18 research outputs found

    Kinematic modelling of a 3-axis NC machine tool in linear and circular interpolation

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    Machining time is a major performance criterion when it comes to high-speed machining. CAM software can help in estimating that time for a given strategy. But in practice, CAM-programmed feed rates are rarely achieved, especially where complex surface finishing is concerned. This means that machining time forecasts are often more than one step removed from reality. The reason behind this is that CAM routines do not take either the dynamic performances of the machines or their specific machining tolerances into account. The present article seeks to improve simulation of high-speed NC machine dynamic behaviour and machining time prediction, offering two models. The first contributes through enhanced simulation of three-axis paths in linear and circular interpolation, taking high-speed machine accelerations and jerks into account. The second model allows transition passages between blocks to be integrated in the simulation by adding in a polynomial transition path that caters for the true machining environment tolerances. Models are based on respect for path monitoring. Experimental validation shows the contribution of polynomial modelling of the transition passage due to the absence of a leap in acceleration. Simulation error on the machining time prediction remains below 1%

    Model for performance prediction in multi-axis machining

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    This paper deals with a predictive model of kinematical performance in 5-axis milling within the context of High Speed Machining. Indeed, 5-axis high speed milling makes it possible to improve quality and productivity thanks to the degrees of freedom brought by the tool axis orientation. The tool axis orientation can be set efficiently in terms of productivity by considering kinematical constraints resulting from the set machine-tool/NC unit. Capacities of each axis as well as some NC unit functions can be expressed as limiting constraints. The proposed model relies on each axis displacement in the joint space of the machine-tool and predicts the most limiting axis for each trajectory segment. Thus, the calculation of the tool feedrate can be performed highlighting zones for which the programmed feedrate is not reached. This constitutes an indicator for trajectory optimization. The efficiency of the model is illustrated through examples. Finally, the model could be used for optimizing process planning


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    Machining performance optimization of Parallel Kinematic Machines tools with regard to their anisotropic behaviour

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    Today, Parallel Kinematic Machines tools (PKMs) appear in automotive and aeronautic industries. These machines allow a benefit of productivity due to their higher kinematics performances than Serial Kinematic Machines tools (SKMs). However, their machining accuracy is lower. Moreover, the compensation of the defects which penalizes the machined parts quality is difficult due to their anisotropic behaviour. Thus, this article deals with the development of methods improving the machined parts quality and the productivity. In order to improve parts quality, the static behaviour of the machine structure is considered with a model taking into account joints and legs compliances. Then, it allows determining a static workspace. About the productivity, the improvement of kinematics performances is performed through an optimization work of the non productive tool path between cutting operations. The computed tool path must verify a minimum time constraint and avoid collisions between the tool and the machined part. All the methods are illustrated with the PKM Tripteor X7 developed by PCI