16 research outputs found

    Phenotypic and genomic analysis of isopropanol and 1,3-propanediol producer Clostridium diolis DSM 15410

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    Clostridium diolis DSM 15410 is a type strain of solventogenic clostridium capable of conducting isopropanol-butanol-ethanol fermentation. By studying its growth on different carbohydrates, we verified its ability to utilize glycerol and produce 1,3-propanediol and discovered its ability to produced isopropanol. Complete genome sequencing showed that its genome is a single circular chromosome and belongs to the cluster I (sensu scricto) of the genus Clostridium. By cultivation analysis we highlighted its specific behavior in comparison to two selected closely related strains. Despite the fact that several CRISPR loci were found, 16 putative prophages showed the ability to receive foreign DNA. Thus, the strain has the necessary features for future engineering of its 1,3-propanediol biosynthetic pathway and for the possible industrial utilization in the production of biofuels

    Identification and validation of reference genes in Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B-598 for RT-qPCR using RNA-Seq data

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    Gene expression analysis through reverse transcription-quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR) depends on correct data normalization by reference genes with stable expression. Although Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B-598 is a promising Gram-positive bacterium for the industrial production of biobutanol, validated reference genes have not yet been reported. In this study, we selected 160 genes with stable expression based on an RNA sequencing (RNA-Seq) data analysis, and among them, seven genes (zmp, rpoB1, rsmB, greA, rpoB2, topB2, and rimO) were selected for experimental validation by RT-qPCR and gene ontology enrichment analysis. According to statistical analyses, zmp and greA were the most stable and suitable reference genes for RT-qPCR normalization. Furthermore, our methodology can be useful for selection of the reference genes in other strains of Clostridium beijerinckii and it also suggests that the RNA-Seq data can be used for the initial selection of novel reference genes, however their validation is required

    Transcription profiling of butanol producer Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B-598 using RNA-Seq

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    Background Thinning supplies of natural resources increase attention to sustainable microbial production of bio-based fuels. The strain Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B-598 is a relatively well-described butanol producer regarding its genotype and phenotype under various conditions. However, a link between these two levels, lying in the description of the gene regulation mechanisms, is missing for this strain, due to the lack of transcriptomic data. Results In this paper, we present a transcription profile of the strain over the whole fermentation using an RNA-Seq dataset covering six time-points with the current highest dynamic range among solventogenic clostridia. We investigated the accuracy of the genome sequence and particular genome elements, including pseudogenes and prophages. While some pseudogenes were highly expressed, all three identified prophages remained silent. Furthermore, we identified major changes in the transcriptional activity of genes using differential expression analysis between adjacent time-points. We identified functional groups of these significantly regulated genes and together with fermentation and cultivation kinetics captured using liquid chromatography and flow cytometry, we identified basic changes in the metabolism of the strain during fermentation. Interestingly, C. beijerinckii NRRL B-598 demonstrated different behavior in comparison with the closely related strain C. beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 in the latter phases of cultivation. Conclusions We provided a complex analysis of the C. beijerinckii NRRL B-598 fermentation profile using several technologies, including RNA-Seq. We described the changes in the global metabolism of the strain and confirmed the uniqueness of its behavior. The whole experiment demonstrated a good reproducibility. Therefore, we will be able to repeat the experiment under selected conditions in order to investigate particular metabolic changes and signaling pathways suitable for following targeted engineering

    A transcriptional response of Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B-598 to a butanol shock

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    Background One of the main obstacles preventing solventogenic clostridia from achieving higher yields in biofuel production is the toxicity of produced solvents. Unfortunately, regulatory mechanisms responsible for the shock response are poorly described on the transcriptomic level. Although the strain Clostridium beijerinckii NRRL B-598, a promising butanol producer, has been studied under different conditions in the past, its transcriptional response to a shock caused by butanol in the cultivation medium remains unknown. Results In this paper, we present a transcriptional response of the strain during a butanol challenge, caused by the addition of butanol to the cultivation medium at the very end of the acidogenic phase, using RNA-Seq. We resequenced and reassembled the genome sequence of the strain and prepared novel genome and gene ontology annotation to provide the most accurate results. When compared to samples under standard cultivation conditions, samples gathered during butanol shock represented a well-distinguished group. Using reference samples gathered directly before the addition of butanol, we identified genes that were differentially expressed in butanol challenge samples. We determined clusters of 293 down-regulated and 301 up-regulated genes whose expression was affected by the cultivation conditions. Enriched term “RNA binding” among down-regulated genes corresponded to the downturn of translation and the cluster contained a group of small acid-soluble spore proteins. This explained phenotype of the culture that had not sporulated. On the other hand, up-regulated genes were characterized by the term “protein binding” which corresponded to activation of heat-shock proteins that were identified within this cluster. Conclusions We provided an overall transcriptional response of the strain C. beijerinckii NRRL B-598 to butanol shock, supplemented by auxiliary technologies, including high-pressure liquid chromatography and flow cytometry, to capture the corresponding phenotypic response. We identified genes whose regulation was affected by the addition of butanol to the cultivation medium and inferred related molecular functions that were significantly influenced. Additionally, using high-quality genome assembly and custom-made gene ontology annotation, we demonstrated that this settled terminology, widely used for the analysis of model organisms, could also be applied to non-model organisms and for research in the field of biofuels

    Genomová sekvence Clostridium pasteurianum NRRL B-598, potenciální producent butanolu a vodíku

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    We present a draft genome sequence of Clostridium pasteurianum NRRL B-598. This strain ferments saccharides by two-stage acetone-butanol (AB) fermentation, is oxygen tolerant, and has high hydrogen yields.Představujeme genomovou sekvenci Clostridium pasteurianum NRRL B-598, Tento kmen fermentuje sacharidy dvoustupňovou aceton-butanolovou fermentací

    Diversity and Evolution of Clostridium beijerinckii and Complete Genome of the Type Strain DSM 791T

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    Clostridium beijerinckii is a relatively widely studied, yet non-model, bacterium. While 246 genome assemblies of its various strains are available currently, the diversity of the whole species has not been studied, and it has only been analyzed in part for a missing genome of the type strain. Here, we sequenced and assembled the complete genome of the type strain Clostridium beijerinckii DSM 791T, composed of a circular chromosome and a circular megaplasmid, and used it for a comparison with other genomes to evaluate diversity and capture the evolution of the whole species. We found that strains WB53 and HUN142 were misidentified and did not belong to the Clostridium beijerinckii species. Additionally, we filtered possibly misassembled genomes, and we used the remaining 237 high-quality genomes to define the pangenome of the whole species. By its functional annotation, we showed that the core genome contains genes responsible for basic metabolism, while the accessory genome has genes affecting final phenotype that may vary among different strains. We used the core genome to reconstruct the phylogeny of the species and showed its great diversity, which complicates the identification of particular strains, yet hides possibilities to reveal hitherto unreported phenotypic features and processes utilizable in biotechnology