259 research outputs found

    2D and 3D cubic monocrystalline and polycrystalline materials: their stability and mechanical properties

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    We consider 2- and 3-dimensional cubic monocrystalline and polycrystalline materials. Expressions for Young's and shear moduli and Poisson's ratio are expressed in terms of eigenvalues of the stiffness tensor. Such a form is well suited for studying properties of these mechanical characteristics on sides of the stability triangles. For crystalline high-symmetry directions lines of vanishing Poisson's ratio are found. These lines demarcate regions of the stability triangle into areas of various auxeticity properties. The simplest model of polycrystalline 2D and 3D cubic materials is considered. In polycrystalline phases the region of complete auxetics is larger than for monocrystalline materials.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, in proceedings of the Tenth International School on Theoretical Physics, Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter, Myczkowce 200

    Elastic properties of cubic crystals: Every's versus Blackman's diagram

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    Blackman's diagram of two dimensionless ratios of elastic constants is frequently used to correlate elastic properties of cubic crystals with interatomic bondings. Every's diagram of a different set of two dimensionless variables was used by us for classification of various properties of such crystals. We compare these two ways of characterization of elastic properties of cubic materials and consider the description of various groups of materials, e.g. simple metals, oxides, and alkali halides. With exception of intermediate valent compounds, the correlation coefficients for Every's diagrams of various groups of materials are greater than for Blackaman's diagrams, revealing the existence of a linear relationship between two dimensionless Every's variables. Alignment of elements and compounds along lines of constant Poisson's ratio ν(,m)\nu(,\textbf{m}), (m\textbf{m} arbitrary perpendicular to ) is observed. Division of the stability region in Blackman's diagram into region of complete auxetics, auxetics and non-auxetics is introduced. Correlations of a scaling and an acoustic anisotropy parameter are considered.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figures, presented on The Ninth International School on Theoretical Physics "Symmetry and Structural Properties of Condensed Matter", 5 - 12 September 2007, Myczkowce, Polan

    Genomic dissection of the 1994 Cronobacter sakazakii outbreak in a French neonatal intensive care unit

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    Background: Cronobacter sakazakii is a member of the genus Cronobacter that has frequently been isolated from powdered infant formula (PIF) and linked with rare but fatal neonatal infections such as meningitis and necrotising enterocolitis. The Cronobacter MLST scheme has reported over 400 sequence types and 42 clonal complexes; however C. sakazakii clonal complex 4 (CC4) has been linked strongly with neonatal infections, especially meningitis. There have been a number of reported Cronobacter outbreaks over the last three decades. The largest outbreak of C. sakazakii was in a neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) in France (1994) that lasted over 3 months and claimed the lives of three neonates. The present study used whole genome sequencing data of 26 isolates obtained from this outbreak to reveal their relatedness. This study is first of its kind to use whole genome sequencing data to analyse a Cronobacter outbreak. Methods: Whole genome sequencing data was generated for 26 C. sakazakii isolates on the Illumina MiSeq platform. The whole genome phylogeny was determined using Mugsy and RaxML. SNP calls were determined using SMALT and SAMtools, and filtered using VCFtools. Results: The whole genome phylogeny suggested 3 distant clusters of C. sakazakii isolates were associated with the outbreak. SNP typing and phylogeny indicate the source of the C. sakazakii could have been from extrinsic contamination of reconstituted infant formula from the NICU environment and personnel. This pool of strains would have contributed to the prolonged duration of the outbreak, which was up to 3 months. Furthermore 3 neonates were co-infected with C. sakazakii from two different genotype clusters. Conclusion: The genomic investigation revealed the outbreak consisted of an heterogeneous population of C. sakazakii isolates. The source of the outbreak was not identified, but probably was due to environmental and personnel reservoirs resulting in extrinsic contamination of the neonatal feeds. It also indicated that C. sakazakii isolates from different genotype clusters have the ability to co-infect neonates

    Heat capacity and phonon mean free path of wurtzite GaN

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    We report on lattice specific heat of bulk hexagonal GaN measured by the heat flow method in the temperature range 20-300 K and by the adiabatic method in the range 5-70 K. We fit the experimental data using two temperatures model. The best fit with the accuracy of 3 % was obtained for the temperature independent Debye's temperature θD=365\theta_{\rm D}=365 {\rm K} and Einstein's temperature θE=880\theta_{\rm E}=880 {\rm K}. We relate these temperatures to the function of density of states. Using our results for heat conduction coefficient, we established in temperature range 10-100 K the explicit dependence of the phonon mean free path on temperature lphT2\it{l}_{\rm ph}\propto T^{-2}. Above 100 K, there is the evidence of contribution of the Umklapp processes which limit phonon free path at high temepratures. For phonons with energy kB×300k_{\rm B}\times 300 {\rm K} the mean free path is of the order 100 {\rm nm}Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Role of Candida albicans Tem1 in mitotic exit and cytokinesis

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    Journal ArticleResearch Support, Non-U.S. Gov'tCopyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.Candida albicans demonstrates three main growth morphologies: yeast, pseudohyphal and true hyphal forms. Cell separation is distinct in these morphological forms and the process of separation is closely linked to the completion of mitosis and cytokinesis. In Saccharomyces cerevisiae the small GTPase Tem1 is known to initiate the mitotic exit network, a signalling pathway involved in signalling the end of mitosis and initiating cytokinesis and cell separation. Here we have characterised the role of Tem1 in C. albicans, and demonstrate that it is essential for mitotic exit and cytokinesis, and that this essential function is signalled through the kinase Cdc15. Cells depleted of Tem1 displayed highly polarised growth but ultimately failed to both complete cytokinesis and re-enter the cell cycle following nuclear division. Consistent with its role in activating the mitotic exit network Tem1 localises to spindle pole bodies in a cell cycle-dependent manner. Ultimately, the mitotic exit network in C. albicans appears to co-ordinate the sequential processes of mitotic exit, cytokinesis and cell separation.BBSR

    Simulations of nanograting-assisted light coupling in GaN planar waveguide

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    The numerical simulations of nanogratings integrated with gallium nitride (GaN) planar waveguides as well as the experimental in-coupling results are presented. A simulation tool based on the eigenmode expansion method and advanced boundary conditions provided a rigorous model of 400-nm-period grating couplers. A full-vectorial Maxwell solver allowed performing a number of simulations with varying grating parameters, where coupling efficiency, reflection and transmission characteristics of device were calculated. Gratings with different etch depths and arbitrary shapes were simulated using a staircase approximation, with an optimized number of steps per single slope. For the first time, an impact of dry etch processing on GaN coupler efficiency was evaluated, due to the inclusion of the sloped sidewalls, with regard to the technological constrains. Finally, the experimental results in the visible spectrum region (lambda = 633 nm), for 400-nm-deep gratings etched in GaN waveguide, were presented together with theoretical data for binary and trapezoidal profiles of a grating, for different optical mode profiles (TE(0) divided by TE(3) modes)