37 research outputs found

    Antiprotozoal Activity of Benzoylthiourea Derivatives against Trypanosoma cruzi: Insights into Mechanism of Action

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    For decades, only two nitroheterocyclic drugs have been used as therapeutic agents for Chagas disease. However, these drugs present limited effectiveness during the chronic phase, possess unfavorable pharmacokinetic properties, and induce severe adverse effects, resulting in low treatment adherence. A previous study reported that N-(cyclohexylcarbamothioyl) benzamide (BTU-1), N-(tertbutylcarbamothioyl) benzamide (BTU-2), and (4-bromo-N-(3-nitrophenyl) carbamothioyl benzamide (BTU-3) present selective antiprotozoal activity against all developmental forms of Trypanosoma cruzi Y strain. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of action of these compounds through microscopy and biochemical analyses. Transmission electron microscopy analysis showed nuclear disorganization, changes in the plasma membrane with the appearance of blebs and extracellular arrangements, intense vacuolization, mitochondrial swelling, and formation of myelin-like structures. Biochemical results showed changes in the mitochondrial membrane potential, reactive oxygen species content, lipid peroxidation, and plasma membrane fluidity. In addition, the formation of autophagic vacuoles was observed. These findings indicate that BTU-1, BTU-2, and BTU-3 induced profound morphological, ultrastructural, and biochemical alterations in epimastigote forms, triggering an autophagic-dependent cell death pathwayCoordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES, Financial Code 01

    Salud mental y sus dimensiones: análisis de las publicaciones de periódicos de 2000-2005.

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    A partir das mudanças ocorridas na realidade social, com a reforma psiquiátrica, supõe-se que os reflexos destas transformações tenham se apresentado também na produção científica desta área. O estudo teve como objetivo analisar publicações de periódicos que abordam a saúde mental e suas dimensões, em recorte temporal de 2000 a 2005. Foram consultadas cinco revistas classificadas como Qualis B de circulação nacional ou Qualis B ou C de circulação internacional nas áreas da Enfermagem e Saúde Coletiva. Na análise documental do material emergiram as seguintes categorias: organizações e gestão dos serviços, ensino e formação de profissionais na área de saúde mental, estratégias e resultados da reabilitação psicossocial, o cuidado à pessoa em sofrimento psíquico e percepções sobre a doença mental. Percebeu-se que a produção do conhecimento no campo da saúde mental é fortemente influenciada pela prática.Considering the current changes in social conditions brought about by the psychiatry reform, effects of these transformations are also expected on the scientific production in this field. The article aimed at analyzing studies published in journals between 2000 and 2005 discussing mental health and its dimensions. Nursing and Collective Health national and international journals, classified in Brazil as B or C, were reviewed. In the documental analysis of the material the following categories emerged: organizations and management of services, training of mental health professionals, psychosocial rehabilitation strategies and results, care of people with psychiatric suffering, and perceptions on mental illness. It noticed that the knowledge production in mental health is strongly influenced by practice.A partir de los cambios ocurridos en la realidad social con la reforma psiquiátrica, se supone que los reflejos de estas transformaciones se hayan presentado también en la producción científica de esta área. El estudio ha tenido como objetivo analizar publicaciones de periódicos que enfocan la salud mental y sus dimensiones, en recorte temporal de 2000-2005. Han sido consultadas cinco revistas clasificadas en Brasil como B y C en el área da enfermería y salud colectiva y de circulación nacional o internacional. En el análisis documental del material surgieron las siguientes categorías: organizaciones y gestión de los servicios, enseñanza y formación de profesionales en el área de salud mental, estrategias y resultados de la rehabilitación psicosocial, el cuidado a la persona en sufrimiento psíquico y las percepciones sobre la enfermedad mental. Estas han permitido percibir que la producción de conocimiento acerca de salud mental, sufre la influencia de la práctica

    Sob as fronteiras do MERCOSUL: concepções político-normativas do processo de migração entre Estados Partes/ Under MERCOSUR's borders: political-normative conceptions of the migration process between States Parties

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    As fronteiras do MERCOSUL são espaços de grandes movimentos migratórios, independente dos motivos que levam os migrantes a deixarem seus países de origem, para conquistarem seus objetivos no país de outrem. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar, a partir das documentações oficiais do MERCOSUL e do Brasil, a legislação que trata da mobilidade de pessoas, incluindo áreas de fronteira e documentação necessária, entre os Estados Partes do Bloco Econômico Regional no período entre 1991 e 2016. Optou-se por uma investigação documental, de abordagem qualitativa, com proposição exploratório-descritiva. Foram despendidos documentos oficiais oriundos dos Estados Partes do MERCOSUL, disponíveis no site e documentos da legislação brasileira, resultantes dos documentos anteriores, disponíveis em sites oficiais no Brasil. A investigação foi efetivada em 26 anos de documentações oficiais publicadas cujo foco fora a migração no MERCOSUL. Decidiu-se pela metodologia de análise de conteúdo temática para direcionar a eleição do material a ser investigado. Foram identificados e apensados ao estudo: 41 documentos do MERCOSUL, dentre os quais 10 acordos, 18 decisões e 13 resoluções, e 19 documentos oficiais brasileiros, sendo uma lei, 16 decretos legislativos e presidenciais e duas portarias ministeriais. O MERCOSUL tem buscado fortalecer a integração entre seus países constituintes, e, no decorrer dos anos, a procura por uma harmonização em suas legislações têm sido uma preocupação, o que é evidenciado ao observar o leque de documentos aprovados. Ainda que decorra a aprovação no Bloco, alguns documentos passam por um moroso processo até serem regulamentados dentro de cada país

    Times of Application of Boron in Irrigated Rice Genotypes in Tropical Varzeas

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    Boron is an important micronutrient for all vegetables, being part of several metabolic functions within cells. Rice stands out as a staple food for more than half the world’s population and requires small amounts of boron. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of boron application at different times in the culture of irrigated rice in the conditions of the floodplains in the Southwest of the State of Tocantins. The experiment was installed at Fazenda Santa Rita, municipality of Lagoa da Confusão-TO in the 2015/2016 harvest, in bands, with a randomized block design, in a 4 x 4 factorial scheme, with 4 repetitions. The dose of 3.0 kg ha −1 of boron was applied, in the form of borax, via leaf, in four seasons. WereFour lowland rice cultivars (IRGA-424, IRGA-424 RI, IRGA-425, and IRGA-426) were used. The characteristics evaluated were: plant height, number of panicles, spikelet sterility, the mass of one hundred grains, grain yield, whole grains, and grain yield. Boron resulted in higher productivity. The highest yields were achieved with borate fertilization at 60 and 75 days after emergence. The genotypes IRGA-424 RI and IRGA-425 proved to be more efficient in the use of boron, is recommended at any time of application of the micronutrient

    Comportamento alimentar, prática de atividade física e questões referentes à saúde mental de adolescentes de um Colégio de Aplicação, antes e durante a pandemia da COVID-19

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    O objetivo foi avaliar o comportamento alimentar, satisfação com o peso corporal e questões relacionadas à saúde mental de alunos de um Colégio de Aplicação de uma universidade Federal , antes e durante a pandemia. Aplicou-se um questionário online semiestruturado via Google Forms, contendo informações sobre hábitos e comportamentos alimentares, satisfação com peso corporal, prática de atividade física e questões referentes à saúde mental, antes e durante o período da pandemia de COVID-19. Avaliou-se 88 alunos, 54,5% do sexo feminino, com mediana de idade de 16,5 anos. Durante o cenário crítico imposto pela pandemia do SARS-CoV-2, ocorreram mudanças positivas nos hábitos alimentares dos adolescentes e no padrão de atividade física, principalmente por estarem morando com os pais, contudo, foram observados importantes impactos negativos na saúde mental

    Epidemiological data of patients diagnosed with COVID-19 in the municipality of Gurupi, Tocantins

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    According to the World Health Organization (WHO), COVID-19 is a viral disease transmitted from person to person, which has the fastest spread in the world. OBJECTIVE: This project aimed to analyze epidemiological aspects of COVID-19 in the municipality of Gurupi/TO. METHODOLOGY: The research was conducted by consulting the epidemiological bulletin of COVID-19 made available daily by VISAE, from March 16, 2020, to May 15, 2021, where we identified the evolution of positive cases, deaths, and gender identification of this population, and analysis of literature review on the subject. RESULTS: Of the 10,336 positive cases, 5,570 (53.89%) of the cases are female, 194 (7.13%) evolved to deaths, of these 70 (36.08%) were female and 124 (63.92%) were male. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS: From the results, it is visible the reduction in the numbers of positive cases for COVID-19 from April 2021, which can be taken into consideration the measures adopted through the Municipal Decrees, and in part to the beginning of the immunization process. Thus, the continuity of prophylaxis measures is essential for the control of the high chain of transmission in the municipality

    Educational Contributions Of The Nurse In The Prevention Of Sepsis In The Unit Of Intensive Therapy: Integrative Review

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    Sepsis is defined as a syndrome of inflammatory response, motivated by an aggressive agent, associated with systemic infection, the early approach of the infectious agent, both in the direction of diagnosis and in the control of infectious focus, are fundamental for the good evolution of the patient. This pathology has been considered a global health problem, affecting a large number of people and causing high rates of morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: The study aimed to investigate how nurses contribute in an educational way in the prevention of complications caused by sepsis in an intensive care unit. METHOD: The research was carried out through an electronic search of scientific papers published in the databases LILACS, SCIELO and PUBMED, portal of the virtual library in health. Other materials were located in scientific journals available on university websites and articles related to the subject. The initial evaluation of the material occurred through the reading of the abstracts, in order to select those that met the objectives of the study, with this, 37 articles were selected. In carrying out the research it was possible to verify that the recognition of sepsis by nursing professionals is mainly identified through the changes in the signs and symptoms that are observed through the provision of care to these critical patients. RESULTS: It has been shown that even with all the advances in the production of knowledge about the pathophysiology and the treatment of sepsis, it is still possible to find several difficulties for the proper handling in the diagnosis and in the ideal treatment for each particular case. CONCLUSION: The professional nurse should always be updating and seeking new knowledge for a fast, safe and effective action, in conjunction with the entire health team to promote quality and resolutive care for the patient, especially those affected by sepsis

    Antifungal Combination of Ethyl Acetate Extract of Poincianella pluviosa (DC.) L. P. Queiros Stem Bark With Amphotericin B in Cryptococcus neoformans

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    Cryptococcus neoformans is the leading cause of cryptococcosis, an invasive and potentially fatal infectious disease. Therapeutic failures are due to the increase in antifungal resistance, the adverse effects of drugs, and the unavailability of therapeutic regimens in low-income countries, which limit the treatment of cryptococcosis, increasing the morbidity and mortality associated with these infections. Thus, new antifungal drugs and innovative strategies for the cryptococcosis treatment are urgently needed. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the effect of ethyl acetate fraction (EAF) of Poincianella pluviosa stem bark on planktonic and biofilm mode of growth of C. neoformans. Furthermore, the interaction between the EAF and amphotericin B (AmB) was evaluated in vitro and in Galleria mellonella infection model. Minimal inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of EAF ranged from 125.0 to >1,000.0 μg/ml and >1,000.0 μg/ml for planktonic and sessile cells, respectively. The combination between EAF and AmB exhibited a synergistic fungicidal activity toward C. neoformans, with a fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) ranging from 0.03 to 0.06 and 0.08 to 0.28 for planktonic and sessile cells, respectively. Microscopy analyses of planktonic C. neoformans cells treated with EAF, alone or combined with AmB, revealed morphological and ultrastructural alterations, including loss of integrity of the cell wall and cell membrane detachment, suggesting leakage of intracellular content, reduction of capsule size, and presence of vacuoles. Moreover, EAF alone or combined with AmB prolonged the survival rate of C. neoformans-infected G. mellonella larvae. These findings indicate that P. pluviosa may be an important source of new compounds that can be used as a fungus-specific adjuvant for the treatment of cryptococcosis

    Pervasive gaps in Amazonian ecological research

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