2,620 research outputs found

    Another proof of the invariance of Ulm's functions in commutative modular group rings

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    Macroeconomic models and planning in the context of an uncertain future: the French experience

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    Includes bibliographyVersa sobre los aspectos macroeconómicos de la planificación y, más precisamente, las proyecciones y modelos que permiten esclarecer las estrategias macroeconómicas. Examina los papeles diferentes de las proyecciones macroeconómicas en la planificación; la utilidad y las limitaciones del empleo de modelos, y las maneras de incorporar la incertidumbre en el empleo de modelos para la planificación. Se basa en la experiencia francesa en materia de planificación

    Youth Sports: Boon or Bane?

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    From their modest origins in the 1920s, out-of-school sport programs have become the dominant system of organized play for young people in the United States. Despite their widespread popularity, youth sport programs have not escaped considerable controversy and criticism. Frequently heard concerns include the overemphasis on winning, the psychological stress placed on the child, orthopedic injuries caused by excessive training and playing, overzealous parents, and the number of dropouts from such programs. Not surprisingly, such concerns have generated a spate of research which has helped to create an increasing awareness that, when it comes to organized sports for young people, “what the ball is doing to the child” is at least as important as “what the child is doing to the ball”

    From/To: Paul DuBois

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    Radiotherapy Dosimetry: A Review on Open-Source Optimizer

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    Radiotherapy dosimetry plays a crucial role in optimizing treatment plans for cancer patients. In this study, we investigate the performance of a dozen standard state-of-the-art open-source optimizers for radiotherapy dosimetry. Our evaluation includes the use of TGG119 benchmark cases as well as one real case obtained from the Institute du Cancer de Montpellier (ICM). Among the tested optimizers, Newton CG demonstrates the fastest convergence in terms of the number of iterations. However, when considering the computation time per iteration, LBFGS emerges as the most efficient optimizer. These findings shed light on the performance of open-source optimizers for radiotherapy dosimetry, aiding practitioners in selecting suitable optimization tools for efficient treatment planning.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figure

    From/To: Paul DuBois (Chalk\u27s reply filed first)

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    Lecture solfégique et tradition orale dans quelques missions de la Nouvelle-France

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    Si, du point de vue de la musicologie historique, le répertoire des missions est de mieux en mieux connu grâce à la recherche menée depuis une dizaine d’années, une question est jusqu’ici demeurée sans réponse : certains chantres amérindiens lisent-ils ou non la musique et, le cas échéant, jusqu’où va leur compréhension intellectuelle du système de notation musicale ? Malgré l’extrême pauvreté des témoignages à ce sujet, cet article tente d’élucider cet aspect de la question du chant dans les missions en confrontant les témoignages des observateurs de l’époque avec quelques fragments de docu-ments musicaux manuscrits issus de l’activité missionnaire aux xviie, xviiie et début du xixe siècle.In historical musicology, the variety canticles contained in religious mission songbooks is better known today; this is based on the research that has been completed over the past decade. However, one important question remains to be answered: that is, were some Native People capable of reading music? If so, to what degree did they understand musical notation? Despite the paucity of information on this subject, the author has attempted to shed some light on reading musical notation among Native People residing at various missions, by comparing contemporary testimonies and fragmentary written documents from the 17th and 18th centuries, as well as the beginning of the next century

    Les Serer et la question des terres neuves au Sénégal

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    Applications of pulsed nuclear magnetic resonance to chemistry: multiple-pulse NMR, cross polarization, magic-angle spinning and instrumental design

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    Pulsed Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) has been applied to: (1) Measurements of the prinicpal components of the proton shielding tensors of the hydrides of zirconium chloride and zirconium bromide. Multiple-Pulse techniques have been used to remove static homonuclear dipolar coupling. The anisotropies and isotropic shifts of these tensors have been used to infer the possible locations of the hydrogen within the sandwich-like layers of these unusual compounds. (2) Studies of the oscillatory transfer of magnetic polarization between /sup 1/H and /sup 29/Si in substituted silanes. The technique of J Cross Polarization has been used to enhance sensitivity. The /sup 29/Si NMR shifts of -Si-O- model compounds have been investigated as a possible probe for future studies of the environment of bound oxygen in coal-derived liquids. (3) Measurements of the aromatic fraction of /sup 13/C in whole coals. The techniques of /sup 1/H-/sup 13/C Cross Polarization and Magic-Angle Spinning have been used to enhance sensitivity and remove shift anisotropy. Additional topics described are: (4) Calculation and properties of the broadened lineshape of the shileding Powder Pattern. (5) Calculation of the oscillatory transfer of magnetic polarization for an I-S system. (6) Numerical convolution and its uses. (7) The technique of digital filtering applied in the frequency domain. (8) The designs and properties of four NMR probe-circuits. (9) The design of a single-coil double-resonance probe for combined Magic-Angle Spinning and Cross Polarization. (10) The designs of low Q and high Q rf power amplifiers with emphasis on the rf matching circuitry