224 research outputs found

    Testing strong line metallicity diagnostics at z~2

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    High-z galaxy gas-phase metallicities are usually determined through observations of strong optical emission lines with calibrations tied to the local universe. Recent debate has questioned if these calibrations are valid in the high-z universe. We investigate this by analysing a sample of 16 galaxies at z~2 available in the literature, and for which the metallicity can be robustly determined using oxygen auroral lines. The sample spans a redshift range of 1.4 < z < 3.6, has metallicities of 7.4-8.4 in 12+log(O/H) and stellar masses 10^7.5-10^11 Msun. We test commonly used strong line diagnostics (R23, O3, O2, O32, N2, O3N2 and Ne3O2 ) as prescribed by four different sets of empirical calibrations, as well as one fully theoretical calibration. We find that none of the strong line diagnostics (or calibration set) tested perform consistently better than the others. Amongst the line ratios tested, R23 and O3 deliver the best results, with accuracies as good as 0.01-0.04 dex and dispersions of ~0.2 dex in two of the calibrations tested. Generally, line ratios involving nitrogen predict higher values of metallicity, while results with O32 and Ne3O2 show large dispersions. The theoretical calibration yields an accuracy of 0.06 dex, comparable to the best strong line methods. We conclude that, within the metallicity range tested in this work, the locally calibrated diagnostics can still be reliably applied at z~2.Comment: 12 pages, 8 Figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Case study : comparison between the acoustic performance of a mixed building technology building and a conventional building

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    The objective of this work is to compare the acoustical performance of MBT (Mixed Building Technology) constructions and conventional buildings. The sound insulation performance of a MBT construction was assessed by tests done in situ. The results were compared with similar data from earlier measurements undertaken by the Building Physics Laboratory of the University of Minho in Portugal, and from simplified prediction methods. The building where this comparison was done is a 3-storey building. The first 2 storeys were refurbished using conventional construction methods, but the 3rd storey was built using MBT methods, characterised by using lightweight materials, with high thermal insulation, and large fenestration areas. Based on the work undertaken, some conclusions and proposals for further work are presented.(undefined

    Conhecimento dos serviços da FCCN junto da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional: um inquérito por questionário

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    O relatório aqui apresentado resulta de uma prestação de serviços, por parte de uma equipa do ISCTE-IUL, à FCCN (Fundação para a Computação Científica Nacional). Esta visou apoiar o lançamento de um inquérito por questionário aos membros da comunidade científica e tecnológica nacional, com o fim de aferir a perceção acerca dos serviços da FCCN, designadamente em termos de Conectividade, Computação, Colaboração, Conhecimento e Segurança.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Undulation instabilities in the meniscus of smectic membranes

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    Using optical microscopy, phase shifting interferometry and atomic force microscopy, we demonstrate the existence of undulated structures in the meniscus of ferroelectric smectic-C* films. The meniscus is characterized by a periodic undulation of the smectic-air interface, which manifests itself in a striped pattern. The instability disappears in the untilted smectic-A phase. The modulation amplitude and wavelength both depend on meniscus thickness. We study the temperature evolution of the structure and propose a simple model that accounts for the observed undulations.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Development and validation of a Social Images Evaluation Questionnaire for youth in residential care

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    Social images are defined as prevailing shared ideas about specific groups or societies without concrete or objective evidence of their accuracy or truthfulness. These images frequently have a negative impact on individuals and groups. Although of outmost importance, the study of the social images of youth in residential care is still scarce. In this article we present two studies for the development and validation of the Social Images Evaluation Questionnaire (SIEQ). In study 1, participants were asked to freely generate words that could be associated to youth in residential care in order to obtain a list of attributes to be used in the SIEQ. In study 2, the main psychometric characteristics of the SIEQ were tested with samples of laypeople and professionals. The main results support the proposal of a new and psychometrically sound measurement -the SIEQ-to analyze the social images of youth in residential care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Project management in the development of dynamic capabilities for an open innovation era

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    The aim of the research is to explain how Project Management (PM) ensures the accumulation, integration, utilization, and reconfiguration of the capabilities and knowledge acquired in projects in order to build dynamic capabilities (DCs). This study also gives insight into how PM can develop DCs through the identification and implementation of project management opportunities. The result of 22 semi-structured interviews with 22 participants from 9 companies of different industries are detailed and framed within theoretical dimensions of DCs: knowledge accumulation, integration, utilization, reconfiguration, sensing, and seizing. As a result, we present the best practices, techniques, and PM tools that allow leveraging DCs in organizations. This qualitative study contributes to a theoretical and empirical discussion about how PM transforms knowledge acquired in projects into routines and learning practices that allow organizations to develop or reshape capabilities.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Comparing the social images of youth in and out of residential care

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    The literature indicates that youths in residential care have been associated with negative social images. However, there have been few studies focused on these social images, specifically, comparing them with the images of youths in normative contexts. To address this issue, we conducted two studies comparing the social images people have about youths in residential care to those they hold about youths living out of care. Both studies were conducted in Portugal: Study 1 explores these images through an open-ended questionnaire; Study 2 examines these images with a quantitative instrument. Overall, the results indicate that the perception about youths in residential care was more negative than the perception about youths out of care. Additionally, the first study probed the effect of socioeconomic status of the youths on the social images held about them and the second examined the role of the respondents' professional contact with youth in care population on these social images. The implications of the social images people have about youth in residential care for the research and intervention towards the wellbeing of this population are discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    State of the art of business models: A bibliometric analysis

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    Various studies have investigated the business model (BM) in different dimensions. However, bibliometric analyses in this discipline are still limited. This study aims to conduct a bibliometric analysis of business model research, identifying the state of the art, trends, and other indicators by analyzing articles published on the Web of Science (WoS) platform from 2017 to 2022. The present study examines the simultaneous occurrence of publications by year, keyword trends, bibliographic coupling, analysis of co-authorship, cities, and institutions, and finds that the literature on business models rapidly expanded between 2017 and 2020. A total of 14,881 articles were obtained as samples. The present study employs VOSviewer software to analyze the data. A considerable amount of literature has been produced on BMs, but researchers have stopped developing further literature which is thought-provoking. Based on the findings of this study, it is concluded that there is a need to research BMs in different domains such as sustainability and digitalization.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Emerging research university in Africa: Divergent views on relevance and experiences

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    This article provides an analytical literature review on the emerging research university in Africa. Specifically, we advance a deliberation of whether a research university is relevant and various experiences that denote its emergence. Notably, there is a global acknowledgement of universities as major centres for knowledge production. However, commitment to teaching with a minimum focus on research function seems to be a noticeable feature of most African universities. In the last 15 years, some African universities have indicated aspirations and efforts to become research universities. Exploring both theoretical and empirical studies, while reflecting on their rhetoric and real perspectives, we establish that there are divergent views on relevance and experiences of the emergence of a research university in Africa. Relating to the backdrop of this study, which is the link between knowledge and economic advancement, we discuss these divergent views. To date, few studies have provided an in-depth understanding of the emerging research universities in Africa. We advance a wider outlook on African higher education initiatives and directions on constructing research universities and suggest novel avenues for future research