3,996 research outputs found

    Hlt1 Muon Alley Description

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    This note describes the LHCb Hlt1 muon alley, which is part of the High Level Trigger. It is intended to confirm the L0 muon trigger and reduce the bandwidth. The performance presented here is done using about 1000 simulated data of some relevant muon channels and 200k of minimum bias events

    Hacia la construcción de una intervención educativa situada, a través de un proceso de conocimiento y vínculo con el(los) otro(s)

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    En este breve relato/escrito buscamos compartir algunas reflexiones en torno a la experiencia que transitamos como estudiantes de la Escuela de Ciencias de la Educación en el marco del Seminario de Prácticas Sociocomunitarias “Destejiendo itinerarios de enseñanza en la escuela primaria: saberes culturales, imágenes y formas narrativas”.Si bien nos interesa especialmente hacer foco en lo que significó para nosotras una intervención situada a través de un proceso de conocimiento y vínculo con el otro, queremos destacar lo valioso que fue el espacio mismo del Seminario en nuestra formación académica universitaria a modo de “formación situada”, ya que nos permitió pensar las intervenciones en un lugar concreto, con historia propia y desde nuestras propias vivencias y experiencias de encuentro con distintas producciones culturales y actores sociales. Todo esto, desde una perspectiva dialógica y a través de un intercambio constante de saberes de enseñanza y saberes académicos

    Effect of 15 BMI-Associated polymorphisms, reported for europeans, across ethnicities and degrees of amerindian ancestry in mexican children

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    In Mexico, the genetic mechanisms underlying childhood obesity are poorly known. We evaluated the effect of loci, known to be associated with childhood body mass index (BMI) in Europeans, in Mexican children from different ethnic groups. We performed linear and logistic analyses of BMI and obesity, respectively, in Mestizos and Amerindians (Seris, Yaquis and Nahuatl speakers) from Northern (n = 369) and Central Mexico (n = 8545). We used linear models to understand the effect of degree of Amerindian ancestry (AMA) and genetic risk score (GRS) on BMI z-score. Northern Mexican Mestizos showed the highest overweight-obesity prevalence (47.4%), followed by Seri (36.2%) and Central Mexican (31.5%) children. Eleven loci (SEC16B/rs543874, OLFM4/rs12429545/rs9568856, FTO/rs9939609, MC4R/rs6567160, GNPDA2/rs13130484, FAIM2/rs7132908, FAM120AOS/rs944990, LMX1B/rs3829849, ADAM23/rs13387838, HOXB5/rs9299) were associated with BMI and seven (SEC16B/rs543874, OLFM4/rs12429545/rs9568856, FTO/rs9939609, MC4R/rs6567160, GNPDA2 rs13130484, LMX1B/rs3829849) were associated with obesity in Central Mexican children. One SNP was associated with obesity in Northern Mexicans and Yaquis (SEC16B/rs543874). We found higher BMI z-score at higher GRS (β = 0.11, p = 0.2 × 10−16) and at lower AMA (β = −0.05, p = 6.8 × 10−7). The GRS interacts with AMA to increase BMI (β = 0.03, p = 6.08 × 10−3). High genetic BMI susceptibility increase the risk of higher BMI, including in Amerindian children

    Steroid receptor coactivator 2 is required for female fertility and mammary morphogenesis: insights from the mouse, relevance to the human

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    Although the importance of the progesterone receptor (PR) to female reproductive and mammary gland biology is firmly established, the coregulators selectively co-opted by PR in these systems have not been clearly delineated. A selective gene-knockout approach applied to the mouse, which abrogates gene function only in cell types that express PR, recently disclosed steroid receptor coactivator 2 (SRC-2, also known as TIF-2 or GRIP-1) to be an indispensable coregulator for uterine and mammary gland responses that require progesterone. Uterine cells positive for PR (but devoid of SRC-2) were found to be incapable of facilitating embryo implantation, a necessary first step toward the establishment of the materno-fetal interface. Importantly, such an implantation defect is not exhibited by knockouts for SRC-1 or SRC-3, underscoring the unique coregulator importance of SRC-2 in peri-implantation biology. Moreover, despite normal levels of PR, SRC-1 and SRC-3, progesterone-dependent branching morphogenesis and alveologenesis fails to occur in the murine mammary gland in the absence of SRC-2, thereby establishing a critical coregulator role for SRC-2 in signaling cascades that mediate progesterone-induced mammary epithelial proliferation. Finally, the recent detection of SRC-2 in the human endometrium and breast suggests that this coregulator may represent a new clinical target for the future management of female reproductive health and/or breast cancer

    Effect of multi-component school-based program on body mass index, cardiovascular and diabetes risks in a multi-ethnic study

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    Background: Mexico occupies one of the first places worldwide in childhood obesity. Its Mestizo and Indigenous communities present different levels of westernization which have triggered different epidemiological diseases. We assessed the effects of a multi-component school-based intervention program on obesity, cardiovascular and diabetes risk factors. Methods: A physical activity, health education and parent involvement (PAHEPI) program was developed and applied in six urban (Mestizo ethnic group) and indigenous (Seri and Yaqui ethnic groups) primary schools for 12 weeks. A total of 320 children aged 4–12 years participated in intervention program; 203 under Treatment 1 (PAHEPI program) and 117, only from Mestizo groups, under Treatment 2 (PAHEPI+ school meals). For Body Mass Index (BMI), cardiovascular and diabetes factors, pairwise comparisons of values at baseline and after treatments were done using Wilcoxon signed rank test. Generalized linear models were applied to assess the intervention effect by age, sex and nutritional status in relation to ethnicity and treatment. Results: We observed improvements on BMI in children with overweight-obesity and in triglycerides in the three ethnic groups. The Mestizo ethnic group showed the largest improvements under Treatment 2. While Seris showed improvements only in cardiovascular risk factors, Yaquis also showed improvements in diabetes risk factors, though not in BMI. Conclusions: This study showed that the same intervention may have positive but different effects in different ethnic groups depending on their lifestyle and their emerging epidemiological disease. Including this type of intervention as part of the school curriculum would allow to adapt to ethnic group in order to contribute more efficiently to child welfare

    Learning by network cooperation: knowledge practices in local productive arrangements of software

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    Abstract This paper aims to contribute to the study of knowledge networks in regional clusters, by means of an analysis of the learning process in software small and medium enterprises (SME). The study consists of a multi-case exploratory and qualitative research in three Brazilian local productive arrangements (LPA) in Campinas, Belo Horizonte and Blumenau, involving 14 enterprises and 10 support institutions. The purpose of this analysis was to detach, among other aspects: a) the structure of clusters; b) the main learning sources and; c) the environment of trust necessary to this learning process. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews carried out with the main governance actors of the sector and with the SMEs. The results pointed out to the efficacy of inter-institutional organization through cooperation networks for the management of formal and informal learning processes in knowledge-intensive sectors