436 research outputs found

    Ethnomedicinal Importance of Pteridophytes used by Chenchus of Nallamalais, Andhra Pradesh, India

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    The present study focuses specifically on the ethnomedicinal importance of 15 species of Pteridophytes, used by Chenchu tribes occurring in Nallamalais of Andhra Pradesh, India. The botanical name, family name, vernacular name, habit, habitat and their ethnomedicinal uses are provided

    Study of haematological abnormalities in HIV infected patients and its correlation with CD4 counts

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    Background: To study and correlate the haematological abnormalities with CD4 cell counts in HIV infected patients diagnosed on OPD basis in S.C.B Medical College, Cuttack, before they are initiated on Antiretroviral (ARV) therapy.Methods: A 100, ELISA positive, untreated HIV patients were included in the study while those patients with history of any haematological disease, Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), Chronic Liver Disease (CLD), underlying malignancy or on chemotherapy were excluded. Following clinical evaluation, haemoglobin levels (Hb. %), Total Leucocyte Count (TLC), Differential Leucocyte Count (DLC), Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate (ESR), Platelet Count (PC), CD4 counts (by flow cytometry) and peripheral smear examination was done. They were staged as per WHO clinical staging guidelines given by NACO and statistical analysis was drawn by Fischer Exact Test and association between CD4 counts and haematological abnormalities were inferred.Results: The mean age of the patients was found to be 36.85±6.2 years with males (63%), married (80%) and rural population (78%) showing commonest mode of transmission of the virus as heterosexual route (94%). Most common clinical finding was found to be pallor (68%) with majority in stage III of AIDS. Mean TLC count was found to be 5872±2210 cells/mm 2.40% had leucopenia on TLC and 29% had neutropenia, 30% lymphocytopenia and 20% monocytopenia on DLC. Mean CD4 count was 89 cells per microliter and 79% were anaemic. CD4 counts did not statistically correlate either with WHO staging or cytopenias or haemoglobin levels. However, there was positive association between CD4 counts with anaemia, WHO stages of AIDS, lymphocytopenia and monocytopenia in this study.Conclusions: In this study we could ascertain that, majority were in WHO stage III of AIDS with CD4 counts <200 cells per microliter and blood findings of various cytopenias and anaemia. From our findings, we could correlate between WHO stage of AIDS, CD4 counts and haematological abnormalities thus, establishing the essence of our study

    Axiomatic Bargaining Theory on Opportunity Assignments

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    This paper discusses issues of axiomatic bargaining problems over opportunity assignments. The fair arbitrator uses the principle of "equal opportunity" for all players to make the recommendation on re- source allocations. A framework in such a context is developed and several classical solutions to standard bargaining problems are reformulated and axiomatically characterized. Working Paper 06-4

    The Alpha 7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor Does Not Affect Neonatal Brain Injury

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    Inflammation plays a central role in the development of neonatal brain injury. The alpha 7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (α7nAChR) can modulate inflammation and has shown promising results as a treatment target in rodent models of adult brain injury. However, little is known about the role of the α7nAChR in neonatal brain injury. Hypoxic-ischemic (HI) brain injury was induced in male and female C57BL/6 mice, α7nAChR knock-out (KO) mice and their littermate controls on postnatal day (PND) 9–10. C57BL/6 pups received i.p. injections of α7nAChR agonist PHA 568487 (8 mg/kg) or saline once daily, with the first dose given directly after HI. Caspase-3 activity and cytokine mRNA expression in the brain was analyzed 24 h after HI. Motor function was assessed 24 and 48 h after HI, and immunohistochemistry was used to assess tissue loss at 24 h and 7 days after HI and microglial activation 7 days after HI. Activation of α7nAChR with the agonist PHA 568487 significantly decreased CCL2/MCP-1, CCL5/RANTES and IL-6 gene expression in the injured brain hemisphere 24 h after HI compared with saline controls in male, but not female, pups. However, α7nAChR activation did not alter caspase-3 activity and TNFα, IL-1β and CD68 mRNA expression. Furthermore, agonist treatment did not affect motor function (24 or 48 h), neuronal tissue loss (24 h or 7 days) or microglia activation (7 days) after HI in either sex. Knock-out of α7nAChR did not influence neuronal tissue loss 7 days after HI. In conclusion, targeting the α7nAChR in neonatal brain injury shows some effect on dampening acute inflammatory responses in male pups. However, this does not lead to an effect on overall injury outcome

    Kliničko-biokemijske promjene u bivola hranjenih samo suhom krmom.

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    The clinical signs of inappetance, poor body condition, pityriasis and decubital skin lesions in 22 stall-fed buffaloes of 18 to 20 months of age warranted the present clinical investigation. The animals were clinically examined and history was collected on feeding and management conditions. The animals had been held on wheat straw based diet supplemented with 0.5 to 0.8 kg concentrate (devoid of vitamin premix) without access to green forage for the last seven months. Six animals had skin sloughing, rough coat, abrasion and two buffaloes were on sternal recumbency and were unable to get up. Blood samples were collected by jugular venepuncture from eight randomly selected from the 22 affected buffaloes, with varying degrees of clinical signs, and from five control buffaloes of a similar age group, who were provided with ad lib green fodder to serve as control. Serum samples were analyzed for blood glucose, total protein, albumin, urea, uric acid, creatinine, calcium, and phosphorous. Aspartate animo-transferase (AST) and alanine amino-transferase (ALT) activities were significantly (P<0.01) lower in serum from affected animals, indicating reduced hepatic function. Alkaline phosphatase activities (AP), along with serum cholesterol level were also significantly (P<0.05) lower in zero-green fed animals compared to the controls. Blood copper and zinc concentrations were statistically comparable in both the groups, but the mean values for cobalt and iron were significantly lower in affected animals. Mean plasma level of vitamin A, ß-carotene and α-tocopherol was significantly (P<0.01) lower in affected animals than in the controls. This is the first report documenting the combined deficiency of vitamin A and its precursor ß- carotene along with α-tocopherol, and the affected animals had reduced hepatic function. The present investigation strongly suggests provision of green fodder or supplementation of vitamins in the diet of buffaloes to avoid poor health and clinical signs associated with deficiency.U 22 stajski hranjena bivola, čija se dob kretala između 18 do 20 mjeseci, zabilježeni su klinički znakovi gubitka apetita, opadanja kondicije, te suhog ljuštenja i dekubitalnih oštećenja kože. Životinje su klinički pregledane i prikupljeni su podatci vezani za hranidbu i uvjete držanja. Osnovu obroka činila je pšenična slama kojoj je dodavano od 0,5 do 0,8 kg koncentrata (bez vitaminskoga premiksa). Bivolima je uskraćena mogućnost pristupa svježoj zelenoj krmi tijekom posljednjih sedam mjeseci. Šest životinja imalo je grubu kožu s pojavama ljuštenja i guljenja, a u dva bivola utvrđeno je ležanje na prsima s nemogućnošću ustajanja. Uzorci krvi iz jugularne vene prikupljeni su od 8 slučajno odabranih bivola zahvaćenih različitim stupnjem kliničkih promjena, te od 5 bivola koji su bili u približno istoj dobi i poslužili su kao kontrolna skupina hranjena svježom zelenom krmom po volji. U uzorcima seruma analizirani su glukoza, ukupni protein, albumin, mokraćevina, mokraćna kiselina, kreatinin, kalcij i fosfor. Aktivnosti aspartat amino-transferaze (AST) i alanin amino-transferaze (ALT) bile su značajno (P<0,01) niže u serumu životinja sa zahvaćenim promjenama što upućuje na smanjenu funkciju jetara. Aktivnost alkalne fosfataze (AP), zajedno s razinom serumskog kolesterola, bila je također značajno (P<0,05) snižena u životinja hranjenih suhom krmom u usporedbi sa životinjama kontrolne skupine. Koncentracije bakra i cinka u krvi bivola obje skupine bile su slične, a srednje vrijednosti za kobalt i željezo bile su značajno snižene u životinja zahvaćenih promjenama. Srednja razina vitamina A, β-karotena i α-tokoferola bila je značajno (P<0,01) niža u životinja zahvaćenih promjenama u odnosu na životinje u kontrolnoj skupini. Ovo je prvo izvješće koje potvrđuje da udruženi nedostatak vitamina A i njegova prekusora β-karotena, zajedno s nedostatkom α-tokoferola, u životinja zahvaćenih promjenama dovode do smanjene funkcije jetara. Kako bi se izbjeglo slabljenje zdravlja i pojave kliničkih znakova povezanih s navedenim deficijencijama, predlaže se u krmni obrok bivola dodavati svježu zelenu krmu ili vitamine

    WMO Assessment of Weather and Climate Mortality Extremes: Lightning, Tropical Cyclones, Tornadoes, and Hail

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    A World Meteorological Organization (WMO) Commission for Climatology international panel was convened to examine and assess the available evidence associated with five weather-related mortality extremes: 1) lightning (indirect), 2) lightning (direct), 3) tropical cyclones, 4) tornadoes, and 5) hail. After recommending for acceptance of only events after 1873 (the formation of the predecessor of the WMO), the committee evaluated and accepted the following mortality extremes: 1) “highest mortality (indirect strike) associated with lightning” as the 469 people killed in a lightning-caused oil tank fire in Dronka, Egypt, on 2 November 1994; 2) “highest mortality directly associated with a single lightning flash” as the lightning flash that killed 21 people in a hut in Manica Tribal Trust Lands, Zimbabwe (at time of incident, eastern Rhodesia), on 23 December 1975; 3) “highest mortality associated with a tropical cyclone” as the Bangladesh (at time of incident, East Pakistan) cyclone of 12–13 November 1970 with an estimated death toll of 300 000 people; 4) “highest mortality associated with a tornado” as the 26 April 1989 tornado that destroyed the Manikganj district, Bangladesh, with an estimated death toll of 1300 individuals; and 5) “highest mortality associated with a hailstorm” as the storm occurring near Moradabad, India, on 30 April 1888 that killed 246 people. These mortality extremes serve to further atmospheric science by giving baseline mortality values for comparison to future weather-related catastrophes and also allow for adjudication of new meteorological information as it becomes available

    Fuzzy preferences in decision-making

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    The purpose of the paper is to formulate some properties of Orlovsky’s concept of decision making. This concept is related to the notions of max-min and max *-transitivity. The concept of fuzzy acyclicity is proposed to characterize the existence of Orlovsky’s choice set. The problem of the emptiness set is analyzed. The present approach is applicable to many decision-making problems