197 research outputs found

    Machine Scoring of Student Essays: Truth and Consequences

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    The current trend toward machine-scoring of student work, Ericsson and Haswell argue, has created an emerging issue with implications for higher education across the disciplines, but with particular importance for those in English departments and in administration. The academic community has been silent on the issue—some would say excluded from it—while the commercial entities who develop essay-scoring software have been very active. Machine Scoring of Student Essays is the first volume to seriously consider the educational mechanisms and consequences of this trend, and it offers important discussions from some of the leading scholars in writing assessment.https://digitalcommons.usu.edu/usupress_pubs/1138/thumbnail.jp

    White Top-Emitting OLEDs on Metal Substrates

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    This work focusses on the development of top-emitting white organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), which can be fabricated on metal substrates. Bottom-emitting OLEDs have been studied intensively over the years and show promising perspectives for future commercial applications in general lighting. The development of top-emitting devices has fallen behind despite the opportunities to produce these devices also on low-cost opaque substrates. This is due to the challenges of top-light-emission concerning the achievement of a broad and well-balanced white emission spectrum in presence of a strong microcavity. The following work is a further step towards the detailed understanding and optimization of white top-emitting OLEDs. First, the available metal substrates and the deposited silver electrodes are examined microscopically to determine their surface characteristics and morphology in order to assess their applicability for thin-film organic stacks of OLEDs. The examination shows the suitability for untreated Alanod metal substrates, which display low surface roughness and almost no surface defects. For the deposited silver anodes, investigations via AFM show a strong influence of the deposition rate on the surface roughness. In the main part of the work top-emissive devices with both hybrid and all-phosphorescent architecture are investigated, in which three or four emitter materials are utilized to achieve maximum performance. The feasibility for top-emitting white OLEDs in first and second order devices is investigated via optical simulations, using the example of a three-color hybrid OLED. Here, the concept of a dielectric capping layer on top of the cathode is an essential criterion for broadband and nearly angle independent light emission. The main focus concerning the investigation of fabricated devices is the optimization of the organic stacks to achieve high efficiencies as well as excellent color quality of warm white emission. The optimization of the hybrid layer structure based on three emitter materials using a combined aluminum-silver anode mirror resulted in luminous efficacies up to 13.3 lm/W and 5.3 % external quantum efficiency. Optical analysis by means of simulation revealed a superior position concerning internal quantum efficiency compared to bottom-emitting devices with similar layer structure. The devices show an enhanced emission in forward direction compared to an ideal Lambertian emitter, which is highly preferred for lighting applications. The color quality - especially for devices based on a pure Al anode - is showing excellent color coordinates near the Planckian locus and color rending indices up to 77. The introduction of an additional yellow emitter material improves the luminous efficacy up to values of 16.1 lm/W and external quantum efficiencies of 5.9 %. With the choice of a all-phosphorescent approach, using orange-red, light blue and green emitter materials, luminous efficacies of 21.7 lm/W are realized with external quantum efficiencies of 8.5 %. Thereby, color coordinates of (x, y) = (0.41, 0.45) are achieved. Moreover, the application of different crystalline capping layers and alternative cathode materials aim at a scattering of light that further reduces the angular dependence of emission. Experiments with the crystallizing material BPhen and thin carbon nanotube films (CNT) are performed. Heated BPhen capping layer with a thickness of 250 nm show a lower color shift compared to the NPB reference capping layer. Using CNT films as cathode leads to a broadband white emission at a cavity thickness of 160 nm. However, due to very high driving voltages needed, the device shows low luminous efficacy. Finally, white top-emitting organic LEDs are successfully processed on metal substrates. A comparison of three and four color based hybrid devices reveal similar performance for the devices on glass and metal substrate. Only the devices on metal substrate show slightly higher leakaged currents. During repeated mechanical bending experiments with white devices deposited on 0.3 mm thin flexible Alanod substrates, bending radii up to 1.0 cm can be realized without device failure.Diese Arbeit richtet ihren Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von top-emittierenden weißen organischen Leuchtdioden (OLEDs), welche auch auf Metallsubstraten gefertigt werden können. Im Laufe der letzten Jahre wurden bottom-emittierende OLEDs sehr intensiv studiert, da sie vielversprechende Perspektiven für zukünftige kommerzielle Anwendungen in der Allgemeinbeleuchtung bieten. Trotz der Möglichkeit, OLEDs auch auf kostengünstigen lichtundurchlässigen Substraten fertigen zu können, blieb die Entwicklung von top-emittierenden Bauteilen dabei allerdings zurück. Dies läßt sich auf die enormen Herausforderungen von top-emittierenden OLEDs zurückführen, ein breites und ausgeglichenes weißes Abstrahlungsspektrum in Gegenwart einer Mikrokavität zu generieren. Die folgende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum detaillierten Verständnis und der Optimierung von weißen top-emittierenden OLEDs. Zunächst werden die verfügbaren Metallsubstrate und abgeschiedenen Silberelektroden auf ihre Oberflächeneigenschaften und Morphologie mikroskopisch untersucht, um damit ihre Verwendbarkeit für organische Dünnfilmstrukturen in OLEDs einzuschätzen. Die Untersuchung zeigt eine Eignung von unbehandelten Alanod Metallsubstraten auf, welche eine niedrige Oberflächenrauigkeit und fast keine Oberflächendefekte besitzen. Bei den abgeschiedenen Silberelektroden zeigen Untersuchungen mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop eine starke Beeinflussung der Oberflächenrauigkeit durch die Aufdampfrate. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit werden top-emittierende Dioden mit hybrid und voll-phosphoreszenter Architektur untersucht, in welcher drei oder vier Emittermaterialien verwendet werden, um eine optimale Leistungscharakteristik zu erreichen. Die Realisierbarkeit von top-emittierenden weißen OLEDs in Dioden erster und zweiter Ordnung wird durch optische Simulation am Beispiel einer dreifarb-OLED mit Hybridstruktur ermittelt. Dabei ist das Konzept der dielektrischen Deckschicht - aufgebracht auf die Kathode - ein essenzielles Kriterium für breitbandige und annähernd winkelunabhängige Lichtemission. Der Schwerpunkt im Hinblick auf die Untersuchung von hergestellten Dioden liegt in der Optimierung der organischen Schichtstrukturen, um hohe Effizienzen sowie exzellente warmweiße Farbqualität zu erreichen. Im Rahmen der Optimierung von hybriden Schichtstrukturen basierend auf drei Emittermaterialien resultiert die Verwendung eines kombinierten Aluminium-Silber Anodenspiegels in einer Lichtausbeute von 13.3 lm/W und einer externen Quanteneffizienz von 5.3 %.Eine optische Analyse mit Hilfe von Simulationen zeigt eine überlegene Stellung hinsichtlich der internen Quanteneffizient verglichen mit bottom-emittierenden Dioden ähnlicher Schichtstruktur. Die Dioden zeigen eine verstärkte vorwärts gerichtete Emission im Vergleich zu einem idealen Lambertschen Emitter, welche in hohem Maße für Beleuchtungsanwendungen erwünscht ist. Es kann eine ausgezeichnete Farbqualität erreicht werden - insbesondere für Dioden basierend auf einer reinen Aluminiumanode - mit Farbkoordinaten nahe der Planckschen Strahlungskurve und Farbwiedergabeindizes bis zu 77. Die weitere Einführung eines zusätzlichen gelben Emittermaterials verbessert die Lichtausbeute auf Werte von 16.1 lm/W und die externe Quanteneffizient auf 5.9 %. Mit der Wahl eines voll-phosphoreszenten Ansatzes unter der Verwendung eines orange-roten, hellblauen und grünen Emittermaterials werden Lichtausbeuten von 21.7 lm/W und externe Quanteneffizienten von 8.5 % erzielt. Damit werden Farbkoordinaten von (x, y) = (0.41, 0.45) erreicht. Darüberhinaus zielt die Verwendung von verschiedenen kristallinen Deckschichten und alternativen Kathodenmaterialien auf eine Streuung des ausgekoppelten Lichts ab, was die Winkelabhängigkeit der Emission vermindern soll. Experimente mit dem kristallisierenden Material BPhen und dünnen Filmen aus Kohlenstoffnanoröhren werden dabei durchgeführt. Geheizte BPhen Deckschichten mit einer Schichtdicke von 250 nm zeigen eine geringere Farbverschiebung verglichen mit einer NPB Referenzdeckschicht. Die Verwendung von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren als Kathode führt zu einer breitbandigen weißen Emission bei einer Kavitätsschichtdicke von 160 nm. Schließlich werden weiße top-emittierende organische Leuchtdioden erfolgreich auf Metallsubstraten prozessiert. Ein Vergleich von drei- und vierfarb-basierten hybriden Bauteilen zeigt ähnliche Leistungsmerkmale für Dioden auf Glas- und Metallsubstraten. Während wiederholten mechanischen Biegeexperimenten mit weißen Dioden auf 0.3 mm dicken flexiblen Alanodsubstraten können Biegeradien bis zu 1.0 cm ohne Bauteilausfall realisiert werden

    White Top-Emitting OLEDs on Metal Substrates

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    This work focusses on the development of top-emitting white organic light-emitting diodes (OLEDs), which can be fabricated on metal substrates. Bottom-emitting OLEDs have been studied intensively over the years and show promising perspectives for future commercial applications in general lighting. The development of top-emitting devices has fallen behind despite the opportunities to produce these devices also on low-cost opaque substrates. This is due to the challenges of top-light-emission concerning the achievement of a broad and well-balanced white emission spectrum in presence of a strong microcavity. The following work is a further step towards the detailed understanding and optimization of white top-emitting OLEDs. First, the available metal substrates and the deposited silver electrodes are examined microscopically to determine their surface characteristics and morphology in order to assess their applicability for thin-film organic stacks of OLEDs. The examination shows the suitability for untreated Alanod metal substrates, which display low surface roughness and almost no surface defects. For the deposited silver anodes, investigations via AFM show a strong influence of the deposition rate on the surface roughness. In the main part of the work top-emissive devices with both hybrid and all-phosphorescent architecture are investigated, in which three or four emitter materials are utilized to achieve maximum performance. The feasibility for top-emitting white OLEDs in first and second order devices is investigated via optical simulations, using the example of a three-color hybrid OLED. Here, the concept of a dielectric capping layer on top of the cathode is an essential criterion for broadband and nearly angle independent light emission. The main focus concerning the investigation of fabricated devices is the optimization of the organic stacks to achieve high efficiencies as well as excellent color quality of warm white emission. The optimization of the hybrid layer structure based on three emitter materials using a combined aluminum-silver anode mirror resulted in luminous efficacies up to 13.3 lm/W and 5.3 % external quantum efficiency. Optical analysis by means of simulation revealed a superior position concerning internal quantum efficiency compared to bottom-emitting devices with similar layer structure. The devices show an enhanced emission in forward direction compared to an ideal Lambertian emitter, which is highly preferred for lighting applications. The color quality - especially for devices based on a pure Al anode - is showing excellent color coordinates near the Planckian locus and color rending indices up to 77. The introduction of an additional yellow emitter material improves the luminous efficacy up to values of 16.1 lm/W and external quantum efficiencies of 5.9 %. With the choice of a all-phosphorescent approach, using orange-red, light blue and green emitter materials, luminous efficacies of 21.7 lm/W are realized with external quantum efficiencies of 8.5 %. Thereby, color coordinates of (x, y) = (0.41, 0.45) are achieved. Moreover, the application of different crystalline capping layers and alternative cathode materials aim at a scattering of light that further reduces the angular dependence of emission. Experiments with the crystallizing material BPhen and thin carbon nanotube films (CNT) are performed. Heated BPhen capping layer with a thickness of 250 nm show a lower color shift compared to the NPB reference capping layer. Using CNT films as cathode leads to a broadband white emission at a cavity thickness of 160 nm. However, due to very high driving voltages needed, the device shows low luminous efficacy. Finally, white top-emitting organic LEDs are successfully processed on metal substrates. A comparison of three and four color based hybrid devices reveal similar performance for the devices on glass and metal substrate. Only the devices on metal substrate show slightly higher leakaged currents. During repeated mechanical bending experiments with white devices deposited on 0.3 mm thin flexible Alanod substrates, bending radii up to 1.0 cm can be realized without device failure.Diese Arbeit richtet ihren Schwerpunkt auf die Entwicklung von top-emittierenden weißen organischen Leuchtdioden (OLEDs), welche auch auf Metallsubstraten gefertigt werden können. Im Laufe der letzten Jahre wurden bottom-emittierende OLEDs sehr intensiv studiert, da sie vielversprechende Perspektiven für zukünftige kommerzielle Anwendungen in der Allgemeinbeleuchtung bieten. Trotz der Möglichkeit, OLEDs auch auf kostengünstigen lichtundurchlässigen Substraten fertigen zu können, blieb die Entwicklung von top-emittierenden Bauteilen dabei allerdings zurück. Dies läßt sich auf die enormen Herausforderungen von top-emittierenden OLEDs zurückführen, ein breites und ausgeglichenes weißes Abstrahlungsspektrum in Gegenwart einer Mikrokavität zu generieren. Die folgende Arbeit liefert einen Beitrag zum detaillierten Verständnis und der Optimierung von weißen top-emittierenden OLEDs. Zunächst werden die verfügbaren Metallsubstrate und abgeschiedenen Silberelektroden auf ihre Oberflächeneigenschaften und Morphologie mikroskopisch untersucht, um damit ihre Verwendbarkeit für organische Dünnfilmstrukturen in OLEDs einzuschätzen. Die Untersuchung zeigt eine Eignung von unbehandelten Alanod Metallsubstraten auf, welche eine niedrige Oberflächenrauigkeit und fast keine Oberflächendefekte besitzen. Bei den abgeschiedenen Silberelektroden zeigen Untersuchungen mit dem Rasterkraftmikroskop eine starke Beeinflussung der Oberflächenrauigkeit durch die Aufdampfrate. Im Hauptteil der Arbeit werden top-emittierende Dioden mit hybrid und voll-phosphoreszenter Architektur untersucht, in welcher drei oder vier Emittermaterialien verwendet werden, um eine optimale Leistungscharakteristik zu erreichen. Die Realisierbarkeit von top-emittierenden weißen OLEDs in Dioden erster und zweiter Ordnung wird durch optische Simulation am Beispiel einer dreifarb-OLED mit Hybridstruktur ermittelt. Dabei ist das Konzept der dielektrischen Deckschicht - aufgebracht auf die Kathode - ein essenzielles Kriterium für breitbandige und annähernd winkelunabhängige Lichtemission. Der Schwerpunkt im Hinblick auf die Untersuchung von hergestellten Dioden liegt in der Optimierung der organischen Schichtstrukturen, um hohe Effizienzen sowie exzellente warmweiße Farbqualität zu erreichen. Im Rahmen der Optimierung von hybriden Schichtstrukturen basierend auf drei Emittermaterialien resultiert die Verwendung eines kombinierten Aluminium-Silber Anodenspiegels in einer Lichtausbeute von 13.3 lm/W und einer externen Quanteneffizienz von 5.3 %.Eine optische Analyse mit Hilfe von Simulationen zeigt eine überlegene Stellung hinsichtlich der internen Quanteneffizient verglichen mit bottom-emittierenden Dioden ähnlicher Schichtstruktur. Die Dioden zeigen eine verstärkte vorwärts gerichtete Emission im Vergleich zu einem idealen Lambertschen Emitter, welche in hohem Maße für Beleuchtungsanwendungen erwünscht ist. Es kann eine ausgezeichnete Farbqualität erreicht werden - insbesondere für Dioden basierend auf einer reinen Aluminiumanode - mit Farbkoordinaten nahe der Planckschen Strahlungskurve und Farbwiedergabeindizes bis zu 77. Die weitere Einführung eines zusätzlichen gelben Emittermaterials verbessert die Lichtausbeute auf Werte von 16.1 lm/W und die externe Quanteneffizient auf 5.9 %. Mit der Wahl eines voll-phosphoreszenten Ansatzes unter der Verwendung eines orange-roten, hellblauen und grünen Emittermaterials werden Lichtausbeuten von 21.7 lm/W und externe Quanteneffizienten von 8.5 % erzielt. Damit werden Farbkoordinaten von (x, y) = (0.41, 0.45) erreicht. Darüberhinaus zielt die Verwendung von verschiedenen kristallinen Deckschichten und alternativen Kathodenmaterialien auf eine Streuung des ausgekoppelten Lichts ab, was die Winkelabhängigkeit der Emission vermindern soll. Experimente mit dem kristallisierenden Material BPhen und dünnen Filmen aus Kohlenstoffnanoröhren werden dabei durchgeführt. Geheizte BPhen Deckschichten mit einer Schichtdicke von 250 nm zeigen eine geringere Farbverschiebung verglichen mit einer NPB Referenzdeckschicht. Die Verwendung von Kohlenstoffnanoröhren als Kathode führt zu einer breitbandigen weißen Emission bei einer Kavitätsschichtdicke von 160 nm. Schließlich werden weiße top-emittierende organische Leuchtdioden erfolgreich auf Metallsubstraten prozessiert. Ein Vergleich von drei- und vierfarb-basierten hybriden Bauteilen zeigt ähnliche Leistungsmerkmale für Dioden auf Glas- und Metallsubstraten. Während wiederholten mechanischen Biegeexperimenten mit weißen Dioden auf 0.3 mm dicken flexiblen Alanodsubstraten können Biegeradien bis zu 1.0 cm ohne Bauteilausfall realisiert werden

    Water-energy-nature nexus and religiosity in Kuwait

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    Over the past two decades, researchers and policymakers have become increasingly interested in considering the interactions between energy, water, and natural resource systems and sectors when designing climate change policy. This approach is known as ‘nexus thinking’. Its goal is to promote policy coherence by identifying optimal policy mixes that consider the impacts of policies across all sectors. This can help policymakers avoid unintended cross-sectoral trade-offs and synergies, leading to more cost-effective and resource-efficient governance arrangements

    Greening systems by greening religion: eco-Islamic values and water-energy-nature nexus policies in Kuwait

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    The study examines public support for water-energy-nature (WEN) nexus policies in Kuwait, considering the interconnectedness of different natural resource sectors in addressing climate change and sustainability. While previous research has focused on technical aspects, little is known about public perceptions and willingness to adopt nexus policies. The study specifically explores the impact of moral incentives, specifically eco-Islamic values, on public support through an informational intervention. Using a randomised controlled trial (RCT) embedded in a discrete choice experiment survey, the researchers engaged a nationally representative sample of Kuwaiti residents (n=431). Participants were assigned randomly to either an informational control group or a moral incentives treatment group that emphasised eco-Islamic values. In the subsequent discrete choice experiment, participants expressed their preferences regarding three WEN nexus policy attributes: reduced emissions through renewable energy transition, increased recycled water from wastewater reduction, and tree planting for nature conservation. Results indicate that exposure to eco-Islamic values increased support for WEN nexus policies; however, while supportive, respondents do not seem willing to pay for them. These results highlight the importance of leveraging socio-cultural factors, such as religion, to promote public support for climate change action. By appealing to eco-Islamic values, policymakers can facilitate the greening of systems and ensure that religious beliefs contribute positively to efforts addressing climate change

    Hand grip strength and fatigability: correlation with clinical parameters and diagnostic suitability in ME/CFS

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    Background: Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS) is a complex and debilitating disease accompanied by muscular fatigue and pain. A functional measure to assess muscle fatigability of ME/CFS patients is, however, not established in clinical routine. The aim of this study is to evaluate by assessing repeat maximum handgrip strength (HGS), muscle fatigability as a diagnostic tool and its correlation with clinical parameters. Methods: We assessed the HGS of 105 patients with ME/CFS, 18 patients with Cancer related fatigue (CRF) and 66 healthy controls (HC) using an electric dynamometer assessing maximal (Fmax) and mean force (Fmean) of ten repetitive measurements. Results were correlated with clinical parameters, creatinine kinase (CK) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH). Further, maximum isometric quadriceps strength measurement was conducted in eight ME/CFS patients and eight HC. Results: ME/CFS patients have a significantly lower Fmax and Fmean HGS compared to HC (p < 0.0001). Further, Fatigue Ratio assessing decline in strength during repeat maximal HGS measurement (Fmax/Fmean) was higher (p <= 0.0012). The Recovery Ratio after an identical second testing 60 min later was significantly lower in ME/CFS compared to HC (Fmean2/Fmean1; p <= 0.0020). Lower HGS parameters correlated with severity of disease, post-exertional malaise and muscle pain and with higher CK and LDH levels after exertion. Conclusion: Repeat HGS assessment is a sensitive diagnostic test to assess muscular fatigue and fatigability and an objective measure to assess disease severity in ME/CFS

    Expansão, crise, declínio e segmentação no ensino superior em turismo: um recorte do estado de mato grosso do sul

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    This article aims to point out elements for a contextualized discussion of the current scenario of higher level tourism training, marked by transformations in the field of&nbsp;professional activity, reduction in the offer of face - to - face courses and extension of technological courses and in Distance Education (EAD) modality, with a focus on the reality of the State of Mato Grosso do Sul. This survey discusses topics under Higher Education, seeking to discuss the process of courses, accelerated growth, educational reforms in the 1990s, the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education - LDB 1996, the creation of universities, university centers, colleges / schools of higher education. There were transformations that deepened the crisis and decline, besides the segmentation of courses in the area of Tourism and Hospitality. For this proposition, literature review, narrative review and documentary research were used as methodology. Quantitative data of the courses were analyzed on the website of the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research (INEP, 2018). The crises of the higher courses pass through the excess of graduates in the market; in tourism trends, which point to the segmentation of the area and the growth of technological innovations that affect the sector. The clipping identifies the same situation experienced in the national scenario which also affects the Public HEI of the MS and concludes that the next years will be challenges, approach to the market and investment in postgraduate studies.Este artículo objetiva señalar elementos para una discusión contextualizada del actual escenario de la formación en turismo de nivel superior, marcado por transformaciones en el campo de actuación profesional, reducción en la oferta de cursos presenciales y ampliación de cursos tecnológicos y en la modalidad Educación a Distancia (EaD), que se centra en la realidad del Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. En este levantamiento se discuten temas bajo la Educación Superior, buscando debatir el proceso de surgimiento de los cursos, el crecimiento acelerado, las reformas educativas en los años 90, la Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Dirección Educación Nacional - LDB 1996, la creación de las universidades, centros universitarios, facultades / escuelas de enseñanza superior. Hubo transformaciones que profundizaron la crisis y declinación, además de la segmentación de cursos en el área de Turismo y Hospitalidad. Para esta proposición, se utilizó como metodología la revisión de literatura, revisión narrativa e investigación documental. Se analizaron datos cuantitativos de los cursos en el sitio del Instituto Nacional de Estudios e Investigaciones Educativas (INEP, 2018). Las crisis de los cursos superiores pasan por el exceso de egresados en el mercado; en las tendencias del Turismo, que apuntan hacia la segmentación del área y el crecimiento de las innovaciones tecnológicas que afectan al sector. El recorte identifica la misma situación vivenciada en el escenario nacional que afecta también a las IES públicas del MS y se concluye que los próximos años serán de desafíos, acercamiento con el mercado e inversión en el posgrado.Este artigo objetiva apontar elementos para uma discussão contextualizada do atual cenário da formação em turismo de nível superior, marcado por transformações no campo de atuação profissional, redução na oferta de cursos presenciais e ampliação de cursos tecnológicos e na modalidade Educação a Distância (EaD), com enfoque na realidade do Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Neste levantamento discutem-se temas sobre a Educação Superior, procurando debater o processo de surgimento dos cursos, o crescimento acelerado, as reformas educacionais nos anos 90, a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional - LDB 1996, a criação das universidades, centros universitários, faculdades/escolas de ensino superior. Houve transformações que aprofundaram a crise e declínio, além da segmentação de cursos na área de Turismo e Hospitalidade. Para esta proposição, utilizou-se como metodologia a revisão de literatura, revisão narrativa e pesquisa documental. Analisaram-se dados quantitativos dos cursos no site do Instituto Nacional de Estudos e Pesquisas Educacionais (INEP, 2018). As crises dos cursos superiores passam pelo excesso de egressos no mercado; nas tendências do Turismo, que apontam para a segmentação da área e o crescimento das inovações tecnológicas que afetam o setor. O recorte identifica a mesma situação vivenciada no cenário nacional a qual afeta também as IES Pública do MS e conclui-se que os próximos anos serão de desafios, aproximação com o mercado e investimento na pós-graduação


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    Com o passar do tempo, os hospitais e as equipes multidisciplinares vêm se adaptando ao sistema de Alojamento Conjunto (AC), usado para recém-nascidos que já ficam juntos de seus pais e demais familiares. As vantagens são imensas, tanto para a mãe quanto para a criança, até mesmo para os demais familiares (pai, avôs, irmãos, etc.). O componente curricular Saúde da Mulher II, do Curso de Enfermagem, tem a preocupação de abordar esse tema tão importante para o binômio mãe-filho, pois o Alojamento Conjunto possibilita a prestação de todos os cuidados assistenciais, bem como a orientação à mãe sobre a saúde tanto do bebê quanto da própria mãe. Mãe e recém-nascido serem colocados lado a lado no pós-parto estimula a amamentação e o cuidar da criança tão logo quanto possível, com o objetivo principal de propiciar e fortalecer o vínculo entre mãe e filho e estimular o aleitamento materno. Neste trabalho teve-se por objetivo abordar vantagens e desvantagens do Alojamento Conjunto perante a realidade das maternidades e estabelecer o papel da enfermagem e a sua importante participação no processo de preparação e orientação das mães no pré e pós-parto. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura por meio de pesquisas nas bases de dados. Os artigos analisados foram publicados a partir de 2003 até 2016 em diferentes bancos de dados. Até o início do século, o parto e o nascimento eram, em sua maioria, realizados em eventos domiciliares. Movimento social levou ao desenvolvimento do Alojamento Conjunto, com intuito de humanizar o nascimento e promover o aleitamento materno. O recém-nascido passa 24 horas por dia com a mãe, e ela é estimulada a amamentar, o que é primordial para a saúde do bebê, aumentando o fortalecimento do vínculo mãe-filho. Segundo o Ministério da Saúde, existem algumas regras a serem seguidas até a alta hospitalar, são elas: mães livres de condições que impeçam o contato com o recém-nascido e bebês com capacidade de sucção, controle térmico, peso superior a 2 kg, mais de 35 semanas de gestação e apgar maior que 6. O papel do profissional de enfermagem é avaliar, investigar o contexto familiar e dar apoio dando uma atenção qualificada e humanizada à família, à mãe e ao bebê desde a chegada, tendo em mente que o AC não é apenas um ambiente onde se promove o aleitamento materno, mas também um ambiente de conscientização. Concluiu-se que a adoção desse sistema representa a diminuição da utilização do berçário, necessário para a prestação de assistência aos recém-nascidos que apresentam riscos na sua adaptação à vida extrauterina e àqueles que tenham condições patológicas ou cujas mães não lhes possam prestar cuidados.Palavras-chave: Alojamento conjunto. Enfermagem. Recém-nascido. Mãe-filho

    Targeted adenovirus-mediated transduction of human T cells in vitro and in vivo

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    Clinical success in T cell therapy has stimulated widespread efforts to increase safety and potency and to extend this technology to solid tumors. Yet progress in cell therapy remains restricted by the limited payload capacity, specificity of target cell transduction, and transgenic gene expression efficiency of applied viral vectors. This renders complex reprogramming or direct in vivo applications difficult. Here, we developed a synergistic combination of trimeric adapter constructs enabling T cell-directed transduction by the human adenoviral vector serotype C5 in vitro and in vivo. Rationally chosen binding partners showed receptor-specific transduction of otherwise non-susceptible human T cells by exploiting activation stimuli. This platform remains compatible with high-capacity vectors for up to 37 kb DNA delivery, increasing payload capacity and safety because of the removal of all viral genes. Together, these findings provide a tool for targeted delivery of large payloads in T cells as a potential avenue to overcome current limitations of T cell therapy

    Impaired Punishment Learning in Conduct Disorder

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    Objective: Conduct disorder (CD) has been associated with deficits in the use of punishment to guide reinforcement learning (RL) and decision making. This may explain the poorly planned and often impulsive antisocial and aggressive behavior in affected youths. Here, we used a computational modeling approach to examine differences in RL abilities between CD youths and typically developing controls (TDCs). Specifically, we tested 2 competing hypotheses that RL deficits in CD reflect either reward dominance (also known as reward hypersensitivity) or punishment insensitivity (also known as punishment hyposensitivity). Method: The study included 92 CD youths and 130 TDCs (aged 9-18 years, 48% girls) who completed a probabilistic RL task with reward, punishment, and neutral contingencies. Using computational modeling, we investigated the extent to which the 2 groups differed in their learning abilities to obtain reward and/or to avoid punishment. Results: RL model comparisons showed that a model with separate learning rates per contingency explained behavioral performance best. Importantly, CD youths showed lower learning rates than TDCs specifically for punishment, whereas learning rates for reward and neutral contingencies did not differ. Moreover, callous-unemotional (CU) traits did not correlate with learning rates in CD. Conclusion: CD youths have a highly selective impairment in probabilistic punishment learning, regardless of their CU traits, whereas reward learning appears to be intact. In summary, our data suggest punishment insensitivity rather than reward dominance in CD. Clinically, the use of punishment-based intervention techniques to achieve effective discipline in patients with CD may be a less helpful strategy than reward-based techniques.</p