublishe

    Cuidando da saúde do trabalhador na atenção básica

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    O seminário aborda o papel da atenção básica frente a saúde do trabalhador, vivenciando a Rede de Atenção a Saúde.Versão em H

    Desafios da intervenção sociológica em prol da inclusão social

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    Neste artigo, iremos apresentar algumas reflexões em torno do papel da sociologia enquanto disciplina facilitadora de dinâmicas de desenvolvimento locais integradas e de trabalho em rede, tomando como palco de reflexão a realidade local de Santo Tirso, nomeadamente através dos contributos da implementação do Programa Rede Social no concelho. Assim, iremos demonstrar iniciativas, procedimentos e incursões metodológicas que demonstrem a intervenção em prol da coesão social e da inclusão levadas a cabo por uma matriz disciplinar comum, resultante de uma partilha de experiências em constante reestruturação. A abordagem que pretendemos fazer centra-se na mediação dos sociólogos na eliminação dos mecanismos de pobreza e de exclusão social, quer através da cooperação entre o sectores público e privado, quer através da acção multisectorial no quadro de uma perspectiva integrada, quer, ainda, através da participação e co-responsabilização dos grupos e comunidades locais, no sentido de activarem os seus recursos e potencialidades, autonomizando-se dos processos de desqualificação de que são alvo. Para além de alguns contributos teóricos, pretendemos demonstrar alguns indicadores do trabalho em rede e a consequente intervenção da Sociologia enquanto disciplina facilitadora desse mesmo trabalho, tendo como pano de fundo a realidade do concelho de Santo Tirso, designadamente a implementação do Programa Rede Social.In this paper, we present some reflections on the role of sociology as a discipline facilitator of integrated local development dynamics and networking, taking as a stage of reflection of the local reality of Santo Tirso, particularly through contributions from the implementation of the Programa Rede Social. Thus, we will show initiatives, procedures and methodological inroads showing the intervention to promote social cohesion and inclusion carried out by a common disciplinary matrix, resulting from a sharing of experiences in constant restructuring. The approach we intend to do focuses on the mediation of sociologists in the elimination of the mechanisms of poverty and social exclusion, either through cooperation between public and private sectors, either through multisectoral action within an integrated perspective, either, although, through participation and co-responsibility of local groups and communities in order to activate their resources and capabilities, empowering themselves from the processes they face disqualification. Apart from some theoretical aim to demonstrate some indicators of networking and the consequent intervention of sociology as a discipline facilitator of that work, with the backdrop of the reality of the municipality of Santo Tirso, including the implementation of the Programa Rede Social

    Secretariado: um factor de competitividade organizacional

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    Pretende-se com esta comunicação apresentar uma reflexão acerca da complexa realidade que hoje envolve a profissão/função de secretário/assessor. De facto, o meio ambiente onde cada secretário(a) desenvolve a sua actividade influencia directamente essa função e, por essa razão, torna-se muito importante conhecer as condições onde vamos desenvolver o nosso trabalho para nos tornarmos num elemento diferenciador e factor de competitividade