61 research outputs found
Аргументация как лингвистический элемент в полемике. Виды аргументов
Thermoanaerobacter brockiifermented serine to acetate and ethanol. It oxidized leucine to isovalerate, isoleucine to 2-methylbutyrate, and valine to isobutyrate only in the presence of thiosulfate, or when co-cultured withMethanobacteriumsp. This oxidative deamination was rendered thermodynamically possible by the ability ofT. brockiito reduce thiosulfate to sulfide or the transfer of reducing equivalents to the hydrogenotrophic methanogen. The results suggest thatT. brockiimay be of ecological significance in thermal environments in the turnover of amino acids, especially with thiosulfate or H2-utilizing methanogens are present
Влияние автономного инвертора напряжения с синусоидальной широтно-импульсной модуляцией на устойчивость системы электропривода
A method for calculating conditions subharmonic stable AC systems, taking into account the discrete of voltage autonomous inverter with sinusoidal PWM based on which the stable area of AC engine drive
Peptide and amino acid oxidation in the presence of thiosulfate by members of the genus Thermoanaerobacter
#Thermoanaerobacter brockii, #T. ethanolicus, #T. thermohydrosulfuricus, #T. finnii, and #Thermoanaerobacter strain SEBR 5268 (an isolate from an oil-producting well) were studied for their ability to oxidize proteinaceous compounds that included gelatin, peptides, and casamino acids. All bacteria tested used peptides and amino acids, but only slightly. However, in the presence of thiosulfate all the #Thermoanaerobacter species showed a substantial improvement in growth and/or the production of acetate, isovalerate, isobutyrate, and sulfide. Propionate was a minor product of peptide or amino acid oxidation. The reduction of thiosulfate during growth on peptides by members of the #Thermoanaerobacter$ species is a trait that closely resembles that of archaeal hyperthermophiles during growth on peptides and amino acids with elemental sulfur as electron acceptor. (Résumé d'auteur
Isolation and characterization of Halothermothrix orenii gen. nov., sp. nov., a halophilic, thermophilic, fermentative, strictly anaerobic bacterium
The occurrence of thermophilic, halophilic anaerobic bacteria in the sediment of a Tunisian salted lake was tested in samples collected at 20-cm intervals down to a depth of 1.20 m. A long rod, present only in the 40-to 60-cm layer, was isolated at 60°C in a medium containing 100 g of NaCl per liter and designated strain H168. This strain produced acetate, ethanol, H2, and CO2 from glucose metabolism. Fructose, xylose, ribose, cellobiose, and starch were also oxidized. The optimum temperature for growth was 60°C. No growth was obtained at 42 or 70°C. Strain H168 grew optimally in NaCl concentrations ranging from 50 to 100 g per liter, with the upper and lower limits of growth around 200 and 40 g per liter, respectively. The G+C ratio of the DNA was 39.6 mol %. Although halophilic, moderately thermophilic bacteria have been characterized among anaerobes, particularly within methanogens, strain H168 is the first true thermophilic (growing above 60°C) halophilic anaerobic bacterium described so far. The phylogeny, physiology, morphology, lipid content, and high G+C content of strain H168 are sufficiently different from those of genera belonging to the family Haloanaerobiaceae to justify the definition of a new genus
Effect of thiosulphate as electron acceptor on glucose and xylose oxidation by Thermoanaerobacter finnii and Thermoanaerobacter sp. isolated from oil field water
#Thermoanaerobacter finnii fermente le glucose et le xylose en lactate, acétate, H2, CO2 et éthanol qui est le produit majeur du métabolisme. Une autre bactérie du genre #Thermoanaerobacter isolée d'une eau de gisement pétrolier produit des quantités aussi importantes d'éthanol que de lactate à partir de ces sucres. L'oxydation du glucose et du xylose par ces deux micro-organismes est complètement modifiée en présence de thiosulfate puisque, dans ces conditions, l'acétate devient le produit majeur du métabolisme des sucres. Cette modification du métabolisme amène à de meilleurs rendements cellulaires et à un meilleur taux de croissance bactérienne lorsque le thiosulfate est utilisé comme accepteur d'électrons. Une plus grande production d'acétate en présence de thiosulfate indique que les bactéries testées récupèrent plus d'énergie des phosphorylations liées au substrat. Ces modifications observées sur le métabolisme des sucres en présence de thiosulfate nous amènent à tenir compte plus précisément du rôle que peut jouer cet accepteur d'électrons dans l'oxydation de la matière organique dans les sources chaudes riches en sulfate sulfuré ou les eaux de gisements pétroliers. (Résumé d'auteur
Identification of thiosulfate- and sulfur -reducing bacteria unable to reduce sulfate in ricefield soils
Eighteen strains of anaerobic thiosulfate-reducing bacteria unable to use sulfate as electron acceptor (TSRnSR) were isolated from four ricefield soils originating from France and the Philippines, using peptides as energy sources, H2 as electron donor, thiosulfate as electron acceptors, and four enrichment methods to vary the selection pressure. They were strict proteolytic asaccharolytic anaerobes producing H2S when grown on thiosulfate + H2. They exhibited the same RFLP profile (11 restriction enzymes tested). Partial sequencing of the 16S rDNA showed that they belonged to the genus Clostridium and were phylogenetically related to C. subterminale. DNA-DNA hybridization of a representative strain with the closest C. subterminale strain (DSM 6970T) yielded a value of 68.9%. Previous counts of TSRnSR in ricefield soils, their identification as Clostridium strains, and the known ubiquity of this genus in such soils indicate that TSRnSR may play a significant role in S cycling in some wetland soils. (Résumé d'auteur
Параметрична логістична модель планування роботи різних видів транспорту
Запропонована логістична модель планування роботи різних видів транспорту вантажної станції за умов ефективного використання вантажно-розвантажувальних механізмів, вантажних фронтів та складської обробки вантажів.Предложенная логистическая модель планирования работы различных видов транспорта грузовой станции в условиях эффективного использования погрузочно-разгрузочных механизмов, грузовых фронтов и складской обработки грузов.The proposed model of logistic planning of transport modes cargo station for the effective use of material handling equipment, commercial fronts and warehouse handling
1917 рік у щоденникових записах В.І. Вернадського
Розглядається щоденник В.І. Вернадського як джерело до вивчення
революційних подій 1917 р. Аналізуються рефлексії ученого на суспільно-політичне життя Росії та України 1917 р.Рассматривается дневник В.И. Вернадского как источник к изучению революционных событий 1917 г. Анализируются рефлексии ученого на общественно-политическую
жизнь России и Украины в 1917 г.The author examines the diary written by V.I. Vernadsky as a historical source of
revolutionary events in 1917. The reflections of the scientist and the politician on the social
and political life in Russia and Ukraine in 1917 are analyzed
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