21 research outputs found

    Estudio diagnóstico del bienestar de bovinos durante el transporte a una planta de beneficio de la región caribe de Colombia

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    A diagnostic animal welfare (AW) study was carried out during the terrestrial transport of cattle to a slaughtering plant in the Caribbean region of Colombia. A cross sectional analytical study was carried out on 20 drivers, evaluating demographic variables, attitude towards cattle and the management. Data of 59 trips (588 cattle) were analyzed, evaluating the conditions of the vehicles and determining load density, weight heterogeneity, distance traveled, waiting time before landing and the employee at the landing. Parts of vehicles are not used exclusively for transporting cattle and do not fully comply with the provisions of the ICA. Load densities were lower than those recommended, with values of 320.5 kg/m2 (SD=6.3) and 285.2 kg/m2 (SD=83.48) for small and large vehicles, respectively. Distance traveled was 21.6 km, on average. The average total wait and discharge times were 11.1 and 2.8 min, respectively. The distance traveled, the charge density and the discharge time were correlated with the number of hematomas and the pH of the cold carcass. Failures that have a negative effect on the welfare of cattle during transportation and unloading in the dressing plant and on the quality of the carcass were evidenced, together with the lack of training of the drivers in the AW.Se realizó un estudio diagnóstico de bienestar animal (BA) durante el transporte terrestre de vacunos hacia una planta de faenado de la región Caribe de Colombia. Se hizo un estudio transversal analítico a 20 transportistas, evaluando variables demográficas, de actitud frente a los bovinos y del manejo dado. Se analizaron datos de 59 viajes (588 vacunos), evaluando las condiciones de los vehículos y determinando densidad de carga, heterogeneidad en peso, distancia recorrida, tiempo de espera antes del desembarque y el empleado en el desembarque. Parte de vehículos no se usan exclusivamente para el transporte de vacunos y no cumplen totalmente con lo dispuesto por el ICA. Las densidades de carga fueron inferiores a las recomendadas, con valores de 320,5 kg/m2 (DE=6,3) y 285,2 kg/m2 (DE=83,48), para vehículos pequeños y grandes, respectivamente y la distancia recorrida fue de 21,6 km, en promedio. Los tiempos promedios de espera total y de descargue fueron de 11,1 y 2.8 min., respectivamente. La distancia recorrida, la densidad de carga y el tiempo de descargue se correlacionaron con el número de hematomas y el pH de la canal fría. Se evidenciaron fallas que repercuten negativamente en el bienestar de vacunos durante el transporte y descargue en la planta de faenado y sobre la calidad de la canal, aunado a la falta de capacitación de los conductores en el tema del BA

    Evaluación del efecto de un suplemento mineral sobre la calidad seminal de cerdos reproductores

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    It was evaluated the addition effect of different concentrations of a mineral supplement, on the seminal characteristics of boars. The essay was developed in Sincelejo municipality. The experiment consisted in three cycles of mineral supplementation, where was supplied 10, 20 and 30 g/day daily in every pig, per cycle. Every cycle had a duration of 55 days, obtaining 1 ejaculate/pig/week (10 ejaculates/cycle). The seminal collects where taken making use of the hand gloved method. After the collect where made, the semen was transported to the laboratory, where it was processed and realized its respective evaluation of seminal quality (macroscopic and microscopic variables). The results evidenced that seminal volume, spermatic motility (individual, progressive), spermatic morphology (tails) and spermatic vitality, showed probability values associated to a lineal effect (P<0,05), related to an increase in the supplementation level. The spermatic motility (gross), spermatic morphology (normal) and spermatic concentration, showed probability values associated to a quadratic effect (P<0,05) of supplementation level. On the other hand, spermatic morphology (heads, cytoplasmic droplets) weren’t affected by the treatments (P>0,05). Finally, it was evidenced an effect of the supplementation levels on seminal aspect, but neither pH nor seminal color (P>0,05). It can be concluded that dietary micromineral supplementation favors some seminal variables such as volume and concentration, maintaining the others characteristics, within normal parameters.Se evaluó el efecto de la adición de diferentes concentraciones de un suplemento mineral, sobre la calidad seminal en cerdos machos adultos usados para la reproducción. El ensayo se realizó en el municipio de Sincelejo. El experimento constó de tres ciclos de suplementación mineral, en donde se suministraron 10, 20 y 30 g/día en cada cerdo por ciclo. Cada ciclo duró 55 días, y se obtuvo 1 eyaculado/cerdo/semana (10 eyaculados/ciclo). Las colectas seminales fueron realizadas con el método de mano enguantada. Posterior a cada colecta, el semen fue transportado al laboratorio en donde se procesó y se realizó su respectiva evaluación de calidad espermática (variables macroscópicas y microscópicas). Los resultados evidenciaron que el volumen seminal, la motilidad espermática (individual, progresiva), la morfología espermática (colas) y la vitalidad espermática, mostraron valores de probabilidad asociados a un efecto lineal (P<0,05) relacionado a un incremento en el nivel de suplementación. La motilidad espermática (masal), la morfología espermática (normales) y la concentración espermática, presentaron valores de probabilidad asociados a un efecto cuadrático (P<0,05), del nivel de suplementación. Por otro lado, la morfología espermática (cabezas, colas citoplasmáticas) no fueron afectadas por los tratamientos evaluados (P>0,05). Finalmente, se evidenció un efecto de los niveles de suplementación sobre el aspecto seminal (P<0,05), pero no sobre el pH y color seminal (P>0,05). Se puede concluir que la suplementación dietaria micromineral favorece algunas variables seminales tales como el volumen y la concentración, manteniendo las demás características, dentro de los parámetros normales

    Dynamics of phosphorus in the body of sheep fed different levels of this mineral in the diets

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    Avaliou-se a dinâmica do fósforo no organismo de cordeiros Santa Inês alimentados com dietas com diversos níveis deste mineral, considerando as correlações entre os níveis de fósforo consumido e de fósforo no plasma; na saliva; no conteúdo ruminal; nas fezes; e na urina. Foram utilizados 18 cordeiros com 5 meses de idade e 27 kg de peso vivo. O experimento foi dividido em dois períodos de cinco semanas, cada um com nove animais. Os animais foram mantidos individualmente em gaiolas para estudo de metabolismo e receberam uma dieta basal constituída de feno de capim coast-cross (Cynodon dactylon, L. Pers.) e concentrado com diferentes níveis de fósforo (1,9; 2,6; 3,3 g/dia) provenientes de fosfato bicálcico. No 15º dia, iniciaram-se as coletas de saliva, plasma, conteúdo ruminal, fezes e urina para as análises de fósforo inorgânico. Observaram-se correlações positivas entre o aumento do consumo de fósforo e os teores desse mineral no plasma (r = 0,64), na saliva (r = 0,86), no conteúdo ruminal (r = 0,82), nas fezes (r = 0,92) e na urina (r = 0,37), comprovando que, quando absorvido, o fósforo é distribuído no corpo pelo plasma. Após a saturação no organismo, o excesso é secretado via saliva, segue para o rúmen e, ao chegar ao intestino, é reabsorvido em menor quantidade e excretado via fezes. À medida que se aumentaram os níveis de fósforo na dieta, verificou-se aumento expressivo dos teores desse mineral na saliva, no plasma, no conteúdo ruminal e nas fezes.The dynamics of phosphorus in the body of Santa Ines lambs fed diets with different levels of this mineral was evaluated, considering the correlations among the levels of phosphorus consumed, in plasma; in saliva, in rumen contents, in feces, and in urine. Eighteen lambs were used with five mo old and 27 kg BW. The experiment was divided into two periods of five weeks, each with nine animals. The animals were individually kept in cages of metabolism study and were fed a basal diet consists of coast-cross grass (Cynodon dactylon, L. Pers.) hay and concentrate with different phosphorus levels (1.9, 2.6, 3.3 g/day) from dicalcium phosphate. On the 15th day, it was initiated the collection of saliva, plasma, rumen contents, feces and urine for the analysis of inorganic phosphorus. Positive correlations were observed among the increase of phosphorus intake and the levels of this mineral in plasma, saliva, rumen contents, feces and urine, indicating that, when absorbed, the phosphorus is distributed throughout the body by the plasma. After saturation in the body, the excess is secreted through saliva, following for the rumen, and reaching the intestine; it is reabsorbed into smaller quantity and excreted via feces. As phosphorus levels increased in the diet, there was significant increase of these mineral levels in saliva, plasma, rumen contents and feces

    Calidad nutricional de Mombasa y Tanzania (Megathyrsus maximus, Jacq.) manejados a diferentes frecuencias y alturas de corte en Sucre, Colombia

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of cutting height (20, 30 and 40 cm) and frequency (25, 35 and 45 days) on the nutritional quality of Mombasa and Tanzania grasses (Megathyrsus maximus, Jacq.) in the Sabanas subregion, from the Department of Sucre. The samples of grasses were collected from plots already established and organized according to a split plots design. The Tanzania cultivar presented higher (p<0.05) dry matter, protein and hemicellulose contents, while higher values (p<0.05) of NDF, FDA, ash and phosphorus were observed in Mombasa cultivar. The cutting frequency (p<0.05) affected linearly the protein, ash, NDF and he-micellulose contents and, in a quadratic manner, the dry matter content. The cultivar Mombasa presented a superior range of variation in relation to the protein content, going from 12.3 to 6.5% between the frequencies of cut 25 and 45 days, which was not observed in the cultivar Tanzania. There was decrease in ash and phosphorus values, and increase in NDF and hemicellulose as a function of the cutting frequency. The FDA content increased linearly (p=0.04) as a function of the increase in cutting height. It is concluded that under the study conditions, the nutritional composition of the evaluated pastures varies according to the cultivar and the given management, mainly as a function of the cutting frequency. Nutritionally, the Tanzania cultivar presented comparative advantages over Mombasa.Com a finalidade de avaliar o efeito da altura (20, 30 e 40 cm) e da frequência (25, 35 e 45 dias) de corte sobre a qualidade nutricional de Mombaça e Tanzânia (M. maximus, Jacq.) na sub-região Savanas, do Departamento de Sucre, foram coletadas amostras de parcelas já estabelecidas e organizadas de acordo com um delineamento em parcelas divididas. A cultivar Tanzânia apresentou teores superiores (p<0,05) de matéria seca, hemicelulose e proteína, e o cultivar Mombaça valores mais elevados (p<0,05) de FDN, FDA, cinzas e fósforo. A frequência de corte afetou (p<0,05) linearmente os teores de proteína, cinzas, FDN e hemicelulose, e quadraticamente o teor de matéria seca. A cultivar Mombaça apresentou maior variação em relação ao teor de proteína, passando de 12,3 para 6,5% entre as frequências de corte de 25 e 45 dias, o que não foi observado no capim Tanzânia. Houve decréscimo (p<0,05) nos valores de cinzas e fósforo, e aumento nos valores de FDN e hemicelulose em função da frequência de corte. O teor de FDA aumentou linearmente (p=0,04) em função do aumento da altura de corte. Conclui-se que nas condições do estudo, a composição nutricional das pastagens avaliadas varia de acordo com a cultivar e o manejo, principalmente em função da frequência de corte. Nutricionalmente, a cultivar Tanzânia apresentou vantagens comparativas sobre Mombasa.Con el objetivo de evaluar el efecto de la altura (20, 30 y 40 cm) y frecuencia (25, 35 y 45 días) de corte sobre la calidad nutricional de los pastos Mombasa y Tanzania (Megathyrsus maximus, Jacq.) en la Subregión Sabanas, del Departamento de Sucre. Se tomaron muestras de parcelas ya establecidas y organizadas según un diseño en parcelas divididas. El cultivar Tanzania presentó mayores (p<0,05) contenidos de materia seca, proteína y hemicelulosa, mientras que en el cultivar Mombasa se observaron valores superiores (p<0,05) de FDN, FDA, cenizas y fósforo. La frecuencia de corte afectó (p<0,05) linealmente los contenidos de proteína, cenizas, FDN y hemicelulosa, y de manera cuadrática el contenido de materia seca. El cultivar Mombasa presentó un rango superior de variación en relación al contenido de proteína, pasando de 12,3 a 6,5% entre las frecuencias de corte 25 y 45 días, lo que no se observó en el cultivar Tanzania. Se presentó disminución en los valores de ceniza y fósforo, e incremento en los FDN y hemicelulosa en función de la frecuencia de corte. El contenido de FDA aumentó linealmente (p=0,04) en función del incremento en la altura de corte. Se concluye que bajo las condiciones de estudio, la composición nutricional de los pastos evaluados varía en función del cultivar y del manejo dado, principalmente en función de la frecuencia de corte. Nutricionalmente, el cultivar Tanzania presentó ventajas comparativas sobre Mombasa

    Ensilados de Megathyrsus maximus: Efecto del horario de corte y de la inoculación microbiana

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    Objective. To evaluate the effect of the cutting time and the addition of a microbial inoculum on the fermentative and nutritional characteristics of grass silage of the genus Megathyrsus maximus. Materials and methods. The combination of forage (Tanzania and Mombasa cultivars and corn), cutting time (a.m.-p.m.) and use of additive (with-without) represented the treatments. Was used a completely random design in factorial arrangement. Results. The sensory evaluation was acceptable in all silages, and in those cut at p.m., the dry matter content tended to be higher (p=0.071), as well as digestibility (p &lt;0.02). The addition of inoculum reduced (p&lt;0.05) protein losses. The Mombasa silage presented a higher concentration of dry matter and fibrous components (p&lt;0.001), and that of corn had a higher content of soluble carbohydrates (p&lt;0.001) and a lower pH (3.76) (p&lt;0.001). Fermentation losses were higher in Mombasa and lower in corn (p=0.003). Conclusions. In general, cutting in the afternoon hours improves the digestibility of the silage, and the addition of microbial inoculum reduces protein losses.Objetivo. Evaluar el efecto del horario de corte y de la adición de un inóculo microbiano sobre las características fermentativas y nutricionales de ensilados de gramíneas del género Megathyrsus maximus. Materiales y métodos. Los tratamientos fueron conformados por la combinación de los factores tipo de forraje (cultivares Tanzania y Mombasa, y maíz), horario de corte (a.m.-p.m.) y uso de aditivo (con-sin). Se utilizó un diseño completamente al azar en arreglo factorial. Resultados. La evaluación sensorial fue aceptable en todos los ensilados, y en los cortados en el horario p.m., el contenido de materia seca tendió a ser mayor (p=0.071), al igual que la digestibilidad (p&lt;0.02). La adición de inóculo redujo (p&lt;0.05) las pérdidas de proteína. El ensilado de Mombasa presentó mayor concentración de materia seca y de componentes fibrosos (p&lt;0.001), y el de maíz mayor contenido de carbohidratos solubles (p&lt;0.001) y el pH (3.76) más bajo (p&lt;0.001). Las pérdidas por fermentación fueron mayores en Mombasa y menores en maíz (p=0.003). Conclusión. En términos generales, el corte en horas de la tarde mejora la digestibilidad del ensilado, y la adición de inóculo microbiano reduce las pérdidas de proteína

    Diagnostic study of bovine welfare during transport to a beneficiary plant in the Caribbean region of Colombia

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    A diagnostic animal welfare (AW) study was carried out during the terrestrial transport of cattle to a slaughtering plant in the Caribbean region of Colombia. A cross sectional analytical study was carried out on 20 drivers, evaluating demographic variables, attitude towards cattle and the management. Data of 59 trips (588 cattle) were analyzed, evaluating the conditions of the vehicles and determining load density, weight heterogeneity, distance traveled, waiting time before landing and the employee at the landing. Parts of vehicles are not used exclusively for transporting cattle and do not fully comply with the provisions of the ICA. Load densities were lower than those recommended, with values of 320.5 kg/m2 (SD=6.3) and 285.2 kg/m2 (SD=83.48) for small and large vehicles, respectively. Distance traveled was 21.6 km, on average. The average total wait and discharge times were 11.1 and 2.8 min, respectively. The distance traveled, the charge density and the discharge time were correlated with the number of hematomas and the pH of the cold carcass. Failures that have a negative effect on the welfare of cattle during transportation and unloading in the dressing plant and on the quality of the carcass were evidenced, together with the lack of training of the drivers in the AW

    Evaluating the effect of a mineral supplement on the seminal quality of adult boars

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    It was evaluated the addition effect of different concentrations of a mineral supplement, on the seminal characteristics of boars. The essay was developed in Sincelejo municipality. The experiment consisted in three cycles of mineral supplementation, where was supplied 10, 20 and 30 g/day daily in every pig, per cycle. Every cycle had a duration of 55 days, obtaining 1 ejaculate/pig/week (10 ejaculates/cycle). The seminal collects where taken making use of the hand gloved method. After the collect where made, the semen was transported to the laboratory, where it was processed and realized its respective evaluation of seminal quality (macroscopic and microscopic variables). The results evidenced that seminal volume, spermatic motility (individual, progressive), spermatic morphology (tails) and spermatic vitality, showed probability values associated to a lineal effect (P0,05). Finally, it was evidenced an effect of the supplementation levels on seminal aspect, but neither pH nor seminal color (P>0,05). It can be concluded that dietary micromineral supplementation favors some seminal variables such as volume and concentration, maintaining the others characteristics, within normal parameters