165 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic scaling behavior in genechips

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    Abstract Background Affymetrix Genechips are characterized by probe pairs, a perfect match (PM) and a mismatch (MM) probe differing by a single nucleotide. Most of the data preprocessing algorithms neglect MM signals, as it was shown that MMs cannot be used as estimators of the non-specific hybridization as originally proposed by Affymetrix. The aim of this paper is to study in detail on a large number of experiments the behavior of the average PM/MM ratio. This is taken as an indicator of the quality of the hybridization and, when compared between different chip series, of the quality of the chip design. Results About 250 different GeneChip hybridizations performed at the VIB Microarray Facility for Homo sapiens, Drosophila melanogaster, and Arabidopsis thaliana were analyzed. The investigation of such a large set of data from the same source minimizes systematic experimental variations that may arise from differences in protocols or from different laboratories. The PM/MM ratios are derived theoretically from thermodynamic laws and a link is made with the sequence of PM and MM probe, more specifically with their central nucleotide triplets. Conclusion The PM/MM ratios subdivided according to the different central nucleotides triplets follow qualitatively those deduced from the hybridization free energies in solution. It is shown also that the PM and MM histograms are related by a simple scale transformation, in agreement with what is to be expected from hybridization thermodynamics. Different quantitative behavior is observed on the different chip organisms analyzed, suggesting that some organism chips have superior probe design compared to others.</p

    The effect of a sertoli cell-selective knockout of the androgen receptor on testicular gene expression in prepubertal mice

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    To unravel the molecular mechanisms mediating the effects of androgens on spermatogenesis, testicular gene expression was compared in mice with Sertoli cell-selective androgen receptor knockout (SCARKO) and littermate controls on postnatal d 10. Microarray analysis identified 692 genes with significant differences in expression. Of these, 28 appeared to be down-regulated and 12 up-regulated at least 2-fold in SCARKOs compared with controls. For nine of the more than 2-fold down-regulated genes, androgen regulation was confirmed by treatment of wild-type mice with an antiandrogen ( flutamide). Some of them were previously described to be androgen regulated or essential for spermatogenesis. Serine-type protease inhibitors were markedly overrepresented in this down-regulated subgroup. A time study (d 8-20), followed by cluster analysis, allowed identification of distinct expression patterns of differentially expressed genes. Three genes with a pattern closely resembling that of Pem, a prototypical an-drogen-regulated gene expressed in Sertoli cells, were selected for confirmation by quantitative RTPCR and additional analysis. The data confirm that the SCARKO model allows identification of novel androgen-regulated genes in the testis. Moreover, they suggest that protease inhibitors and other proteins related to tubular restructuring and cell junction dynamics may be controlled in part by androgens

    CATMA: a complete Arabidopsis GST database

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    The Complete Arabidopsis Transcriptome Micro Array (CATMA) database contains gene sequence tag (GST) and gene model sequences for over 70% of the predicted genes in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome as well as primer sequences for GST amplification and a wide range of supplementary information. All CATMA GST sequences are specific to the gene for which they were designed, and all gene models were predicted from a complete reannotation of the genome using uniform parameters. The database is searchable by sequence name, sequence homology or direct SQL query, and is available through the CATMA website at http://www.catma.or

    Migration of culture-expanded human mesenchymal stem cells through bone marrow endothelium is regulated by matrix metalloproteinase-2 and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-3

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    Background and Objectives Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are adult stem cells that can be expanded many fold in vitro and have the therapeutic potential to restore the bone marrow microenvironment and support hematopoietic recovery after myeloablative conditioning for hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Successful homing to the target tissue, such as bone marrow, implies that MSC are able to extravasate after systemic administration. However, the extravasation capacity of MSC and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood to date. We studied in vitro the capacity of MSC to migrate through bone marrow endothelium.Design and Methods In vitro invasion and transendothelial migration assays were performed. The expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP) was analyzed by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and zymography. Migration of cells cultured at high or low confluence was compared and differential gene expression in these conditions was analyzed with microarray and real-time RT-PCR. The functional involvement in MSC migration was assessed using neutralizing anti-MMP-2 antibody, MMP-2 short interfering RNA or recombinant tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP-3).Results We demonstrated that MSC can invade reconstituted basement membrane and that bone marrow endothelial cells stimulate this process. We also showed that the transendothelial migration of MSC is at least partially regulated by MMP-2. High culture confluence was found to increase production of the natural MMP-inhibitor TIMP-3 and decrease transendothelial migration of MSC.Interpretation and Conclusions We show that MSC have the potential to migrate through bone marrow endothelium and that this process involves MMP-2. Moreover, the migration of MSC is significantly influenced by the level of culture confluence. Increased culture confluence impairs migration and is related to an upregulation of TIMP-3. The therapeutic use of MSC would benefit from a selection of culture conditions that allow optimal extravasation of these cells
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