51 research outputs found

    SĂ­ndrome de Smith-Lemli-Opitz

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    El síndrome de Smith-Lemli-Opitz (Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome –SLOS-) es un error congénito del metabolismo de herencia autosómica recesiva que asocia discapacidad intelectual y múltiples malformaciones. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión de las principales características de este síndrome y estudiar a través de un caso el manejo inicial de estos pacientes así como el procedimiento necesario para llegar a un diagnóstico definitivo. Este síndrome se produce por un error congénito en la biosíntesis del colesterol, en concreto por una deficiencia del enzima 7-dehidrocolesterol reductasa. Se caracteriza por retraso de crecimiento tanto prenatal como postnatal, microcefalia, discapacidad intelectual de grado moderado-grave y múltiples malformaciones tanto mayores como menores. Pertenece al grupo de las ``Enfermedades Raras´´. Dada la baja prevalencia de este síndrome (1:20.000-1:40.000) así como unos mecanismos fisiopatológicos no completamente comprendidos por el momento, no es posible establecer protocolos estrictos para los métodos terapéuticos. Para llegar a un diagnóstico es necesario un elevado índice de sospecha, especialmente en las formas más leves. Tras este se llevan a cabo pruebas más específicas para confirmar el diagnóstico como son el estudio bioquímico y genético. Los pacientes afectados por este síndrome pueden presentar múltiples alteraciones, por lo que en su manejo inicial, es básica la colaboración de un equipo multidisciplinar, además de valorar la realización de diversas pruebas complementarias. El tratamiento más utilizado actualmente consiste en la suplementación con colesterol exógeno junto a un inhibidor de la hidroximetil-CoA reductasa. Además del tratamiento específico de cada una de las alteraciones que presente el individuo afectado (oftalmológicas, otorrinolaringológicas, cardíacas, neurológicas, digestivas, musculoesqueléticas, etc.), algunas de las cuales pueden requerir tratamiento quirúrgico. El pronóstico de estos pacientes es variable en función de la gravedad de la enfermedad. Encontramos desde formas leves que pueden llevar una vida prácticamente normal frente a formas muy severas con fallecimiento en el período neonatal por fallo multiorgánico. Sin embargo la mayoría de los pacientes presentan una supervivencia variable con unos niveles importantes de discapacidad-dependencia

    Association between anxiety and vascular dementia risk: new evidence and an updated meta-analysis

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    The association between anxiety and vascular dementia (VaD) is unclear. We aimed to reliably estimate the association between anxiety and VaD risk using meta-analysis to pool new results from a large community-based cohort (Zaragoza Dementia and Depression (ZARADEMP) study) and results from previous studies. ZARADEMP participants (n = 4057) free of dementia were followed up on for up to 12 years. Cases and subcases of anxiety were determined at baseline. A panel of four psychiatrists diagnosed incident cases of VaD by consensus. We searched for similar studies published up to October 2019 using PubMed and Web of Science. Observational studies reporting associations between anxiety and VaD risk, and adjusting at least for age, were selected. Odds ratios (ORs) from each study were combined using fixed-effects models. In the ZARADEMP study, the risk of VaD was 1.41 times higher among individuals with anxiety (95% CI: 0.75-2.68) compared with non-cases (p = 0.288). Pooling this result with results from two previous studies yielded an OR of 1.65 (95% CI: 1.07-2.53; p = 0.022). These findings indicate that anxiety is associated with an increased risk of VaD. Taking into account that anxiety is commonly observed in the elderly, treating and preventing it might reduce the prevalence and incidence of VaD. However, whether anxiety is a cause of a prodrome of VaD is still unknown, and future research is needed to clarify this

    Does Anxiety Increase the Risk of all-Cause Dementia? An Updated Meta-Analysis of Prospective Cohort Studies

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    Background:Anxiety has been suggested as a potentially modifiable risk factor for dementia, but results are still controversial. Our main objectives are to develop an updated meta-analysis of prospective population-based studies on the relationship between anxiety and risk of dementia, and to estimate the population fraction of dementia attributable to anxiety (PAF).Methods:We searched for cohort studies listed on PubMed or Web of Science from January 2018 to January 2020 that reported risk estimates for the association between anxiety and incident dementia. These were added to cohort studies published before January 2018 that were used in a previously published meta-analysis. Fully adjusted RRs were pooled using random effects models. We estimated the proportion of incident dementia attributable to anxiety by using PAF.Results:The meta-analysis included nine prospective cohorts from eight studies, representing 29, 608 participants. The overall relative risk (RR) of dementia was 1.24 (95% CI: 1.06-1.46) and the PAF of dementia due to anxiety was 3.9%.Conclusions:Anxiety is significantly associated with an increased risk of all-cause dementia. The treatment or prevention of anxiety might help to reduce dementia incidence rates, but more research is needed to clarify whether anxiety is a cause of dementia rather than a prodrome

    First Nationwide Molecular Screening Program in Spain for Patients With Advanced Breast Cancer: Results From the AGATA SOLTI-1301 Study

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    Anàlisi de seqüències d'ADN; Subtipus PAM50; Genètica molecularAnálisis de secuencias de ADN; Subtipo PAM50; Genética molecularDNA sequence analyses; PAM50 subtype; Molecular geneticBackground: The SOLTI-1301 AGATA study aimed to assess the feasibility of a multi-institutional molecular screening program to better characterize the genomic landscape of advanced breast cancer (ABC) and to facilitate patient access to matched-targeted therapies in Spain. Methods: DNA sequencing of 74 cancer-related genes was performed using FFPE tumor samples in three different laboratories with three different gene panels. A multidisciplinary advisory board prospectively recommended potential targeted treatments. The primary objective was to determine the success of matching somatic DNA alteration to an experimental drug/drug class. Results: Between September 2014 and July 2017, 305 patients with ABC from 10 institutions were enrolled. Tumor sequencing was successful in 260 (85.3%) patients. Median age was 54 (29-80); most tumors were hormone receptor-positive/HER2-negative (74%), followed by triple-negative (14.5%) and HER2-positive (11.5%). Ninety-seven (37%) tumor samples analyzed proceeded from metastatic sites. Somatic mutations were identified in 163 (62.7%) patients, mostly in PIK3CA (34%), TP53 (22%), AKT1 (5%), ESR1 (3%), and ERBB2 (3%) genes. Significant enrichment of AKT1 mutation was observed in metastatic versus primary samples (9% vs. 2%; p=0.01). Genome-driven cancer therapy was recommended in 45% (n=116) of successfully screened patients, 11% (n=13) of whom finally received it. Among these patients, 46.2% had a PFS of ≥6 months on matched therapy. Conclusions: AGATA is the first nationwide molecular screening program carried out in Spain and we proved that implementing molecular data in the management of ABC is feasible. Although these results are promising, only 11% of the patients with genome-driven cancer therapy received it.This study was supported by a grant from Novartis. This study was funded, in part, by the project PI 15/01508, integrated in the Plan Estatal I+D+I and co-funded by Instituto de Salud Carlos III - Subdirección General de Evaluación and European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) (to EC) and by a grant from Mutua Madrileña Foundation (to EC). The decisions and responsibilities of this study were all under the sponsor: SOLTI Breast Cancer Research Group

    Neoadjuvant eribulin in HER2-negative early-stage breast cancer (SOLTI-1007-NeoEribulin): a multicenter, two-cohort, non-randomized phase II trial

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    Breast cancer; Predictive markers; Translational researchCáncer de mama; Maradores predictivos; Investigación traslacionalCàncer de mama; Marcadors predictius; Recerca translacionalEribulin prolongs overall survival in patients with pre-treated advanced breast cancer. However, no biomarker exists to prospectively select patients who will benefit the most from this drug. SOLTI-1007-NeoEribulin is a phase II, open-label, two-cohort, exploratory pharmacogenomic study in patients with clinical stage I–II HER2-negative breast cancer receiving neoadjuvant eribulin monotherapy treatment. Primary objective was to explore the association of baseline tumor gene expression with pathological complete response in the breast (pCRB) at surgery. Key secondary objectives were pCRB rates in all patients and according to HR status, gene expression changes during treatment and safety. One-hundred one hormonal receptor-positive (HR + ) and seventy-three triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) patients were recruited. The pCRB rates were 6.4% in all patients, 4.9% in HR + disease and 8.2% in TNBC. The TNBC cohort was interrupted due to a progression disease rate of 30.1%. The pCRB rates differed according to intrinsic subtypes: 28.6% in HER2-enriched, 11.1% in Normal-like, 7.9% in Luminal B, 5.9% in Basal-like and 0% in Luminal A (HER2-enriched vs. others odds ratio = 7.05, 95% CI 1.80–42.14; p-value = 0.032). Intrinsic subtype changes at surgery occurred in 33.3% of cases, mostly (49.0%) Luminal B converting to Luminal A or Basal-like converting to Normal-like. Baseline tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) were significantly associated with pCR. Eribulin showed a good safety profile with a low response and pCRB rates. Patients with HER2-negative disease with a HER2-enriched profile may benefit the most from eribulin. In addition, significant biological activity of eribulin is observed in Luminal B and Basal-like subtypes

    Oral metronomic vinorelbine combined with endocrine therapy in hormone receptor-positive HER2-negative breast cancer: SOLTI-1501 VENTANA window of opportunity trial

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    Background: The biological effect of oral metronomic vinorelbine (mVNB) alone or in combination with endocrine therapy in patients with hormone receptor-positive (HR+)/HER2-negative breast cancer has been scarcely addressed. Methods: Postmenopausal women with untreated stage I-III HR+/HER2-negative breast cancer were randomized (1:1:1) to receive 3 weeks of letrozole (LTZ) 2.5 mg/day, oral mVNB 50 mg 3 days/week, or the combination. The primary objective was to evaluate, within PAM50 Luminal A/B disease, if the anti-proliferative effect of LTZ+mVNB was superior to monotherapy. An anti-proliferative effect was defined as the mean relative decrease of the PAM50 11-gene proliferation score in combination arm vs. both monotherapy arms. Secondary objectives included the evaluation of a comprehensive panel of breast cancer-related genes and safety. An unplanned analysis of stromal tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) was also performed. PAM50 analyses were performed using the nCounter®-based Breast Cancer 360 gene panel, which includes 752 genes and 32 signatures. Results: Sixty-one patients were randomized, and 54 paired samples (89%) were analyzed. The main patient characteristics were mean age of 67, mean tumor size of 1.7 cm, mean Ki67 of 14.3%, stage I (55.7%), and grades 1-2 (90%). Most baseline samples were PAM50 Luminal A (74.1%) or B (22.2%). The anti-proliferative effect of 3 weeks of LTZ+mVNB (- 73.2%) was superior to both monotherapy arms combined (- 49.9%; p = 0.001) and mVNB (- 19.1%; p < 0.001). The anti-proliferative effect of LTZ+mVNB (- 73.2%) was numerically higher compared to LTZ (- 65.7%) but did not reach statistical significance (p = 0.328). LTZ+mVNB induced high expression of immune-related genes and gene signatures, including CD8 T cell signature and PDL1 gene and low expression of ER-regulated genes (e.g., progesterone receptor) and cell cycle-related and DNA repair genes. In tumors with ≤ 10% sTILs at baseline, a statistically significant increase in sTILs was observed following LTZ (paired analysis p = 0.049) and LTZ+mVNB (p = 0.012). Grade 3 adverse events occurred in 3.4% of the cases. Conclusions: Short-term mVNB is well-tolerated and presents anti-proliferative activity alone and in combination with LTZ. The high expression of immune-related biological processes and sTILs observed with the combination opens the possibility of studying this combination with immunotherapy. Further investigation comparing these biological results with other metronomic schedules or drug combinations is warranted

    Cell-cycle inhibition and immune microenvironment in breast cancer treated with ribociclib and letrozole or chemotherapy

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    In this study, we performed genomic analyses of cell cycle and tumor microenvironment changes during and after ribociclib and letrozole or chemotherapy in the CORALLEEN trial. 106 women with untreated PAM50-defined Luminal B early breast cancers were randomly assigned to receive neoadjuvant ribociclib and letrozole or standard-of-care chemotherapy. Ki67 immunohistochemistry, tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes quantification, and RNA sequencing were obtained from tissue biopsies pre-treatment, on day 14 of treatment, and tumor specimens from surgical resection. Results showed that at surgery, Ki67 and the PAM50 proliferation scores were lower after ribociclib compared to chemotherapy. However, consistent reactivation of tumor cell proliferation from day 14 to surgery was only observed in the ribociclib arm. In tumors with complete cell cycle arrest (CCCA) at surgery, PAM50 proliferation scores were lower in the ribociclib arm compared to chemotherapy (p < 0.001), whereas the opposite was observed with tumor cellularity (p = 0.002). Gene expression signatures (GES) associated with antigen-presenting cells (APCs) and innate immune system activity showed increased expression post-chemotherapy but decreased expression post-ribociclib. Interferon-associated GES had decreased expression with CCCA and increased expression with non-CCCA. Our findings suggest that while both treatment strategies decreased proliferation, the depth and the patterns over time differed by treatment arm. Immunologically, ribociclib was associated with downregulated GES associated with APCs and the innate immune system in Luminal B tumors, contrary to existing preclinical data. Further studies are needed to understand the effect of CDK4/6 inhibition on the tumor cells and microenvironment, an effect which may vary according to tumor subtypes

    Long-Term Cardiac Safety and Survival Outcomes of Neoadjuvant Pegylated Liposomal Doxorubicin in Elderly Patients or Prone to Cardiotoxicity and Triple Negative Breast Cancer. Final Results of the Multicentre Phase II CAPRICE Study

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    Background: The CAPRICE trial was designed to specifically evaluate neoadjuvant pegylated liposomal doxorubicin (PLD) in elderly patients or in those with other cardiovascular risk factors in whom conventional doxorubicin was contraindicated. The primary analysis of the study showed a pathological complete response (pCR) of 32% and no significant decreases in LVEF during chemotherapy. Here, we report important secondary study objectives: 5-year cardiac safety, disease-free survival (DFS), overall survival (OS) and breast cancer specific survival (BCSS). Methods: In this multicentre, single-arm, phase II trial, elderly patients or those prone to cardiotoxicity and high risk stage II-IIIB breast cancer received PLD (35 mg/m2) plus cyclophosphamide (600 mg/m2) every 4 weeks for 4 cycles, followed by paclitaxel for 12 weeks as neoadjuvant chemotherapy (NAC). Left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) monitorization, electrocardiograms and cardiac questionnaires were performed at baseline, during treatment and at 9, 16, 28 and 40 weeks thereafter. The primary endpoint was pCR and 5-year cardiac safety, DFS, BCSS and OS were also analyzed. Results: Between Oct 2007, and Jun 2010, 50 eligible patients were included. Median age was 73 (35-84) years, 84% were older than 65; 64% of patients suffered from hypertension, and 10% had prior cardiac disease. Most of tumors (88%) were triple negative. No significant decreases in LVEF were observed. The mean baseline LVEF was 66.6% (52-86) and after a median follow-up of 5 years, mean LVEF was 66 (54.5-73). For intention to treat population, 5-year DFS was 50% (95% CI 40.2-68.1) and 5-year OS was 56% (95%CI 41.2-68.4). There were 8 non-cancer related deaths, achieving a 5 years BCSS of 67.74% (CI 95%:54.31%- 81.18%). Conclusion: At 5-year follow-up, this PLD-based NAC regimen continued to be cardiac-safe and effective in a population of very high-risk breast cancer patients. This scheme should be considered as an option in elderly patients or in those with other risks of developing cardiotoxicity

    Immune microenvironment characterisation and dynamics during anti-HER2-based neoadjuvant treatment in HER2-positive breast cancer

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    Despite their recognised role in HER2-positive (HER2+) breast cancer (BC), the composition, localisation and functional orientation of immune cells within tumour microenvironment, as well as its dynamics during anti-HER2 treatment, is largely unknown. We here investigate changes in tumour-immune contexture, as assessed by stromal tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (sTILs) and by multiplexed spatial cellular phenotyping, during treatment with lapatinib-trastuzumab in HER2+ BC patients (PAMELA trial). Moreover, we evaluate the relationship of tumour-immune contexture with hormone receptor status, intrinsic subtype and immune-related gene expression. sTIL levels increase after 2 weeks of HER2 blockade in HR-negative disease and HER2-enriched subtype. This is linked to a concomitant increase in cell density of all four immune subpopulations (CD3+, CD4+, CD8+, Foxp3+). Moreover, immune contexture analysis showed that immune cells spatially interacting with tumour cells have the strongest association with response to anti-HER2 treatment. Subsequently, sTILs consistently decrease at the surgery in patients achieving pathologic complete response, whereas most residual tumours at surgery remain inflamed, possibly reflecting a progressive loss of function of T cells. Understanding the features of the resulting tumour immunosuppressive microenvironment has crucial implications for the design of new strategies to de-escalate or escalate systemic therapy in early-stage HER2+ BC
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