14 research outputs found
Landscape transformation in the low karst plain of Bela krajina (SE Slovenia) over the last 220 years
The changes in land use, landscape structure and heterogeneity in Bela krajina were compared over a time interval of 220 years and linked to the socioeconomic factors. A significant increase of forested areas in the past 220 years is evident, which has led to forestation of open pastures. Until 1913, the landscape was agricultural. After human emigration at the beginning of the 20th century and World War I, the land was partly abandoned. During and after the World War II local inhabitants migrated from the region. The land structure changed and became of a transitional type. The third wave of emigration started in the 1960s. By around 1980, the study area had become completely forested. After 1981, the number of inhabitants again increased in settlements near traffic routes but people were employed in other economic activities. This trend had no significant impact on the landscape. The study shows that the present landscape structure is substantially different from those in past and reflects the current social and economic features
Učinkovitost autonomnog modularnog sustava za provedbu postupka prskanja u vinogradu
Autonomous modular system mounted on a conventional (CON) sprayer operating on the principle of pulse-width modulation (PWM) control of electromagnetic valves represents state-of-the-art technology for implementation controlled application of spray mixture without changing the operating parameters of the sprayer (e.g. spray pressure, nozzle size). In accordance with the principles of precision viticulture, the pulse width modulation control is the primary technology, which allows the application of the required amount of spray mixture exclusively to the target areas of the vine without changing the droplet size spectrum and allows for even deposit quality and reducing the drift outside the target areas. In the vineyard, we tested an autonomous axial sprayer prototype throughout the entire spraying season in 2021 on which we have installed an autonomous modular system with enabled pulse-width control. We tested two modes of operation of the sprayer prototype, namely autonomous (continuous duty cycle control (DC: 0 to 100%)) and conventional (nozzle fully open at all time), at a steady spray speed of 6 kmh-1. We compared the amount of PPP expressed as a percentage between autonomous and conventional mode of operation of the sprayer through individual nozzles on the sprayer. The maximum saving of the spray mixture of 69.8%, through an individual nozzle was measured at phenological stage of the vine BBCH 55. A comparative analysis between the CON and PWM mode of the spray mixture application showed that we saved 626.24 l per year in the automated mode of operation.Autonomni modularni sustav postavljen na konvencionalnu (CON) prskalicu, koji operira na principu kontrole elektromagnetskih ventila modulacijom širine impulsa (PWM), predstavlja najsuvremeniju tehnologiju za provedbu kontrolirane primjene mješavine za prskanje bez promjene operativnih parametara prskalice (npr. pritisak prskanja, veličina mlaznice). U skladu s principima precizne vitikulture, kontrola modulacijom širine impulsa je primarna tehnologija, koja omogućava primjenu potrebne količine mješavine za prskanje isključivo na ciljana područja vinove loze, bez mijenjanja spektra veličine kapi, te omogućava ujednačenu kvalitetu nanosa i smanjenje zanošenja van ciljanih područja. U vinogradu je kroz cijelu sezonu prskanja u 2021. testiran prototip autonomne aksijalne prskalice, na koji je bio instaliran autonomni modularni sustav s omogućenom kontrolom širine impulsa. Testirana su dva načina rada prototipa prskalice, autonomni (kontinuirana kontrola radnog ciklusa (DC: 0 to 100%)) i konvencionalni (mlaznica potpuno otvorena sve vrijeme), pri standardnoj brzini prskanja od 6 kmh-1. Usporedili smo količinu sredstva za zaštitu bilja izraženu kao postotak između autonomnog i konvencionalnog načina rada prskalice kroz individualne mlaznice prskalice. Maksimalna ušteda mješavine za prskanje od 69,8%, kroz individualnu mlaznicu izmjerena je u fenološkoj fazi vinove loze BBCH 55. Komparativna analiza između CON i PWM načina primjene mješavine za prskanje pokazala je da je s automatiziranim načinom rada u godinu dana ušteđeno 626,24 L
An example of fast old field succession in a traditionally managed rural landscape on the Slovenian Karst
We report an exceptionally fast grassland recovery process from a karst plateau in SW Slovenia. Vegetation of old fields with different ages was sampled using a chronosequence of fields abandoned 1, 3, 6, 9, 13, 15 and 100 years ago. We prepared dendrogram dividing the data set into 9 clusters that were further analyzed: diagnostic species, ecological conditions and life forms were evaluated. The initial stage of succession was characterized by segetal weeds and indicated high levels of soil nutrients. The second stage was dominated by dense patches of perennial forbs (most of them ruderal species) preferring also high levels of soil nutrients. The third stage was dominated by caespitose hemicryptophyte grasses, many of them of sub-Mediterranean origin. The first two stages took 13 years and both could be considered as early successional stages developing on nutrient rich soils. These stages were switched to late successional stage characterized by seminatural grassland species. The quick succession can probably be attributed to the rich species pool of natural grassland flora, the small size and annual mowing of abandoned agricultural fields and the close proximity of seed sources
Morphometric and biochemical screening of old mulberry trees (Morus alba L.) in the former sericulture region of Slovenia
Over centuries, in many European countries, the white mulberry trees (Morus alba L.) became an integral part of the cultural landscape, bearing witness to past sericulture activities. The distribution records of white mulberry trees in the cultural landscape are incomplete and in general poorly documented. The aim of the presented research was to collect data regarding geographical locations of mulberry trees and to define their morphological and biochemical variability in Goriška region, one of the historical sericulture regions in Slovenia. Principal component analysis of all morphometrical leaf traits allowed us to characterize two separate groups of morphotypes. Recordings of the tree pruning management revealed that annual base cutting is traditionally used in Goriška region. Significant correlations between pruning management and leaf morphology traits showed that frequently pruned trees form larger leaves. Biochemically, mulberry leaves are shown to be rich in proteins containing threonine, arginine, asparagine, serine, and glutamine as the most prominent free amino acids. The main phenolic compounds were identified as caffeoylquinic acid derivatives, quercetin malonyl-hexoside, rutin, kaempferol acetyl-hexoside, quercetin-3-glucoside, and p-coumaric acid derivatives. The difference in concentrations of the investigated metabolites is correlated either with the pruning management or the morphotype. Pruning significantly affected the levels of asparagine, alanine, and serine, which were higher in the annually pruned trees regardless of the morphotype. Furthermore, we were able to confirm a significant effect of pruning on total phenolics as well as on the levels of rutin, quercetin malonyl-hexoside, and quercetin-3-glucoside contents. Multivariate analysis allowed us to determine seven chemotypes with distinctive biochemical traits. Our results are the basis for defining superior high-yielding genotypes with optimum metabolic composition for both silkworm feeding as well as for innovative usage in food processing and pharmaceutical industries
Notes on phytosociology of Juniperus excelsa in Macedonia (southern Balkan Peninsula)
Juniperus excelsa is an East Mediterranean species found also in marginal, sub-mediterranean regions of the southern part of the Balkan Peninsula. It prefers shallow soils in the warmest habitats of the zone of thermophilous deciduous forests. In the past the rank of alliance and the name of Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae have been suggested for the vegetation dominated by Juniperus excelsa in the Balkan Peninsula. In this paper we present the valid description of the alliance in accordance with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. The validation of the Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae required description of a new association - the Querco trojanae-Juniperetum excelsae. The Juniperion excelsae-foetidissimae is classified within the order of Quercetalia pubescentis Klika 1933 (the Quercetea pubescentis Doing-Kraft ex Scamoni et Passarge 1959)
Recommendations for Non-chemical Control of Common Ragweed
Monografija z nalovom Priporočila za nekemično zatiranje pelinolistne ambrozije Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. holistično obravnava aktualno problematiko zatiranja alohtonih, invazivnih rastlinskih vrst, na primeru pelinolistne ambrozije. V publikaciji so nazorno predstavljene najpomembnejše mehanske metode in tehnike zatiranja ambrozije, učinki samih metod, kakor tudi učinki uporabe ter primerjava med posameznimi tehnikami zatiranja vrste. Posebno poglavje je namenjeno ekonomiki zatiranja plevelov v urbanem okolju, z uporabo metod krtačenja, uporabo ognja, pare ter s pomočjo biotičnih metod zatiranja ambrozije. Prav omenjeni moderni pristopi k zatiranju alohtonih plevelnih vrst so danes, zaradi ukinjanja uporabe številnih herbicidov na javnih površinah, še kako aktualni. Monografija je namenjena kmetijskim svetovalcem, pridelovalcem, ekologom, pa tudi širšemu krogu bralcev.The monograph, entitled Recommendations for non-chemical control of common ragweed: Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. holistically describes the up-to date techniques for control of allochthonous, invasive plant species, on the example of common ragweed. The most important mechanical methods and techniques of common ragweed control, the effects of the methods themselves, as well as a comparison between the individual technique of species control are represented and described in this book. A special chapter is devoted to the economics of weed control in the urban environments, using brushing methods, the use of fire, steam and biotic methods of common ragweed control. These modern approaches of the control of allochthonous weed taxa are nowadays indeed relevant, due to the abolition of the use of many herbicides in public areas. The monograph was prepared to educate agricultural advisers, farmers, ecologists, as well as a wider circle of readers
Funkcionalni rastlinski znaki in ekološka strategija združbe označujejo posamezen stadij sekundarne sukcesije
Changes of species composition, plant community strategy and functional response trait turnover were studied in a succession from dry pastures to a forest community (oak-hornbeam forests). The following question was asked: are functional response traits and plant community strategies indicators of TAA (time since agricultural land use abandonment), thus of a specific succession stage. Indirect gradient analysis (DCA) was used in order to observe the position of the relevés along the axis and to correlate it with TAA. It was found that the position of relevés on DCA axis 1 is our proxy for TAA. Correlations (Spearman’s rho) between the occurrence of plant functional traits and TAA were performed. Low-growing herb species with scleromorphic leaves and green or red flowers are the predominant plant type on grassland areas, while plant species with digitate, hydro or mesomorphic leaves and white flowers typically prevail in forest. The proportion of chamaephytes increases immediately after land abandonment (afforestation). In a closed forest stand, there are many more herb species with vegetative propagation (bulbils). Herbal species in those stands most often reward pollinators with pollen. The ecological strategy of the entire plant community changes with spontaneous afforestation. On grassland, stress-tolerant species are dominant. After 10 years, the community is defined as CS and after 200 years as a community with a C-CS strategy.Raziskava se ukvarja s spreminjanjem funkcionalnih rastlinskih znakov, ekoloških značilnosti vrst in ekološke strategije združbe skozi posamezne stadije zaraščanja pašnikov v odvisnosti od časa opustitve kmetijske rabe (TAA). V raziskavi smo uporabili multivariatno DCA analizo in opazovali položaj florističnih popisov v DCA prostoru in jih korelirali s TAA. Izračunali smo Spearmanov korelacijski koeficient med pojavnostjo posameznega rastlinskega funkcionalnega znaka in TAA. Nizkorastoče zeliščne vrste s sklerofilnimi listi in cvetovi rumenih in rdečih barv so prevladujoč tip rastlin na pašnikih. V gozdovih prevladujejo vrste z deljenimi, hidro ali mezomorfnimi listi in s svetlejšimi (belimi) cvetovi. Delež hamefitov se v združbi po opustitvi kmetijske rabe močno poveča (proces zaraščanja). V sklenjenem gozdnem sestoju je opazen večji delež zeliščnih vrst, ki se razmnožujejo vegetativno (zarodni brstiči ipd.). Omenjene zeliščne vrste privabljajo opraševalce največkrat s cvetnim prahom. Ekološka strategija celotne združbe se preko sekundarne sukcesije spreminja. Na pašnikih prevladujejo stres-toleratorji. Po desetih letih ima združba strategijo kompetitor/ stres tolerator, po dvesto letih pa kompetitor-kompetitor/ stres tolerator
Assessment of the Degree of Harmfulness and Prevalence of Some Non-native Plant Species in Agricultural Production in Slovenia for the Period 2000-2022
V obdobju 2000-2022 smo izvajali spremljanje kmetijskih površin in nekaterih ob agrarnih habitatov po vsem ozemlju Slovenije glede pojavnosti tujerodnih invazivnih rastlin. Tujerodne rastline smo evidentirali in podali ocene o velikosti populacij. Hkrati smo izvedli oceno škodljivosti invazivnih rastlin za kmetijsko pridelavo. Obravnavali smo invazivne rastlinske vrste, ki jih pogosto omenjajo v mednarodno priznanih bazah invazivnih v geografskih območjih, ki so nam primerljiva po klimatskih in pedoloških značilnostih in po značilnostih kmetijskih pridelovalnih sistemov. V uvodu je predstavljena metodologija ocenjevanja škodljivosti vrst. Za večino vrst je škodljivost možno precej realno oceniti. Velika neznanka so klimatske spremembe, predvsem minimalne zimske temperature, ki odločajo o dolgoročnem ohranjanju tujerodnih večletnih rastlin. Med njimi je veliko takšnih, ki preraščajo vegetacijo, če uspejo preživeti zimo predstavljajo nevarne invazivke z ekosistemsko škodljivostjo. Pomembno vlogo bo imela tudi dostopnost herbicidov. Če se bo zmanjšala, bodo nekatere nove vrste pridobile na pomenu, ker jih ne bomo mogli učinkovito kemično zatirati. Vse več vrst je ekološko problematičnih tudi zato, ker so vmesni gostitelji novih tujerodnih povzročiteljev bolezni in škodljivcev, ki ogrožajo gojene rastline.In the period 2000-2022, an inventory of agricultural areas and some semi-natural border agricultural habitats throughout the territory of Slovenia was carried out, regarding the occurrence of non-native invasive plant taxa. Non-native plants were recorded, their population size was estimated and their harmfulness for agricultural production in Slovenia was assessed. In the introduction, the methodology for assessing the harmfulness of species is presented. For most species, it is possible to estimate the harmfulness quite realistically. A big unknown is the impact of climate change, especially minimum winter temperatures, which decide the long-term preservation of non-native perennial plants. Among them, many outgrow the natural vegetation. If they manage to survive the winter, they are dangerous invasives that can cause ecosystem damage. The availability of herbicides for invasive plants will also play an important role. If it decreases, some new species will gain in importance because we cannot effectively control them chemically. More and more species are ecologically problematic because they are intermediate hosts of new non-native pathogens and pests that threaten cultivated plants
Preharvest Treatments with Low-Risk Plant Protection Products Can Help Apple Growers Fulfill the Demands of Supermarket Chains Regarding Pesticide Residues and Marketing Apples under 0-Residue Brands
As a result of worried consumer pressure, European supermarket chains (ESC) have developed very strict rules about the number and concentration of pesticide active substance residues (AS) accepted in fruits. So-called fruit quality toxicological burden indicators were developed. If fruit suppliers do not comply with ESC requirements, their fruit is often rejected. It is becoming increasingly difficult for apple producers to meet all the requirements of the ESC, so they need new residue reduction tools. One of the options to lower the concentrations of residue on apples is a preharvest application of low-risk preparations (LRP) based on potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3) = PBC, coconut di-ethanol amide ((CH3(CH2)nC(=O)N(CH2CH2OH)2) = DEA, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) = HP, and a mixture of microbes (EM) that have the ability to dissolve or disintegrate the AS residue. Trials were carried out to test the concept mentioned above. The application of LRP during the last four weeks of preharvest significantly reduced the residue concentration of pesticide AS in apples. Reduction rates among 25 active substances ranged from 0 to 100%, depending on the combination of LRP and AS. HP had the highest capacity to accelerate AS degradation, PB was the second most efficient, and DEA and EM displayed a low residue disintegration ability. The application of the tested LRP can enable apple growers to produce fruits with significantly lower residue concentrations and allows them to comply more successfully with strict ESC rules based on the calculations of toxicological burden indicators