49 research outputs found

    Rainwater major and trace element contents in Southeastern Brazil: an assessment of a sugar cane region in dry and wet period

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the composition of the rainwater in Araraquara City, Brazil, a region strongly influenced by pre-harvest burning of sugar cane crops. Chemical and mineralogical variables were measured in rainwater collected during the harvest, dry period of 2009 and the non-harvest, wet period of 2010. Ca2+ and NH4+ were responsible for 55% of cations and NO3- for 45% of anions in rainwater. Al and Fe along with K were the most abundant among trace elements in both soluble and insoluble fractions. High volume weighted mean concentration (VWM) for most of the analyzed species were observed in the harvest, dry period, mainly due to agricultural activities and meteorological conditions. The chemistry of the Araraquara rainwater and principal component analysis (PCA) quantification clearly indicate the concurrence of a diversity of sources from natural to anthropogenic especially related to agricultural activities.O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar a composição das águas de chuva da cidade de Araraquara, Brasil, uma região influenciada pela queima da palha da cana-de-açúcar. Variáveis químicas e mineralógicas foram analisadas em águas de chuva coletadas durante o período de safra, período seco de 2009 e entressafra, período úmido de 2010. Ca2+ e NH4+ foram responsáveis por 55% dos cátions e NO3- por 45% dos ânions presentes nas águas de chuva. Al, Fe e K foram os elementos traço mais abundantes nas frações solúvel e insolúvel. Elevada concentração média ponderada pelo volume (MPV) foi observada para a maioria das espécies analisadas em amostras do período de safra, principalmente devido às atividades agrícolas e condições meteorológicas. A química das águas de chuva de Araraquara e a análise de componentes principais (ACP) indicaram que fontes naturais e antrópicas, principalmente as relacionadas às atividades agrícolas, são responsáveis pelas emissões para a atmosfera.22582265Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES

    Para que servem os inventários de fauna?

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    Inventários de fauna acessam diretamente a diversidade de uma localidade, em um determinado espaço e tempo. Os dados primários gerados pelos inventários compõem uma das ferramentas mais importantes na tomada de decisões a respeito do manejo de áreas naturais. Entretanto, vários problemas têm sido observados em diversos níveis relacionados aos inventários de fauna no Brasil e vão desde a formação de recursos humanos até a ausência de padronização, de desenho experimental e de seleção de métodos inadequados. São apresentados estudos de caso com mamíferos, répteis, anfíbios e peixes, nos quais são discutidos problemas como variabilidade temporal e métodos para detecção de fauna terrestre, sugerindo que tanto os inventários quanto os programas de monitoramento devam se estender por prazos maiores e que os inventários devem incluir diferentes metodologias para que os seus objetivos sejam plenamente alcançados.Inventories of fauna directly access the diversity of a locality in a certain period of time. The primary data generated by these inventories comprise one of the most important steps in decisions making regarding the management of natural areas. However, several problems have been observed at different levels related to inventories of fauna in Brazil, and range from the training of humans to the lack of standardization of experimental design and selection of inappropriate methods. We present case studies of mammals, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, where they discussed issues such temporal variability and methods for detection of terrestrial fauna, suggesting that both inventories and monitoring programs should be extended for longer terms and that inventories should include different methodologies to ensure that their goals are fully achieved

    Biological Tissue Response to a New Formulation of a Silicone Based Endodontic Sealer

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    Satisfactory biological behavior is a necessary requirement for clinical application of endodontic materials. In this study, the connective tissue responses to silicone (GuttaFlow 2), epoxy resin (AH Plus) and zinc oxide and eugenol (Endofill) based sealers were compared. Twelve Wistar rats had polyethylene tubes (four per animal) containing one of the tested sealers and empty tubes (negative control) implanted in their subcutaneous tissue. The tubes were randomly placed 2 cm from the spine and at least 2 cm apart from one another. Tissue samples with implants were processed for histological analysis after 7 or 60 days (n=6 animals per period). Inflammatory cells, fibrous condensation and abscess were scored according to their intensity. Friedman, followed by Dunn’s post hoc, was used to compare sealers. Differences between the two experimental periods were verified using Mann-Witney U test (p<0.05). At 7 days, most of the histological parameters showed no significant differences amongst groups. Endofill group scored higher than the others for giant cells (o<0.05) and promoted a greater number of samples presenting abscess formation. GuttaFlow 2 tended to show a less intense inflammatory infiltrate compared to the other materials. At 60 days, there were no significant differences between groups in most of the histological parameters evaluated. However, it was observed that Endofill scored higher for macrophages (p<0.05) compared to the control group, and GuttaFlow 2 tended to present lower scores than the others for neutrophils and abscess. GuttaFlow 2 showed proper biological behavior and should be considered adequate for clinical practice