37 research outputs found

    Holisticscape – the extended servicescape to influence tourists’ holistic health. From a systematic literature review to a research agenda

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    Although the influence of environmental stimuli on tourist behaviour has been studied extensively in relation to the experiences in tourism, it remains a reality and needs to be fully addressed. This paper presents a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed articles on tourism's environmental stimuli using three main search streams: atmospherics; servicescape; and experiencescape. Scopus and Web of Science databases were searched, and 66 papers referring to the stimuli elements in the tourism setting were identified and classified into three dimensions: physical; social; and experience. The results indicate that environmental psychology is complemented by marketing to explain the servicescape from the experience economy perspective. Based on the topic's gaps and trends, the authors propose the novel construct of a "holisticscape" as an extension of the servicescape to influence tourists' holistic health (body, mind, and spirit). Furthermore, a research agenda with three propositions is proposed to deepen the knowledge on holisticscape. The systematisation of the setting stimuli developed in this study can guide researchers and practitioners to design and operationalise the experiences for positive post-consumption behaviour.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Social support as a moderator of the relationship between financial threat and life satisfaction

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    h Financial crises often lead to an increase of pathological symptoms which have a negative impact on life satisfaction. This study analysed the moderating role of social support on the relationship between perceived financial threat and life satisfaction, during austerity periods. Structural equation modelling (SEM) using multiple-group analysis was used to assess the obtained results. The collected sample was composed by 901 Portuguese individuals, 603 females and 298 males, with an average age of 37 years old. Overall, results indicated a model in which perceived financial threat and social support were negatively and positively associated with life satisfaction, respectively. The moderating effect of social support revealed that in the group with the highest level of support there was a significant decrease in the association between perceived financial threat and life satisfaction, i.e., social support mitigated the negative effects of perceived financial threat on life satisfaction. The implications of these results are discussed.FCT-Foundation for Science and TechnologyPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology [UIDB/04020/2020]info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Allgarve events: Implications for the Algarve ımage

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    Located in the south of Portugal, the Algarve belongs to the top twenty travel destinations worldwide, with a local economy relying strongly on tourism-related activities. The Allgarve programme was launched in 2007 and is an umbrella brand that aims to reposition the Algarve as a refined tourism destination with glamour. Allgarve is a set of cultural, artistic and sports events offered mainly during the summer season. Based on data from a questionnaire carried out with 282 foreign tourists who visited the Algarve, this study identifies and profiles clusters of tourists based on their perceptions of Allgarve. In addition, we analyse to what extent the image of the Algarve has changed as a consequence of the Allgarve events. The results show that most respondents agree with the Allgarve brand name, report a positive perception of the campaign, and agree that it has a positive impact for the Algarve differentiation. However, the results suggest that the majority of tourists still come to the region attracted by the Algarve brand, and that this brand has not been affected by the Allgarve programme\u27s content. The findings of this study are important in understanding the implications of events in repositioning strategies of mature tourism destinations

    Setting the relationship between human-centered approaches and users? Digital well-being: A review

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    With the advancement of technology and advent of the new digital era, the society is getting increasingly exposed to novel technologies, digital platforms, or smart devices. This reality opens a wide range of questions about the benefits and challenges of technology and its impact on humans. In this context, the present study investigates the relationship between human-centered approaches and their application to achieve users' digital well-being, as well as explores whether marketing and business industry are sufficiently considering human-centered approaches in their implementation of practices that care for users' digital wellbeing. To this end, we conduct a systematic literature review. The exploratory results confirm that the implementation of human-centered approaches makes it possible to achieve a greater user well-being in the marketing and management sector. Additionally, we also identify and dis-cuss seven more relevant areas. Our review concludes with a discussion of the theoretical and practical implications of our findings for further research on the use of human-centric and digital well-being concepts.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Destination image : perspectives of tourists versus residents

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    This study aims to measure the image of Lagos in the Algarve region, the most important Portuguese destination, in a cognitive, affective and behavioral approach. Given the lack of studies which compare the perspectives of tourists and residents, the empirical investigation includes a mixed methodology enabling a holistic approach followed by a quantitative methodology with the use of questionnaires. The attributes that are more consensually associated with Lagos are the good weather and good beaches, although these variables do not have significant discriminatory power for “recommendation of the destination to friends and family” as the dependent variable, in a CHAID analysis

    A investigação em turismo em Portugal: um contributo para a sua caracterização

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    This work intends to be a first contribution to the characterization of tourism research in Portugal, focusing on the researcher’s profile and the characteristics of research. To that end, and based on a national Tourism Research, it was possible to identify 166 researchers working in this area, spread over about 30 higher education institutions, who subsequently completed an online questionnaire. Data were collected during March 2013 and 111 valid responses were obtained. The results show a growing and predominantly young scientific community and also highlight a diverse, solid and stimulating disciplinary perspective.Este trabajo pretende ser una primera contribución a la caracterización de la investigación sobre el turismo en Portugal, centrando su atención en el perfil del investigador y las características de la investigación. Para ello, y sobre la base de una red de investigadores en el sector turístico de Portugal, fue posible identificar 166 investigadores que trabajan en esta área, repartidos en cerca de 30 instituciones de educación superior, posteriormente invitados a completar un cuestionario en línea. La fase de recolección de datos produjo 111 respuestas válidas cuyo análisis se presenta en este estudio. Los resultados muestran una comunidad científica predominantemente joven y en crecimiento, y también destacan una perspectiva disciplinaria diversa, robusta y estimulante.Este trabalho pretende ser um primeiro contributo para a caracterização da investigação em Turismo em Portugal, focando a sua atenção no perfil do investigador e nas características da investigação. Para o efeito e tendo por base uma rede de investigadores em Turismo em Portugal, foi possível identificar 166 investigadores a trabalhar nesta área, distribuídos por cerca de 30 instituições de ensino superior, posteriormente convidados a preencher um questionário online. A fase de recolha de dados, em Março de 2013, permitiu obter 111 respostas válidas cuja análise se apresenta neste estudo. Os resultados evidenciam uma comunidade científica predominantemente jovem e em crescimento e sublinham igualmente uma diversa, sólida e estimulante perspectiva disciplinar

    Uncovering unobserved heterogeneity in the ECSI model: An application in higher education in tourism

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    This research explores the European Consumer Satisfaction Index model applied to higher education in tourism by accounting for unobserved heterogeneity. In particular, it intends to identify segments of High Education Institutions (HEI)’ consumers based on the structural model estimates of the European Consumer Satisfaction Index (ECSI), enlarged with the employability construct. A model-based segmentation approach using FIMIX in PLS path modelling is used. The ECSI was properly adjusted to the educational framework and has shown its effectiveness when assessing students’ satisfaction regarding the attended HEI. Two distinctive graduates’ segments were identified using a sample of 166 HEIs’ consumers. Results confirm the assumption of heterogeneity as the relationships differ across segments and the need for HEIs to differently target those segments in such a competitive context

    Análise da satisfação dos residentes com o turismo: o caso de uma área-destino no Algarve, Portugal

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyse local residents' satisfaction and attitude towards tourism in a tourism destination area located in Algarve, the most important tourism destination of the country. Using a list of 30 attributes of tourism destinations, identified in an extensive literature review on the subject, this study evaluates the attitudes of residents by taking two aspects into consideration: how residents rate the importance of each attribute for their region, and how satisfied they are with each attribute given their status of residence. All the attributes were evaluated using a measurement scale of five items. Finally, we present suggestions that should be considered by organisations involved in destination management, whether at the regional or local level.O objectivo deste artigo é analisar a satisfação e as atitudes dos residentes em relação ao turismo numa área destino localizada no Algarve, o mais importante destino turístico português. Este estudo teve dois objectivos centrais: determinar a importância e a satisfação dos residentes em relação a um conjunto de 30 atributos caracterizadores do destino turístico, identificados a partir da revisão de literatura, e conhecer as suas atitudes face à actividade turística no respectivo local de residência. A recolha de informação fez-se através de um inquérito por questionário e todos os atributos foram avaliados através de uma escala de Likert de cinco níveis. Finalmente, apresentam-se sugestões a ter em consideração por parte das organizações responsáveis pela gestão do destino

    The cognitive-affective-conative model of destination image: a confirmatory analysis

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    Destination image influences tourist behaviour before, during and after travel, as it is an important instrument which contributes to tourists’ loyalty. Although Gartner (1993) advocates that the cognitive, affective and conative dimensions of destination image are hierarchically interrelated, there is no empirical evidence to support the complete model. This study aims to test the hierarchical nature of the relationship between the dimensions of destination image. The results of structural equation modelling confirm Gartner’s theoretical model, validating the theory that the influence of the cognitive component on the conative dimension is higher when mediated by the affective component, raising managerial implications

    Exploring the role of personal and job resources in professional satisfaction: the case of the hotel sector in Algarve

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    Purpose This study aims to follow the Job Demands-Resources model to understand how: job resources (organisational health and organisational support) were related to work engagement through intrinsic motivation (personal resource); and intrinsic motivation was associated with job satisfaction through work engagement. Design/methodology/approach Data were collected from 504 workers (50% women and 50% men; M = 39.48 years old, SD = 11.98) at four- and five-star hotels from the Algarve, Portugal. Through structural equation modelling, using the maximum likelihood estimation method, nine research hypotheses were tested. Findings Results indicated that intrinsic motivation mediated the relationship between organisational health and work engagement. Work engagement mediated the association between intrinsic motivation and job satisfaction. Practical implications Hotel managers must promote a supportive work environment and demonstrate openness to receiving suggestions from employees. Employees should also be informed about their hotel's business model and operation. At the task design level, challenging and stimulating tasks should be created and job rotation policies should be implemented to foster work motivation. Also, managers must recruit employees that present positive emotions, proactivity and stress and time management skills. Originality/value This study considered the role of organisational health as a job resource, a new concept in hospitality. The selected personal resource, intrinsic motivation, is different from positive psychological capital, the typical resource used in hospitality studies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio