59 research outputs found

    Multivariable logistic regression models for 1,154 US and 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) using scoring in lowest quintile on HIV-KQ-18 knowledge scores as outcome.

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    *<p>P<.05 (Wald ×<sup>2</sup>).</p>†<p>P<.001 (Wald ×<sup>2</sup>).</p><p>n.s. = eliminated through backward selection for given model.</p>a<p>Variables considered for inclusion into each model: age, race, education, sexual orientation, HIV testing behavior, employment status, number of gay or bisexual friends known, having and/or had a female sex partner, relationship status, condom and lubrication use, and scores on the gay identity scale. Backward selection procedures (α = .05) were conducted separately for US and South African MSM.</p>b<p>Construct p-values for HIV testing history were p = .006 (US MSM) and p<.001 (South African MSM).</p>c<p>Construct p-values for age group were p = .002 (US MSM) and non-significant (South African MSM).</p>d<p>Construct p-values for racial/ethnic group were p = .049 (US MSM), non-significant (South African MSM).</p

    1,154 US and 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey answering HIV-KQ-18 questions correctly, incorrectly, “don't know”, or by skipping, June-November 2010.

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    <p>1,154 US and 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey answering HIV-KQ-18 questions correctly, incorrectly, “don't know”, or by skipping, June-November 2010.</p

    Types of targeted PrEP messaging needed for MSM and health care providers by subgroup.

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    <p>ARV, antiretroviral medication; MSM, men who have sex with men; PrEP, pre-exposure HIV prophylaxis.</p

    Reasons for lack of hepatitis B vaccination among 323 unvaccinated, HIV- and hepatitis B-negative men who have sex with men, United States, October–December 2010.

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    a<p>Percents may sum to more than 100 because respondents could specify more than 1 reason why they were not vaccinated against hepatitis B.</p>b<p>Percents sum to more than 100 due to rounding.</p>c<p>103 respondents not vaccinated against hepatitis B either did not specify a reason for not being vaccinated, did not know why they were not vaccinated or, if they specified more than 1 reason for not being vaccinated, did not specify a main reason.</p

    Histogram of number correct on the HIV-KQ-18 knowledge scale for 1,154 US men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey, June–November 2010.

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    <p>Histogram of number correct on the HIV-KQ-18 knowledge scale for 1,154 US men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey, June–November 2010.</p

    Derivation of study population from online cohort of MSM, United States, October–December 2010.

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    <p>Derivation of study population from online cohort of MSM, United States, October–December 2010.</p

    Demographic and behavioral characteristics of 1,154 US and 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook HIV survey, June–November 2010.

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    <p>Demographic and behavioral characteristics of 1,154 US and 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook HIV survey, June–November 2010.</p

    Histogram of number correct on the HIV-KQ-18 knowledge scale for 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey, June–November 2010.

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    <p>Histogram of number correct on the HIV-KQ-18 knowledge scale for 439 South African men who have sex with men (MSM) who completed online Facebook survey, June–November 2010.</p

    Test results for 17 HIV-infected persons with reactive rapid test results initially confirmed as either negative or indeterminate on Western blot or by indirect immunofluorescence, 17 health departments, 11 August 2004 to 31 December 2005.

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    <p>EIA = enzyme immunoassay, IFA = immunofluorescent assay, WB = Western blot, Neg = Negative, Pos = Positive, Indet = Indeterminate, ND = Not done</p><p>If test result not bracketed, it was conducted by local laboratory.</p>*<p>Bands interpreted as equivocal</p><p>[ ] results reported by CDC lab where Genetic Systems HIV1/HIV2 Plus O and Genetic Systems HIV-1 Westen blot were used unless other test indicated</p>a<p>Vironostika HIV-1 Microelisa System, bioMerieux</p>b<p>Orasure HIV-1 Western blot</p>c<p>Bio-Rad HIV-1/HIV-2 plus O</p>d<p>Genetic Systems HIV-1 Western blot</p>e<p>Fluorognost HIV-1 IFA</p>f<p>Cambridge Biotech HIV-1 Western blot</p>g<p>bDNA Versant HIV RNA Assay (conducted 52 days after initial discordant result-viral load not reported)</p>h<p>Amplicor HIV-1 Monitor v1.5</p>i<p>Genetic Systems rLAV EIA</p>j<p>Multispot HIV-1/HIV-2 rapid test</p>k<p>Unknown</p>l<p>Repeat confirmatory test not done at CDC because initial Western blot found to be positive</p
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